Exámenes - Gtiae - Sin Solucion

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Final exam Calculus I

Date: January 10 2019 GTIAE Time: 3 hours

All the questions count the same.


1. Let
x2 ln |x|

if x 6= 0
f (x) =
0 if x = 0
(1) Compute f 0 (0)
(2) Find the relative maximum and minimum points of the function f (x).

x+3 1
2. Compute the area between the functions f (x) = x+1 and g(x) = x+2 in the interval [0, 1].

3. Let √
Z 23x
F (x) = √
t2 cos(t4 )dt.
3 x
F (x)
lim .
x→0 x
4. Compute √
x2 arctan( 1 + x2 − 1)
lim .
x→0 sin(x4 )
Hint: Maclaurin.

5. Prove that the improper integral Z ∞

sin x
I= √ dx
1 x
is convergent.

Hint: integration by parts.

6. Solve the o.d.e. 3xy 2 + y 3 dx + xy 2 + y 3 dy = 0 knowing that it has an integrating factor that
only depends on the variable y and find the solution passing through the point x = 0, y = 1.
7. Find the values of the parameter α for which the series

X 1
n (ln n)α
is convergent.

8. Find the radius and the interval of convergence of the power series
f (x) = (n + 2)(n + 1)xn .
What is the value of f (1/2)?
Final Exam Calculus I
Date: January 17 2020 GTIAE Time: 3 hours

1. Find the values of the parameter α > 0 for which the improper integral
Z 1/2 3 √
ex /3 − 3 1 + x3
Iα = dx
0 x3+α cos(x3+α ) − ln(1 + x3+α )
is convergent. (Hint: take for granted that the denominator only vanishes at x = 0.)

Z x2 −t
y e
2. Find the o.d.e. satisfied by the family of curves U (x, y) := − √ dt = C for x > 0,
x 1 t
as well as the equation of the tangent line through the curve containing the point (1, −1/e)
∂U ∂U

3. Find the area enclosed between the curves y = x4 + x3 + 2x and y = x4 + 3x2.

x3 cos x3
4. Find the Maclaurin polynomial P17(x) of degree 17 of f (x) = .
arctan x3
5. Find a summation formula 12 + 22 + · · · + n2 = n(n + 1)(an + b) valid for n = 1, 2, and prove
by induction that it is also valid for all n ≥ 1.

6. Solve the o.d.e. dx + (x + 2ye−y ) dy = 0 and find the solution passing through the point
x = 1, y = 0.

X nα
7. Find the values of the parameter α for which the series is convergent. The same for
Z ∞
the integral xα e−x dx.

X xn+1
8. Find the radius and the interval of convergence of the power series f (x) = .
n(n + 1)
What is the value of f (1)?
Final Exam Calculus I
Date: January 26, 2021 GTIAE Time: 3 hours
1. Compute the area enclosed by the functions f (x) = |1 − x2 | and g(x) = 1 − x in the
interval [0, 1].

2. Consider the function Z x2 (t2 +4)

F (x) = e−t − e− 2 dt.
a) Identify the intervals where the function is increasing/decreasing.
b) Find the maximal interval I ⊂ R that contains the point x = 1 where F is bijective.

x3 1 + x6
3. Find the Mclaurin polynomial P17 (x) of degree 17 of f (x) = .
arctan x3

4. Prove that 1 + 2 · 2 + 3 · 22 + · · · + n2n−1 = 1 + (n − 1)2n , for n ≥ 1. (Hint: use induction or the

summation formula for a finite geometric series.)

5. Study the convergence of the improper integral

Z ∞
1 − x sin x
0 1 + ex
6. Study the convergence of the series

X ln n

7. Solve the o.d.e. x + xy 2 dx + y − x2 y dy = 0 and find the solution passing through the point
x = 2, y = 0.

X x2n
8. Find the radius and the interval of convergence of f (x) = (−1)n−1 . What is the
(2n − 1)2n
value of f (1)?
Final Exam Calculus I
Date: January 11, 2022 GTIAE Time: 3 hours

1 [1.25 points]. Answer the following short questions:

a) Explain why the following function has a unique zero in the interval [0, +∞)
f (x) = 2x − 1 + arctan(x)
b) Explain why the alternating series test (Leibniz criterion) cannot be used to decide
whether the following series is convergent or divergent:
n−1 1
(−1) 2−
c) Explain why the comparison test cannot be used directly to decide whether the following
integral converges or not:
Z +∞
x2 sin x
0 x4 + 2x2 + 1
d) RExplain the relationship between the convergence of the series ∞ 1
n=1 n2 and the integral
∞ 1
1 x2
2 [1.25 points]. Let f (x) be a continuous function. Define
Z sin x
F (x) = f (t)dt
Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your responses:
F (x)
lim = f (0)
x→0 x

b) If f (x) = sin x, then F ′ (x) = sin2 x cos x.

c) If f (x) = x + 1, then (F −1 )′ (0) = 1, where F −1 is the inverse function of F defined in
a neighborhood of 0.

3 [1.25 points]. Find all the discontinuities of the function and classify them
1 + ex
f (x) = 1−x
1−e x
4 [1.25 points]. Compute the area enclosed by the functions f (x) = 2 sin x and g(x) = tan x
in the interval [−π/3, π/3].

5 [1.25 points]. Study the convergence of the following series for 1 < α < 2

X nn
αn n!

6 [1.25 points]. Solve the initial value problem

cos x
xy ′ + 3y = , y(π) = 0,
for x > 0.
7 [2.5 points]. Consider the power series

X xn
f (x) =
n 2n−1
a) Compute the limit
x2 f (x) − arctan(x3 )
x→0 cos2 (x) − 1 + x2

b) Compute the radius and interval of of convergence of the power series f (x).
c) Compute f (1), if possible.

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