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Nama : Gina Annisa

Npm : 2023020016

Program Studi : Agribisnis (A)

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

How to Grow Plants with Water

In order to maintain a daily supply of vegetables, there's nothing wrong if you start learning to grow
vegetables. You don't have to use soil, you can also grow vegetables using water or what is usually
called hydroponics. This method is the most popular method used by many people to apply
hydroponic planting methods.

How to plant:

•Prepare some pipes or gutters, and pump.

•Cut a hole in the pipe according to its length.

•Make sure the distance between one hole and the other hole is the same.

•Arrange pipes or gutters that are prepared to be a place to plant plants.

•Prepare a container at the lower end of the pipe.

•Install a pump to circulate the nutrient water so that the flow is maximum.

This method has the basic concept of planting plant roots which will then grow in the nutrient layer
that is not deep and maintain plant circulation so that it still gets good and sufficient nutrition,
oxygen and water.

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