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Aisha Elkomy 7C PPT

English & S.S

Catholic Church’s Impact

Many people thing that Catholic Church’s rule is big negative . Catholic
Church did rules some of them are positive and some of the are negative
and people don’t like the rules. Catholic church did some rules and who
ever will not do the rules will be dead so the people was scared.

The Catholic Church had significant political power in Western Europe

throughout history, particularly during the Middle Ages. It owned land,
influenced rulers, and shaped laws and governance. The Church
provided essential services like education and healthcare and was a
stabilizing force in the feudal system. Education and Healthcare:  The
Church helped with education and healthcare, running schools and
hospitals that benefited society. 

Charity and Aid:  The Church provided help to the poor and needy
through various charitable efforts and institutions.  Stability:  The
Church brought stability and order during a time when society was often
chaotic. Exploitation:  The Church sometimes burdened people with
heavy taxes and rents, causing financial difficulties.  Influence on
Laws:  Religious doctrines shaped laws, sometimes leading to harsh
punishments for differing beliefs. Suppression:  The Church suppressed
differing opinions and persecuted those who disagreed with its

The Catholic Church supported education and learning in Western

Europe, which was good for the people.  Saving and Sharing
Knowledge:  The Church saved old writings and shared them, so
knowledge wasn't lost.  Teaching Priests:  It taught priests, helping
them do their jobs well and share knowledge with others. Creating
Universities:  The Church helped start universities where people could
learn more and become scholars.  Mixing Old and New Ideas:  The
Church mixed ancient Greek and Roman ideas with its teachings,
encouraging new thinking.  Encouraging Science and Art:  The
Church supported scientists and artists, making important contributions
to these fields. Helping Everyone Learn:  The Church's support for
education meant more people could learn to read and understand things
better.  This support for education made life better for people in
Western Europe

Culture and Values:  The Church promoted moral values like kindness
and community support, contributing to a cohesive society. Preserving
Culture:  It encouraged art, music, and architecture, enriching the
region's cultural heritage.  Helping the Needy:  The Church provided
care and aid to the sick, poor, and vulnerable through its institutions. 
Education:  It set up schools, fostering literacy and knowledge.  Bad
Effects:  Limiting Ideas:  The Church sometimes restricted different
thoughts and punished those who disagreed. Influencing Politics:  It
had significant influence on politics, impacting governance based on
religious beliefs.

In summary, the Church had positive effects by promoting values and

culture, aiding the needy, and encouraging education. However, it also
had negative effects through restricting ideas, influencing politics, and
engaging in persecution. The Church sometimes restricted different
thoughts and punished those who disagreed. Influencing Politics. The
Church helped start universities where people could learn more and
become scholars. And that sit .

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