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I d io 1 Complete the idiom in each sentence.

a l
n i m
A Ayesha asked the teacher about the
homework. She got the information

“Slow down, .
We need to think about this,” said Dad. straight from the horse’s mouth
straight from the horse’s mouth come out of your shell
hold your horses like a duck to water

come out of your shell

Aliyah is a natural at judo! She’s taken to it .

like a duck to water
straight from the horse’s mouth.
for donkey’s years
m s
I d io 2 Complete the idiom in each sentence.
a l
n i m
A Why don’t you just move Tassia and Simone have
to Spain? known each other

. .
like a duck to water dar horse
straight for the fridge when she the world’s your oyster like a duck to water
eventually got home.
for donkey’s years for donkey’s years

like a duck to water

the world’s your oyster
for donkey’s years

Viola’s really . She seems to be less shy this term.

like a duck to water | come out of her shell | for donkey’s years
m s
I dio 3 Complete the idiom in each sentence.
a l
n i m
Neela is such a ! I never knew
she was so good at clarinet.

made a beeline | dark horse | hold your horses

I don’t know why you’ve not

said anything. What’s the matter,
when he told his Mum he wanted
to leave school. hold your horses
set the cat among the pigeons
set a cat among the pigeons
cat got your tongue
cat got your tongue
the world is your oyster
Idioms Word Mats Answers
Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3
Ayesha asked the teacher Tassia and Simone has Neela is such a dark horse.
about the homework. known each other for I never knew she was so
She got the information donkey’s years. good at clarinet.
straight from the horse’s Why don’t you just move Mike set a cat among the
mouth. to Spain? The world’s your pigeons when he told his
“Slow down, hold your oyster! Mum he wanted to leave
horses. We need to think Viola’s really come out of her school.
about this,” said Dad. shell. She seems to be less I don’t know why you’ve
Aliyah is a natural at judo. shy this term. not said anything. What’s
She’s taken to it like a duck Sheena made a beeline the matter, cat got your
to water. straight for the fridge when tongue?
she eventually got home.


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