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Application Discovery

Module 2 –
Eclipse Navigation and
Mainframe Graphs
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Shout-out/Thanks to Russ Courtney for the precision & value-add technical edit
The IBM Application Discovery Curriculum
▪ Module 1 – Product Overview, Terms, Concepts and Vocabulary
▪ Module 2 – Eclipse Navigation and Introduction to Call Graphs
▪ Module 3 – AD Detailed Analysis Reports
▪ Module 4 – Resource Usage (Where Used) and Text Search

This module contains Hands-On Workshops – which should be completed after you
have finished participating in the presentation/demo. To do the labs you will need
access to an AD Client and Server. Note that AD setup (installation/configuration) are
not part of the training. Ask your instructor for references to AD experts.
You will also need some level of IDz/Eclipse experience, in order to navigate and
manipulate (resize, maximize, etc.) the AD Views and tooling

• You may use an IBM zTrial virtual machine or your own AD server image loaded with
your own production code for these workshops.
• Because we have no idea what programs/files/etc. exist in your AD Projects – the
workshops can have been written as open-ended directions – which refer to the AD
Tooling you will learn – but not to specific files/DSNs
Topics in this module
After completing this module you will be able to:
Define eclipse terms and concepts
Launch AD and navigate within the product running under Eclipse
Describe the AD Graphs, Screen Layout and Explorer tools
Invoke the following tools from AD…………
▪ List project artefacts by Resource Type
▪ Text search within selected Project(s)
▪ BMS and MFS map layout (screen user view)
Mainframe Graphs
▪ Job triggers – defined in CA7
▪ Paths through Jobs – defined in CA7
▪ Value (data) movement shown from file to file
▪ (Traditional) program statement-level Flow Chart
▪ Display of program calls from JCL EXEC PGM=
▪ Display of all Steps in a Batch Job
▪ Mainframe system taxonomy
▪ What resources are affected by program logic?
▪ Paragraphs and SECTIONS within a program
▪ What resources interface with a screen?
▪ What resources are interact with a transaction? 4 4
UNIT AD Module 2
▪ AD Navigation – a product walkthrough
▪ Labs & Module Review

Launch IBM Application Discovery using VM-Ware or IBM zTrial
You will start AD from: Windows > All Programs
Or you may have placed an icon to AD on your desktop/toolbar
Or you may be using a virtual machine (VM-Ware,Citrix, etc.)
Log in using credentials provided by your instructor

For base eclipse you can use:

IDz v14 and later
ADFz v3 and later
Eclipse Terms and Concepts: Workspaces
▪ If you launch eclipse (IDz) from your desktop it may prompt you for a "workspace"
▪ A workspace is a folder on your workstation that contains eclipse/IDE usage,
preferences, connections, etc.
▪ Your development features and settings
▪ Your AD Server connection information
▪ The saved-state of your workbench
▪ Your instructor, AD Administrator or project team lead will let you know what
folder to select


 C:\ad_workspace

Note: If you are using zTrial the Workspace is automatically selected

Eclipse IDE – Terms, Concepts and Navigation Application Discovery
Browser perspective
 Menu bar

AD Graph Overview view

 Projects

AD Project Explore view

AD Graph Inventory view

Source Code views
Properties view
Outline view

Information about your system is presented through Eclipse Views –

Tabbed windows, which are organized and presented through the
Application Discovery Browser Perspective
Eclipse – Manipulating Windows, Views,
Manipulate Views & Perspectives from the
Window Menu 

Views dragged outside

of IDz retain their You can drag any
dynamic functionality View onto the desktop
(Context Menu, etc.)
▪ Restore Down 
Reset the Perspective ▪ Left-click on the
– to return Eclipse View defaults
View tab and drag
AD Tools and Tool Categories

The AD Tools – Tree Control

Categories of

AD Tools

Usage Analytics

Source Files

Screen Layouts
AD Tool Categories
AD Tools and Project Workflow – Two Usage Scenarios

specifics or to learn (understand)

the semantics of an application
1. Select an AD Project, then;

2. Use AD’s tools to research

Graphs, Reports used to discover or learn

the semantics of an application

Search for something specific within an

Workflow – AD Project Selection


In this screen capture, three AD

Projects have been Built and are

listed in the Explore projects view


▪ All of your AD analysis work begins by selecting a project from

the AD Explore view
Note that more than one project can be open at a time
Application Understanding Workflow – Apply tools to an AD Project
There are several different Project workflow patterns you can follow while
using AD. From Explore projects:
1. Select a Project
2. Double-Click a tool from the list of tool categories in the right-hand



• Within this workflow – there are several refinements – depending on:
• Type of component that you’re studying
• Optional selections that you use to refine/customize the analyses
• This will not be the only workflow pattern we cover in the course
View Screen Layout – 1 of 2

▪ Select the Project 

Double-click Screen Layout

▪ You will see a list of

Available screens

▪ Select one of the screens

Note that if your Project contains a
lot of screens you can use the
Name filter with wildcard patterns
to refine the list of available maps
Screen name filter. Use wildcards to refine the list

▪ Click Finish
Screen Layout displays the 3270 UI
14 for a BMS Map or MFS Screen
View Screen Layout – 2 of 2
▪ This is how the
JKEMLIS screen
would look to users 

▪ Notes:
Both BMS & MFS
maps are supported
If there are multiple
BMS Maps within a
Mapset, the name
displayed in the list on
the previous slide will

Close the Graphs view

by clicking the

Dataset Flow – 1 of 3
▪ Select the Project 
Double-click Dataset Flow

▪ You will see a list of Available Datasets

You will use this dialog to filter

the list of Datasets:
▪ Select one or more Files
▪ Decide how intricate/complex
you want the flow diagram to
Selection be drawn – by specifying:
 Threshold level
 Forward, Backward, Both
Dataset Name filter

Number of levels down Data movement directions

▪ Click Finish

Dataset Flow traces the movement

of data values from file to file
Dataset Flow – 2 of 3
▪ The Dataset flow graph provides a file-specific analysis
of data movement around files in the selected Projects
▪ The arrows depict the direction of how values travel from
file-to-file within your application’s data processing:
 And – in another application program,

Note that the red colored

box indicates the starting
Dataset flow point for Dataset Flow

Dataset Flow – 3 of 3 Additional views
 The AD Graph Overview view is used by
several tools to navigate through large
 The Graph Overview provides:
▪ Simplified navigation for complex
diagrams that consist of
dozens/hundreds of artifacts
▪ Zoom In/Zoom Out for large Graphs

 The AD Graph Inventory view is an outline

snapshot of the resources showing on the
main Graph diagram
 You can click a resource in the Inventory
view – and that resource will be selected in
the Graph
 Temporary datasets are not reflected in the
diagram unless the Preferences are set to
display Temporary datasets
▪ Windows > Preferences  Application Discovery
 Local Settings  Limits and Restrictions
 Miscellaneous  Display Temporary Datasets

Program Flow Chart – 1 of 2
▪ Select the Project 
Double-click Flow Chart
▪ You will see a list of
Available Programs:
 Assembler
 PL/I

▪ You can filter the list of

Available programs:
 By Type
 By Name – using wildcards

▪ Select one of the programs

Program Name Filter
▪ Click Finish

Flow Chart exposes program

semantics at the statement level
Program Flow Chart – 2 of 2
▪ Notes:
The Program Flow Chart shows the details of Procedural Logic
Use the Graph Overview and Zoom-in/Zoom-out tools
Selection and Zoom-in/Zoom-out Tools

Note that you can

hover over a Flowchart
shape and view the
entire source statement

Screen Callgraph – 1 of 2

▪ Select the Project 

Double-click Screen Callgraph

▪ You will see a list of Available BMS or MFS Maps

You can:
▪ Filter the list by name
▪ Select one or more Programs
▪ Specify:
 Call directions
 Callgraph limits – or not

▪ Click Finish

Screen Callgraph displays the

resources that interact with a Screen
Screen Callgraph – 2 of 2
The Screen Callgraph shows Send/Receive detail about selected screens and the
Project resources they interact with:
▪ ScreenScreen
▪ ScreenProgram
▪ ProgramProgram
▪ ScreenTransaction

Screen/Transaction/Program Callgraphs
all basically show the same information
from different starting points. This
screenshot also shows MQ Access here,
but could equally show File/database I/O. 22
Transaction Callgraph – 1 of 2
▪ Select the Project 
Double-click Transaction Callgraph

▪ You will see a list of Available CICS Transactions.

You can:
▪ Filter the list by name
▪ Select one or more
▪ Specify:
 Call directions
 Callgraph limits – or not

Note that IMS Transaction ▪ Click Finish

Callgraphs are available with
AD version 5.0.5 and later
Transaction Callgraphs document the
resources that interact with a transaction

Transaction Callgraph – 2 of 2
The Transaction Callgraph shows detail about
selected Transaction(s) and interaction with: Online Program

Online Programs/Subprograms – in COBOL, Assembler, PL/I

Online Files
Other Transaction interactions

Complex Transaction Callgraph



Program Callgraph – 1 of 3

▪ Select the Project 

Double-click Program Callgraph

▪ You will see a list of Available Programs in: COBOL, Assembler, or PL/I

You can:
▪ Filter the list by name
▪ Select one or more Programs
▪ Specify:
 Call directions
 Callgraph limits – or not

▪ Click Finish

Program Callgraphs document the

resources that interact with a program
Program Callgraph – 2 of 3
The Program Callgraph shows detail about selected programs:
 Program I/O – Screens, Files, Databases & DB2 Tables, Message Queues
 Subprograms – in COBOL, Assembler, PL/I
 Transaction interactions
▪ Use the AD Graph Overview and the toolbar functionality to explore & navigate
 Try Zoom In/Zoom-Out and different Diagram Modes
Diagram Zoom In/Out Diagram “Mode”

Program Callgraph – 3 of 3 – Context Menu Options
While we have not covered Reports and other AD options – note that the
various Callgraphs provide the Context (Right-Mouse) menu access to
additional tools, reports, and the original (analysis) source file.

Graph Inventory – Context Menu Options
Related Points-of-Interest can be researched from the Context Menu within the Graph
Inventory. Flexible graphical tools/techniques such as this makes application research
far more effective than manual/TSO tools

Program Flow – 1 of 5
▪ Select the Project 
Double-click Program Flow

▪ You will see a list of Available Programs in: COBOL, Assembler, or PL/I

You can:
Program ▪ Filter the list by
Filters  Name
 Type (COBOL vs. PL/I)
▪ Select a Program

▪ Click Finish
Program Name Filter
Program Flow reveals a program’s
Procedural Logic semantics - at the
Paragraph/Section/PL1-PROC level
as well as displaying artefacts that
interact with the program.
Program Flow – 2 of 5
The Program Flow shows detail about selected programs:
 Program I/O – Screens, Files, Databases & DB2 Tables, Message Queues
 Subprograms – in COBOL, Assembler, PL/I
▪ Use the AD Graph Overview and the toolbar functionality to explore & navigate
 Try Zoom In/Zoom-Out and different Diagram Modes

Diagram Zoom In/Out Diagram “Mode”


Logic Flow

I/O and
30 Programs
Program Flow – 3 of 5
This Program Flow shows detail about selected programs:
 Program I/O – Screens, Files, Databases & DB2 Tables, Message Queues
 Subprograms – in COBOL, Assembler, PL/I
 Transaction interactions
▪ Use the AD Graph Overview and the toolbar functionality to explore & navigate
 Try Zoom In/Zoom-Out and different Diagram Modes
Diagram Zoom In/Out Diagram “Mode”

Different ways of visualizing the structure of the code

Program Flow – 4 of 5
The Properties view updates dynamically, with whatever procedural element of
the graphical view you’ve selected. Calls, Performs, Sends, Receives, etc.

Click a line that

denotes a Call

Program Flow – 5 of 5
PL/I Program Flow – including Legend

Diagram Zoom In/Out Diagram “Mode”

Logic Flow


I/O and

Job Callgraph – 1 of 2
▪ Select the Project 
Double-click Job Callgraph

▪ You will see a list of Available JCL Jobs

You can:
▪ Filter the list
▪ Select one or more Jobs
▪ Decide how
intricate/complex you
want the graph to be
 Limit the Callgraph to
Called/Calling Levels –
or not

Click Finish

Job Callgraphs present the

programs and all called subroutines
34 executed within a Batch Job
Job Callgraph – 2 of 2
The Job Callgraph shows Programs and Subprograms that are
launched from EXEC steps within selected Batch Job(s)
▪ PL/I: External PROC
▪ Assembler: CSECT

Note that the green Program

icon (SORT) indicates that no
source exists in the AD
repository for this program.
AD determined the program
name from the JCL.

Job Flow – 1 of 2
▪ Select the Project 
Double-click Job Flow

▪ You will see a list of Available Jobs

You can:
▪ Filter the list by name
▪ Select a Job
▪ Click Finish

Job Flow lists the EXEC

36 steps within a Batch Job
Job Flow – 2 of 2
The Job Flow graph shows the steps in the Job Click the Legend icon
on the tool to better
understand the graphic

List a Project’s Components
1. Select the Project 
Expand Explore
Select Explore project

2. You will see a list of

“Resource types” 
You can select a Resource type
and explore its semantics by
using the AD Tools in the
right-hand toolbar – such as
Layouts and Graphs
▪ To close the Explore project Types
functionality click the x to the
right of the project name Explore project is an alternate approach to
exploring an AD Project where you access
Project resources by Resource type
UNIT AD Module 2
▪ AD Navigation – a product walkthrough
▪ Module Review and Hands-on-Labs

Summary AD Tools: Call Graphs
▪ List project artefacts by Resource Type
▪ Text search within selected Project(s)
▪ BMS and MFS map layout (screen user view)
Mainframe Graphs
▪ Job triggers – defined in CA7
▪ Paths through Jobs – defined in CA7
▪ Value (data) movement shown from file to file
▪ Program statement-level Flow Chart
▪ Display of program calls from JCL EXEC PGM=
▪ Display of all Steps in a Batch Job
▪ Mainframe system taxonomy
▪ What resources are affected by program logic?
▪ Paragraphs and SECTIONS within a program
▪ What resources interface with a screen?
▪ What resources are interact with a transaction?

▪ In this module you saw how AD is launched into Eclipse

▪ How to select an AD Project – from the Explore projects view
▪ How to use a number of AD analysis tools (specifically Mainframe Graphs) to
discover the semantics within a mainframe application.
40 40
Review Questions
1. An Eclipse workspace is: 4. An AD Project is:
1. A mainframe PDS 1. A business application similar to a mainframe
2. A collection of CLISTS like a TSO LOGON PROC COBOL/CICS App
3. A reserved area on your C:\ drive for storing 2. Source files you have used the AD Build Server on,
AD Reports that scope your AD tooling work
4. A Windows folder where your Eclipse 3. All of the tools in the right-hand toolbar
preferences and connection strings are stored 4. A set of Metadata for work-items
5. A specific set of SCM source files – similar to an
2. AD (the product) runs under: Endevor repository or Changeman package
1. Eclipse/IDE
2. ISPF 5. A Mainframe Graph (or Callgraph) is:
3. Google Chrome 1. A .CSV file that can be stored in a z/OS UNIX folder
and produces certain (but not all) types of graphs
4. Windows (Native) (pie charts, scatter histogram, scatter plot)
5. The AD Perspective – inside of IDz/Eclipse 2. An interactive graph-tool built from the semantics of
your application source files that models the
3. Eclipse views are similar to: behavior of a specific Project component
1. PDFs 3. Any tool that can be found in the right-hand side
2. ISPF Option 0 Preferences (toolbar) of the AD Perspective
3. ISPF Dialogs
6. The AD Perspective is:
4. The MS-Windows Registry values
1. An IDz perspective for doing analytic work
5. Eclipse Perspectives
2. A collection of AD-specific Eclipse views
3. The way that the designers of the AD product
managers think about a given problem space

Hands-on Workshops – Discovering Mainframe Graphs – 1 of 4
▪ Log into your AD Analysis Server:
If you are using zTrial:
▪ Look for the note from the IBM zTrial team – which contains your ID/PWD
▪ Login to the zTrial machine
If you are using your own AD Server – launch AD

You will most likely need to launch IDz - from Windows

 And open the Application Discovery Perspective
▪ From IDz Preferences menu:
– Open Window  Perspective  Open Perspective  Other… Application Discovery Browser
▪ Navigate the views
▪ Manipulate the views
– Expand/Contract them
– Maximize and Restore the views
▪ Note what’s in the Eclipse menus
▪ Utilize the Context (right-click) menu
Window  Perspective  Reset Perspective
is incredibly important for Eclipse work
• You may be using an IBM zTrial virtual machine – or you may be using your own AD Server loaded with your shop’s
development or production code
• Because we have no idea what source code is in your AD Projects – the workshops have been written as open-ended
directions – referring to AD Tooling but not to specific files/DSNs
Hands-on Workshops – Discovering Mainframe Graphs – 2 of 4
Having logged into AD – do the following with the tools and source Projects
stored in the AD Repository. Please close each of the Graphs views after
you’ve finished the respective Use Case below:
Use Cases…
1. Select an AD Project – if you are using the IBM zTrial image, the Hospital Project is
a good choice for your initial product discovery experience.
2. From the right-side Toolbar; expand Explore and use Explore project to discover Remember that you

what specific Resource types and individual files are stored under each category Double-Click to use a Tool

Try out the Resource type pull-down

Try out the Name filter to refine the lists:
3. (Optional) Find a BMS Map, and view its screen layout
4. Select an AD Project then select Dataset Flow. Then select one or more QSAM - VSAM files.
Use the Analysis Details dialog to render different levels of file usage and to different depths
If you are using zTrial, analyze these 5 files using Shift+Left-Click to select all of them at once:
5. Select an AD Project and use the Flow Chart tool to analyze a Program’s logic flow.
Experiment with the following tools while using the Callgraph:
 Graph Overview and the Inventory view – Expand a statement type, and select a specific statement
 Zoom
If you’re using zTrial CDAT1 is a good
 View Menu
43 choice for the Flow Chart tool
Hands-on Workshops – Discovering Mainframe Graphs – 3 of 4
6. Select an AD Project select Screen Callgraph, then select one or more BMS Maps. Use the
Analysis Details dialog to render different levels of map usage – and to different depths.
Experiment with the following toolbar items:
 Legend
 Check out each of the Layout options:
 Zoom
 The Graph Inventory & Graph Overview views
7. Use Transaction Callgraph to analyze one or more online transactions. Experiment with the
same views & toolbar items as the last two exercises. The Circular layout
is particularly useful when dealing with Transaction graphs
 Also use the functionality of the Inventory and Overview views
 Note that if you are using your own code, extremely large & complex transactions will require you
to Filter and/or limit the graph results: Callgraph limits and Call Direction
8. Use the Program Callgraph tool to analyze one or more transactions. Again note that if
you’re looking at your own AD Project that has hundreds-to-thousands of programs you will
need to filter the names.
9. When the Callgraph is instantiated, use the Zoom tool and Graph Overview to navigate and
inspect the graphic information presented.
 Also Right-Click on an icon, and check out one or more of the Context Menu options
 Right-Click on top of several different types of Callgraph elements
 View the original analysis source using the Context Menu If you’re using zTrial MSTRUPDT is a
44 good choice for Program Callgraph
Hands-on Workshops – Discovering Mainframe Graphs – 4 of 4
10. Use the Job Flow graph to analyze one or more batch Jobs (if you are using zTrial try BNCHMR2).
Use the Graph Overview and Graph Inventory views for navigation
11. From inside the Job Flow Callgraph, Right-Click on the Job name and select:
 Usage in Jobs  Dataset Usage in Jobs
▪ This cross-references the DSN within Job Steps
 Look through the Results
 Expand and select an FD
 Double-Click Dataset Usage in Programs
▪ This cross-references the DSN usage in programs
throughout the selected AD Project

If you’re using your own AD Server

the DSNs will be different but the tools
and functionality are the same

UNIT AD for ISPF Developers
▪ AD Navigation – a product walkthrough
▪ Labs and Module Review
▪ Build Client and Answers to Review Questions

The next five slides comprise an OPTIONAL WORKSHOP – that

demonstrates how to use the Build Client to manage and administer
an AD Project. The screen captures are taken from the zTrial
If you are using your own AD Repository:
▪ The files and process will differ
▪ You may not have authorization to access or perform a Build
The AD Build Client – Change source in a file and
Rebuild – 1 of 5
1. Single-click the file folder on the toolbar
2. Using standard windows Browse, find the file you want to access
C:\  AD_Class  RDzClass  jcl  BNCHMRK.jcl

3. You will be prompted for an editor

Click More options

Select Notepad

The AD Build Client – Change source
in a file and Rebuild – 2 of 5

4. Change the source file

5. Save your changes and close the file/editing session

The AD Build Client – Change source in a file and Rebuild – 3 of 5

1. Minimize IDz (Application Discovery Browser)

2. From File – click Open Project…

1. Select your project and click OK

A list of file types will emerge in the left-hand toolbar

The AD Build Client – Change source in a file and
Rebuild – 4 of 5
1. Expand a category
2. Select a file then Right-Click and select an action
Confirm your selection

3. Select a file-type. Right-Click and select an action

In this case: Add Files…
A standard Windows file browse dialog emerges
4. From This PC – navigate to the file you
want to add to the Project
5. Select the file and Click OK

Note that there are other file source locations

available to the AD Build process
The AD Build Client – Change source in a file and
Rebuild – 5 of 5
6. From the Build menu, select Build Project
6. Click Yes at the Confirm prompt

7. Build will take several minutes…

8. When Build is finished:

6. Close the Build Client
7. Single-Click the IDz icon on the toolbar to return to the AD Analysis Client –
and test your work. In this case the Dataset Flow Mainframe Graph example
Answers to Review Questions
1. An Eclipse workspace is: 4. An AD Project is:
1. A mainframe PDS 1. A business application similar to a mainframe
2. A collection of CLISTS like a TSO LOGON PROC COBOL/CICS App
3. A reserved area on your C:\ drive for storing 2. Source files you have used the AD Build Server on
AD Reports that scope your AD tooling work
4. A Windows folder where your Eclipse 3. All of the tools in the right-hand toolbar
preferences and connection strings are stored 4. A set of Metadata for work-items
5. A specific set of SCM source files – similar to an
2. AD (the product) runs under: Endevor repository or Changeman package
1. Eclipse/IDE
2. ISPF 5. A Mainframe Graph (or Callgraph) is:
3. Google Chrome 1. A .CSV file that can be stored in a z/OS UNIX folder
and produces certain (but not all) types of graphs
4. Windows (Native) (pie charts, scatter histogram, scatter plot)
5. The AD Perspective – inside of IDz/Eclipse 2. An interactive graph-tool built from the semantics
of your application source files that models the
3. Eclipse views are similar to: behavior of a specific Project component
1. PDFs 3. Any tool that can be found in the right-hand side
2. ISPF Option 0 Preferences (toolbar) of the AD Perspective
3. ISPF Dialogs
6. The AD Perspective is:
4. The MS-Windows Registry values
1. An IDz perspective for doing analytic work
5. Eclipse Perspectives
2. A collection of AD-specific Eclipse views
3. The way that the designers of the AD product
managers think about a given problem space

AD Asset Partitioning

AD Repository
(Default DB2 Database == DMHDB)

 Site – equivalent to an environment or LPAR

 Application –  Application –
An AD organizational An AD organizational
construct equivalent to a construct equivalent to a
business application business application

Source code Assets: Source code Assets:

Batch jobs, CICS, IMS, Batch jobs, CICS, IMS,
DB2, Programs, Literals, DB2, Programs, Literals,
Datasets, etc. Datasets, etc.

AD Tools: Graphs, Reports and Usage

AD Tools


Usage Application Reports


AD Analysis Project – Review
What is an AD “Analysis Project”?
▪ AD calls physical groupings of parsed programs and other application source code
components “Analysis Projects” – or just “Projects”
Component Types
z/OS Application


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