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“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Maasin City,
Southern Leyte
Liberal Arts & Education Department

A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Science 9
Prepared by: Fatima S. Sumabat

LEARNING COMPETENCE: Explain how the Quantum Mechanical model of the atom describes energies
and positions of the electrons.

At the end of the lesson, 80% of students should be able to:
a. compare and contrast electronegativity and electron affinity.
b. arrange elements according to increasing or decreasing electronegativity and electron affinity.
c. tell the importance of understanding the concepts of electron negativity and electron affinity in real life.


Topic: Electronegativity and Electron Affinity

 PowerPoint Presentation
 Pictures
References: Science of Innovative Minds. (pp. 117-123.


1. Prayer

Let us pray first. May I request Ms. Shaneri will lead us in

prayer? In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy
Thank you for leading the prayer, Ms. Shaneri . Before you Spirit…… Amen
take your seats, please arrange your chairs and make sure
there is no trash around you.
(Students look around,
picking up trash and
2. Greetings organizing their chairs.) ) )

Good morning, class! How’s your

day so far? Good morning, Ma’am. We’re

Good to hear!

3.Checking of Attendance
First and foremost, let me check your attendance. When
your name is called, say present.

4.Checking of Assignment
It's good to know that everyone is present. By the way,
did I give you an assignment?

No ma'am.


Let’s recall what we learned yesterday. Who can tell me

what we did yesterday?

We discussed the valence

electron Ma’am.
Very good, now what is a valence electron?""
It is an electron, ma'am, located
at the outermost energy level.
Excellent, now how can we determine the number of
valence electrons? Through the group number,
ma'am, or electron
Today, class, we are going to learn which element configuration.
attracts or accepts electrons. I have here two pictures,
and you are going to decipher the word through the
meaning and the picture. It is a picture of two girls playing,

The girl is giving a toy to Ma’am

+ in af
and it looks like they have
become friends.
The ability of an element to accept an electron.

+ + ity
The ability of an atom to attract an electron

What is the first word?

Very good. What does electron affinity mean?" Electron affinity, ma'am

Ability to accept an electron.

Excellent, now the second word. What will it be?
What does it mean? Electron negativity, ma'am

You are right.

What do you think our topic for today is? About electron affinity and
electronegativity, Ma’am.

That's right, in today's class, we will be discussing the

chemical connections between elements. At the end of our
discussion, you are expected to:

a.Compare and contrast electronegativity and electron

b.Describe the element’s ability to accept electrons using the
concepts of electronegativity and electron affinity; and
c.Tell the importance of understanding the concepts of
electron negativity and electron affinity in real life.

a. Discussion

First things first, electron affinity and electronegativity.

What is electron affinity, Shane? Electron affinity, ma'am, is the
ability of an atom to accept
Correct, class electron affinity is one of the properties of
elements in which it measures their tendency to accept an
electron. Now, which class among the group has the Group 1, Ma’am.
tendency to accept more electrons?

Very good. Why? Because it needs a lot more

electrons to become stable.

Excellent, in addition to that class. Electron affinity also It is located at the outermost
describes the amount of energy released during the part of the atom, ma'am.
acceptance of an electron. If an element accepts an
electron, it releases energy to make room for the new
electron. That’s why if an atom of an element accepts a lot of
electrons, it will have a lesser electron affinity, and vice
versa. Let’s take, for example, the elements Mg and Cl.
Which of the two has a higher electron affinity? The Cl Ma’am

Because it will release less

Why? energy due to the fact that it
can only accept one more

Very good, that’s why as we move from the left towards the
right of the periodic table, the electron affinity increases.
However, if we go down the group, the electron affinity
decreases due to the increasing atomic radius. Here is a
periodic table that shows the electron affinity trend.

Which has a higher electron affinity, Ne or Ag?

Correct. How about between Be and Mg? Ne Ma’am

The Be Ma’am
Very good, class. Now that we have a solid understanding of
electron affinity, let's move on to electronegativity. Can
anyone tell me what electronegativity means? Shane?
Electronegativity is the measure
of an atom's ability to attract
electrons towards itself. It's like
the atom's pull on electrons in a
Correct, electronegativity is the measure of an atom's ability chemical bond.
to attract electrons towards itself. It is essentially a property
that indicates how strongly an atom pulls electrons in a
chemical bond. Now, who can tell me which elements tend to
have higher electronegativity?
Elements in Group 7, Ma’am

That's right, elements on the right side of the periodic table

tend to have higher electronegativity. Why do you think that is Elements on the right side of the
the case? periodic table generally have
higher electronegativity. I think
it's because as you go across a
period, there are more protons
in the nucleus, so there's a
stronger attraction for electron

Exactly, because as we move from left to right across a

period, the number of protons in the nucleus increases,
leading to a stronger attraction
for electrons. Just like shown in
this electrongegativiry trend.

So, if I understand correctly,

Now, let's compare electronegativity and electron affinity. electronegativity is about
How are these two concepts similar, and how are they attracting electrons, while
different? electron affinity is about
accepting them, right?

Yes, exactly! Electronegativity is about attracting electrons,

while electron affinity is the tendency to accept them. I have I think fluorine would have a
two elements:Oxygen (O) and Fluorine (F). Which one do you higher electronegativity than
think has a higher electronegativity? oxygen because it is closer to
the upper right corner of the
periodic table.

That's correct. Fluorine has a higher electronegativity than

oxygen. Correct, Fluorine has a higher electronegativity
because it is closer to the upper right corner of the periodic
table. Now, let's talk about the practical implications of these
concepts. Why do you think understanding electronegativity In real life, understanding
and electron affinity is important in real-life applications? electronegativity and electron
affinity helps us predict how
atoms will interact in chemical

Absolutely, Maria. Understanding these concepts is crucial in

pharmacology. It helps predict how drugs will interact with the
body on a molecular level.

What else?
I can see how this would be
important in environmental
science as well, such as
understanding how pollutants
behave in the environment.

Excellent. Understanding these concepts helps us explain

why certain elements form specific types of bonds in
molecules, affecting the properties of substances. This
knowledge is valuable in fields such as pharmacology,
environmental science, and materials engineering.
Great insights, everyone. It's fantastic to see your
engagement in today's discussion. Before we wrap up, let's
do a quick recap.

What is electronegativity, and how does it differ from electron Electronegativity is the measure
affinity of an atom's ability to attract
electrons, while electron affinity
is the atom's tendency to accept

Which elements on the periodic table generally have higher

electronegativity, and why? Elements on the right side of the
periodic table have higher
electronegativity because, as
you move across a period, there
are more protons in the nucleus,
which leads to a stronger
attraction for electrons.

Can you provide an example of an element with high

electronegativity? Fluorine has a high

Why is understanding electronegativity and electron affinity

important in real-life applications?
It helps predict how atoms will
interact in chemical reactions,
impacting fields such as
medicine, environmental
science, and materials
How does this knowledge benefit pharmacology?

Thank you all for your active participation today. Remember

to review the periodic table and the trends in electronegativity
and electron affinity. Have a great day, and I look forward to
our next class where we will delve further into the fascinating
world of chemistry.

Rank the following elements according to:
A. Increasing elctronegativity
B. Decreasing electron affinity.

Ag, I, Be, Mg, He
Test I
A. Identify which of the following elements has the higher electronegativity.
1. Fr and F
2. Pl and P
3. N and O
B.Identify which of the following elements has the higher electron affinity.
4. Fr and F
5. Pl and P
6. N and O

Test II. Extended Response. Answer in 2-3 sentences.

Is electronegativity and electron affinity the same?


Compare and contrast ionic and covalent bonds.

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