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MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/5) 700 - Drainage Construction



701.1 Description

This work shall consist of the construction of roadside and lead-away surface
drains, unlined or lined, and covered where required, to dimensions, grades and in
positions shown in the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

701.2 Materials

The materials used for lining the drains shall meet the requirements of the
following, unless otherwise specified.

(a) Precast concrete units including cover slabs to Section 1705.

(b) Class A or B concrete for precast sections or for insitu lining to Section 1001.
(c) Reinforcing steel to SLS 375, SLS 26 or BS 4449
(d) Random Rubble (RR) masonry and brick or block masonry to Sections 1006 and
1007 respectively.
(e) Formwork used shall be of steel or any other material approved by the
Engineer conforming to Section 1008.
(f) Cement mortar used shall conform to requirements of Sub section 1703.2 of
the Specifications.

701.3 Construction Requirements

(a) Cutting and formation of earth drains

Drains shall be cut to Cross-sectional dimensions and grades given In

Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. Where site conditions require changes of
Cross-section or grades, the Engineer's approval shall be obtained for such changes.
The excavation shall be carried out as per Section 301 A.

Rock out-crops or rock boulders, encountered during excavation for the drain
shall be removed by sledging or b lastingvor by other approved means. Where such
operations are not advisable to be carried out due to site conditions, the drains may be
suitably deviated with the prior approval of the Engineer. Such deviations however,
shall not impair the smooth flow of storm water in the drain and where necessary, they
shall be suitably lined, using concrete or RR masonry as suitable.

All loose and erodible material shall be removed and such pockets shall be
filled back with suitable material approved by the Engineer and compacted as
required. Where necessary, random rubble paving with cement mortar jointing shall be
provided over such excavated and back filled areas, to be flushed with the adjoining

Where the gradients are steep, due to site conditions, suitable drop structures
and stilling basins shall be constructed as given in Drawings or as directed by the

SECOND EDITION. JlINE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/S) 700 - Drainage Construction

(b) Lined drains

All drains that are designated to be lined shall be constructed as shown in

Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

Where the lining is of pre-cast concrete sections, they shall be of A or B class

concrete of grade 20/20 as per Sections. 100 I & 1705, laid to line and level on a
prepared bed of sand, dry mortar, approved soil, concrete or other material as
indicated in the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer. Unless otherwise instructed,
the joints shall be filled using 1:3 cement sand mortar.

In-situ construction with concrete (A or B class concrete of Grade 20/20 as

per Section 1001), RR masonry or brick or block work as per section 1006 & 1007
respectively, shall be carried out as given in the Drawings or as directed. Where
specified, or where found necessary, they shall be plastered with 1:3 cement sand
mortar and smoothed as directed. Bricks, blocks and other materials used shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Rubble paving with mortar jointing, where specified, shall be carried out
using selected rubble, hammer dressed as necessary, to ensure proper embedment of
the rubble and also to obtain a reasonable smoothness of the surface finish after
jointing with 1:3 cement sand mortar is completed.

(c) Cover Slabs

Where it is required for the lined drains to be covered, unless otherwise

instructed, the slabs shall be of pre-cast concrete of class A or B of grade 25/20, and
reinforced as indicated in the Drawings.

701.3/1 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and

shall meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and
shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.

701.4 Measurement & Payment

(a) Measurement

The excavation for lined and unlined drains shall be measured and as
provided in Section 302.

Measurement of lining of drains shall be in linear metres for pre-cast units.

For in-situ constructions with RR masonry brick or block masonry or concrete, the
measurement shall be in Cu.rn of such work without plastering. Plastering shall be
measured in Sq.m. Reinforcement for concrete shall be measured separately in metric
tonnes to the requirements of Section 1002 and form work shall be measured
separately to the requirements of Section 1008.

Rubble paving shall be measured in Sq.m paved and accepted.

Pre-cast reinforced concrete cover scales shall be measured in Sq.m.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCTAD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCAlS) 700 - Drainage Construction

(b) Payment

The excavation for lined and unlined drains shall be paid as provided \11

Section 301 A.

Payment shall be at the Contract unit rate for the different items of work and
shall include full compensation for all labour, materials, tools and incidentals
necessary for completion of the work.

The Pay Items and Pay Units shall be as follows: -

Pay Item Description Pay Unit

70 I (1) Lining of Drains with pre-cast un its

(State thickness, class and grade of concrete) Linear metre
701(2) Lining of Drains with in-situ concrete
(State thickness, class and grade of concrete) Cu.m
701(3) Lining of Drains with R.R. Masonry, brick
or block masonry. Cu.m
701(4) Rubble Paving in Drains Sq.m
70 I (5) Plastering Sq.m
701(6) Pre-cast reinforced concrete cover slabs
(State thickness, class and grade of concrete) Sq.m

Refer Sub section 106.6 regarding sub divisions of pay items.


702.1 Description
This work shall consist of construction of subsurface drains (under-drains or
trench drains) and drain outlets using perforated pipes, non-perforated pipes and
granular filter material. The work shall be carried out in accordance with this
Specification and in conformity with the Plans or as directed by the Engineer.

702.2 Materials

(a) The non perforated pipes shall be of concrete, PYC or earthen, conforming to
following standards.
Concrete pipes to SLS 452·
PYC pipes to SLS 147
Earthen ware pipes to SLS 449
Geotextiles / filter fabrics to section 1710 & 2000

Unless otherwise instructed, perforated pipes shall be of 150 mm diameter

PYC pipe of at least 4 mm thick. The pipe shall be drilled with 4 holes of 8 mm
diameter on the bottom half of the perimeter of the pipe at intervals of 150 mm or as
shown in the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCT AO)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/5) 700 - Drainage Construction

(b) Granular filter material, for bedding and for surrounding the pipe under-
drains, shall be graded aggregate of maximum size 37.5mm conforming to the
requirements of Sub section 1701.1 (b) unless otherwise specified by the Engineer.

702.3 Construction Requirements

(a) Under-drains

Trenches shall be excavated to the dimensions and grades required and a

minimum of 150 mm thick bedding layer of granular filter material shall be compacted
in the bottom ofthe trench for its full width and, length.

Care shall be taken to prevent the contamination of the granular filter

material with soil or silt or other deleterious material during construction of the sub
surface drains and all filter material contaminated shall be removed and replaced by
the Contractor at his own expense,

Perforated pipes unless otherwise required, shall be laid with the perforations
down and the pipe sections shall be securely jointed by co llar s, mortar joints etc., as
specified or as directed.

Non-perforated pipes of the bell and spigot type when used shall be laid with
the bell end upgrade and the spigot ends entered into the bell ends and spot mortared
to provide for centring of the pipe but open enough to allow the infiltration of water.

After the pipe installation has been approved, granular filter material shall be
placed to a depth as specified so as to completely surround the pipe as shown in the
Drawings or required by the Engineer. If a geo-fabric filter as per the next paragraph
is used as shown in the Drawings, single sized aggregate of nominal maximum size of
37.5 mm, instead of granular filter material can be used with the approval of the
Engineer. The remaining portion of the trench shall then be filled and lightly
compacted in layers of 300mm with either granular or impervious material, as may be

Where specified or ordered by the Engineer, geo-fabric filter as specified in

Section 1710.6 & 2000 shall be installed as shown on the Drawings. Filter fabric shall
not be exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods and shall be protected from
mechanical damage during installation and construction.

(b) Subsurface Drain Outlets

Trenches for the outlets shall be excavated, to the dimensions required by the
Engineer. The outlet pipes shall be laid on approved compacted bedding in the trench
with their ends firmly jointed as required, On approval of the pipe installation the
trench shall be back filled with approved suitable material and compacted in layers in
accordance with section 305.3(b).

702.3/1 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shaIl be tested in accordance with these Specifications and

shall meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and
shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCTAD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/S) 700 - Drainage Construction

702.4 Measuremeut & Payment

(a) Measurement

Excavations and approved soil back fills shall be measured and paid for as
provided for in Section 302.

Perforated and outlet drain pipes shall be measured by the Iinear metre along
the centre line of the pipe for each type and size specified.

Granular filter material, when specified in the Contract as a separate pay

item, shall be measured in place by the Cu.m, completed and accepted.

The filter fabric shall be measured in Sq.m , by taking the width required to
encircle and overlap the perforated pipe by one and a half times the circumference and
multiplying by the length of the perforated pipes.

(b) Payment

The quantities as determined above will be paid for at the Contract unit price
which shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing of all materials including
all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work
prescri bed.

The Pay Items and Pay Units shall be as follows:-

Pay Item Description Pay Unit

702(1 ) Drain pipes Linear metre

(State type and size)

702(2) PYC pipe, (state size), perforated Linear metre

702(3) Granular filter material/single sized Cu.m

aggregate of nominal maximum size of 37.5mm

702( 4) Provide and place Geofabric filter Sq.m

Refer Sub section 106.6 regarding sub divisions of pay items.


703.1 Description

This work shall consist of construction of manholes, catch-pits and inlets for
underground drainage systems in accordance with these Specifications and with the
lines and levels as shown on Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

The inlets may be of the gully type or side entry type or a combination of
both as shown in the Drawings.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCAl5) 700 - Drainage Construction

703.2 Materials

Concrete for pre-cast units or for in-situ construction shall be of class A or B

and grade 20/20 as specified in section 100 I. Materials for rubble, brick or block
masonry shall be as specified in sections 1006 & 1007 respectively.

Other materials shall conform to the requirements of the following unless

otherwise specified.

(a) Reinforcing steel to SLS 375 or CS 26

(b) Cement mortar for jointing to Sub section 1703.2
(c) Mastic joint filler shall be of the approved varieties.
(d) Frames, grating, covers and any other incidental items shall be as given in the
Drawings or elsewhere in the Contract documents.

703.3 Construction Requirements

All excavations and backfill required for construction shall be carried out 111

accordance with the requirements of Section 301 A.

Inlets, catch-pits and manholes shall be either, pre-cast and installed or shall
be constructed in-situ.

Pre-cast units, reinforced or unreinforced, shall be manufactured using

concrete of class A or B and of grade 20/20. The installations of precast units shall be
to required lines and levels and on prepared beds of sand, dry mortar, approved soil,
concrete or any other materials as indicated in Drawings or as instructed by the

Irisitu construction of catch pits and manholes shall be carried out using
concrete, rubble masonry, brick masonry or block masonry as specified or instructed
at site .. The Concrete used shall be of class A or B and of grade 20/20. Rubble
masonry, brick or block masonry shall conform to the requirements of Sections 1006
and 1007 respectively.

Insitu construction of inlets shall be carried out using concrete of class A or

B and of grade 20/20.

Formwork for in situ concreting of units shall conform to the requirements of

Section 1008.

Pipe ends that are connected to the catchpits or manholes shall be flush on the
inside of the structure wall and project outside sufficiently for proper connection with
the next pipe section.

Pipe end joints of pre-cast concrete manhole sections and pipe to pipe JOInts
shall be made with 1: 1 cement mortar, mastic joint fillers or a combination of these or
any other approved material as may be specified. The completed mortar joint shall be
finished smooth and suitably cured. The mastic joint filler where used shall be applied
in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations or as required by the Engineer,
so as to form a water tight seal.

Metal frames for gully inlets shall be set 111 mortar beds or be otherwise
properly secured as indicated in Drawings.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCAlS) 700 - Drainage Construction

703.4 Grade Adjustment of Existing Structures

When grade adjustment of existing structures has to be carried out, the covers
gratings and frames shall be removed as necessary and the walls reconstructed as
required. The cleaned frames shall be reset at the required elevations. Frames, covers
or gratings that are unfit for further use shall be replaced with new units. Upon
completion, each structure shall be cleaned of any accumulation of silt, debris or
foreign matter of any kind and shall be kept clean of such accumulation until final
acceptance of the work.

On resurfacing Contracts the metal frames for gulley inlets shall be adjusted
to grade after the Base course is laid and prior to placing the surface course.

703.5 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and

shall meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and
shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.

703.6 Measurement and Payment

(a) Measurement

Manholes, inlets and catchpits, new or reconstructed shall be measured by the


All work measured for payment shall be satisfactorily carried out by the
contractor and accepted by the Engineer.

(b) Payment

The accepted quantities of manholes, inlets and catchpits shall be paid for at
the Contract unit price for each complete in place and shall be full compensation for
excavation, bedding, backfill, replacing Pavement where required. Disposal of surplus
material shall, not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in the
Contract price for each structure unless otherwise specified.

The quantities as determined above will be paid for at the Contract unit price
which shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing of all materials including
all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work

The Pay Items and Pay Units shall be as follows:-

Pay Item Description Pay Unit

703(1) Manholes (state type) Number

703(2) Catch pits Number

703(3) Inlet (state type) Number

703(4) Manhole reconstructed (state type) Number

Refer Sub section 106.6 regarding sub divisions of pay items.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/S) 700 - Drainage Construction


704.1 Description

This work shall consist of construction of underground pipe drains and

surround in accordance with the Specification and in conformity with lines, grades and
dimensions shown in Drawings and as instructed by the Engineer. The backfilling
shall be carried out, measured and paid as per Section 305.

The work shall include the furnishing and construction of joints and
connections to other pipes and catchpits and other items as required to complete the
structure in accordance with these Specifications and as shown in the Drawings or as
directed by the Engineer.

704.2 Materials

Materials shall meet the requirements of the following unless otherwise


(a) Concrete pipes and fittings shall meet the requirements of SLS 452.

(b) Earthenware pipes shall meet the requirements of SLS 449.

(c) P'VC pipes and fittings shall meet the requirements of SLS 147.

(d) Cement grout and cement mortar used for jointing of concrete and earthen I
ware pipes shall meet the requirements of the Sub sections 1703.1 & 1703.2

(e) Plastic sealing compounds used for jointing of PYC pipes shall meet the
manufacturer's requirements.

(f) Pipe bedding materials shall be concrete of class B conforming to

requirements of Section 1001 or granular material conforming to requirements of Sub
section 1701.1 (b) a's specified.

(g) Pipe surround material may be pipe bedding material or selected fill material
as shown in Drawings or specified elsewhere in the Contract documents or as required
by the Engineer.

704.3 Construction Requirements

(a) Excavation of Trenches

Excavation shall be done to a sufficient width to allow for proper jointing of

pipes and thorough compaction of bedding and backfill under and around the pipes.
The sides of the trenches shall be adequately supported till the backfill is in progress
and construction is complete. The bottom of the trench shall be well compacted and
of uniform density throughout its full length and width.

All excavated material not required for backfilling shall be disposed of as

required by the Engineer.

SECOND EDITION, JlJNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCTAD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCAlS) 700 - Drainage Construction

(b) Bedding, laying and jointing of pipes

Immediately following excavation, the bedding of concrete or granular

material shall be laid and compacted, as directed, to required levels. When a firm
foundation is not encountered and soft, spongy or unstable soil is found, they shall be
removed for a width of at least one diameter on each side of the pipe and to the depth
as directed by the Engineer. After the removal, gravel or other suitable selected
material is placed and compacted at the appropriate moisture contents using plate
vibrators and vibrator tampers to the required densities as per section 304. The pipes
shall then be laid, so as to uniformly bear on the bed, and jointed. The bed shall be cut
away and removed at each socket or sleeve, in the case of socketed or sleeve jointed
pipes, to give a clearance of at least 50mm so that the socket or sleeve does not bear
on the bed.

Pipes shall be jointed such that the inner surfaces are reasonably flush and
even and the ends are centred as required.

Joints shall be made with cement mortar (I :2), cement-grout, plastic seal ing
compound or by a combination of these types or any other approved material as may
be specified.

Mortar joints shall be made with an excess of mortar to form a continuous

bead around the outside of the pipe and finished smooth on the inside. For grouted
joints, moulds or runners shall be used to retain the poured grout. Joints in concrete
and earthen ware pipes shall be thoroughly wetted, before mortar or grout is applied.
Cement mortar or grout, where used shall be protected against rapid drying by a
suitable curing method.

Pipes shall be inspected after the jointing operations are over. Any pipe found
to be out of alignment, or damaged shall be re-laid or replaced. Any other defective
work such as leaky joints and defective grouting shall be redone.

(c) Completion of bedding and surrounding of pipes

Completion of bedding and surrounding of pipes shall be done immediately

following the jointing of pipes, except where the Engineer decides that the pipes have
to be tested.

The bedding shall be completed so that the pipes bear uniformly at least upto
10 percent of the vertical diameter in concrete or at least 25 percent in granular
The pipe surround material as per Sub section 704.2(g) shall be laid in layers
not exceeding 150mm thickness and carefully compacted. The surround shall be taken
up to a height of 300mm above the top of the pipe unless otherwise stated in the
Contract or directed by the Engineer.

(d) Backfilling of Trenches

Backfilling of trenches above the surround shall be carried out as given In

Section 305, using material suitable for embankment construction.

Care should be taken to compact the material evenly without dislodging or

damaging pipes.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/S) 700 - Drainage Construction

704.4 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and

shall meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and
shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.

704.5 Measurement & Payment

(a) Measurement

Pipes of different types and sizes shall be measured by the linear metre in
place along centre line of the pipe. The above measurement, unless otherwise
specified, will include excavation, pipe bedding, surround and the backfill upto the
original ground level. Branch connections and elbows may be included in the length
measurement for pipe, or they may be measured by the number of units installed if so

Specials of various types shall be measured in numbers.

Pipe bedding and pipe surround material shall be measured in Cu.m.

(I;) Payment

The accepted quantities of pipe shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per
Iinear metre of the type and size of pipe as specified, complete in place.

Branch connections, end connections, elbows if separately measured, shall be

paid for at the Contract unit price per each of the kind and size specified complete in
place. Appropriate deductions shall be made for these specials in the total length of
pipe measured for payment.

Excavation and backfill where separately measured, shall be paid for as given
in under Section 305. Pipe bedding and pipe surround where separately measured shall
be paid for at the Contract unit price per Cu.m laid and compacted.

The quantities as determined above shall be paid for at the Contract unit price
which shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing of all materials including
all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work
prescri bed.

The Pay Items and Pay Units will be as follows: -

Pay Item Description Pay Unit

704(1) Pipes laid

(state type and size) Linear metre

704(2) Specials (state type) Number

704(3) Pipe bedding material Cu.m

704( 4) Pipe surrounding material Cu.m

Refer Sub section 106.6 regarding sub divisions of pay items.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCAlS) 700 - Drainage Construction


705.1 Description

This work shall consist of the construction of a permeable double layer of

aggregate behind earth retaining structures to facilitate the free drainage of the
retained soil layers (including any backfill) through the weepholes of the structure.

The double layer shall consist of a layer of large sized aggregate backfill
immediately behind the wall and a layer of graded small aggregate, referred to as the
filter medium placed along the sloping face of the aggregate backfill.

All work shall be carried out in accordance with the Specification and in
conformity with Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

705.2 Materials

(a) Aggregate Backfill

The aggregate backfill shall be free draining and normally consist of

aggregate larger than 50mm and smaller than 200mm, shall consist of hard and durable
crushed stone or naturally occurring stones.

(b) Filter Medium

The filter material shall be graded aggregate of 37.5mm maximum size and
conforming approximately to grading requirement given in Sub section 1701.1 (b).

The aggregate and filter medium shall be free of organic material, clay or
other materials which will adversely effect the free drainage of water.

705.3 Construction Requirements

Prior to placement of the larger sized aggregate behind the structure, the soil
layer, on which the aggregate is placed, shall be well compacted and made impervious
either by constructing a clay puddle or by the application of a bituminous binder as

The aggregate backfill shall be placed along the wall and to a stable
configuration as indicated in the Drawings to a width not less than 200 mm or as
instructed. The material shall be hand packed and compacted using a hand tamper.

The filter medium of graded aggregate shall be placed simultaneously and

compacted along the sloping face of the aggregate back fill to a thickness not less than
200 mm. The material shall be hand packed and compacted using a hand tamper.

705.4 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and

shall meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and
shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCTAD)
MAINTENANCE Of RO ..•• 700 - Drainage Construction

705.5 Measurement & Payment

(a) Measurement

The quantity to be measured shall be the number of Cu.m placed, compacted

and accepted in place, separately for the aggregate backfill and the filter medium.
Impervious layer shaJl be measured in Sq.m.

(b) Payment

This work measured as provided above will be paid for at the unit price per
Cu.m of drainage backfill behind earth retaining structures. The price shaJl be full
compensation for aJl labour, materials, equipment and incidentals required to furnish
and acceptably place the materials.

The Pay Items and Pay Units wi II be as follows: -

Pay Item Description Pay Unit

705( 1) Aggregate backfi II Cu.m

705(2) Filter medium Cu.m

705(3 ) Impervious layer Sq.rn


706.1 Description

This work shall consist of providing openings in earth retammg structures to

facilitate the drainage of any water collected at the back of the structure, as given in
the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer and in accordance with these

The weep-holes may either be cast insitu or consist of pipes embedded in the

706.2 Materials

The pipes shall be made of concrete, PVC or any other suitable material
approved by the Engineer.

The moulds for cast in-situ weep-holes shall be of timber or similar material
approved by the Engineer.

706.3 Construction Requirements

When pipes are embedded in the earth retam mg structure, they shall be laid
to the slope given in Drawings or required by the Engineer and shall extend from the
rear face to the front face of the structure. They shall be protected from ingress of
materials during construction and shall be cleaned before backfilling is placed behind
the structure.

SECOND EDITION, JllNE 2009. Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCT AD)

When the weepholes are cast in situ the moulds used shall be longitudinally
straight, and shall be laid to the required slope in their designated places as the work
proceeds. Where necessary extra cement mortar shall be placed round them and the
moulds worked, loose to facil itate easy removal when the material round them has
sufficiently hardened. If PYC pipes are used as weep-holes at least gauge 600 shall be

706.4 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and

shall meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and
shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.

706.5 Measurement and Payment

(a) Measurement

The weepholes for earth retaining structures shall be measured In linear

metres of weepholes.

(b) Payment

Payment shall be based on the Contract unit price for the item and shall
include full compensation for all materials, labour, tools, equipment and incidentals
necessary to complete the work to the Specifications.

The Pay Items and Pay Units will be as follows:-

Pay Item Description Pay Unit

706( I) Weepholes using pipes (state type and size) linear metre

706(2) Weepholes cast insitu (state type & size) linear metre

Refer Sub section 106.6 regarding sub divisions of pay items.


707.1 Description

This work shall consist of supplying, jointing, bedding of reinforced concrete

pipes of the required type, diameter and length in the construction of culverts. The
scope of work shall also include the extension and modification of existing pipe

The work also includes the construction of headwalls, wingwalls, aprons,

catchpits and other ancillary items necessary to complete the structure.

All work shall be carried out in accordance with these Specifications and with
Iines and levels and dimensions shown in Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

SECOND EDITION. JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development OCTAD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/S) 700 - Drainage Construction

707.2 Materials

Concrete for pipe bedding shall be of class C as specified in Section 100 I.

Other materials shall conform to the following, unless otherwise specified.

(a) Reinforced concrete pipes and fittings to SLS 452.

(b) Granular pipe bedding material to. Sub section 1701.1 (a).
(c) Cement mortar for pipe jointing to Sub section 1703.2
(d) Reinforcement for concrete encasement of pipes to Sub section 1002

Materials used for construction of head walls, wingwalls and other ancillary
items shall conform to the requirements given in Section 1106 for R.R masonry, 1107
for brick masonry and 1001 for concrete.

707.3 Construction Requirements

(a) Excavation

Excavation for pipe culverts shall conform to the requirements of Section

301 A of the Specification.

The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to safeguard the stabi Iity
of all trench excavations and ensure that the safety of no person is be placed in
jeopardy by his operations or working methods.

Surface drainage shall be controlled by the construction of temporary earth

berms and drainage channels to prevent storm water entering the working area. No
separate payment shall be made for such temporary drainage measures.

The amount by which the excavation is to exceed the proposed level of the
invert of the culvert shall be sufficient to allow for the type and thickness of bedding
material to be placed as specified or as shown on the Drawings.

Trench when shaped and completed to receive the pipes shall be of sufficient
width, depending on pipe size and other considerations, to provide working space for
satisfactory bedding, laying and jointing of the pipe and for satisfactory compaction of
bedding material and backfill.

The width of excavation normally shall be equal to the nominal external

diameter of the pipe plus 500 mm on each side. Where pipe culverts consist of two or
more rows of pipes laid parallel in the same trench the minimum clear spacing
between each rows of pipes shall be 300mm or half the external diameter, whichever is
the greater, up to a maximum of 900 mm.

When completed, the bottom of the trench shall be well compacted and of
uniform density throughout its full length and width.

When pipe culverts are to be constructed in embankment fill, excavation for

culvert construction shall be made, after construction of the embankment, to the
specified depths below the formation as shown in the Drawings, unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer.

SECOND EDITION. JlINE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/S) 700 - Drainage Construction

(b) Bedding of Pipes

After completing the outlet structure, the culvert units shall be laid in the
normal manner, starting from the lower end and placing successive units firmly
against each other to prevent subsequent movement. The lowest unit shall be securely
cast into the outlet structure.

Unless otherwise specified pipes shall be bedded according to one of the

methods described in (i), (ii) or (iii) below depending on the site conditions and as
given in Drawings or decided by the Engineer.

(i) Concrete Bedding

The pipes shall be bedded in a continuous cradle of class C concrete having a

minimum thickness of 0.25 times the external diameter of the pipe or 200mm,
whichever is greater. The concrete shall extend up to the sides of the pipes to a height
of at least 10% the external diameter or 200 mm whichever is the greater. The
minimum width of the cradle shall be the external diameter of the pipe plus 0.25 times
the external diameter on either side and shall be constructed monolithically without
horizontal construction joints. The cradle shall be such that the pipe can be seated
fully in it and the pipe sha\l be laid on the concrete bedding before the concrete has

Where shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer pipes shall be

fully encased in class A or Bconcrete of grade 20/20 of minimum thickness 200 mm
and reinforcement shall be provided when the thickness of the fill over the culvert is
anywhere 500 mm or less. Temporary support shall be provided near the pipe ends to
support the pipes during the placing of the concrete. The concrete sha\l be placed in
such a way that all spaces under the pipe are completely filled. Poker vibrators shall
be used to ensure that all spaces under and around the pipe are properly filled with
concrete. Concrete casing shall be cast in one continuous operation until completed.

(ii) Granular Bedding

The granular bedding sha\l be sand or any other selected fill and shall be
accurately shaped by a template to fit the lower part of the pipe. The selected
granular bedding shall surround the pipe upto a height of 100mm above the top of the
pipe. In appropriate circumstances the Engineer may permit compaction of sand
bedding by hydraulic compaction (flooding) subject to approval of trials carried out by
the Contractor.

(iii) Stable soil bedding

In stable ground conditions, and where so indicated in Drawings or directed

by the Engineer, the pipes shall be bedded on existing hard soil suitably shaped to
uniformly fit the lower part of the pipe exterior for at least 10 percent of its diameter.
A template sha\l be used to obtain the required shape .

. Prior to placing of the pipes the soil bed shall be lightly scarified and
moistened to facilitate uniform embedment and where necessary, fresh soil shall be
added so that the pipes when placed are firmly and uniformly bedded into the soil.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND'BRIDGES (SCA/S) 700 - Drainage Construction

(c) Laying of pipes

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, laying of pipes on prepared

foundation shall be started at the outlet and proceeded towards inlets, with the
abutting sections properly matched and fitted in. Where collars are used for jointing
the pipes, cross trenches shall be excavated to accommodate the collar and to facilitate
jointing. Ends of the pipe shall be carefully cleaned before they are placed. As each
length of pipe is placed, the mouth of the pipe shall be protected to prevent entry of
earth or bedding materials. Once laid the pipes shall be properly aligned.

707.4 Jointing

Where partial demolition is required for extension work to existing structures,

the contact face shall be cut to predermined lines and levels, loose and fragmented
material removed and projecting steel cleaned and bent or cut as instructed by the
Engineer. Where no partial demolition but only extension is required, the contact area
shall be roughened and cleaned of all dirt and loose particles.

Where dowels are required they shall be installed with an approved type of
epoxy-resin grout in holes drilled into the existing structure in accordance with details
shown on the Drawings or as instructed by the Engineer.

New concrete shall be bonded to the old concrete by using a cement paste or
slurry or an approved type of bonding agent.

Each pipe joint shall be sealed to prevent leakage and infiltration of water on
to the bedding, unless shown on the Drawings or specified, jointing and sealing shall
conform to one of the following :-

(a) Cement Mortar Joints Using Collars

Abutting ends of adjacent pipes shall be connected with concrete collars and
the space between the pipe and the collar shall be tightly sealed with stiff 1:2 cement
mortar, to uniform thickness round the pipe.

(b) Socket and Spigot Joints

Where a pipe with spigot at one end and socket at the other are jointed with
pipe of the same type and size, the spigot of one pipe shall be inserted into the socket
of the other with the flexible joint ring fitted at the spigot end, and where a mortar
joint is specified, cement mortar of 1: I composition shall be worked into the joint by
hand or by an approved tool.

(c) Lap Joints

In jointing pipes with tapered ends, the end with external taper of one pipe
shall be joined with the end with internal taper of the other pipe and the space
between the pipes at the joint shall be patched with 1:2 cement sand mortar. In
addition to this the joint shall be provided with a covering with cement mortar of the
same composition having a minimum width of 100mm and minimum thickness of
25mm placed across, and running continuously round the ·pipe at the joint.

SECOND EDITION. JlJNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND'BRIDGES (SCAlS) 700 - Drainage Construction

707.5 Backfilling

Backfilling of trenches or around the pipes shall begin at the lower end and
be carried aut in horizontal layers.

The material used far the backfilling of those portions of culverts subject to'
traffic laads shall be selected material af at least Sub-base quality or such lawer
quality as the Engineer may permit.

The backfilling material shall be thoroughly tamped under the flanks af the
culverts to' provide a unifarm bedding to' the Engineer's satisfaction. Adequate caver
over the culvert shall be pravided before the Contractor rautes his construction
equipment across it. Hydraulic compaction af backfilling may be permitted in
appropriate circumstances after successful trials.

Backfilling shall be undertaken as early as practicable after cancrete and

jointing material has sufficiently hardened. Work shall be carried aut accarding to'
section 302. Care shall be taken to' compact the material evenly without disladging or
damaging pipes, in accordance with Sub section 304.3j (iv). Material shall not be
heaped in the trench before being spread. Power rammers are not to' be used within
300 mm of any part of the pipe or jo int.

707.6 Headwalls, wingwalls and other ancillary works

Headwalls, wing walls, aprons and other ancillary works shall be constructed
in accordance with the details shawn in the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
Rubble masonry or brick masonry for the walls etc., shall conform to' requirements of
Section 1006 or 1007 respectively as specified and concrete for head walls, wing walls
and other ancillary works, if so specified, shall conform to concrete af class B or
Sectian 1001.

707.7 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shall be tested in ·accardance with these Specifications and

shall meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and
shall meet the prescribed standards of acceptance.

707.8 Measurement and Payment

(a) Measurement

Measurement shall be made by any ane of the fallawing as specified:-

(i) Cancrete for bedding, encasement, granular aggregate bedding and soil
bedding shall be measured in Cu.m af material laid and compacted. The rate shall
include shuttering, if required and payment for shaping and compacting of stable in-
situ bedding material.

Reinfarcement steel for concrete encasement of pipes shall be paid by weight

and to' the requirements of Section 1002.

Formwork shall conform to' the requirements of Section 1008.

Pipes shall be measured as supplied, laid and jointed in linear metres along .
the centre line of the laid pipes.

SECOND EDiTIaN, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/S) 700 - Drainage Construction

Measurement for excavation and backfilling and construction of headwalls

etc., shall be as specified in the respective sections.

(ii) The culvert construction shall be measured as linear metres for various
Numbers and sizes of pipes.

(b) Payment

Payment shall be made by anyone of the following as specified:-

(i ) Payment for bedding and laying of pipes measured as above will be based on
the Contract unit rate for the items which shall include full compensation for all
labour tools, equipment and incidentals necessary. Payment for excavation,
backfilling and dewatering and construction of headwalls etc., shall be as specified in
the respective sections.

(ii) Payment shall be made for full compensation for constructing the culvert
measured as above which will be based on the Contract unit rate for the item which
shall include full compensation for all labour tools, equipment and incidentals

The Pay Items and Pay Units shall be as follows: -

Pay Item Description Pay Unit


707( I) Concrete bedding/Cradle Cu.m

707(2) Granular aggregate bedding Cu.m
707(3 ) Concrete for encasement of pipes Cu.m
707(4) In-situ soil bedding material Cu.m
707(5) Reinforcement steel for concrete encasement Metric tonne
707(6) Concrete pipes linear metre

707(7) Reinforced concrete pipe culverts with linear metre

one or more pipes
(state No. of pipes & size of the pipe)

Refer Sub section 106.6 regarding sub divisions of pay items.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (K'T AD)

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