F3arRa1n OFFWIFI Eng

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Complete guide for OFF WIFI process

Updated: September 07, 2023. 11p.m. GMT-6






Hello! This guide will show you all the steps in detail so that you can
successfully do an OFF WIFI process in F3arRa1n.

This document includes a FAQ section that will answer all

questions you may have. Please read it!

Below you will find the table of contents and steps for Windows, MacOS
and Ubuntu.
➢ FAQ.............................................................................................................................. 3
➢ Windows ..................................................................................................................... 4
• Requirements ..................................................................................................... 4
• Prepare the Tool ............................................................................................... 5
➢ MacOS........................................................................................................................ 6
• Requirements ..................................................................................................... 6
• Prepare the Tool ............................................................................................... 6
➢ Linux ............................................................................................................................ 7
• Requirements ..................................................................................................... 7
• Prepare the Tool ............................................................................................... 7
➢ OFF WIFI Process ...................................................................................................... 8
• Watch Device ................................................................................................... 8
• Non-Watch Device .......................................................................................... 8
➢ Recharge PLIST/OFF Credits Automatically ................................................... 10
➢ Recharge PLIST/OFF Credits Manually ............................................................ 13
What does the OFF WIFI process do?

The OFF WIFI process completely removes the account linked to the
device, allowing you to activate it like new from the factory and link a new

What difference does it have to a bypass?

This is not a bypass with restrictions such as not being able to update, not
being able to restore...

Notifications, services work, restore...?

Yes, all of that will work!

Can I update the system?

Yes, you can update to the latest version, betas, etc. Either with the PC or
from the device itself.

What is the cost and which devices are supported?

Price list and compatible devices: https://f3arra1n.com/#OFFWIFI

How can I pay?

To pay, regular F3arRa1n credits are not used, but special PLIST/OFF credits
that must be paid using Cryptocurrencies. Payment is automatic! See the
guide “Recharge PLIST/OFF credits” in this same PDF.

If you do not have Cryptocurrencies, you can use Binance or any other
wallet that allows you to buy USDT with your bank card.

If you wish, you can also pay manually in the official Telegram, but you
must wait for it to be active. The automatic method is recommended.
➢ Windows
• Requirements
1. PC with Windows 10 or higher 64-bit

Due to Drivers, Windows 32-bit or earlier than 10 are not recommended

and will not be directly supported. If you decide to try these versions you
will surely have problems. Use Windows 10 64 bit please.

2. Have the latest version of iTunes installed.


3. (Optional) 3uTools Installed.

• Prepare the Tool

1. Download the tool from https://f3arra1n.com/

2. Create a folder called F3ar in C:\
3. Extract the contents of the ZIP to C:\F3ar like this:

4. Whenever you want to open the tool, you'll need to do so by

pressing the F3arRa1n-Start.cmd file. You can create a shortcut to
that .cmd on the desktop for convenience.

The first time you open the tool, you may see a SmartScreen notice that
the execution was blocked, that appears because the tool now asks
for Administrator permissions for the Driver Fix automation. Click “More
info” and then “Run anyway” twice.

Now you already have everything you need to start!

➢ MacOS
• Requirements
1. Mac from 2012 onwards or Hackintosh

Due to the dependencies and the compiler of the tool, Macs prior to 2012
could show an error of "Illegal instruction" and not open, that's why a Mac
from 2012 onwards is requested, that error has no solution, I have tried

2. MacOS Mojave (RECOMMENDED) or higher.

• Prepare the Tool

1. Follow the installation steps for the macOS tool at


2. When you finish doing all the steps, double Click on the F3arRa1n-
Start file on the Desktop to open the tool. It should open with no
problem. If there is a problem, follow the instructions that are

Now you already have everything you need to start!

➢ Linux
• Requirements
1. Almost any PC with a 64-bit processor.
2. Any Distro that has apt.

If you don't want to have problems, the tool was tested on Ubuntu 22.04.1
LTS 6. You can see the requirements and download here:


• Prepare the Tool

1. Follow the installation steps for the Linux tool at


2. When you finish doing all the steps, double Click on the F3arRa1n-
Start file on the Desktop to open the tool. It should open with no
problem. If there is a problem, follow the instructions that are

Now you already have everything you need to start!

➢ OFF WIFI Process
• Watch Device
1. Input the Serial of the device in the text field below the “Connect
Device” button. Make sure the Serial is in UPPERCASE.

• Non-Watch Device
1. Connect the device to PC with the USB cable.
2. Make sure the device is on the Hello screen, and preferably restored
to the latest available version of iOS with 3uTools or iTunes.
3. Go to the “OFF Processes” tab.
4. Press “Connect Device”.
5. Wait for the connection to complete.


1. Press “Test Compatibility”.

In this step, if something goes wrong, you will be notified how to fix it.

There are certain cases where the device is not supported and there is
nothing to be done, such as if it is from China or with Chimaera lock.

2. If the device is supported, congratulations! You are already very

close. Now press “Confirm Order”.

It is recommended that you do it with the PLIST/OFF credits ready for the
process. If you don't have the credits yet, see the guide “Recharge
PLIST/OFF credits” in this same PDF, as the process is different to the reload
of normal credits for checkra1n or DFU processes.

If an error is displayed, please do what the tool message shows you, but if
it is something you have doubts about, do not hesitate to report it on
Telegram or on Discord.
If the batch is closed, keep an eye on the Discord server and enable the
notifications for the channel “notices-avisos” so you get the notification as
soon as the batch opens.

3. If the batch is open and everything went well, confirm the payment
from your PLIST/OFF credits.

If after confirming an error is shown, report immediately by Telegram or on


4. Done! The order will have been confirmed and read the message
that the tool will display.


Please allow 5 to 20 minutes to verify FMI status in any iCloud check.

Do not try to get to the activation lock on the device in the meantime!

If the device still shows as FMI ON after 60 minutes, you can resubmit the
order by repeating the process from step 1. Don't worry, you won't be
charged again.

If after hours the device still shows up as FMI ON, send a message to
Telegram and you will be given further instructions there.

Once the device shows as FMI OFF, immediately set up the device and
add an iCloud account in settings.

If you want to use another account on your device or leave it without an

account, wait 5 minutes after you've added that iCloud account, then
sign out of Settings.

And done! Enjoy.

➢ Recharge PLIST/OFF Credits
For the PLIST/OFF credits, cryptocurrency payments are preferred. Follow
these steps to pay automatically, so you can do everything yourself, that
way you don’t need to wait for Telegram to be active for manual

1. Make sure you already have an account in F3arRa1n, if you don't,

register in the tool.
2. Open the payments page, it is recommended that it be on PC.
3. On the right side you will find the correct payment section and the
payment option with CoinPayments.
4. Select the amount of credits you want to recharge, or enter a
custom amount in the text field.
5. Fill in the “Tool Email” field with the same email you use to log in to
the tool.
6. Press the blue CoinPayments button.
7. On the left in "Buyer Information" fill in the data with your First and
Last Name, although you can also use any alias. In "Email Address"
also enter the same email you use to log in to the tool.
8. Now on the right side, select the cryptocurrency you want to use to
recharge credits. Please pay attention to the type of network shown
(BTC, USDT TRC20, USDT ERC20, etc.) and select the one that is
compatible with the Exchange or Cryptocurrency Wallet you use.
9. Press the cryptocurrency you will use.
10. Press “Complete Checkout”.
11. You will see a new page with a QR code, the address to which you
must send the cryptocurrency and the amount to send.
It is extremely important that when sending the cryptocurrency, you add
ALL the decimals and consider the fee.

12. Complete the sending of the cryptocurrency in your Exchange or

Wallet, below you will see a practical example.

Practical example:

Let's assume you will make a recharge of 100 credits and you chose USDT

It will show something like this, clearly without the censorship:

Let's also assume that you will use Binance, go to USDT, then press
“Withdraw” and then “Send via cryptocurrency network”.

In the Address section, copy and paste the address in the "Address" field
that appears in CoinPayments or simply scan the QR code if you are in the
App. Now in the Network section, select TRC20.
Then, in the Amount section, enter EXACTLY the amount that is shown on
the page in “Amount Remaining”, in this case, 99.99416000. It probably
won't let you enter all 0's, but enter as many as the interface allows.

You will notice that the interface shows “Receive amount 98.99416”. THIS
IS WHERE YOU SHOULD CONSIDER THE FEE! Or the payment will not be
completed successfully.

Below that amount, it will show how much the fee is. In this case it is 1.00
USDT, therefore, that amount must be added to what is in the Amount
section so that what is shown in CoinPayments is sent in full.

Modify the Amount field so that it is now 100.99416000 and now the
interface shows “Receive amount 99.99416”, Now it is the correct amount!

Press “Withdraw” and complete the steps it shows. And done! Wait for
CoinPayments to receive the cryptocurrency and all the (automatic)
network confirmations are made so that the payment appears as paid.
This can take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes.

I advise you to save the URL of the payment to check the status later, but
you can also close the page and simply wait for an email that the
payment has been completed in your mailbox.

Once “Paid” appears on the CoinPayments page or you receive the

email that the payment has been completed, please wait another 5-20
minutes for the PLIST credits to reflect in your F3arRa1n account. When this
happens, you will also receive an email.

13. Done! You will have recharged successful

➢ Recharge PLIST/OFF Credits
If the CoinPayments process seems hard, you can contact the official
Telegram for manual payment. https://t.me/VirtrinF3ar

Payment options are:

1. Any cryptocurrency available.

2. Binance Pay.
3. Transferwise (Now called Wise).
4. Western Union.

After you contact the Telegram, you’ll be given further instructions and
payment details.

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