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Child Labour Prohibition and

Regulation Act, 1986

What is the Meaning of Child Labour?

Child labour is a method where minors are compelled to get employed in economic practice on
a full-time or part-time basis. Children introduced under this practice are deprived of
fundamental rights like schooling, and the youth are mentally and physically traumatized.

The fundamental causes referring to child labour can be outlined as follows:

• Lack of proper schooling and education
• Development of informal economy.
• Poverty.
The consequences of child labour are victimizing a juvenile and depriving them of nurturing and
healthy surroundings to grow. The child becoming labour faces different types of abuse, which
stops them from prospering into happy grown-ups.

Child Labour and India

As per the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act of 1986, children of or below 14 years
are strictly forbidden from engaging in dangerous professions. The government has taken some
initiatives, which include:

Year Initiatives by Government

1979 The Gurupadswamy Committee was designated to analyze and tackle the child labour

1986 Child labour prohibition and regulation act 1986 was passed.

2016 Child Labour Prohibition And Regulation Amendment Act forbids employment of youths
less than 14 years of age.

2017 Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Rules – wide framework against
child labour.

Features of Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act 1986

The Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act 1986 was passed with its main features being
as follows:
• Banning employment for children below the age of 14 years in specific occupations and
• Formulating the procedure to decide on modifications to the Schedule of banned
occupations and processes
• Modulate the work conditions of children in employment where they are not prohibited
from working
• Formulate the enhanced penalties for children's employment in violation of the
guidelines of the Act
• To empower the Central Government to constitute a Child Labor Technical Advisory
Committee to advise the Central Government to add occupation and processes to the
Schedule appended to the Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act 1986.

Salient Features of Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation)

Act, 1986
This Act has played an essential role in:
• Reducing the rate of child labour employment in India, reducing the hazardous risks to
children's life and child exploitation.
• Making it clear that the rights of the children are inalienable and indivisible.

After the mentioned guideline, if an employer is found contravening the rules and regulations,
they will be liable to punishment, including a fine, imprisonment, or both.
• Although child labour has reduced after Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act
1986, this evil practice still persists in society due to illiteracy and poverty.
• Community has to take a collective responsibility to build more awareness about this
immoral practice to overcome this issue.
Amendments of Child Labour Prohibition And Regulation Act
Listed are the amendments of the child labour prohibition and regulation act 1986 that took
place in 2016 and 2017.
Child Labour Prohibition And Regulation Act 2016
The child and adolescent labour (prohibition and regulation) act 1986 (amended in 2016) stated
• As per this amendment, the country's government will provide more severe penalties for
employers who disobey the Act.
• The Act also permits the Government to ban the hiring of children that are working in
unsafe conditions.
Child Labour (Prohibition And Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2017
Provisions under the child labour prohibition and regulation act Amendment are listed below:
• A particular framework was created to prevent, restrict, recover, and restorative juveniles
and young workers.
• Protection against visionary employees regarding working hours and conditions under
the Act.

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