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SAP Inventory Management Tcodes

MB00 SAP Easy Access Inventory Management

MB01 Goods Receipt for Purchase Order

MB02 Change Material Document

MB03 Display Material Document

MB04 Subcontracting Subsequent Adjustment

MB0A Goods Receipt - PO Unknown

MB1A Enter Goods Issue

MB1B Enter Transfer Posting

MB1C Enter Other Goods Receipts

MB21 Create Reservation

MB22 Change Reservation

MB23 Display Reservation

MB24 Reservation List Inventory Management

MB25 Reservation List Inventory Management

MB26 Pick List

MB51 Material Document List

MB52 Display Warehouse Stocks of Material

MB53 Plant Availability

MB54 Display Consignment Stocks

MB56 Display Batch Where-Used List

MB58 Display Consignment and Returnable Packaging Stocks at Customer

MB59 Material Document List

MB5B Stocks on Posting Date

MB5C Pick-Up List for Batch Where-Used List

MB5K Stock Consistency Check

MB5L List of Stock Values: Balances

MB5M Shelf Life List

MB5S List of GR/IR Balances

MB5T Display Stock in Transit

MB5U Analysis of Conversion Differences

MB90 Output from Goods Movements

MBBM Batch Input: Post Material Document

MBBR Batch Input: Create Reservation

MBBS Valuated Sales Order and Project Stock

MBC1 Create Batch Search Strategy

MBC2 Change Batch Search Strategy

MBC3 Display Batch Search Strategy

MBGR Material Docmts. With Reason f. Mvt

MBLB Stocks at Subcontractor

MBPM Manage Held Data (Inventory Management)

MBRL Enter return Delivery

MBSF Release Blocked Stock

MBSL Copy Material Document

MBSM Cancelled Material Documents

MBST Cancel Material Document

MBSU Place in Stor. for Mat. Doc.

MC.1 Plant Analysis: Stock: Selection

MC.2 Plant Analysis: Receipts/Issues: Selection

MC.3 Plant Analysis: Inventory Turnover: Selection

MC.4 Plant Analysis: Range of Coverage: Selection

MC.5 Storage Location Analysis: Stock: Selection

MC.6 Storage Loc. Analysis: Receipts/Issues: Selection

MC.7 Storage Loc. Analysis: Inventory Turnover: Selection

MC.9 Material Analysis: Stock: Selection

MC.A Material Analysis: Receipts/Issues: Selection

MC.B Material Analysis: Inventory Turnover: Selection

MC.C Material Analysis: Range of Coverage: Selection

MC01 Logistics Information Library

MC02 Key Fig.Retrieval via Text

MC03 Key Fig Retrieval via Classification Characteristics

MC04 Create Info Set

MC05 Change Info Set

MC06 Display Info Set: Members

MC07 Create Key Figure

MC08 Change Key Figure

MC09 Display Key Figure

MC40 Usage-Based ABC Analysis

MC41 Requirement-Based ABC Analysis

MC42 Key Figure: Range of Coverage Based on Usage Values

MC43 Key Figure: Range of Coverage Based on Requirement Values

MC44 Key Figure: Inventory Turnover

MC45 Key Figure: Usage Value

MC46 Key Figure: Slow-Moving Items

MC47 Key Figure: Requirements Value

MC48 Key Figure: Stock Value

MC49 Key Figure: Average Stock Value

MC50 Key Figure: Dead Stock

MCB% Background Report for Parameters Controlling

MCBA INVCO: Plant Analysis Selection

MCBC INVCO: Stor. Loc. Analysis Selection

MCBE INVCO: Material Analysis Selection

MCBR INVCO: Batch Selection Analysis

MCBV Parameter Analysis

MCBZ Current Requirements/Stock

MCL1 Analysis: Stock Placements and Removals: Selection

MCL5 Analysis: Quantity Flows: Selection

MCL9 Analysis: Mat. Stock Placemnts + Removals: Selection

MCLD Analysis: Material Quantity Flows: Selection

MCLH Analysis: Movement Types: Selection

MCSK Call Standard Analyses of Stocks

MCYG Exception Analysis INVCO

MD04 Stock/Requirements List

MI00 SAP Easy Access Physical InventoryIde Description

MI01 Create Physical Inventory Document

MI02 Change Physical Inventory Document

MI03 Display Physical Inventory Document

MI04 Enter Inventory Count

MI05 Change Inventory Count

MI06 Display Inventory Count

MI07 Post Inventory Difference

MI08 Post Count and Difference

MI09 Enter Count w/o Reference to Document

MI10 Post Document, Count, and Difference

MI11 Enter Recount

MI12 Display Changes to Phys. Inv. Docs

MI20 List of Inventory Differences

MI21 Print Physical Inventory Document

MI22 Display Physical Inventory Documents for Material

MI23 Dispay Physical Inventory Data for Material

MI24 Physical Inventory List

MI31 Selected Data for Phys. Inventory Docmts w/o Special Stock

MI32 Batch input: Block material for physical inventory

MI33 Batch input: Freeze book inv. balance for phys. inv.

MI34 Batch input: Enter Count with Reference to Document

MI35 Batch Input: Post Zero Count for Uncounted Materials

MI37 Batch Input: Post Differences

MI38 Batch Input: Enter Count w. Reference to Doc.

MI39 Batch Input: Enter Count w/o Reference to Document

MI40 Batch Input: Enter Count w/o Ref. to Doc., Post Differences

MIBC ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting (Physical Inventory)

MICN Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Docs. For Cycle Counting

MIDO Display Physical Inventory Overview

MIGO Goods Receipt Purchase Order

MIGO_GI Goods Movement-Code Description

MIGO_GS Subseq. Adjust. of Material Provided

MIK1 Selected Data for Phys. Inventory Docmts Vendor Consignment

MIMD Report for Transferring PDC Phys. Inv. Data

MIQ1 Selected Data for Physical Inventory Documents for Project

MMBE Stock Overview: Company Code/Plant/Storage Location/Batch

MR51 Accounting Documents for Material

RWBE Stock Overview

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