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The government decided to __________ the outdated tax system, replacing it with a more equitable

A) abolish

B) conserve

C) characterize

D) yield


Jane felt __________ about the job offer, as it required moving to a new city, but it came with a
substantial increase in salary.

A) Begrudging

B) Belligerent

C) ambivalent

D) interminable


Despite his __________ acceptance of defeat, he couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

A) Begrudging

B) Belligerent

C) contentious

D) interminable


The meeting became increasingly __________ as both sides refused to compromise on their opposing

A) persistent

B) Belligerent

C) contentious

D) interminable

It's important for journalists to report without __________ to ensure accurate and fair news coverage.

A) persistent

B) Condescension

C) bias

D) corruption


The protagonist's bravery and determination __________ the novel and make it a compelling read.

A) corrupt

B) conserve

C) characterize

D) yield


His tone was filled with __________ as he spoke down to the new employees, making them feel inferior.

A) persistent

B) Condescension

C) bias

D) corruption


We need to __________ our natural resources to protect the environment for future generations.

A) corrupt

B) conserve

C) circumvent

D) repudiate

The debate over the new law became highly __________ as people from different backgrounds voiced
their strong opinions.

A) Begrudging

B) Belligerent

C) contentious

D) conventional


The couple decided on a __________ wedding ceremony with all the traditional customs and rituals.

A) Begrudging

B) Belligerent


D) conventional


The witness's testimony helped __________ the defendant's alibi, strengthening his case.

A) abolish

B) convey

C) characterize

D) Corroborate

12. Counterargument

In a persuasive essay, it's essential to address the __________ to make your position even more

A) counterargument

B) Condescension

C) interjection

D) corruption
13. Convey

Nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, can often __________ more than words in
a conversation.

A) interpret

B) conserve

C) circumvent

D) convey

14. Corrupt

The __________ politician was involved in multiple scandals, and his actions eroded trust in the

A) corrupt

B) conserve

C) circumvent

D) convey

15. Interminable

The long, tedious meeting seemed __________ as everyone eagerly awaited its conclusion.

A) Begrudging

B) Belligerent


D) elusive

16. Yield

The farmer's hard work and dedication to his crops resulted in a bountiful __________ at harvest time.

A) yield

B) conserve

C) circumvent

D) rejuvenate
17. Persistent

Despite numerous setbacks, she remained __________ in her pursuit of a career in medicine.

A) Begrudging

B) persistent

C) ambivalent

D) interminable

18. Conjecture

Scientists often use data and evidence to form conclusions rather than relying on mere __________ and

A) prediction

B) Condescension

C) conjecture

D) hibernation

1. Abolish

2. Ambivalent

3. Begrudging

4. Belligerent

5. Bias

6. Characterize

7. Condescension

8. Conserve

9. Contentious

10. Conventional

11. Corroborate

12. Counterargument

13. Convey

14. Corrupt

15. Interminable

16. Yield

17. Persistent

18. Conjecture

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