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Bat. Res. Vol. 31, No. 2, pp.

343-345, 1997
Copyright © 1996 ElsevierScience Ltd
Pergamon Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
PII: S0043-1354(96)00240-0 oo43-1354/97 $17.oo + o.oo




M U S T A F A O Z D E M i R and M E H M E T T U F E K C I
Department of Chemistry, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey

(First received October 1995; accepted in revised form July 1996)

Abstract--In the present research, granular metallic iron was used to reduce the chlorine species into
chloride in chlorine solutions. Optimum conditions were investigated with regard to pH, particle size, and
contact period It was determined that the species of OC1- and HOCI were removed by 100% between
pH 4 and 7 w:ithin 25 min. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd

Key words--CMorine residues, aquatic media, removal of chlorine residues, water treatment

INTRODUCTION analytical reagent grade. Solutions of chlorine were

prepared from chlorine which was obtained either by NaCl
The problem of chlc,rine residues in aqueous media electrolysis or commercially. The chlorine solution in
arises from wastewater treatment plants, paper mills, water was stirred on a temperature-controlled magnetic
stirrer at 20°C. These chlorinated water solutions in the
power plants, etc. (Helz and Channing, 1984; Heiz reactor (250 ml beaker) were analysed before and after
et al., 1985). To solve this problem, several methods treatment.
were used for dechlorination of polluted water with Chlorine determination was carried out according to
chlorine residues (White, 1972). Some o f the procedure outlined in Standard Methods (APHA, 1985).
First, 0.025 N sodium thiosulphate and 0.025 N silver
materials used for dechlorination were granular nitrate solutions were prepared and standardised. Aliquots
activated carbon, hydrogen peroxide (H202), ammo- of chlorine solutions were initially analysed by Standard
nia (NH3), sodium thiosulphate (Na25203), sodium Iodometric Method I and DPD Colorimetric Method
sulphite (Na2SO3), and sodium metabisulphite (APHA, 1985). Then, granular metallic iron was added to
(Na2S2Os) (Helz and Channing, 1984; Martin and the reactor while the mixture was stirred. Ten millilitre
aliquots were taken from the reactor at various time
Shackleton, 1990). In addition, ferrous sulphate intervals (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 min later) and then, they were
heptahydrate (FeSO47H20) was also proposed for analysed for chlorine and chloride contends. While the
removal of cMorine residues in aqueous media titrimetric method of silver nitrate was used for chloride
(White, 1972; Iatrou and Knocke, 1992). determination, both the titrimetric Iodometric Method I
and DPD Colorometric Method were used for determi-
The methods utilising sulphur(IV) species have nation of residual chlorine concentrations (APHA, 1985).
some disadvantages such as p H decrease, handling pH adjustments of chlorine solutions for Iodometric
difficulties, and economic unattractiveness (Helz et Method were made by acetic acid. In order to obtain
al., 1985). In the method of ammonia, chloramines working ranges of methods, dilution was made by using
possess harmful effects on aquatic environment Cl2-free distilled water.
The same experiments were carried out at pH 4, 5, 6, 7,
(APHA, 1985). In addition to these nuisances, 8, and 9. Temperatures of media for all samples were 20°C.
methods mentioned above have other unpleasant The size of granular metallic iron used in the experiments
properties such as "obnoxious odour", "dechlorina- were about 0.2-0.5 diameter. In addition, metallic iron
tion odour", etc. (Helz and Channing, 1984). granules with 0.5-1 mm diameter were also tested.
In this study, a method for reduction of chlorine to
chloride was tested I:,y using metallic iron in chlorine
solutions. In principle, we have tried to minimise one RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
type of contaminant while simultaneously trying not The possible reactions occurring in removal of
to increase the risk fi~r another (Montgomery, 1992). chlorine residues in aqueous media by metallic iron
which were tested in this work are considered below:
2Fe + 2HOCI + 2H20 ~ - 2Fe(OH)2
A Bausch and Lomla Spectronic 20 Spectrophotometer
(New York, U.S.A.) was used for chlorine determination.
Chemicals were from Merck (Darmsdat, Germany) and + 2 H + + 2C1- (1)

WR 31/2--F 343
344 Research Note

Table 1. Removal of chlorine residues and determination of chloride in the range of pH

4--6. Concentrations are mg/1
[HOC1 + OCI-] CI- % Removal
time (min) pH 4 5 6 pH 4 5 6 pH 4 5 6
0 210 292 292 203 278 278 0 0 0
5 62 96.6 111 295 411 400 71 67 62
10 2.2 5.8 2.9 336 473 456 99 98 90
15 0 0 0 338 479 473 100 100 99
20 . . . . . 475 -- -- 100

2Fe(OH)2 + HOCI When granular metallic iron having a smaller size

than 0.5 m m was used, the optimum reaction rate was
+ H 2 0 ~ 2Fe(OH)3 + H ÷ + Cl- (2) obtained. In addition, the ratio of metallic iron to
The addition of these reactions give the following hypochlorite concentration was approximately 1.1-
total equation: fold of stoichiometric ratio. Furthermore, every
analysis was carried out at least three times, and the
2Fe + 3HOC1 + 3H20 ~ 2Fe(OH)3 average results were taken.
+ 3 H + + 3C1- (3) Because of the adjustments of p H values for
Iodometric Method I (APHA, 1985), the accuracy
In higher pHs, the reactions (1) and (2) occur in the and precision of the method decreased. Therefore, the
following manner: D P D Colorimetric Method was used in parallel with
the iodometric method for the determination of
2Fe + 2OC1- + 2H20 ~ 2Fe(OH)2 + 2C1- (4) chlorine residues. Results from those two methods
2Fe(OH)2 + OCI- + H20 ~ 2Fe(OH)3 + CI- have rather good consistency.
(5) The contact time of granular metallic iron with
chlorinated water was approximately 25 min (max.).
In this case, the addition o f reaction (4) and (5) gives It means that at pH ~< 7, the chlorine residues were
the following equation: totally removed in 25 min from the beginning o f the
2Fe + 3OC1- + 3H20 ~ 2Fe(OH)3 + 3C1- (6) reaction.
Both the Iodometric Method I and D P D Colori-
In the reactions (3) and (6), the consumptions of metric Methods totally determine species of free
HOC1 or O C I - and the formation of CI- were chlorine (C12 + HOC1/OCI-), monochloramine
determined by Standard Analytical Methods (APHA, (NH2CI), dichloramine (NHCI2) and nitrogen tri-
1985). The existence of ferric hydroxide was chloride (NCI3) (APHA, 1985). Monochloramine,
qualitatively determined. The process was carried out dichloramine (NHC12), and nitrogen trichloride can
at optimum conditions. It was seen that the ratio of be separately determined by D P D Colorimetric
removed chlorine residues was approximately 100%. Method (APHA, 1988). In this study, since the
The results obtained are given in Tables 1 and 2. As experiments were performed in nitrogen-free water,
seen in Tables 1 and 2, when the pH was lower than NH2C1, NHC12, and NCI3 did not exist. Although it
7, the reaction between granular metallic iron and is thought that metallic iron can reduce nitrogen-
chlorine residues had a rather high rate. When the p H combined chlorine species, further studies are
was greater than 7, the reaction rate was smaller than necessary to find out whether metallic iron will reduce
those of lower pHs. The fact that there was a higher them.
reaction rate at the low pHs arose from increasing Dechlorination is an important process in the
concentration of HOC1. At pH 7, the composition of water treatment (Finger et al., 1985). Therefore, the
hypochloride solution was 75.2% HOC1 and 24.8% proposed economic method can easily be brought
O C I - , whereas the composition was 2.9% HOC1 and into application as a pretreatment method in
97.1% O C I - at pH 9 (White, 1972). industrial chlorinated wastewater.

Table 2. Removal of chlorine residues and determination of chloride in the range of pH

7-9. Concentrations are mg/I
[HOCI + O(21-] CI- % Removal
time (min) pH 4 5 6 pH 4 5 6 pH 4 5 6
0 360 234 234 322 225 224 0 0 0
5 175 178 181.4 448 263 266 51 24 22.5
l0 79 152 128 514 282 298 78 35 45
15 35 102 93.6 544 314 322 90 56 60
20 15 58.5 64.4 556 343 346 96 75 72.5
25 3.0 38 46.8 564 355 354 99.5 84 80
Research Note 345

Disadvantages created by metallic iron method in Helz G. R. and Channing L. K. (1984) Dechlorination of
wastewater and cooling water. Environ. Sci. Technol.
dechlorination were " e a r t h y - o d o u r " and a suspen- 18(2), 48A-55A.
sion from ferric hydroxide. These disadvantages can Helz G. R., Uhler A. D. and Sugam R. (1985)
be overcome by ]precipitation within 15-20 min Dechlorination and trihalomethane yields. Bull. Environ.
followed by filtration through an ordinary sand filter Contain. Toxicol. 34, 497-503.
to remove the "earthy-odour". Iatrou A. and Knocke W. R. (1992) Removing chlorite
by the addition of ferrous iron. J. A W W A 84(1),
REFERENCES Martin R. J. and Shackleton R. C. (1990) Comparison of
two partially activated carbon fabrics for the removal of
APHA (1985) Standa.,d Methods for the Examination of chlorine and other impurities from water. War. Res.
Water and Wastewater, 16th edn. Am. Pub. Health 24(4), 477-484.
Assoc., Washington D.C. Montgomery J. M. (1992) Trade-offs key to D-DBP rule. J.
Finger R. E., Harringl:on D. and Paxton L. A. (1985) De- A W W A 84(11), 41.
velopment of an on-line zero chlorine residual measure- White G. C. (1972) Handbook of Chlorination, pp. 342-408.
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