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Mobasher Abdu Alasmari

King Abdulaziz University


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Reducing the duration of Right-of-Way acquisition process

for high voltage transmission power lines projects
Mobasher Alasmry*, SEC, S.A, Khalil Alsayed*, SEC, S.A, Jaman Alzahrni*, SEC, S.A, Abdu Hobany*, SEC, S.A

Abstract—Right of way process of high voltage, 110-132 K.V, MW: The watt (symbol: W) is a derived unit of power in the International
transmission power lines projects is complicated process as it is based System of Units (SI).The unit is defined as 1 joule per second and can be
on more than fifty interrelated steps that involve several departments used to express the rate of energy conversion or transfer with respect to
and governmental agencies to obtain the necessary permits and secure time.
approvals of power lines routes . Permitting process has to be within
time frame of about one to one and a half year which is composing
OHTL: Over head transmission lines , An overhead power line is a
twenty five to thirty percent of project life cycle . Obtaining permits is
structure used in electric power transmission to transmit electrical energy
in accordance with pre-set technical and economical constraints is
along large distances. It consists of one or more bare
more challenging factors to assure constructability and
conductors (commonly multiples of three) suspended by towers.
maintainability of route proposal. This paper will focus on the factors
affecting the R.O.W process of high voltage transmission lines by PI: Points of intersection, the point where two non-parallel lines intersect.
presenting systematic approach entitled; six phases of high voltage More specifically, the point where two tangents to a curved line intersect.
transmission lines R.O.W process. Among the phases is proposing
three routes for transmission lines then its study to select the most cost R.O.W: right of way , used to describe a right belonging to a party to
effective route by utilizing CAD & DEM files .Field portion of the pass over the land of another. it can be simply defined as a right of
process is significant , gathering field data accurately then analyzing passage to another person's land or property. This is a common term often
to converting into profile and route maps is vital phase, this phase has used by land surveyors and civil engineers and is usually associated in land
couple of criteria to make sure the data obtained during site visit is in usage rights.
integration with technical and economical requirements .Also
identifying risks encountered during study of route alternatives along UTM: Universal Transverse Mercator , map projection uses a 2-
with mitigation measures is discussed; risk identification of process dimensional Cartesian coordinate system to give locations on the surface of
will speed up the R.O.W by minimizing permitting duration the Earth. It is used to identify locations independently of vertical position,
particularly at phase five as it is alone consumes 70-80 % of the whole UTM system divides the Earth into sixty zones, each being a six-degree
permitting process duration band of longitude, and uses a secant transverse Mercator projection in each
Index Terms.
Acquisition process WGS84: The World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) is a datum featuring
Electric Networks coordinates that change with time.The system is based on a consistent set
High voltage transmission power lines of constants and model parameters that describe the Earth's size, shape, and
OHTL transmission lines gravity and geomagnetic fields. It is for the Global Positioning System
Overhead transmission line (GPS)
Right of way
Route maps The next five years will witness nearly 30% increase of
Route Selection power demand in kingdom of Saudi Arabia[13]. The larger
Transmission lines survey
R.O.W in Saudi Arabia
annual increase in electrical load resulting from significant
development and growth of all economic sectors, in
I. NOMENCLATURE conjunction with broadening the prospects of internal and
external investment , has led to an increase in the rate of
DEM: digital elevation model is a model or 3D representation of a
terrain's surface .
demand for electricity ; loads have increased over 10 % in
DGN: is the name used for CAD file formats supported by Bentley 2015 compared with 2014 in K.S.A , with the equivalent of
Systems' MicroStation 5776 M.W[13]. To meet the increase demand, Saudi
HV: electrical energy at high voltages,110 to 132 Kilo Volts Electricity Company, SEC, as the sole provider of electric
KMZ: KMZ is a file extension for used by Google Earth. KMZ stands for
energy in the country has expanded its interrelated electric
Keyhole Markup language Zipped. It is a compressed version of
a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file. network to be capable of transmitting and exchanging energy
between the different regions of Saudi Arabia ; on annual
basis a Saudi Arabia has to have a continuous
unprecedented expansion of the system to supply its growing
*Mobasher Alasmry works for Saudi Electricity Company ,SEC, Jeddah
needs ; for instance, the amount of added overhead network
City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( e-mail: and underground cables to the existing network measuring
*Khalil Alsayed works for Comets Company, Jeddah City, Kingdom of about 5389 K.M-circular by end of 2015 which represent
Saudi Arabia ( e-mail: nine percent of the existing transmission network .Expansion
*Jaman Al-Zahrani works for Saudi Electricity Company, SEC, Jeddah
City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia( e-mail:
of the transmission system needs more comprehensive and
*Abdu Abdullah Hobany works for Saudi Electrcity Company, SEC, rigorous planning approach at early stage to avoid negative
Jeddah City , Kingdom of Saudi Arnbia (e-mail: impact on the network system , delay of construction lead to

consequent effect operation and reliability of the grid .

Beside load forecasting importance, permitting the new
transmission line is a vital portion of planning to expand the
network. The process of permitting/sitting of transmission
lines is lengthy , complicated and sometimes daunting job,
for instance the time parameter of siting process is
approximately consuming one and half year which is 30 %
of the whole life cycle of power transmission project. The
time to obtain the right of ways and necessary permits varies
depending on type and number of lands crossed. As well as
newly evolved regulations impact on permit duration. Permit
time can be continuous into construction phase[4]


Permitting process, fig 1, is initiated through an official
letter as a justification of the need for new transmission line Fig 2( Configuration of transmission line)
project based on couple of indicators such as technical and
economical driver or overcoming grid bottlenecks[11] built
on load forecasting five to ten years plan. The letter includes
configuration and connection plan of the proposed
transmission line fig 2 and 3, initial technical and
economical benefits is highlighted during planning stage[3]
. Permit process has interrelated steps involves many
departments starting from planning , engineering and
concluded with construction stage. The process includes
more than fifty conditions to ensure that the route selected is
suitable to meet pre-set criteria of planning , design ,
construction and maintenance. To make sure that our
methodology of route selection and permitting is rigorous ,
all those fifty conditions prepared by related
divisions/departments were consolidated into two pages Fig 3( initial connection points in KMZ file)
checklist, Table 4. to facilitate permitting through the initial A. Methodology of selecting the preferred route
study , field survey and final selection of preferred route.
The proposed route shall be selected in such a way that it is
There are couple of basic criteria to assure the route selected
of minimum length, minimum structure quantity, straight
is easily permitted , construable and maintainable. first ,
route [3], easy access to their locations, minimum cost of
easy to permit route criterion is fulfilled when three initial
overall construction, operation and maintenance. There are
routes identified are not passing by private-ownership and
six conditions[13] to meet for any preferred route.
residential areas. Secondly , engineering and design basic
1. The transmission line routes shall have minimal
criteria are met if the route has minimal intersection with
impact on farmland and residential or commercial
utilities , highways, train tracks …etc [8] . Finally the
construability and maintainability criteria are met if the
2. The right of way width shall be in accordance with
routes identified avoided difficult terrains and hazardous
table 01.
areas, Fig 07.
Table 01( Right of ways of transmission power lines)

3. All the angle locations shall be accessible by a four

wheel drive vehicle.
4. Routes shall be accessible via an existing roadway or
roadway for immediate construction. Areas subject
Fig 1(Transmission line right of way process flow diagram) to water, erosion or landslide shall be avoided,
particularly, in the selection of route angle points.
"Difficulties in construction and operation of the
line in mountainous areas region and their high
cost(exceeding by 2 or 3 time that of the lines in
flat country) requires constant improvement in

technical solutions and findings new means to Some government agencies lack of clear development
reduce construction cost without impairing plans lead to major changes of connection plan
operation reliability of the system "[2]. Table 03 ( R.O.W risks and mitigation measures)
5. The minimum horizontal distance between the route
center line and other overhead lines or other Risk Impact Suggestion
obstacles (ie. gas, oil, water pipes, building, trees) 1 Difficulties of obtaining Delay obtaining time of Develop a
government authorities rout permits partnership with
shall not be less than given in Table 02. right of way approvals, government sectors
due to restrictions on to be aware of
Table 02(Transmission line clearance to utilities and obstacles ) land use [10] master plans

2 congestion area with High cost during Review connection

roads and other utilities construction plan

3 Non suitable location of costly alternatives due Selection of source

source substations such to Increasing the substations to be
as being far or difficult length of transmission studied considering
terrain[12] lines the cost to connect
with other SS

4 proposing routes that Conflict with utilities Improve technical

intersecting with other during construction knowledge of the
facilities or water phase and hence field team to be
flooded areas affecting project cost aware of impact
and schedule on construction
and maintenance
5 Proposing a route High cost of Improve technical
alternatives that underground cables knowledge of the
intersecting with or alternatives which is field team to be
passing by zone of required in urban zone aware of impact
industrial , military and future development on construction
areas , urban areas. areas and maintenance

6. At the crossing of OHL route over other features, the 6 Route passes by Difficult terrains impact change connection
Unavoidable difficult constructability and plan to alternative
following rules shall be applied: terrain maintainability . source substation
i) Where transmission line route cross pipelines, the
angle of intersection is preferably 90 degrees, and if Regarding Public impact on R.O.W , ''The public perception
not possible the angle of intersection shall be of overhead transmission lines has also altered considerably
between 70 to 110 degrees. in the last decades with particular regard to the
ii) Where transmission line route cross overhead environmental ,property values, and alleged health effects
transmission lines and communication lines, the associated with electromagnetic fields''[3]
angle of intersection is preferably 90 degrees, and if
not possible the angle of intersection shall be C. Improvement and suggested practice
between 70 to 110 degrees. Based on the team experience as R.O.W is their sole role in
iii) Where transmission line route cross roads, the the organization , SEC standards and also based on
angle of intersection is preferably 90 degrees, and if technical paper of K.G Matosinho [9] , also our work is
not possible the angle of intersection shall be based on (EPRI-GTC Overhead Electric Transmission line
between 45 to 135 degrees. Where transmission siting methodology) [1] , our suggested practice called; six
line route cross major highways, the angle of phases of high voltage transmission lines R.O.W process.
intersection shall be as near as possible to 90 The suggested systematic process translated into a handy
degrees. checklist to facilitate the permitting procedure.
iv) Where transmission line route cross the railroad
tracks, the angle of intersection is preferably 90 1. Phase I – Proposing three routes/ profiles and preliminary
degrees, and if not possible the angle of study
intersection shall be between 70 to 110 degrees. The three routes proposed shall be located as near as
v) At wadi crossing the route shall be selected possible to major highways, roads for easy accessibility
where a single span is possible. Both banks of the during construction and maintenance phase of the
wadi shall be firm soil, the preference network , Graph no. shows the example of three routes
on map .
B. Challenges to obtain R.O.W of OHTL & improvement
The major challenge at permit stage is to obtain the
necessary approvals within time constraints due to two
critical external factors:
1. Congested Areas
Route selection difficulties increase in crowded areas
such as major cities and industrial zones as other
utilities exist to serve the communities
2. unobtainable approvals of some government agencies

observed by a control traverse, the profile stationing

shall be adjusted proportionately.
d. Angles at crossing with power lines, pipelines,
railroads, fences, etc., if not measured in the field,
shall be computed from the available profile data.
e. Elevation for instrument stations may be computed
using reciprocal trigonometric observations.
f. Elevation shall be adjusted to previously accepted
values for identical points unless gross errors are
evident in the previous survey or computation.
g. Profile offsets shall be designated left or right, facing
h. increasing profile stationing. The forward direction
shall be the direction of increasing profile stationing.
i. The atmospheric and earth curvature correction shall be
applied to trigonometric elevation computations.
j. Plan data provided in meter and projected into the
UTM coordinate system. The maps used the
International 1967 spheroid and the NGN (Ain Al
Abid) Datum. The Mean Sea Level (MSL) datum
shall be used for all vertical computation.

Table 04 ( OHTL two pages checklist consolidated 50

conditions and couple of criteria)

Fig 04 ( Map shows three routes alternatives)

2. Phase II - Survey Techniques to improve efficiency at

the field.
Survey work involved in selecting the transmission
line route includes[13] :
a. Making a preliminary survey between terminal
points of the OHL
b. Staking of route centre line points, angles and
terminal points.
c. Supplying of plan and profile of the route central
d. Identifying nearest structures within 50 m on the
left and on the right side of the profile centerline.
e. identifying the adjacent telephone lines, pipelines,
underground power or telecommunication cables
running parallel to the line route, in a distance of
l00m from both sides of center line.

The profile accuracy is the most important issue to

consider [6] .To make sure the profile -shown on Fig
05, 06, 07- is effectively prepared , ten criteria [13] are
considered during plan and profile computation:
a. Profile stationing shall start from the proposed power
source increasing towards the supplied point. 3. Phase III- preferred route selection
Usually, the source is a take-off point, A first PI a preferred route selection shall consider three important
(Point of Intersection) or a tap-point. factors : future plan of the urban area , conditions of the train
b. The value of the starting profile stationing shall be to be traversed and shortest path[14] . Future development
selected such that negative stationing values are plans definitely impact the route permit time as the route
avoided in case of adjustments. selected will be rejected by governmental agencies in case
c. Horizontal ground distance shall be used in computing not considering requirements of under developmental areas.
profile stationing. When an identical distance is Also the more difficult terrain the route is, the more difficult
to conduct field survey, fig 05 and 06) and hence restart the

process of routes identification and site visit ..etc .Obviously

the shortest rout will yield the least cost in most of the
cases, selection a route length exceeding the approved one
by more than 10 % will lead to delay due to re-cost estimate
along with necessary management approvals.

4. Phase IV- Route maps and profile issuance for

Engineering review

Prior to issuing the drawing for review , only one

preferred route is selected based on profile calculation
and utilization DEM files, fig 07 and 08.
Fig. 08 ( DEM file of three routes )

5. Phase V- Obtaining right of ways approvals

Transmission line main goal is more reliable power

supply [5], fulfilling this urgent need will require
initiating permitting process at early stage. To make sure
that the preferred route is confirmed to technical and
economical requirements, the economical evaluation of
route is needed.Once engineering review stage completed,
the planning department is notified for economical study
of the proposal , if route proposed by survey and right of
way team is technically and economically accepted, the
R.O.W team initiates permit documents along with route
maps, fig 07 & 9, and profiles in DGN format to be
submitted to governmental agencies to secure necessary
Fig. 05 (First Route profile shows tough terians) approvals. It is worth mentioning that based on our daily
practice, delay of obtaining route approvals are due to one
or both of two major reasons: either passing by many
areas belong to several governmental agencies or passing
by underdevelopment areas whose no data was available
at early time of initial route proposal. Time duration of
obtaining approvals , shown on table 05, is used to trace
actives , planned VS actual , for permitting routes

Table. 05 ( Critical permitting activities duration)

Fig. 06( Second Route profile shows abrupt changes )

Fig. 07 (Third route profile, preferred, shows smooth change)


to duration reduction of permits obtaining . our new

Time frame, table 05, is set to be less than one year , systemic procedure called ( six phases of high voltage
exceeding targeted duration is alarming of permit delay . Transmission routes permitting approach)is composed of
6. Phase VI- Maps of final route and profile well-prepared checklists of high voltage OHTL and UG
Maps should details, shown on fig 07 and 09 , as well cables routes along with critical activities standard list in
as configuration of the route in reasonable drawing addition to high quality route and profile standard maps has
scale usually ranges from 1:10000- 1:20000 for route improved efficiency and effectiveness of route permit
maps, in general the scale shall be suitable to show process.
crossings of roads , valleys , existing power lines or any
other utilities . indicating main features of the route V. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
will safe time during engineering review, permitting The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Mr.
process. Main considerations during route map Tariq Mian, Sr. Electrical Engineer in SEC, for his
production are : substations corner coordinates , supportive effort and advice .
enlarged plan view of each terminal , showing angle
points , deflection coordinates (point of intersection VI. REFERENCES
).Also for profile maps, shown on fig 07, change of
elevation along the route and features/utilities crossed Technical Reports:
are vulnerable portion to be shown .Confirming to
technical requirements such as preparing maps in [1] EPRI-GTC Overhead Electric Transmission Line Siting
Methodology. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA,and Georgia Transmission
accordance with UTM projection using WGS84 or Corporation, Tucker, GA: 2006. 1013080.
NGN Ain Alabed local system in Saudi Arabia is a the
procedure in most of agencies in Saudi Arabia.
Papers from Conference Proceedings (Published):
[2] A.S.Zelichenko, A. Z. (1978). Design and construction of 500 KV
transmission lines in mountainous region of the USSR. CIGRE 22-
05, 22-05, pp. 1-8. Paris.
[3] Cathal Ó Luain, Aidan Corcoran. (1996). TRANSMISSION LINE
203, pp. 1-8.
[4] D.O.PROCTOR, D. Proctor Engineering, Inc. (2010). Environmental
and social cost experiences on large transmission line projects in
California. CIGRE ,C3_207_2010, C3_207_2010, pp. 1-8.
MĂRGINEAN, A. COPOIU, L. OPREA. (2010). Upgrade
transmission line corridor Porţile de Fier – Reşiţa – Timişoara – Arad
by transforming existing double circuit lines. CIGRE, B2_202_2010,
B2_202_2010, pp. 1-8.
[6] I. MERFU, P.C. STROICA, M. MERFU. (2010). The management of
safety corridor for Transelectrica 220 – 400 kV OHL transmission
lines. CIGRE: C3_109_2010, C3_109_2010, pp. 1-10.
[7] J.B.KIM, S.B.CHO, D.I.LEE, E.B.SHIM. (1996). ROUTE
PUBLIC HEARING. CIGRÉ 1996 : 22-208, 22-208, pp. 1-5.
[8] K. LIPKO, W. L., PRZYGRODZKI, M., & CZAJKOWSKI, A. (2008).
SYSTEM. CIGRE, C1-109, C1-109, PP. 1-9.
L.A. SILVA. (2010). Evolution of environmental management of
transmission lines in Brazil –. CIGRE, C3_103_2010, C3_103_2010,
pp. 1-9.
[10] M.Otsuya, M.Tomita, T.Nosaka. (1992). Construction of large scale
overhead transmission lines in urban environments. CIGRE 22-203,
22-203, pp. 1-6. Paris.
[11] Pierpaolo Girardi, RSE. (2012). External cost evaluation and multi
criteria analysis to support of transmission. CIGRE ,C3-201, C3-201,
pp. 1-8.
[12] R.S Gens and D.E.Peny . (1980). Bonnevile power Adminstartion’s
planning system overlays on existing right of way: concpts and test
Fig. 09 ( Final map of preferred route) results. CIGRE 31-10, 31-10, pp. 1-10. Paris.

IV. CONLUSION [13] Saudi Electricity Survey Guidelines , Transmission engineering
Permitting route of high voltage, 132-110 K.V, transmission standard TES-P-122.08,rev .01, December 2011.
[14] Saudi Electricity , Clearance and right of way requirements,
line is complicated as it is composed of at least fifty
Transmission engineering standard TES-P-122.09, Rev. 01,
interrelated steps , however consolidating the fifty steps December 2014
into one handy checklist along with sheet of critical
activities of permitting process in terms of time and Misc.
technical requirements conformity has contributed to [15] SEC, Annual Report. Riyadh , SEC, 2015.
efficiency and effectiveness of permitting process as a result

Mobasher Alasmry was born in Balasmar City
of Saudi Arabia, on May 13, 1981.He graduated
from King Abdualziz university , engineering
college, Saudi Arabia ; holds B.S of civil
engineering in 2004 and master of engineering
management in 2014.His experience included;
S.Aramco Exxon Mobil Refinery, Saudi
Electricity company , Petrorabigh project in
several departments : quality assurance, project
management and engineering design, handled
several mega projects such as Sr. QC engineer for S.Aramco in Diesel
Hydrotreatment Project , QA engineer for Petrorabigh new refinery
construction team 2007 -2008 , project engineer for design of structures
for heavy sea water pumps in 2010 during working for Saudi Aramco
Exxon Mobil refinery in Yanbu city. He was honored for contribution in
Project management body of Knowledge edition five issued by PMI for
Project Management Professionals

Khalil Alsayed ,was born in Jordan, on May 28

,1979. He graduated from Al Balqa` Applied
University, Jordan, Surveying higher diploma
from intermediate College .He is of extensive
experience exceeding 18 years in several projects
with Saudi Aramco , ministry of interior ,
ministry of petroleum, King Abdullah university
for science and technology and Saudi Electricity
company , currently working in Saudi Electricity
company, outsourced via comets company as a
survey supervisor of four survey crews at SEC –western province to
manage the survey works of 132/110-13.8 K.V substations and 132/110
KV transmission power lines by utilizing of all Survey equipment and
related software applications for Total Stations, Digital Levels, GPS-RTK-
STATIC, and Underground Cable Detectors as well as all AutoCAD
Geomatics drafting requirements, including specialized experience in
volumetric computations using multiple calculation methodologies. He also
worked for Amman Surveying Studies Office., Jordan from July, 1999 –

Jaman Al-Zahrani, was born in Saudi Arabia,

Albaha City, on September 29, 1988. He
graduated from king Abdualziz university, Saudi
Arabia, with B.S degree in geomatics engineering
in 2012,Working as a geomatics engineer since
2013 for Saudi Electricity company , responsible
to manage the team of land survey and right of
ways services to secure, 132-110 K.V -overhead
transmission lines and underground cables via
coordination with other divisions such as
engineering & design, planning and real-estates. My team is composed of
15 employees-direct and contractors.

Abdu Hobany, was born in Saudi Arabia City of

Jizan , on June 17 ,1977.He graduated from King
Abdualziz university with B.S civil engineering in
2004, currently working as manager of Survey &
right of ways division for Saudi Electricity
Company in the western province ,leading five
groups ; Land Survey ,Substation Site Acquisition,
T/Line Right Of Way ,MAP Production and
Coordination and Follow-up Groups. His
experience exceeding 13 years in several positions
: Manager, Survey & Right of Way , Project Manager of Extra High
Voltage Projects 380 k.v Overhead Transmission Lines and Undergrounds
Cable from March 2009 to July,2012. Handled high voltage (110 K.V)
substation projects and working closely with engineering consultants from
2004 to 2009.

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