English Auto Generated Олена Зеленська Відкрила Web Summit 2022

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the world was shocked in February when

Russia invaded Ukraine

since since then the world has been

inspired by the resilience and courage

of the Ukrainian people

the past eight months have been

catastrophic for Ukrainian families many

of whom turn for Hope to the country's


to tell us how the tech sector can

support Ukraine and help the country get

back on its feet we're delighted and

privileged now to be joined by our

special guest the first lady of Ukraine

Elena zelenska



hello I'm slower


I'm asking you first

when it comes to high Technologies

I'm just a user

but user experience is still valuable

isn't it

you often hear

that your Tech Innovations move the


but I think it's more than that

you have the power

to determine the direction in which this

world moves

after all

the disturbers

we read about in science fiction novels

and the threats of the destruction of

Life destruction are much closer

than you think

we felt it in Ukraine because of Russian


because Russia

puts technology

at the service of Terror

what you see is the aftermath of using

such technology

this is a missile and drawn attack on


record killers

expert says

that their technology is quite simple

but it is not enough

to save people it's enough to kill


it's enough because those who own

technology help in Terror

these are people who were killed by

Johnson Keith two weeks ago

they died in their own home

was a young 80 specialist

his wife Victoria was six months


they were found next to each other under

the rubble

when you hear a story like this about

Ukraine you should know it is not an

isolated case

in most cases

Russia bombs civilians our houses Street

and civilian infrastructure

they deliberately choose leave targets

you may have seen the results of this

balanced investigation

Belen card founded Russian I.T

Specialists of plain and active farts in

Russia's Terror terrorist hits on

Ukrainian cities

before the war they used to work in

private companies

this is exactly what I'm talking about

your chosen profession

your field of expertise is now a

battlefield in Russia's war against

Ukraine a Battleground between good and

evil and some at the specialists in

Russia have made their choice to be

aggressors and murderers

at the same time others can help us

defend against them and use power to

stop the stair save people and restore

the destroyed
this is exactly what you can do

you can help

help us to stop the list of terrorist

victims from expanding

young hematologist

she dropped her son off at kindergarten

on her weighted walk

but she never made it to the clinic

she died in her car because of the

Russian strike

an entire family in nepro daughter son

mother and grandmother were killed by

Russian missile

under the family dog survived and him

calling on the ruins

it may seem a tragedy of one family

but in reality it is a Prejudice for the

whole nation the whole Ukraine was

depressed when we saw it

I didn't know these people personally

but I know people who did

it's really close

technology has in many ways brought us

closer together through social media and

messenger apps

but imagine all of a sudden a social

media account stops getting updated the

person running is no longer responsive

messages and then you see the black and

white photos

and you know that the unthinkable has


during this month of war thousands of

Ukrainian social media accounts will

never be updated again

those people are gone

now Russian

Russian terrorists have chosen a new

Target for their attacks our energy


they are attacking our power plants

there are blackouts everywhere in the


this is what give our Capital usually

looks like

and this is

what is our evenings

look like now

as a result of Russian attacks in our

power plants every day we have no

electricity no communication and no

internet for hours

I think you can understand how

challenging it is for a modern person

especially if you work remotely or


and you know what else

is challenging

taking your children

to a bomb shelter instead of taking them

to school or after school activities

and when children in Ukraine are

attending school we have to supply them

with food and water because we do not

know how long they will stay in the


now we have to invest not in high-tech

Solutions in schools we have to buy


and I'm still struggling to see these

two things together in the 21st century

children and bomb shelters


I couldn't believe that in 2022 children

would be Sheltering away from bombs and

missiles just like in the old days of

brutal Wars

as one little boy said people should be

flying to Mars not run into their


now together with our children we are

forced to light matches and candles

across the country as the sun sets

it feels like a trip to the Past

a trip we did not ask for

we have learned to select the most

powerful power Banks instead of the most

beautiful lighting
we must consciously limit our

electricity consumption so that it is

enough for everyone because of this

shortage in the aftermath of terrorist


edx on power plants

imagine what it is like when terrorists

destroy 40 percent of the energy

generation in the whole country in

particular 90 of wind energy and 50

percent of solar power plants

we are now learning to counter terrorist

drones and missiles we are strengthening

our cyber security we ensure the

stability of All Digital systems both

public and private sectors

and our Minister minister of digital

transformation Michael Federer will tell

you more about it I urge you all to

listen to his talk

you will hear what specific projects you

can join in the eras of your

professional interest

from my side

I would like to invite you to join and

help in the era where everyone can help

in person

to help those who are under the constant

terrorist attacks

surviving a war zone and under such

conditions that we have in Ukraine is

not without consequences

we have conducted studies recently and

found that more than two-thirds of

ukrainians now suffer from anxiety

almost half of our families

have been separated I'm sure you

understand that there is no point in

talking about happening rating in

Ukraine at all

the country and its people

are in total crisis mode

these days many of my projects are

focused on Mental Health

but few organizations the organizations

and the individuals are equipped to help

with mental health in the context of

full-scale constant Terror

so we have to develop War focused mental

health projects from the scratch

this is how our national mental health

program came into being with the support

of World Health Organization

we want to ensure that every medical

worker policeman or policewoman rescue

Walker and call center Walker anyone who

works with people is trained to be

equipped to deal with psychological

we want to

self-help apps to appear on every

smartphone in Ukraine

we want to make sure that modern day

technology is used to save not harm


for example this is Sasha

from Buchan

she's trying out her new bionic

prosthetic hand

Russians showed their car when she and

her parents were trying to escape the

occupied City Sasha bled for two days in

the basement

because of the occupant's presence it

was impossible to provide timely medical


now the kids is learning to control her

new hand and it was made in the UC

and this is Ivan

Russian tank ran over the car

with this boy and his stepfather

Ivan's stepfather died Devon survived

but he lost his leg

this video

was taken in California just a few days

after Ivan received his new prosthetic


Prosthetics is a

are high tech

I first properly understood the extent

of the advances made in pathetics when I

met them incredible Hugh her

in the United States

he's a professor at MIT and he uses

prosthesis created in his laboratory

in people like him

are inspiration

we have set ourselves a goal in Ukraine

even if Russia wants to take away and

destroy it

the way of life of our people and life


we have to give these people protection

and all the opportunities to live

all the victims of Russian Terror should

receive the best treatment the best

Rehabilitation and the bad procedes

everything to make sure that can help

living a full life

Russian terrorists are born in our


despite this we aim to give our children

access to education and anything else

they need to be able to dream about the


this is an area in which absolutely

everyone can help

it's very easy to find projects to

support our fight for Freedom our

defense against Terror

and the rescue for our people and that

I'm here asking you to find this project

I cannot emphasize more

helping Ukraine now means helping the

world become a better place

where development and Innovation are


not Terror

where children like Sasha and Devon

and many others can have limbs again and

can learn and dream about space instead

of hiding in basements being afraid of

their lives

to implement such projects and help

people set up and launched my Foundation

a month ago

the focus of my Foundation is the person

I believe that the recovery of our

country begins with the people

if the stress of people is restored the

whole country will be restored

the enemy seeks to threw us back to the

Middle Ages

its primary targets are schools and


here you can see their ruins

and there are already hundreds of them

so my first two priorities are education

and Medical Care

and the third priority of my Foundation

is human terranate

in other words health and people to get

back to life they are used to

when they have a place to live food to

eat and warm class to wear

all the things are already needed they

are needed throughout Ukraine and in our

the occupied regions in particular

where many people remain in partially or

fully destroyed houses

a lot of people refuse to leave their

homes due to various reasons and that's

why we need to help

these people are looking forward

to our help

the first month of my Foundation was

devoted to this we bought generators

firewood other means of heating and

generally anything that would bring

warmth back to our people

I believe that our big victory

consists of small ones small victories

of every person

victories of a cold hunger and despair

and I believe that technology

should be used to create

safe and help people not to destroy

I believe that such technology is the


that you're the force that moves the


you have a potential and technologies

that can help not destroy

I'm certain

that by helping Ukraine you can move the

world in the right direction

so I invite you to do so

let's do it together

thank you

thank you


thank you

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