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Chapter 3

Reproductive System

In simple terms, reproduction is the process by which organisms create descendants. This miracle is a
characteristic that all living things have in common and sets them apart from nonliving things. But even
though the reproductive system is essential to keeping a species alive, it is not essential to keeping an
individual alive.

In human reproduction, two kinds of sex cells or gametes are involved. Sperm, the male gamete, and a
secondary oocyte (along with first polar body and corona radiata), the female gamete must meet in the
female reproductive system to create a new individual. For reproduction to occur, both the female and male
reproductive systems are essential. It is a common misnomer to refer to a woman’s gametic cell as an egg
or ovum, but this is impossible. A secondary oocyte must be fertilized by the male gamete before it
becomes an “ovum” or “egg.”

While both the female and male reproductive systems are involved with producing, nourishing and
transporting either the oocyte or sperm, they are different in shape and structure. The male has
reproductive organs, or genitals, that are both inside and outside the pelvis, while the female has
reproductive organs entirely within the pelvis.

The Female Reproductive System

Reproduction can be defined as the process by which an organism continues its species. As noted earlier,
in the human reproductive process, two kinds of gametes are involved: the male gamete (sperm) and the
female gamete (egg or ovum). These two gametes meet within the female’s uterine tubes located one on
each side of the upper pelvic cavity, and begin to create a new individual. The female needs a male to
fertilize her egg; she then carries offspring through pregnancy and childbirth.
Figure 2. The reproductive structures of the human female are shown. (credit a: modification of work by
Gray’s Anatomy; credit b: modification of work by CDC)

Female Reproductive System

 Produces eggs (ova)

 Secretes sex hormones
 Receives the male spermatazoa during
 Protects and nourishes the fertilized egg until it is fully developed
 Delivers fetus through birth canal
 Provides nourishment to the baby through milk secreted by mammary glands in the breast

The major components of the female reproductive system are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Components of the Female Reproductive System

Structure Location & Description Function

Ovoid structures on either side Primary sex organs of female; contain ovarian follicles that contain
Ovaries (2) of the uterus in the pelvic the oocytes. Oocytes are released during the ovulation stage of the
cavity menstrual cycle.

Extend from lateral ares of Transport oocyte to uterus after fertilization and are the sites where
Fallopian Tubes (2)
uterus to near the ovaries fertilization by sperm actually occurs

Uterus Pear shaped structure divided Site of fetal development during gestation
Table 2. Components of the Female Reproductive System

Structure Location & Description Function

into the fundus and the cervix

Located between rectum and

Path for menstrual blood and tissue to leave the body, as well as
urethra; smooth muscle lined
Vagina the fetus during childbirth. Produces a variety of secretions for
with an epithelial mucous
lubrication and receives secretions that facilitate fertilization.

Externally located: labia

majora and minora, mons
Sexual function: heavily innervated and provide pleasure when
Vulva pubis, clithoris, vestibule,
properly stimulated.
greater and lesser vestibular

Area between vagina and Helps form the muscular floor of pelvis; can be torn during vaginal
anus childbirth

Mammary glands Superficial to pectoral muscles Provide nourishment to the baby through milk secretions

Comparing Male and Female Reproductive Systems


The reproductive systems of the male and female have some basic similarities and some specialized
differences. They are the same in that most of the reproductive organs of both sexes develop from similar
embryonic tissue, meaning they are homologous. Both systems have gonads that produce (sperm and egg
or ovum) and sex organs. And both systems experience maturation of their reproductive organs, which
become functional during puberty as a result of the gonads secreting sex hormones.

Table 3.

Indifferent Male Female

Gonad Testis Ovary

Müllerian duct Appendix testis Fallopian tubes

Müllerian duct Prostatic utricle Uterus, proximal vagina

Wolffian duct Rete testis Rete ovarii

Table 3.

Indifferent Male Female

Mesonephric tubules Efferent ducts Epoophoron

Wolffian duct Epididymis Gartner’s duct

Wolffian duct Vas deferens

Wolffian duct Seminal vesicle

Wolffian duct Prostate Skene’s glands

Urogenital sinus Bladder, urethra Bladder, urethra, distal vagina

Urogenital sinus Bulbourethral gland Bartholin’s gland

Genital swelling Scrotum Labia majora

Urogenital folds Distal urethra Labia minora

Genital tubercle Penis Clitoris

Prepuce Foreskin Clitoral hood

Bulb of penis Vestibular bulbs

Glans penis Clitoral glans

Crus of penis Clitoral crura

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