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Mapping Tool

Cloud Integration Gateway

Simple | Self Service | Speed


▪ Overview
▪ Mapping Tool Features
▪ Mapping Test Tool
▪ Node functions
▪ Supported CIG Addon Versions
▪ Use Cases
✓ Map extrinsic at header level
✓ Map extrinsic at item level
✓ Map a new optional element/ Concatenate/ Sub-string
✓ Delete a mapped element
✓ Format Number
✓ Normalize
✓ Format Date
✓ Map a Child Value form source structure to a Parent field in target structure
✓ Choose When
✓ Map text node to item level extrinsic
✓ Create/ Replace node
✓ Explicit For Each
▪ Limitations

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The mapping tool is introduced to enable more self service in CIG and to cope up with huge demand
of custom mappings. Using this feature the buyer can do the following

▪ Buyer can edit and create their own mapping customizations

▪ Buyer can deploy, un-deploy and manage version of their own mappings
▪ Mapping test tool is provided. Using this feature, buyer can test the custom mappings which they have done
▪ Using mapping test tool, the buyer can see the difference between standard and custom mappings

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Mapping Tool Features…Continued
▪ Buyer can see a new option in My Configuration page of CIG called Mappings

▪ Buyer will see different document types (transactions) like below

▪ Buyer can add a new custom mapping by choosing the Add button. Once buyer clicks add button,
buyer will be taken to the next screen where System ID need to be entered. Buyer can choose
multiple system IDs associated with the CIG project

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Mapping Tool Features…Continued
▪ Once the system ID is chosen, buyer can see the standard mappings delivered in a grey line like

▪ Buyer will not be able to edit the standard mappings.

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Mapping Tool Features…Continued
▪ Once the mappings are done, buyer can save the mapping and deploy the same to Test and

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Mapping Test Tool
▪ Once the mappings are done, buyer can test the mappings using the mapping test tool

▪ Place the Source Payload / browse the Source Payload, Choose the System ID and click test.

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Node Functions

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Supported CIG Addon Versions

Mapping tool is supported from following CIG ADDON versions only but that may vary
based on the support policy


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Use Cases
Map Extrinsic at Header Level:

Map SAP Purchase Order document type to OrderRequest cXML extrinsic

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Map Extrinsic at Header Level

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Map Extrinsic at Header Level

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Map Extrinsic at Header Level

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Map Extrinsic at Header Level

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Map Extrinsic at Header Level

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Map Extrinsic at Item Level

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Map Extrinsic at Item Level

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Map Extrinsic at Item Level

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Map Extrinsic at Item Level

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Map Extrinsic at Item Level

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Map Extrinsic at Item Level

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Map Extrinsic at Item Level

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Map Extrinsic at Item Level

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Map a new Optional Element/ Concatenate/ Sub-String

Use Case:
▪ Map a new optional element tracking number in Ariba Network Purchase Order
▪ Concatenate - Use to concatenate a maximum of 3 fields from source to target
▪ Sub-string - Buyer can extract specific character from a string

Note: This is self-explanatory. Direct one to one mapping

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Delete a mapped element

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Delete a mapped element

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Delete a mapped element

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Format Number

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Format Number

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Normalize function
Removes white spaces from the field value

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Normalize function

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Format Date
Date format can be done in below formats.
If source has a date format like 2019-01-27 and if we need to change the date format to
20190127, then add date format function like [Y0001][M01][D01]

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Format Date

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Map a Child value from source structure to a Parent field in target structure

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Map a Child value from source structure to a Parent field in target structure

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Map a Child value from source structure to a Parent field in target structure

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Map a Child value from source structure to a Parent field in target structure

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Map a Child value from source structure to a Parent field in target structure

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Map a Child value from source structure to a Parent field in target structure

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Map a Child value from source structure to a Parent field in target structure

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Map a Child value from source structure to a Parent field in target structure

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Choose When
This acts like a if and else function. For example, if ExternalLineNumber exists, map it to target else
map ERPLineItemNumber

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Choose When
Choose the operator as not empty. If the field is not empty, map the field to target

Choose the second field ERPLineItemNumber and map it to same target field

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Choose When

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Map Text node to item level Extrinsic

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Map Text node to item level Extrinsic

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Map Text node to item level Extrinsic

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Map Text node to item level Extrinsic

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Map Text node to item level Extrinsic

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Map Text node to item level Extrinsic

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Map Text node to item level Extrinsic

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Explicit For Each
If we want to map a custom string from a P2P SOAP message to PO_EXTENSIONIN value in the
target schema

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Explicit For Each
In this example, we are trying to map the line item details to PO_EXTENSIONIN structure

Choose the source looping structure

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Explicit For Each
Select the custom string and add a source condition. Here we want to map the INCO1 field value
from source structure to VALUEPART1. Add the source condition as INCO1 from name attribute

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Explicit For Each
Map the ItemOnReq from source structure to VALUEPART2 field of target structure

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Explicit For Each
Click Create/Replace Node on the PO_EXTENSIONIN structure. We need to choose
Create/Replace Node function if the structure is not created via standard mapping

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Explicit For Each
Test the mapping: PO_EXTENSIONIN is not available in the standard mapping but it is now
available in the custom mapping

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