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DOI 10.1007/s11904-014-0254-4


Human Papillomavirus in the HIV-Infected Host: Epidemiology

and Pathogenesis in the Antiretroviral Era
Cristina Brickman & Joel M. Palefsky

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is associat- Introduction

ed with essentially all cervical cancers, 80–90 % of anal can-
cers, and a high proportion of oropharyngeal, vaginal, penile, Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are a family of small, non-
and vulvar cancers. Malignancy is preceded by the develop- enveloped DNA viruses that infect epithelial cells [1]. Of the
ment of precancerous lesions termed high-grade squamous approximately 40 types that infect the anogenital epithelium
intraepithelial lesions (HSIL). Men and women with human and upper digestive tract, 15–20 are considered oncogenic or
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are at high risk of “high risk” (hr-HPV) [2]. Persistent infection with hr-HPV
HPV-related malignancies. The incidence of anal cancer in leads to the development of squamous intraepithelial lesions
particular has markedly risen during the antiretroviral era (SIL) and, in some cases, high-grade SIL (HSIL), the cancer
due to the increased longevity of patients with HIV and the precursor. Infection with hr-HPV is associated with 99.9 % of
absence of anal malignancy screening programs. HIV infec- cervical cancers, 80–90 % of anal cancers, and a high propor-
tion may facilitate initial HPV infection by disrupting epithe- tion of oropharyngeal, vaginal, penile, and vulvar cancers [3].
lial cell tight junctions. Once infection is established, HIV Men and women with human immunodeficiency virus
may promote HSIL development via the up-regulation of (HIV) are at particularly high risk of HPV-related malignan-
HPV oncogene expression and impairment of the immune cies [4–6]. Given the longevity gained from antiretroviral ther-
response needed to clear the lesion. HIV-infected women apy (ART) [7], the impact of HPV infection on HIV-infected
should be screened for cervical HSIL and cancer, and HIV- patients is of increasing concern. In this article, we review the
infected men and women should be considered for anal most recent epidemiologic data on the two most frequent
screening programs. HPV-related malignancies in patients with HIV: cervical and
anal cancer as well as the prevalence and natural history of
HPV infection and SIL in the ART era. Finally, we examine
Keywords Human papillomavirus . Human the molecular mechanisms through which HPV infection
immunodeficiency virus . Cervical cancer . Anal cancer . leads to cancer and explore how HIV infection may facilitate
Antiretroviral therapy . Anal squamous intraepithelial malignant transformation.
lesions . Cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions

Epidemiology of Cervical and Anal Cancer in Men

and Women with HIV
This article is part of the Topical Collection on HIV Pathogenesis and
Treatment Cervical Cancer

C. Brickman (*) : J. M. Palefsky

Essentially all cases of cervical cancer result from HPV infec-
University of California San Francisco, Box 0654 513, Parnassus
Ave, Medical Science Room 420E, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA tion. Of the high-risk types, HPV-16 is responsible for over
e-mail: 50 % of cases, while HPV-16 and HPV-18 in combination are
J. M. Palefsky responsible for 70 % of cervical cancers worldwide [8]. There
e-mail: are over 500,000 new cases and 250,000 deaths from cervical

cancer in the world each year despite the advent of effective The effect of immune restoration with ART on cervical
screening [9]. Cervical cancer often affects a younger popula- cancer is also somewhat unclear. While the incidence of KS
tion compared with other HPV-associated malignancies; in the and NHL dropped quickly after the introduction of ART [13],
USA, it is most frequently diagnosed among women ages 33– the earliest post-ART data showed stable rates of cervical
44 years [10]. The burden of the disease falls disproportion- cancer [6, 21, 22]. More recent studies from the French Hos-
ately in the developing world where widespread screening is pital Database on HIV and the US HIV/AIDS Cancer Match
not available. In the USA, the incidence of cervical cancer is Study point to a decrease in incidence [15••, 23]; however,
7.8 per 100,000 women-years [10], whereas the incidence in these data may also reflect changes in screening practices and/
many areas of sub-Saharan Africa exceeds 40 per 100,000 or in the prevalence of modifiable risk factors such as tobacco
women-years [9]. use.
In addition to tobacco use, the risk factors for cervical can-
cer are those associated with sexual transmission of HPV:
early onset of sexual activity, multiple sexual partners, high- Anal Cancer
risk sexual partners, history of sexually transmitted infections
other than HPV, and a history of vulvar of vaginal SIL or Of the 80–90 % of anal squamous cell carcinomas associated
cancer [11]. with HPV infection, 70 % are associated with HPV-16 infec-
Infection with HIV has emerged as an important risk factor tion alone [24, 25••]. The most recent US data show an age-
for cervical cancer. In 1993, the Centers for Disease Control adjusted incidence of 1.8 cases of anal cancer per 100,000
added invasive cervical cancer to the list of AIDS-defining person-years [10]. This incidence is highest in women and
malignancies, joining Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) and non- among people ages 55 to 64 years. Although the incidence
Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). [12]. This decision was contro- of anal cancer remains low compared with other malignancies,
versial because only an increase in cervical SIL had been the incidence has steadily increased over the last several de-
demonstrated in HIV-infected women at the time [13]. Subse- cades (Fig. 1 [26]). In the USA, the incidence of anal cancer
quently, several large cohorts from the USA and Europe has more than doubled since 1975 and continues to rise by
showed standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) ranging from about 2.2 % per year for both genders [10]. Similar increases
5–10 for cervical cancer for HIV-infected women compared have been noted in several European countries and in Austra-
with the general population [4, 6, 14, 15••]. lia [27–31].
Data on the incidence of cervical cancer among HIV- Similar to cervical cancer, risk factors for anal cancer in-
infected women in the developing world are more limited. clude tobacco and factors associated with sexual acquisition of
Linkage of 15,000 HIV-infected individuals from Kyadondo anal HPV infection. These include a history of multiple sexual
County, Uganda, to the county’s cancer registry led to an partners, genital warts, receptive anal intercourse, and, in the
estimated cervical cancer incidence of 70 per 100,000 case of women, a history of cervical, vaginal and/or vulvar
women-years and a SIR of 2.7 when compared with HIV- SIL, or cancer [32–35]. In addition, HIV infection and other
uninfected women [16]. There are also several case-control forms of acquired immunosuppression have emerged as
studies from sub-Saharan Africa and India in which patients
with cancer were screened for HIV and the odds ratios (ORs)
of exposure to HIV were calculated [17–19]. ORs ranged from
1.1 to 7.9, but these results have limited generalizability since
they were derived from specific treatment centers instead of
from representative cohorts or registries.
Although elevated, the SIRs for cervical cancer in HIV-
infected women are considerably lower than those observed
for NHL and KS. This is due to both a higher incidence of
NHL and KS than cervical cancer in HIV-infected women and
to a lower incidence of NHL and KS than cervical cancer in
HIV-uninfected women. The difference in SIR magnitude
raises the question as to how closely cervical cancer is truly
linked to immunosuppression. Additionally, while the risk of
KS and NHL is strongly linked to low CD4 counts, only some
cohorts identified an association between cervical cancer and
CD4 count [6, 20], while others did not [4, 14]. Interpretation Fig. 1 Age-adjusted incidence rate of anal cancer by gender and year of
is further confounded by the heterogeneity of CD4 endpoints diagnosis in the USA. Reproduced from Modern Colposcopy: Textbook
(e.g., CD4 nadir versus current CD4) used in the studies. and Atlas, 2012

arguably the strongest risk factors for anal cancer. There is at Thus, while risk of HPV-related malignancies appears to be
least a 10-fold increase in incidence among HIV-infected related to the degree of immunosuppression, particularly as
women compared with HIV-uninfected women [4, 22, 36••, measured by low CD4 nadir, there is little to support a protec-
37••], and a greater than 40-fold increase in HIV-infected men tive effect from immune restoration by ART, and the burden of
who only have sex with women (MSW) compared with their disease remains elevated in HIV-infected individuals. While
HIV-uninfected counterparts [36••, 37••]. MSM with HIV in- cervical cancer incidence in HIV-infected women has de-
fection are at highest overall risk of developing anal cancer. creased in the US and Europe, this is unlikely to be the case
The age-adjusted incidence in this group has been estimated to in the developing world where screening is not widely avail-
be as high as 131 per 100,000 person-years [36••, 37••], thus able. In comparison, the incidence of anal cancer has dramat-
making anal cancer as common or more common than any ically increased among HIV-infected individuals following
other malignancy in this population [10]. the advent of ART. This difference may partly reflect the ab-
A low CD4 count nadir, particularly when present for a sence of screening programs for anal cancer. Furthermore,
prolonged time, is associated with risk of anal cancer in sev- because cervical cancer affects younger patients, the incidence
eral studies [4, 6, 36••]; one study also identified an associa- of cervical cancer may be less affected by the increased lon-
tion between anal cancer and low CD4 count at time of cancer gevity conferred by ART.
diagnosis [38]. However, as in the case of cervical cancer, the
association between low CD4 count and anal cancer was not
found in all studies [39].
The elevated risk of anal cancer in HIV-infected men is HPV Infection in the ART Era
partly responsible for the rising incidence of anal cancer in
the US male population; excluding HIV-infected men, the There are two leading indicators of future risk of HPV-
increase in anal cancer in the general population of men is associated malignancies: HPV infection and HSIL. Infection
1.7 %, whereas the annual increase is 3.4 % when they are with anogenital HPV is extremely common in the general
included [40]. The contribution of HIV infection to the inci- population; the lifetime risk is estimated to be 75–80 % among
dence of anal cancer in the general population of women is not all sexually active men and women [44]. Initial cervical HPV
as apparent, presumably due to the smaller number of HIV- infection occurs soon after sexual debut with prevalence
infected women in the USA [41] and to the lower incidence of peaking approximately 10 years later, followed by a gradual
anal cancer in HIV-infected women compared with HIV- decline with increasing age [45]. While HPV infection of the
infected men. anal canal is also thought to follow sexual debut, prevalence
As with cervical cancer, the effect of ART on anal cancer is remains constant with increasing age [46, 47].
unclear. There is convincing evidence that the incidence of HPV infection is even more common among HIV-infected
anal cancer in HIV-infected patients has increased markedly men and women than in the general population. The preva-
in the post-ART area, although results vary on whether this lence of cervical HPV in HIV-infected women is at least twice
rate continues to rise [6, 23, 39] or has plateaued [22, 36••]. that of HIV-uninfected women with comparable sexual risk
However, this finding is attributed in great part to the in- behaviors [48–52]. While the prevalence of anal HPV in HIV-
creased longevity of patients on ART who now live long uninfected MSM is reported at 57 % [46], studies of HIV-
enough to develop cancer. infected MSM have shown a prevalence of more than 95 %,
Two recent studies have attempted to measure the effect of often with multiple and high-risk types [53, 54]. The preva-
ART on anal cancer while accounting for the increased lon- lence of anal HPV infection is as high as 79–90 % in HIV-
gevity of patients. A case-control study nested within the infected women and about 50 % in HIV-infected MSW
Swiss HIV Cohort Study used incidence density sampling [54–56], compared with 27 % in HIV-uninfected women
and matching to account for differences in follow-up time as [47] and 12 % in HIV-uninfected MSW [57]. The higher
well as in age and time period of cancer diagnosis [42]. This prevalence is attributed to higher rates of both incident and
study found no association between the diagnosis of anal can- persistent infection [58•].
cer and a history of (any) ART. However, it did not account for Initial studies failed to demonstrate a protective effect of
the presence or absence of virologic suppression or the dura- ART for either cervical [59, 60] or anal HPV infection [61].
tion of ART exposure. The second study is a retrospective However, these studies were relatively small, had short
cohort from the Veterans Affairs HIV cohort study that exam- follow-up intervals, and were conducted early in the ART
ined the role of effective ART over time by comparing the era when medication was less effective. More recently, several
incidence rate of anal cancer among men on ART with and large prospective cohorts indicate that prolonged HIV sup-
without suppressed HIV viral loads [43]. Men who main- pression with ART can modestly decrease cervical HPV infec-
tained a suppressed viral load had a lower incidence of anal tion [62•, 63•, 64]. One European cohort that reported a lower
cancer thus suggesting a protective role for ART. risk of persistent hr-HPV infection with ART had a low

magnitude of association (OR 1.109) [62•]. In North America, However, the majority of low-grade lesions in the cervix
HIV-infected women on ART were twice as likely to clear hr- are transient and do not progress to high-grade dysplasia, even
HPV infection and half as likely to develop new hr-HPV in- when infection occurs with high-risk types [2]. Women with
fection compared with HIV-infected women who were not on low-grade cervical dysplasia are not at increased risk for high-
ART [63•, 64]. However, the overall impact of these results is grade dysplasia compared with women with negative colpos-
uncertain given the elevated prevalence of cervical HPV in- copy [34]. Because of this, HPV infection is increasingly
fection in HIV-infected women. Likewise, a recent cross- thought to progress via two distinct pathways, resulting in
sectional study of HIV-infected MSM reported a protective either low-grade (benign) or high-grade (precancerous) le-
effect of ART against anal HPV infection [65], but the reduc- sions. To reflect the shift away from a model that is character-
tion was modest compared to the overall infectious burden ized by incrementally severe dysplasia, the Lower Anogenital
(e.g., risk of any anal HPV infection was 89 % for subjects Squamous Terminology (LAST) Project [67••] of the College
on ART and 100 % for subjects not on ART). of American Pathologists and the American Society for Col-
poscopy and Cervical Pathology have recommended calling
all low-grade lesions “LSIL” and all high-grade lesions
Prevalence and Natural History of Squamous In this paradigm, LSIL reflects active HPV replication
Intraepithelial Lesions in the ART Era while HSIL reflects HPV-induced transformation (Fig. 2
[68]). This classification has therapeutic implications, since
Classification of Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions the majority of LSIL resolve within 1–2 years [69]. They are
not considered precancerous and do not need to be treated
In 1988, the Bethesda System was proposed to classify the whereas HSIL, particularly in the cervix, is sought and treated
distinct cytologic changes that result from HPV infection of to reduce the risk of progression to cancer. The LAST project
the epithelium [66]. This nomenclature aimed to reflect a mor- also recommended extending LSIL/HSIL terminology to his-
phologic continuum in which lesions progressed from low- topathologic grading of disease in addition to cytology grad-
grade dysplasia to progressively higher-grade disease and, ing and using uniform terminology across all anogenital sites
eventually, to invasive cancer. Low-grade lesions, including where HPV infection may lead to disease.
condylomas, were termed low-grade squamous intraepithelial The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
lesion (LSIL) on cytology and cervical intraepithelial neopla- recently updated their guidelines for screening and manage-
sia grade 1 on histology. High-grade lesions were designated ment of cervical HSIL [70]. Although there are no formal
high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) on cytol- guidelines for anal cancer screening, screening for anal HSIL
ogy and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades 2 and 3 on and invasive anal cancer should be considered in high-risk
histology. populations, particularly MSM. A proposed screening

Fig. 2 Schematic representation

of the two-tiered system to
classify cytology and histology of
squamous intraepithelial lesions.
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
(CIN) grade 1, anal intraepithelial
neoplasia (AIN) grade 1, and
condylomas are termed low-grade
squamous intraepithelial lesions
(LSIL). CIN/AIN grades 2 and 3
are termed high-grade squamous
intraepithelial lesions (HSIL).
The new classification reflects the
distinct biology underlying LSIL
and HSIL. Adapted from
Blaustein’s Pathology of the
Female Genital Tract, 2002

algorithm is presented in Fig. 3 [26]. We recommend delaying that censored data after treatment of cervical SIL found that
screening age 25 in asymptomatic HIV-infected MSM given women on ART had three times the hazard of experiencing
the low incidence rates of anal cancer below 25 years. spontaneous cervical SIL regression [63•]. Similarly, a second
longitudinal study that adjusted for treatment of cervical SIL
HSIL in HIV-Infected Men and Women noted that women on ART had twice the hazard of regression
of hr-HPV positive SIL detected by cytology [64]. In the anus,
Older studies showed that both cervical cytological and histo- a cross-sectional study of MSM showed that patients on ART
logical abnormalities are more common in HIV-infected wom- were half as likely to have anal SIL [65]. As in the case of
en compared with HIV-uninfected women [49, 71, 72]. As in HPV infection, the moderate measures of association suggest
the case of HPV infection, this effect is due to both higher that the impact of ART on SIL will be limited among patients
incidence and persistence of cervical abnormalities in HIV- for whom the baseline prevalence of disease is already high.
infected women [58•, 73]. Furthermore, the only recent study to evaluate the effect of
Given the high rates of anal HPV infection in HIV-infected ART on HSIL specifically (as opposed to SIL overall) found
men and women, it is unsurprising that anal HSIL is also that MSM on ART for >4 years were less likely to develop
common in this group. This is particularly true among HIV- anal HSIL (OR 0.28), but the results were not statistically
infected MSM among whom prevalence is 50 % compared significant [79].
with 25 % in HIV-uninfected MSM [74, 75]. The Women’s Recent guidelines recommend initiating ART as early as
Interagency HIV Study showed a prevalence of 9 and 1 % of possible after the diagnosis of HIV infection [80], and it is
anal HSIL in HIV-positive and HIV-negative women, respec- possible that early ART initiation when CD4 levels are rela-
tively, compared with 5 and 1 % for cervical HSIL [76]. A tively high will lead to reduced incidence of HSIL and cancer
subsequent study reported a prevalence of 3 % for anal HSIL compared with those who initiate ART later. Unfortunately,
among HIV-infected women in the USA [77]. This number, the proportion of HIV-infected men and women who would
however, was derived from cytology samples and likely un- initiate ART under these guidelines is relatively small, and
derestimates the true prevalence of anal HSIL given the lim- even if early ART initiation is associated with a lower risk of
ited sensitivity of this technique [26]. One study showed an HPV-associated malignancies, the expected effect on the over-
18 % prevalence of HSIL among HIV-positive MSW [56], all incidence of these cancers would likely be limited.
while there is a paucity of data on their HIV-negative
counterparts. Progression of HSIL to Invasive Cancer
As with the data on cancer incidence, the evidence regard-
ing the effect of ART on HSIL is conflicting [78]. The natural Once cervical HSIL is present, the risk of progression to cer-
history of HSIL is difficult to follow since it is often treated vical cancer is high. This is known from a study conducted in
once it has been identified. More recently, a longitudinal study New Zealand in which treatment of cervical HSIL was

Fig. 3 Anal cancer/HSIL

screening algorithm. ASC-US
atypical squamous cells of
undetermined significance, ASC-
H atypical squamous cells cannot
exclude high-grade squamous
intraepithelial lesion, CMT
combined modality therapy,
DARE digital anorectal
examination, EUA examination
under anesthesia, HRA high-
resolution anoscopy, HSIL high-
grade intraepithelial lesions, LSIL
low-grade squamous
intraepithelial lesions. Adapted
from Current Infectious Disease
Reports, 2010

withheld [81•]. The risk of invasive cervical cancer was 20 % L1 and L2 [86]. Between these two regions lies the long con-
at 5 years and up to 50 % at 30 years among women with trol region (LCR) or upstream regulatory region (URR). The
HSIL who did not receive excisional therapy. The study also LCR is a noncoding portion of the genome that contains four
showed an average time of 10 to 15 years for progression of binding sites for E2 as well as for multiple transcription
HSIL to invasive cancer [82]. factors.
The time to progression from cervical HSIL to cancer in Once in the basal layer, the viral genome is maintained as a
HIV-infected women has not been determined since treatment relatively quiescent episome. Protein expression and active
of HSIL is standard of care. However, time to progression to HPV replication will increase as infected cells migrate into
cervical cancer may be shorter in HIV-infected women since the suprabasal cell layers and undergo epithelial differentia-
they are typically diagnosed at a younger age than HIV- tion. However, latently infected cells may persist within the
uninfected women [15••]. The rate of progression from anal basal cell epithelium [87, 88].
HSIL to invasive anal cancer has likewise not been directly Persistent hr-HPV infection may lead to the development
measured. However, data on HPV prevalence and anal cancer of HSIL and potentially cancer. The process involves the up-
incidence were used to indirectly measure this rate in MSM regulation of the two key HPVoncogenes: E7 and E6 [84]. E7
and was estimated to be 1 in 377 patients per year in HIV- binds to the proto-oncogene retinoblastoma (Rb). Among its
infected MSM and 1 in 4196 patients per year in HIV- functions, Rb associates with the E2F family of transcription
uninfected MSM [83••]. Given the increased longevity factors, which is involved in cell cycle regulation. The binding
afforded by ART, there may be as high as a 10 % lifetime risk of E7 to Rb leads to the release of E2F allowing for cellular
of anal cancer. Progression from anal HSIL to anal cancer may entry into the S-phase of the cell cycle. Cells undergoing rep-
be faster among given the younger median age of anal cancer lication are associated with higher mutation rates than nondi-
diagnosis in HIV-infected men and women compared with the viding cells. E6 binds and inactivates the tumor suppressor
general population [36••]. protein p53, which induces DNA repair enzymes that repair
The estimated rates of progression for anal HSIL are nota- mutations that occur during DNA replication. p53 may also
bly lower than the risk of progression to cancer for cervical induce apoptosis when there is substantial damage. Thus, the
HSIL (approximately 1 in 80 per year) [81•], thus highlighting oncogenic functions of E6 and E7 are complementary; E7
the observation that on a per-HPV infection basis, anal HPV increases the rate of mutations by enhancing DNA replication,
infection is less likely to lead to cancer than cervical HPV while E6 allows these mutations to accumulate by disrupting
infection. The reason for the higher susceptibility of the cervix DNA repair and cell death.
to malignant transformation compared with the anus is not The accumulation of mutations results in progressive ge-
known, but may involve factors such as the hormonal milieu nomic instability that can eventually lead to invasive cancer.
and potentially the different microbiomes of the two sites. The different mutational pathways, or “mutational signatures,
” involved in this process are complex. Studies using ad-
vanced sequencing technologies to characterize the breadth
of genomic alterations are ongoing [89]. These data will help
HPV Pathogenesis and HIV-HPV Interactions delineate the steps involved in progression from HSIL to can-
cer and may provide the bases for targeted antineoplastic
HPV Pathogenesis therapies.
The regulatory processes that determine whether HPV in-
Anogenital HPV types preferentially infect areas of metapla- fection remains primarily replicative leading to LSIL or trans-
sia in both the cervix and the anus [2, 26]. These areas, re- formative leading to HSIL and cancer are not fully under-
ferred to as the transformation zones, are sites where columnar stood. One major determinant is the HPV type, since persis-
glandular epithelium is being replaced by stratified squamous tent HPV 16 is much likelier to result in HSIL and cancer than
epithelium. To establish infection, the virus must first access infection with low-risk HPV types as well as other high-risk
the basal cells of the epithelium, a process thought to occur at HPV types [2]. This may result from differences in the func-
sites of microtrauma [84]. It is postulated that the changes in tion and affinity of the HPV 16 E6 and E7 oncoproteins for
receptors, adhesion molecules, and inflammatory mediators their cellular target proteins compared with those of other
associated with metaplasia facilitate access of HPV to the HPV types [90].
basal cell layer of the epithelium [85]. Another mechanism associated with HSIL and carcinogen-
The HPV genome is composed of double-stranded circular esis is the integration of HPV DNA into the cellular genome.
DNA that is approximately 8 kb long. The genome can be Integration generally disrupts the E2 gene, a transactivating
divided into an early region, which codes for largely regula- protein that binds E2 binding sites in the LCR and down-
tory proteins termed E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, and E7, and a late regulates E6 and E7 expression when all four sites are occu-
region, which codes for two structural capsid proteins termed pied. Hence, viral integration may result in the increased

expression of E6 and E7 [91] and the development of HSIL. found markedly increased rates of cervical HPV infection im-
However, the processes that regulate integration itself are mediately following HIV acquisition [95•, 96•].
unknown. Although ART has no clear effect on the natural history of
Epigenetic changes are also being studied as mediators of HSIL, the younger age at which HIV-infected patients are
the transformation process [91]. These refer to genomic struc- diagnosed with cervical and anal cancer makes it impossible
tural modifications that affect gene expression without altering to completely exclude an effect of HIV in accelerating the
the underlying DNA sequencing. In cervical cancer speci- progression from HSIL to malignancy. This effect, if present,
mens, both DNA hypermethylation and enhanced histone would likely consist of mechanisms independent of ART and
deacetylation inhibit the expression of tumor suppressor may involve ongoing attenuation of cell-mediated immunity
genes. Cervical cancer is also associated with the aberrant or to the presence of persistent inflammation [97].
expression of micro-RNAs, small noncoding RNAs that reg-
ulate protein expression and that have been recently associated Conclusions
with oncogenesis.
The impact of HPV in HIV-infected patients can only be ex-
pected to increase given the magnitude of the HIV epidemic,
Mechanisms of HIV-HPV Interaction the increased longevity of patients with HIV, and the absence
of a discernible effect of ART on the incidence of either anal or
While the risk of HPV-related malignancy is related to the cervical cancer. This highlights the need for public health
degree of immunosuppression, immune reconstitution with measures to curtail the effects of the HPV epidemic in HIV-
ART does not have a clear effect on the incidence of HSIL infected patients.
or its progression to invasive cancer. These findings support a
model where HIV facilitates initial infection and development
of precancerous lesions but is less involved in malignant trans- Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
formation once HSIL is present.
Conflict of Interest Cristina Brickman declares that she has no conflict
HIV may enable initial HPV infection through the disrup-
of interest.
tion of epithelial tight junctions [92••]. HIV-infected immune Joel Palefsky reports grants, travel support, and board membership
cells secrete the viral proteins tat (transactivator protein) and from Merck & Co., Inc.; grants from Hologic; and stocks from Aura
gp120, both of which are known to disrupt epithelial tight Biosciences, and he is a consultant for Qiagen.
junctions and can be isolated from the mucosal environment
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
of HIV-infected individuals. A recent study showed that treat- not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
ment of mucosal epithelial tissue explants with tat and gp120 of the authors.
markedly increased the passage of HPV 16 pseudovirions to
the basal cell layer, where initial infection is established. tat
has also been shown in vitro to up-regulate E6 and E7 expres- References
sion in HPV 16-positive human oral keratinocytes, suggesting
that tat also facilitates the development of HSIL lesions after
Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
infection has been established.
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•• Of major importance
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