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Assessment Objective 4: interpret and analyze appropriate extracts from the news media

Task: Using diagrams and your our knowledge of economics, analyze the information in the new
article extract below.

Title of News Article: French wine suffers worst hit in decades amid damage from frost and

Article Extract:

French wine makers are expected to produce nearly a third less wine this year than usual, after their
vineyards were struck by frosts, poor weather and disease during the spring and summer.
The country’s wine output is predicted to tumble by 29% this year compared with 2020, to the
lowest level in decades, according to France’s agriculture ministry.
Almost all of France’s wine-growing regions were affected by unseasonal spring frosts, which
damaged grapes growing on the vine that had developed during a burst of warm weather.

1. Using a diagram, explain how the poor weather in France might affect the market for wine? (4

2. With reference to your answer to Question 3, and using a demand diagram, explain how the
demand for beer might be affected by the change in the wine market? (4 marks)

3. State and explain the link between your analysis of the news extract and one of the key concepts
in economics. (3 marks)

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