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In a global bank, which of the following item(s) is (are) subject to the activities of The banks Credit risk exposure

posure determines its minimum regulatory capital (T) The Large banks often own many different types of derivatives, but among which, only few Scenario 1b: the securitized mortgages remain recognized on PIB balance sheet as
investment bank division: Commodity trade finance (T) underwriting (T) bonds bank can apply internal based model to estimate credit risk (T) Credit risk only subject derivatives are subject to hedge accounting. Which of the following comment(s) about pledged assets: secured borrowing
insurance (T) Mortgage (F) to on balance sheet items (F) also off BS Credit risk refers to potential losses due to hedge accounting is(are) correct? There should exist an economic relationship between Scenario 2: PIB holds the majority of SPE’s capital: consolidation with SPE
For an investment bank which of the following account are relevant banks solvency deterioration (F) the hedged item and the hedging instrument (T) the hedging relationship should be Scenario 2b: SPE holds the control for the securitized mortgages of both tranches :
Assets-backed securities (T) IPO underwriting fee (T) Deposits of individual clients (F) Among the below accounts selects the ones subject to counterparty CR used for the bank’s risk management purpose (T) the changes in the FV of the hedging sales accounting
/ auto loans (F) Derivative assets (T) Investment securities (T) Letters of credit (F)  contingent risk instrument should equal to the changes in the FV of the hedged item (F) eligible 01.01.N 31.12.N 31.12.N+1 31.12.N+2
Derivative topics Banks own debt (F)  bank default risk (T) hedging instrument must be a derivative (F) (can be a non-derivative) Market value of the security 100 110 120 70
In the annual report UBS 2021, the bank provides a table of Reconciliation of IFRS Other topics Fair value of the future contract 0 -10 -25 20
equity to Swiss SRB common equity tier 1 capital, select the items that may adjust In Q1-N, Fortune bank issues a non-pre reimbursable bond with a duration of 10 years, To lock the purchase price based on the current market price of 100, the entity enters a
negatively the IFRS equity to Common equity tier 1 capital. floating rate, payable quarterly. The banks applies FV option for this own bond. After 3 years future contract at 100 120-110 = 10 // 25-10 = 15 // 10/15 = 0.67
Deferred tax assets are recognized for tax loss carry-forward (T) PVA (T), Goodwill the bonds issuance, market interest income increases and the other conditions remain Calculating IFRS equity before adjustment (eligible CET1) 547 equity before adj.
(net of tax) (T) exp. Losses on advanced internal rating-based portfolio less provisions unchanged, select the correct comments on accounting for this bond Goodwill, net of tax 15
(T) Bank’s interest expense increases (T) The fair value of this bond does not change (T) Deferred tax asset, net of tax 63
A Swiss retail bank uses Swiss law as accounting reference, which of the following The fair value of this bond decreases (F) Debt valuation adjustment is positive (F) Unrealized losses from cash flow hedge -102
In January 2021, required by ultra high net worth client, a trader of a swiss private bank DVA losses due to the own credit risk change in FV liabilities -36
comment(s) is(are) correct? The collaterals accepted by the bank are recorded as executed the order for this client to purchase 10 bitcoins paid from the clients’ deposit Prudent valuation adjustment (PVA) 230
financial assets. (T) In trading book, the bank records the transactions ordered by account in the bank. In Q2 2021, the price of the bitcoin dropped about 60% compared 547 – 15 – 63 + 102 + 36 – 230 = 377
customers. (F) The rise in interest rate will increase the value of debt securities with initial purchase price, according too Circ. FINMA 2020/1, which of the following XYZ Bank establishes a pass-through securitization with a special purpose entity (SPE)
recorded in banking book. (F) Change in interest rate risk will result in gains / losses on comment on this transaction are correct? for a portfolio of auto loans valued at $150 million, subject to the following condition:
Servicer of the loan (T) securities underwriter (T) financial guarantor (T) Special Impacts on banks off-balance sheet items (T) The bank suffered an investment loss (F) Bank received $140 million in cash. The transferred senior tranche was valued at $120
purpose entity (F) investment portfolio, regardless of this investment portfolio is recorded in trading book
or banking book (F) No impacts on banks balance sheet items (F) The bank suffered a higher RWA (F) million. The retained subordinated tranche was valued at $20 million. Retained
On January 1 N, a financial institution plans to buy 1’500 shares of a corporate stock in Among the legal framework, select the items relevant to swiss banks accounting & rep. servicing rights with an estimated fair value of $5 million Recourse obligation with an
3 years. The current market price is $100 per share. To lock the purchase price, the Regulatory capital subjects
Which solution(s) can improve banks’ regulatory capital ratio? Securitization of loans Ordonnance sur les banques (T) FINMA circulaire (T) CO (T) loi sur les banques (T) estimated fair value of $3 million. The securitization qualifies for sales accounting.
institution enters three-year stock option contracts with a contract size of 10 shares, Select the regulatory authority(ies) that regulate(s) and supervise(s) banking and What is the impact of this securitization on the bank's income? 150 + 3 (right side) /
exercise price at $ 95 per share, number of contracts: 12. For this financial institution, with high-risk exposure (T) Increase capital by issuing new shares (T) Stop guarantees
provided to corporate customers (T) Increase clients’ deposit. (F) financial service firms in Switzerland: FINMA (T) European central bank (F) Basel 140+20+5 (left side)  165 – 153 = 12 (gain on sale of 12 millinos)
which of the following statement(s) on this option contract is(are) correct? Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) (F) / Swiss National Bank (F) Based on the below statistics, calculate the amount of VAR on a daily basis, in million
It’s the hedging instrument for fair value hedge (F) It’s the hedging instrument for cash Which of the following comment(s) on the regulatory capital is(are) correct?
Regulatory capital requirements differ by banks social and economic impact (T) Capital Market risk topics CHF: Size of the portfolio = CHF 1 million The volatility in portfolio value per month
flow hedge (T) It’s an underhedged instrument for future corporate stocks (T) It’s the The following statement address the implications of market risk and its impacts on = 5% (21 trading days per month) The confidence level at 95% (The final amount
hedged item for cash flow hedge (F) Adequacy Ordinance (CAO) applies to Swiss banks regulated by FINMA (T)
Regulatory capital is based on fair value accounting. (F) Off-balance sheet items are banks reporting: Market risk affects regulatory capital ratio through RWA (correct with rounds to 3 decimal places) 5%/racine de 21 * 1.65 * 1mio =0.018 mio
Select the statement which correctly addresses the characteristics of derivatives. RWA also) (T) Items in banks trading book are subject to market risk (T) PVA subjects Bank ABC applies Expected credit loss (ECL) under IFRS 9, see below the movement
Investing in derivatives can serve speculative purposes (T) Derivative’s notional value not relevant to the regulatory capital adjustments. (F)
According to Basel III, select the regulatory ratio(s) which are risk sensitive to banks assets valued at mark to market (MTM) (T) Commodity risk is one type of of ECL during the year 2021. Total
is often much higher than its carrying amount (T) Derivatives can be highly risky due market risk (T) Foreign exchange risk is one type of market risk (T) Market risk might Beginning balance ECL allowance 1’468
to leverage (T) Derivatives provide investors with the opportunity to hedge against CET1 capital ratio (T) Liquidity Coverage ratio (T) NSFR (T) Leverage ratio (F)
Suppose that in Q1-2020, a bank capital adequacy ratio fell below the minimum be correlated with credit risk (T) Interest rate risk (IRR) is one type of market risk (T) Movement of provision during year -203
risks (T) Market risk is relevant to trading accounts and investment accounts (T) Items in banks ECL allowance due to changes in model inputs or assumptions 59
Regarding the concept of hedge accounting, which of the following comment(s) is (are) regulatory requirements, which solution can improve the regulatory capital ratio ?
investment book are not subject to MR (F) Financial assets at FVOCI are not subject ECL allowance due to model change -45
correct? The effect of CR must not dominate the value changes associated with the Stop the bank guarantees provided to corporate customers (T) Hedge financial assets
to MR (F) When interest rates increase, banks will benefit from the investment on Remeasurements ECL due to stage transfers 40
hedged risk (T) Both derivatives and non-derivative items can be hedging instruments with market risk exposure (T) Increase clients deposits (F) Secured borrowing from the
fixed-income securities. (F) Only the assets valued by marked-to-market are subject to Allowance change due to write-off uncollectible loans -155
(T) A holding company can establish a hedging relationship with the subsidiary (F) If a central bank (F)
market risk (F) (level 2 also) Ending balance ECL allowance 1’164
hedging relationship meets the hedge accounting qualification, the hedge accounting Compared with industry firms, the banks’ financial statement(s) is(are) characterized
as: Which items are exposed to market risk Equity instruments in trading book (T) Fix- Question:How much is the total impact on net income, due to the movement of ECL
can be applied until the contract expires. (F) floating SWAP (T) gold & commodities (T) Unsecured fixed rate loans (F) allowance during year 2021? Please give the amount with
Case study topics High leverage (T) Heavy financial assets (T) Limited distinction between current /
noncurrent accounts (T) Arbitrary classification in cash flow statement (T) High For a swiss commercial bank wich items are exposed to market risk ? signal (+ or -).: 203 -59 + 45 – 40 =+149
Deutsche Bank manages credit exposures actively by utilizing securitization. With SARON-based mortgage (T) bank loans denominated in Euro (T) Credit card loans (F)
regard to the accounting for securitization, which comment(s) is (are) correct? liquidity (F) Low margin (F)
According to Basel III and Capital Adequacy Ordinance (CAO), which of following client’s portfolio book (F)
Under the sales accounting scenario, securitized assets are derecognized from the Which of the following comment(s) on banks’ risk weighted assets is(are) correct?
bank's balance sheet and transferred to a special-purpose entity (SPE) (T) The bank instrument(s) may contribute to loss absorption on a going-concern basis:
High contingent convertible securities (CoCos) (T) AT1 capital instruments (T) Client’s Leverage ratio is not risk sensitive  RWA is not used to calculate bank Lvg ratio (T)
should consolidate with the securitization entity if the bank holds control of financial RWA for operational risk is based on income statement items. (T) RWA is based on risk
interests (T) The bank can use sales accounting even if it maintains the mortgage deposit (F) / Tier 2 capital instruments (F)
The following statement(s) discuss the impact of credit risk on a bank's reconciliation exposure and risk type. (T) RWA cover the risk exposure rising from banks off balance
service right (T) Under the secured borrowing scenario, securitized assets are disclosed sheet items (T) Items on banks income statement is irrelevant to calculate RWA (F)
as off-balance sheet items. (F) adjustment between IFRS 9 equity and the Basel III regulatory capital, select the
correct one(s): Which risks items affects banks RWA (T) Interest rate risk (T) Operational risk (T)
In the case of credit Suisse and Greensill Capital, which of the below different risks Liquidity risk (F) Fraud risk (F)
you identify is(are) subject to the scandal?: compliance (T) / operational (T) / credit The Basel approach to calculating expected losses is usually more conservative than the
IFRS 9 approach. (T) If the regulatory ECL is larger than IFRS9 ECL, the bank’s Which of the following risk(s) can be mitigated by Asset-Liability Management
risk (T) (ALM)? Interest risk (T) liquidity risk (T) currency risk (T) Credit risk (F) compliance
Market risk (F) regulatory capital should subtract this difference from the IFRS equity. (T) Comparing
with standard approach, advanced internal-based approach (A-IRB) is more compatible risk (F)
In the case of Credit Suisse and Greensill Capital, which of the following mitigation Which of the following comments on the general characteristics of bank
tool(s) is(are) appropriate that may enable the bank to mitigate compliance risk? to IFRS 9 ECL in estimating expected credit losses. (T) The Basel III A-IRB approach
takes into account expected losses resulting from expected default events occurring accounting is(are) correct? Banks are highly leveraged. (T) Banks have lower range of
Conduct 4eye review on the documents signed (T) Reassessment of collateral used (F) assets than industry firms (T) The classification of banks cash flow statement is
Assess the parameters and limits used in artificial intelligence by the fund (F) Assess within the next 12 months (T) The Basel III A-IRB approach estimated the expected
losses resulting from a default event over the lifetime of the transaction. (F) arbitrage. (T) Interest income is the main revenue of traditional retail banks. (T)
solvency risk of borrowers. (F) 2020 mock
Referring to the Lehman Brothers case, cite three main factors that make the risk ECL (IFRS 9) Topics
A bank apples IFRS 9 the approach of Expected Credit Loss (ECL) for loans, which of Which of the following comments on Risk Weighted Asset (RWA) is (are) correct?
management system of the firm inefficient: The regulator could play a key role in RWA coefficients vary by different categories of financial assets. (T) RWA is required
monitoring risk management to avoid the collapse of Lehman Brothers (T) After 2006, the following comment(s) is (are) correct with regard to the impact of Covid-19 during
2020 to 2021? by Basel rules, not IFRS. (T) Banks may apply different approaches to calculate risk-
the risk framework is not complete and independent in decision (T) Downward pricing weighted assets. (T) RWAs are only determined by banks credit risk exposure (F) (also
in real estate is the main external factor that drives the collapse of Lehman Brothers (T) In Q1 2020, following the Covid-19 related downturn, more loans are likely to be
transferred from Stage 1 to stage 2 or 3 (T) In 2021, as the economic development was MR)
The replacement of CRO by an incompetent person. (T) For a banking auditor, which of the following issues he(she) should consider the
In the annual report UBS 2021, the bank provides a table of Reconciliation of IFRS more positive than anticipated, following the covid 19 related downturn in 2020, ECL
allowance decreased and led to a positive impact on net income (T) In Q1 2020, when a potential accounting discretion when he (she) check an investment security
equity to Swiss SRB common equity tier 1 capital, select the items that adjust classified as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income?
negatively the IFRS equity to Common equity tier 1 capital. Prudential valuation loan is classified at stage II, a full lifetime is required (T) In 2021 ECL allowance is not
necessary, if non performing loan is reclassified as performing in Stage 1 (F) assume that the bank applies IFRS but does not select the Fair Value Option for
adjustments (T) Goodwill, net of tax (T) Minority interests (T) Deferred tax assets financial assets and financial liabilities.
recognized for tax loss carry-forwards (T) A bank apples IFRS 9 the approach of Expected Credit Loss (ECL) for loans, which of
the following comment(s) is (are) correct with regard to the impact of Covid-19 Reclassification to financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (T) Impairment of
SVB risk based on business model financial assets (T) Credit valuation adjustment (CVA) (F) Loan loss provision (F)
Market risk (T) / liquidity risk (T) Fraud risk (F) credit risk (F) pandemic on bank’s credit risk during 2020 to 2022?
In 2022Q1, with the economy in full recovery, when a loan is classified at Stage 1, a For Swiss banks, which of the following comments on the regulation and bank
Credit risk topics reporting is(are) correct: FINMA has set higher capital ratios for some Swiss banks
What is(are) the solutions that banks can use to mitigate credit risk associated with a 12-month ECL is required. (T) In 2020, following the economic downturn of COVID-
19 crisis, the bank tends to transfer more loans from Stage 1 to Stage 2. (T) In 2021, as than Basel requirement. (T) Swiss banks’ capital requirement depends on size and
loan? Collateral (T) guarantee (T) credit default swap (T) loan covenant (T) classification (T) All Swiss banks apply swiss bank rules according to Swiss Code of
The following statements address the concept of credit risk and its impacts on banks, the economic gradually recovers from the COVID-19-related downturn, the movement
on ECL allowance was negative, which led to a positive impact on net income. (T) In Obligation (F) All Swiss banks apply the IFRS as reporting standards. (F)
select the correct one(s): Financial assets measured at fair value are subject to CR (T) Exercices
Financial assets at FVOCI are subject to CR (T) Credit risk can also be hedged by 2021, ECL allowance is zero if a loan is reclassified from non-performing loan in Stage
2 to as performing loan in Stage 1. (F) Prime Invest Bank (PIB) conducts tranched subprime mortgage securitizations in which
derivative (T) Credit risk refers to potential losses due to counterparty default or two tranches, senior and junior, are created. PIB retains 10% the senior tranche and
solvency deterioration. Off-balance-sheet items are subject to credit risk. (T) Basel Under IFRS 9 which comment on Expected Credit loss model of loans impairment are
correct The application of ECL model affect banks interest income (T) When a loan is transfers the entire junior tranche to a qualified special purpose entity (SPE). Both
rules and IFRS apply different rules on credit risk estimates (T) CR refers to potential transferred tranches are finally sold to a hedge fund firm. Refer to the following
losses due to counterparty default or solvency deterioration (T) classified at Stage II, a full lifetime ECL is required (T) Loan loss provision is not
necessary if the loan is classified as performing (F) ECL model is based on historical description of the securitization above, click the accounting method that PIB should
The following statements address the concept of CR for a global bank apply for this securitization.
statistics (F)
Scenario 1: PIB keeps continuous involvement in both tranches: Secured borrowing

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