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Question Bank in “Start-Up Entrepreneurship”

PART-A(Short-Answer Questions)
1. What are the key elements of Entrepreneur?
2. What is entrepreneurship process?
3. Who are first generation Entrepreneurs and their characteristics?
4. What are the characteristics of Entrepreneur?
5. Define Entrepreneurship. What is the importance of Entrepreneurship
6. Distinguish between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship
7. Explain briefly about partnership enterprise
8. Define Entrepreneurial Motivation.
9. Mention different forms of Enterprises.
10. What are challenges before women entrepreneurs
11. What are various opportunities for entrepreneurs in India?
12. What are various opportunities for entrepreneurs in India?
13. How the industries are classified based on size.
14. What are the salient features of small scale industries?
15. Differentiate between Manager and Entrepreneur
16. How do you choose right technology?
. UNIT-3
17. What is Project Classification?
18. What are characteristics of project?
19. What is Cost Benefit Analysis?
20. What are the different sources of project finance?
21. Discus about marketing analysis.
22. Define project and objectives of project management.
23. What aspects are considered in technical analysis?
24. What are the important functions of project planning and control?
25. What is profitability Analysis?
26. What is Intellectual property? What are the various forms of Intellectual property?
27. Discuss the rights of patent holder.
28. Define Trade mark? What are the different types of trademarks and its functions?
29. What is copy right? What are the types of work protected by copy rights under copy right
act 1957?
30. How Intellectual property can be protected?
31. Discuss the various types of patents.
32. What is patent licensing?
33. What is technology Transfer?
34. What can be patented and what are the inventions which cannot be patented.
35. Discuss briefly about Industrial Designs.
36. Define Startup Company.
37. Discuss the benefits provided for Start Ups by Govt. of India under Start up India
38. Emerging Start Up Sectors in India
39. Salient features of startup India.
PART-B (Long –Answer Questions)
1. Explain the role of Entrepreneurs in improving economy of a country.
2. Explain the salient features of Industrial Policy Resolution, 1991.
3. Explain the role of NSIC (National Small Industries Corporation) for SSI in India.
4. Explain the role of entrepreneurs in improving economy of a country.
5. Discuss about pre and post independent Indian industrial environment
6. Explain the GDP growth trends and recent economic developments.
7. Discuss the linkage between small, medium and large scale industries.
8. What are the major reasons for sickness of small scale industries
9. Enumerate the different challenges to be faced in the Indian industrial environment
for entrepreneur
10. What are the essential qualities (characteristics) of successful entrepreneurs?
11. Discuss the measures taken by the Government of India to promote women
12. Who is called First generation Entrepreneurs? Discuss with examples the importance of
parental, educational, place background.
13. Explain in detail about women entrepreneurs highlighting the favorable conditions for
them in Indian context
14. Define idea and elaborate various methods used for idea generation.
15. What is collaborative interaction for technology Development
16. What is choice of technology? Discuss the various methods of acquiring technology.
17. Define project formulation and explain the concept financial and technical analysis and
contribution in project formulation
18. What is project formulation? Explain the various stages of project formulation.
19. Explain the methods of project appraisal.
20. Explain the demand / sales forecasting methods (or) what are the various methods used
to estimate the demand for a product.
21. What is project financing? What are the various methods used to finance the project?
22. Explain the different stages in project financing in India.
23. Explain the process involved in patent registration in India.
24. What are the objectives of trademark? What benefits does a registered trademark offer to
its owner.
25. Write a short notes on:
(a) Geographical Identification
(b) Industrial Designs
(c) Trade Secrets
(d) Trade marks
26. How does IPR benefits MSMEs?
27. What is patent licensing? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
28. Why is patent required? What can be patented and how?
29. What is meant by copy right? How does copyright benefit to the owner?
30. What does a startup company mean? What are the salient features of new start up policy
initiated by govt. of India
31. Explain the business strategy for starting any start ups.
32. Describe the recent action plan of govt. of India to encourage start ups in India
33. What are the benefits being provided to start ups by govt. of India under start up India
34. Explain the principles of future organizations.

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