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olf aquitaine production {aL EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 83-320-03 Introduction Dritting/Completion Division Rev. <1 Date : 1298 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Pago:1 ot 22 for Well Equipment Qeoo ak -UFAS SE. el aquitaine production [ra EP/PPRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Introduction Drilting/Completion Division Rev. 1 Date: 1283 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Paes? oe This new manual is an update of a collection of six documents written between 1987 and 1990 and known by the title "PTF Régles de Sélection des Matériaux pour Equipements de Puits" (Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment). This revision was undertaken as part of a multi-subsidiary study (EMF. #1, 1993). ‘The original documents are indexed by the following references: - PTF #1 "Classification des puits pétroliers selon leurs risques de corrosion" (Classification of oil wells according to risks of corrosion) EP/S/PRO/RES/PAU 87/3.29. - PTF #2 "Matériaux pour casings" (Materials for casings) EP/S/PRO/RES/PAU 87/3-30. - PTE #3 "Matériaux pour tubings" (Materials for tubing) EP/S/PRO/RES/PAU 87/3-31. - PTF #4 "Matériaux pour vannes de sécurité" (Materials for safety valves) EP/S/PRO/RES/PAU 87/3-44. + EMF 88 "Matériaux pour packers, SSD et joints d'expansion’ (Materials for packers, SSD and expansion joints) EP/S/PRO/RES 89/4-42. - EMF 89 "Matériaux pour vannes de tétes de puits' (Materials for well head valves) EP/S/PRO/FIP-MT/PP 90-080-01. The revision aspect of the work was supplemented by the need to simplify the original document by eliminating many of the explanations to leave the essential information and retain only what is truly useful for decision-making. This revision, produced in the practical format adopted for other manuals, now includes only those recommendations needed for choosing materials, in the form of data sheets wherever possible. Note: The previous version may be kept for anyone wishing a better understanding of the corrosion phenomena occuring in the oil & gas wells. Nevertheless, conceming the field application of the results and proposed choices, only the new edition will be used. As in the original version, the principle of six sections has been retained, but with some extensions to include equipment which has not hitherto been covered: control lines, hangers, etc. A new kind of well has emerged: non-deaerated, chlorinated water injection well. Specific HP-HT requirements are now engineered, General, non-specific information and recommendations for particular kinds of equipment are appended (properties of stainless steels, elastomers, etc). The work of revision was mostly cartied out by and with the collaboration of materials/corrosion experts Michel BONIS and Jean Louis BRAZY from EP/P/PRO/RTC/PCC. Project leader: Yvan KERMANAC'H ¥ aquitaine production {a EP/PIPRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Well Type Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals for Well Equipment Section 1: Classification of Oil Wells According to Risks of Corrosion ei aquitaine production a EP/PIPRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Well Type Drilling/Completion Division Rov: 1 Data : 12/88 po EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials : for Well Equipment Sommaire 1 Purpose... 2 Classification of wells producing H2S... 3 Classification of wells producing CO. 4 Classification of water injection wells.. 5 Choice of classification... aquitaine production [|__| EPPIPROIFTSIFC 92-220-09 Well Type Drilling/Completion Division Rev: 1 Date : 12m EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials pages ot 8 for Well Equipment 1 Purpose The purpose of this section is to define a system of classification covering the main types of injection and production welts according to corrosion criteria. This classification will be retained throughout the subsequent sections, with regard to the selection of the metallurgy of the various well components. The classification includes the most important factors involved in choosing materials: = the well function (production or injection), = the presence of HS, which leads to degradation modes by very rapid cracking, and which therefore dictates the use of appropriate metallurgical solutions, the potential corrosivity of the wells in terms of corrosion by metallic dissolution (by CO, and/or H,S, by Og in injection wells, and so on), the general strategy adopted to combat these two corrosion modes (ordinary steel, stainless steel, fiberglass or inhibition), EP/PIPRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Well Type Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment 2 Classification of wells producing H2S This classification applies to wells producing HS which fall within areas 2 and 3 of HS severity. These areas are defined in section 2 which deals with the selection of metallurgy for casings. HS producing wells can be divided into three classes: Type 1 : Corrosive wells equipped with stainless steel tubings because of their high corrosivity and/or the impossibility of using inhibition, This applies to the HP/HT wells in Central Graben. Type 2 : Corrosive wells equipped with ordinary steel tubings but H,S service. These wells are normally inhibited. The wells of the Meillon concession are typical of this class. Type 3 : Wells considered only slightly corrosive and therefore equipped with ordinary steel tubings but HS service. Vic-Bilh is typical of this category, Other examples include offshore Congo. ev aquitalne production (el EPIP/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Well Type Drilling/Completion Division Rev. 21 Date: 1283 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals Pao:s ot 38 for Well Equipment 3 Classification of wells producing CO2 This classification covers wells producing CO>, regardless of proportions. Traces of HS may be present, but in proportions which fall well within area 1 of HS severity (see section 2). ‘As before, these wells can be divided into three classes: ‘Type 4 : Corrosive wells equipped with stainless steel tubings (normally 13% chromium) (offshore wells, Gabon, Nigeria, Holland, United Kingdom (Piper, Saltire and Claymore), Norway (Frey and Lille Frigg), etc). Type 5 : Corrosive wells equipped with ordinary steel tubings. These wells are normally inhibited (onshore wells in Holland, Heimdal). ‘Type 6 : Wells assumed non-corrosive and therefore equipped with ordinary steel tubing (Frigg, ‘Obagi and Obed fields in Nigeria, Block 3 in Angola, etc). ei aquitaine production {i EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Well Type Drilling/Completion Division Rov: 1 Date : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials pup: of 8 for Well Equipment 4 Classification of water injection wells Three classes are needed to cover water injection wells. Type 7 : Wells injecting water with litle or no acid gas and previously deaerated (normally). The tubings are of ordinary steel, coated where necessary (Fray injection wells, for example). Type 8 : Aerated water injection wells equipped with fiberglass tubings. Type 9 : Wells injecting aerated and chlorinated water equipped with super austenitic stainless stee! or fiberglass tubings depending on depth and temperature, This case is covered by PRST Platine as part of the non-corrodible water injection system. e aqui production {e, EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Well Type Drilting/Completion Division Rev.:t Date : 1203 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals Page:7 of: 8 for Weil Equipment 5 Choice of classification The choices conceming material for casing and tubing and classification of wells are made during the preliminary survey and pre-project phases, These choices are based on technical considerations (analysis of parameters, pressure, temperature, % CO, % HS, composition of formation water, use of MICO software to evaluate risks of corrosion by CO,) for which the help of a CMP expert is needed. The general character ‘istics of the system of classification are given in Table 1.1. Table 1.2 sets out the parameters needed for predicting the risks of corrosion and the recommending means of prevention in the wells. elf aquitaine production (a EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Well Type Rov.: 1 Dale : 1288 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 8 of 3 8 Table 1,1 - Classification of oi! wells Main corrosive | Tubing material agent Central Graben HP/HT walls Mell Lacg Viosith Congo (Ortshore) ‘Gabon, Nigeria, Holland (Ottshore) United Kingdom Frey, Lile Frigg Holland (Onshore) Hoimdal Block 8 Angola Gui of Guinea Frey PRST Platine e# aquitaine production (a EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Well Type Rov.: 1 Date : 1286 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 9 of 59 Table 1.2 Parameters noeded for predicting the risks of corrosion and recommending means of prevention in wells Parameters to be supplied Location = onshore Useful - offshore ‘Composition of production wator (mineral Indispensable * anions + cations and organic acids) Existence of an active aquifer Usotut Trend over tne of BSW and GOR and oll or Useful 92s fewrate Geological nature ofthe formation Usehul ‘Acicfication, infux of sand, ote Porcentage content of CO, and H,S, preferably | Indispensable _| Risk of corrosion by CO, determined by our naar bubbie-point prassure: MICO software, ‘Bubble-point Usotul Determination of partial H,S and CO, pressure at woll bottom Pressura and temperature at bottom Indispensable ‘Where appropriate, trond over timo: Usetut Prossure and temporaturo at wall head Useful ‘Well shut down and in service - trend over time Usotul ‘Anticipated operating Watime Uso ‘Approximate completion schema Indspensable | For solecting tho motalurgy of items other than tubing ‘Nature of annular Nuis Indtspensable *: This means that for any major development in which the problem of choice of material is identified at the preliminary survey stage, the appraisal well programme should allow for the sampling of formation water. eo aquitaine production { EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Casing Drilling/Completion Division Rev. 1 Dato: 1283 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials pee: 3 ot: 10 for Well Equipment Section 2: Choice of Material for Casings & Liners @¥ aquitaine production {ei EP/PIPRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Casing Rov.:1 Dale : 1283 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Pap 2 of for Well Equipment ” ° Sommaire 1 Purpose 2 Casing grades available... 3. Potential corrosion problems.. 3.1 Embrittlement by H,S. 3.2 Corrosion by dissolution by production fluld (by CO,, CO, + H,S, ete) 3.3 Corrosion by completion fluid or packer fluld.... 4 Resistance of casings to embrittlement by H2S. 41 Determining the parameters governing resistance to ombrittioment by H,S.. 42 _H,S severity areas... 4.3 Grade limits of use... 5 Resistance of liners to corrosion by production fluld... 5.1 Conditions governing the choice of liners in non-corrodible material... 52 Vertical extension of the non-corrodible part. 5.3 Choice of non-corrodible material ef aquitaine production {pL EP/PIPRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Casing Rov: 1 Date: 1209 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Pago: 3 of: 10 tor Well Equipment 1 Purpose This document covers the choice of materials for well casings, where there is a corrosion problem affecting casings during drilling or production. In view of the above, this document specifies: 1+ The nature of the potential corrosion problems. 2: Materials recommended according to the service conditions of the wells concemed. 3+ Additional precautions which may be required, It begins with a discussion of existing casing grades. ei aquitaine production |(7) EP/P/PRO/FTSI/FC 93-320-03 Casing Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment 2 Casing grades available See Appendix 1 Some suppliers recommend materials produced according to more stringent criteria than those imposed by API SPEC SCT, generally to improve resistance to embrittlement by HS. The comesponding casings, designated "Proprietary Grades", are supplier-specific. Their use in severe conditions (in H2S terms) is subject to prior qualification of the grade. e# aquitaine production (a EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Casing Drilling/Completion Division Rows 1 Date : 1288 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals for Well Equipment Page: of: 10 3 Potential corrosion problems 3.1 Embrittlement by H,S © The risk of embrittlement by H,S is a major risk which can cause sudden breaks in just a few hours. © The materials for the casings must therefore be totally resistant to H,S corrosion, in the most severe possible conditions throughout the life of the well. 3.2 Corrosion by dissolution by production fluld (by CO,, CO, + H,S, etc) ‘© Risk limited to equipment in direct and prolonged contact with the production fluid. © Only the production casing (or liner) situated below the packer is therefore affected. * Main question: in what conditions is such corrosion unacceptable (see § 5)? 3.3 Corrosion by completion fluld or packer fluid * There are high density fluids which can be corrosive to casings. These are mainly chlorides- bromides of zinc, magnesium, etc, at high temperature. '* This risk of corrosion is unacceptable. ‘© There are non-corrosive packer fluids, which must therefore be selected and deployed (see RTM 4/6-2/1). The casing material selection Is unaffected by this risk. e¥ aguitaine production {ei EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Casing Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment 4 Resistance of casings to embrittlement by H,S All grades of casing in ordinary steel have H,S service limits defined according to three main parameters: * Temperature, * HAS partial pressure. ‘© The pH factor of the fluid In contact with the metal. This section specifies in tum: 1. How to determine these three parameters. 2. The limit values of these parameters for the various casing grades available. 4.1 Determining the parameters governing resistance to embrittlement by H,S. 4.1.1 Limit temperature When it comas to embrittlement by HS, temperature is important. Thus, any casing string can be used, regardless of HS content, pH value, etc, provided Its minimum service temperature (MST) is greater than or equal to the material proof limit temperature T,. Because of this, the temperature limit mainly affects the lower part of the casings and the liners. The maximum working depth is that for which the minimum temperature throughout the life of the well is equal to temperature T,. In particular, it is essential to include the cok! fluid injection phases (acidification, etc). 4.1.2 H,S partial pressure ‘The partial pressure to be considered is the maximum partial pressure. This is equal to the product of the molar H,S content of the gas and the maximum possible pressure when the well head is closed, 4.1.3 pH value of the fluid in contact ‘The pH value at any point cannot be calculated without knowing at least the CO, and H,S contents of the gas and the total pressure at the point concerned. For the pH value of formation water, the chemical composition must also be known. ei aquitaine production rs EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Casing Drilling/Completion Division Rev 1 Date: 1288 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 7 of: 10 All the calculations are then performed using our intemal MICO software, These calculations are performed by corrosion specialists. There are a number of possibilities: © For the portion of the production casing of a oil wall in direct contact with production fluld (as is the case with the liner, for example), the pH value concerned is that of the formation water (normal values 4 to 5.5). ‘¢ For the portion of the production casing of a oil well In contact with the only gaseous phase (production casing of a pumping well for example), the pH value concemed is that of a “native” condensation water, in other words unaffected by a corrosion reaction (normal values 3.5 to 5). ‘For the portion of the production casing of a gas well In direct contact with the production fluid (liner, tor example), the pH value concemed is that of a "native" condensation water, that is, unaffected by a corrosion reaction (normal values 3 to 4). For a casing that is normally Isolated from the production fluid (section above the packer), but likely to be in contact with the production fluid in case of leaks, the pH value concerned is that of a condensation water saturated with corrosion products (normal values 4 to 5). 4.2 H,S severity areas Figure 2.1 defines three HS severity areas according to the pH value and HS partial pressure (in which case the temperature is < 7): ‘* Area 1: No special requirement. * Area 2: Intermediate severity. In this area, the API standard grades not allowed for H,S service cannot be used. However, products near the API grades but with supplementary manufacturing requirements can be used. Usable products must then be analysed on a per-case basis. * Area: The most severe H,S service area. ‘The limits of use of the various grades are described in Table 2.2, which specifies: © The permissible severity area. © The limit temperature T, ex aguitaine production [(7j__| EPP/PROMTSIFC 93-320-03 Casing Rov: 1 Dato: 129 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Co for Well Equipment 5 Resistance of liners to corrosion by production fluid If liners of ordinary steel are in direct and prolonged contact with the production fluid, they are liable to gradual corrosion by dissolution, like the production tubings. This risk of corrosion is predicted using the same criteria as for tubings. The choice of a non-corrosive material to avoid corrosion cannot, however, be based on the same criteria as for tubings, given that the consequences of corrosion are not the same. This case most often covers materials resistant to corrosion by CO. 5.1 Conditions governing the choice of liners in non-corrodible material If a production fluid is considered corrosive in the bottom part of the well, the use of a non- corrodible material for casings and liners Is normally reserved for the following cases: ‘The physical integrity of the borehole would be seriously compromised by corrosion of the liner. This mainly applies to poorty consolidated formations. ‘* The liner provides separation between geological levels or areas of a pool which must not be brought Into contact or which must be isolated for future relief work. 5.2 Vertical extension of the non-corrodible part If a non-corrodible material is used for the bottom part of the production casing or liner, the point at which the non-corrodible part ends shall be decided on the basis of the following criteria: © Preferably, plan for the point to be above the sealing packer of the highest production area. © By default, the point should be outside the area of flow of the production fluid. To this end, the point should be at least 25 m above the point of entry of the production fluid into the tubing. Also, it should not be in a horizontal or "sub-horizontal* part. It is therefore inappropriate for horizontal wells. in any case, a detailed analysis is recommended. 5.3 Choice of non-corrodible material Based on criteria similar to those applying to production tubings. See section 3. ef aquitaine production (fj, EP/P/PROMFTSIFC 93-320-03 Casing Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page: 9 of: 10 for Well Equipment Area 1 — No special requirement Area 2 — Intermediate H2S severity Area 3 — High H2S severity 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 H2S partial pressure (bar) Figure 2.1: H,S severlty areas et equitaine production [fj] [enmmerensremnee _eig Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals for Well Equipment Page: 10 of: 10 Table 2.2: Limits of use of the various grades of casing API grades Special grades HS/pH limits T CCF) JRKSS No limit No limit N-80 ‘Area 1 TEES N-80- r Area 2 TSN65 80 No limit No fimit Proprietary grade L-80 No limit No limit C80 T ‘Area 1 TBI6S Proprietary grade C-90 No limit No limit C95 Area 7565 Proprietary grade 0-95 No limit No limit P10 ‘Area 1 90/180 Proprietary grade C-110| 10 to 1000 mbars ‘90/190 according to pH To be studied per case O25 1 mbar HS ‘90190 e# aquitaine production aL EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Section 3: Choice of Material for Tubings EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Tubing ing/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Table of Contents 1 Purpose... 2 Ordinary steel tubings .. 2.1 Limits of use In H2S.. 2.2 Water injection wells. 2.3. Storage and maintenance of tubulars In the yard... 3 Stainless steel tubings 3.1 9% Cr-1% Mo and 13% Cr martensitic stainless stee! 3.2 Austeno-ferritic or Duplex stainless steels... 3.3 28% Cr super austenitic stainless steel 3.4 Nickel alloys (825, G50, C276, 625. 3.5 Specific risks of deterioration of stainless stesls..... 4 Coated tubings... 5 Fiberglass tubings ... 5A 52 5.3 Chemical resistance. 12 54 Utilization... 5.5 Manufacturers .... 5.6 Installation... roduction EP/PIPROIFTSIFC 93-320-03 Tubing Drilting/Completion Division Rev. : 1 Date : 123 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment 1 Purpose ‘The purpose of this chapter is to define the generally accepted operating limits for the main materials used, ie: + Ordinary steel tubings, Stainless steel tubings, = Coated tubings, - Fiberglass tubings. The classification of oll wells is defined in section 1. For each type of well, table 1.1 indicates which type of metallurgy is to be used for the tubing. We shall only deal with the technical problems in this chapter, but it is obvious that other metallurgical choices may be made for economical or poltical teasons. er aqui production [[7)| EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Tubing Drilling/Completion Division Revs 1 Dale = 1268 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 4 of: 18 2 Ordinary steel tubings Generally speaking, ordinary steel tubings are used when the medium is not corrosive or is only slightly so, this is the case for type 3 and 6 wells, or when the medium is corrosive but has chemical prevention treatment, as is the case for type 2, 5 and 7 wells. In the oil industry the term ‘ordinary steel" in fact designates ferrous materials that are only slightly alloyed such as carbon-manganese steels, possibly with elements such as chromium, nickel, vanadium, etc. added but in proportions of the order of one percent only. It shoukd be noted that, in this context, "H,S service” grades are ordinary steels. These ordinary steels are specified for tubings and casings in the AP! SPEC SCT standard. The main characteristics of these steels are given in the table in Appendix 1. The chemical composition is given in Appendix 2. Some suppliers propose materials produced according to more stringent oriteria than those imposed by API SPEC 5 CT, generally to improve resistance to embrittlement by H,S. The corresponding tubings, designated ‘Proprietary Grades", are supplier-specific. Their use in severe conditions (in H,S terms) Is subject to prior grade qualification. These ordinary steels usually have very limited resistance to dissolution corrosion (CO,, O,,..). The type and grade of steel can only be chosen according to the required mechanical characteristics on the one hand, and to their resistance to embrittlement by H,S on the other hand. 2.1 Limits of use in H,S The notion of embrittlement by H,S depends on the temperature, the H,S partial pressure and on the pH. It is explained in detail in § 4.2 and 4.3 of section 2 which define 3 areas of increasing severity. + Area 1: no particular H,S requirement. - Area 2: intermediate H,S severty. - Area 3: high H,S severity. ‘These 3 areas are shown in diagram 3.1. This figure also indicates which grades of steel can be used in each of these areas, Refer to table 2.2 in section 2 for the minimum service temperature (MST) limits for the grades mentioned. e¥f aquitaine production [#j|_ EP/PIPRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals for Well Equipment 2.2 Water injection wells Usually the effluent does not contain any H,S. However it may contain dissolved oxygen, which is a corrosive element. This oxygen content must be reduced to 30 ppb in order to avoid any significant corrosion of equipment made of ordinary steel. This deaeration will then guarantee the integrity of the equipment. Nevertheless, there may still be a risk of slight corrosion that is sufficient to damage the formation by injecting hydroxide and ferrous oxide particles. It is essentially for this reason that coated tubings should be selected (case of low permeable formations). Consequently, deaeration (30 ppb in nominal conditions) Is required to ensure the corrosion resistance of ordinary steel tubings, even if coated, The main function of the coating is to protect the formation, if it is not very permeable, against corrosion deposits that may form during storage in the yard, or in service, in particular if the deaeration units are insufficient. However in the case of very permeable or very fractured formations this means that coated tubings are not an absolute necessity. Lastly, the only economically viable solution when injecting aerated water is to use fiberglass tubings, associated with suitable stainless steel equipments. Refer to § 4 and 5 for the recommendations relative to coated tubings and fiberglass tubings respectiviely. 2.3 Storage and maintenance of tubulars in the yard Prolonged storage of ordinary steel pipes in the storage yard poses serious problems in damp or marine atmospheres. This corrosion may, in particular, result in alterations of the threads and even worse in the alteration of the sealing surfaces which have often given rise to losses amounting to the equivalent of 20% of the value of the stored “premium” tubes when appropriate maintenance operations have not been performed (cost of inspections, rethreading, handling and transport between the rethreading workshop and the storage yard). The precautions to be taken are given in specification EP/S/PRO/FIP 92-085-03 - “Inspection and maintenance of tubes in the storage yard". For shorter storage times this problem can be avoided by ordering from the steel supplier tubes coated with a protection varnish or paint, At present, the vamish provides protection for about 3 months and paint for about one year. e¥ aquitalne production [7] EP/PIPRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Drilling/Comptetion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment 3 Stainless steel tubings This paragraph deals first of all with 9% and 13% chromium stainless steels which are essentially intended to resist CO, corrasion, then with austeno-ferritic and super austenitic stainless steels that can be used with higher levels of H,S and in highly corrosive conditions. Then, nickel alloys will be mentioned. When the reservoir conditions are well known, it is always possible to find a resistant material for a tubing in a given well. Note: for any major development in which the problem of choice of material is identified at the preliminary survey stage, the appraisal well programme should allow for the sampling of formation water (see section 1, table 1.2). ‘The selection of a stainless steel must systematically be confirmed by a specialist and, if necessary, by laboratory tests. The last part of this paragraph deals with problems specific to stainless steels relative to storage, connexion galling and well treatment. 3.1 9% Cr- 1% Mo and 13% Cr martensitic stainless steels These steels have been used successfully to combat CO, corrosion problems. 9% Cr - 1% Mo steel is not widely used in Europe but much more so in the USA, for reasons of comparative cost and availability of the two products. As far as corrosion resistance is concemed, these two products appear to be very similar, with a slight advantage for 13% Cr stee! in limit conditions, 2 grades are now available in this metallurgy: 13% Cr L-80 and C-95 (see appendix 1). Diagram 3.2 shows the limits of use of 13% Cr stainless steels in an H,S medium. Both of these materials are ferromagnetic. They have limited resistance to embrittlement by H,S which is therefore the first factor limiting the use of these two materials, Diagram 3.2 shows the limits of use for stainless steels in an H,S medium. in 1993, these tubings cost approximately 2.5 times more than equivalent ordinary steel tubings. elf aquitain production iB EP/PIPRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Tubing Drllling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials tor Well Equipment © Limits of use: The limits of use are not known precisely. However, experience tells us that the following limits can be considered reasonable. + salinity: 20091 = temperature: 180°C - CO, partial pressure: 40 bars = _H,S resistance: the limits of use with respect to the H,S severity are glven in diagram 3.2. The use of 13% Cr or 9% Cr - 1% Mo cannot necessarily be excluded for cases situated outside these limits, but they must be covered by a detailed analysis and, if necessary, by verification tests. 3.2 Austeno-ferritic or Duplex stainless steels (VALLOUREC's VS22, VS25; SANDVIK 2208...) The term Duplex steels covers a whole category of stainless steels characterized by a metallurgical structure that has two phases in roughly equal proportions (50% austenite and 50% ferrite). They are obtained by a thermomechanical treatment that provides a better surface condition. They are available in grades 60, 110 and 130ksi (see characteristics and composition in appendices 1 and 2). These materials are sensitive to embrittlement by H,S if they have not been overquenched. This means that their mechanical characteristics must be limited if they are used in an H,S medium. They are also sensitive to stress corrosion, which limits their use in hot and chlorinated mediums if there is any H,S. ‘At present the group does not use duplex tubings anywhere. They cannot be rejected systematically when selecting a metallurgy but they can only be used in very limited cases. Since this material is only very rarely used, itis relatively expensive (6 to 10 times more expensive than an ordinary stee!) and it will very often be more worthwhile, for a very similar price, to use super austenitic stainless steels which have better corrosion and H,S embrittlement resistance characteristics. The possibilities of use must be studied case by case. eM aquitaine production (eal EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Tubing Drilling/Completion Division Rev. : 1 Dale : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals for Well Equipment Page: 8 oof: 15 3.3 28% Cr super austenitic stainless steel (VALLOUREC's VS28, SANDVIK's SANICRO 28, etc.) This austenitic steel is cold-worked (thermomechanical treatment) to provide high elasticity limits. It is avallable in cokd-hammered grades 80, 110 and 140ksi at VALLOUREC (see characteristics and ‘composition in Appendixes 4 and 2). It has a high content in Cr, Ni and Mo alloy elements. Its general resistance to corrosion, and in particular to stress corrosion in the presence of H,S, is therefore far better than that of austeno-fertitic steels. This material is non-magnetic. The following general limits are acceptable: Ph,s: 100bars pH: 3 T: 200°C NaClcontent; 200g4 No elementary sulfur. ‘These materials cost about 8 to 10 times more than an ordinary steel. In the presence of elementary sulfur, or outside the above-mentioned limits, additional studies must be carried out case by case to determine the resistance of this material. 3.4 Nickel alloys (825, G50, C276, 625...) (Common names: INCOLOY, INCONEL, HASTELLOY...) ‘These materials contain large amounts of alloy elements and are therefore very expensive (15 to 30 times more than an ordinary steel). They are available in highly cold-hammered grades, between 150 and 180 ksi (see composition in Appendix 2). In theory they are suitable for cases where its is not possible to use the above-mentioned materials. However it is not possible to give precise limits for ‘each or them due to the lack of sufficient representative laboratory and in-service data. In any case, development projects involving materials such as these wil, for several years to come, be rare, highly specific and, very ‘perilous". To say the least, they will require a highly detailed analysis of the corrosion risks and, very probably, qualification tests of these various materials before a choice can be made. ei aquitaine production [] EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-20-03 Tubing Drilting/Completion Division Rev. = 1 Date : 1293 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment 3.5 Specific risks of deterloration of stainless steels 3.51 Yard storage 9% Cr and 13% Cr stainless steel tubings, and 22 and 25% Cr Duplex steels, are sensitive to corrosion in marine atmospheres and in the case of chlorinated water stagnating inside them. The following solution is currently considered the most satisfactory for avoiding these problems: 1) Use “driftable" open protectors that ensure protection of threads and sealing surfaces. These protectors must be satisfactorily greased and tightened, and this must be checked on reception. 2) The tubes must be stored sloping (1 to 1.5%) to prevent intemal water stagnation. For the same reason, inwardly curving open protectors are prohibited since they are liable to trap water inside the tubes. 3) Desiccant bags are not allowed inside tubes. Refer to the Drilling Division's specification EP/S/PRO/FIP 92-085-03 - “Inspection and maintenance of tubes in the storage yard" for the selection of the best protectors according to the diameters and types of connection concemed. As for storing 9 and 13% Cr stainlass steel tubings when they are retumed from a rig after a pull-out (work-over for example), they must imperatively be rinsed with fresh water as soon as possible and during unracking if possible. 3.5.2 Galling of stainless steel connections There Is an increased risk of galling with stainless steel materials described above with respect to ordinary steels conceming the threads and sealing surfaces of connections. Systematic copper coating of the couplings should be requested to reduce these risks. Furthermore, when being installed, these materials require impact-free stab-in, careful alignment of the tubes and slow makeup. Damage can be kept to a minimum if the same precautions are taken when carrying out work-overs. Correct makeup can be ensured by recording the torque according to the number of turns (Torque/Tum) when tightening the tubings. elf aquitaine production {a EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Tubing Rev: 1 Date : 1280 Drilling/Compietion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials P. of for Well Equipment me ® 3.5.3. Well treatment operations * Selecting annulus fluids RTM 4/6-2/1 recommends the use of inhibited industrial water as packer fluid. Whatever the operating temperatures of wells equipped with stainless steel tubings, aqueous annulus fluids must absolutely be deaerated before being injected to avoid pitting and cracking corrosion. This deaeration must be achieved by injecting an anti-oxygen in excess (5 times the nominal dose). This treatment must also be completed by the classical inhibitor and bactericide injections. In the case of highly loaded brines and for temperatures higher than 120°C there are additional risks of corrosion. In this case a corrosion specialist shoud be consulted. * Acidizations ‘The acidization inhibitors are not the same as those used for ordinary steels. They are now well known for stainless steels. The formulations proposed are acceptable up to 150°C. For higher temperatures itis recommended that the product's efficiency should be checked in the laboratory. Furthermore, any change in the acid's formulation (additive, surfactant) may completely modity inihibition efficiency. It must be remembered that inefficient inhibition may result in a stainless steel tubing being destroyed in a few hours. 3.5.4 Miscellaneous treatments ‘Any prolonged injection or circulation (more than 1 day) of aerated chlorinated water (untreated sea water for example) must be avoided in 9 to 25% chromium stainless steel tubings. If any shott injection of aerated chlorinated water is carried out (injectivity test for example), this water must in no event be kept in contact with the tubing in the drawdown phase. It must either be flushed ‘out with an inert fluid or replaced by thoroughly deaerated water, otherwise pitting and cracking corrosion may develop very rapidly in a stagnant medium. This sensitivity no longer exists, howaver, for 28% chromium steels and nickel alloys. ei aquitaine production (a EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Tubing Drilling/Completion Division Fev: 1 Dale : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page: 11 of: 18. for Well Equipment > Coated tubings - So far, coated tubings have not provided sufficient guarantees for ensuring protection against corrosion in corrosive production wells when there is no inhibition. - Coated tubings may be used in water injection wells provided that the water is also treated agalnst corrosion by deaeration. Then the purpose of the coating is not to protect the tubing against corrosion but to protect the formation against tubing corrosion, if the formation is not very permeable and therefore liable to get damaged by the iron oxides formed by this corrosion. It is true to say that correctly deaerated water (< S0ppb ,) is not sufficiently corrosive to damage a metal tube but it can, nevertheless, produce iron oxide particles in sufficient quantity to plug certain formations. Furthermore, coatings reduce friction and therefore decrease the pressure losses in the injection tubing. Lastly, ‘they prevent any massive formation of intemal corrosion deposits in the storage yard, which could fall down in the tubing after installation in the well. In the case of formations that are fractured or that have a good permeability, coated tubings are not ‘an absolute necessity, provided the injection fluid is correctly deaerated and the inside of the tubings are cleaned prior to installation, ‘The major disadvantage of coated tubings is the fragility of the coating which limits wireline, coil tubing ‘or subbing operations. Care must also be taken with regard to acidization and treatment related risks. At present the main coating company is VETCO TUBOSCOPE and the most commonly used coating is VETCO CEV236. Coated tubings cost 1.5 to 2 times more than an ordinary steel tubing. e# aquitaine production {Bi EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Tubing Drilling/Completion Division Row st Dao 1288 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals Page: 12 of: 15 tor Well Equipment 5 Fiberglass tubings 5.1 General These tubings consist of an epoxy resin reinforced with glass fibers. Unlike metallic products, fiberglass tubings have not, as yet, been the subject of real standardization. This situation is in the process of changing at API which is currently preparing a specification, API Spec 15 TR which should be published in the near future. 5.2 Limits of use ‘The best performances that can be obtained now with the standard products supplied by the main manufacturers are as follows: Maximum operating pressure: 150bars Bottom temperature: 90°C Depth: 2000m 5.3 Chemical resistance Amine-hardened epoxy resins are resistant to a wide range of oil effluents: oilfield waters, sea water, hydrocarbons, H,S and CO,. Nevertheless, it is advisable to check the resistance to various products that may have to be used in special operating conditions, in particular highly concentrated chlorinated or aromatic organic solvents. Care must also be taken to ensure that any acidization operations are correctly accomplished to prevent any prolonged contact with high acid concentrations. It is recommended that tubings with an intemal liner (slightly reinforced coat of resin) should be used to ensure better sealing and a better surface condition. 5.4 Utillzation Fiberglass tubings are particularly suited to corrosive water injection or re-injection wells that may be aerated and to production fluid discharge wells. In the Group, Elf Congo has deckied to generalize thelr use in the Emeraude field for wells fitted with sucker rod pumps or centrifugal pumps. e# aquitaine production a EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Tubing Drllling/Completion Division Row: 1 Date : aR EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment 5.5 Manufacturers ‘The main manufacturers of fiberglass tubings are American: Star Fiberglass System Inc, Smith Fiberglass Produets Inc., Centron Corp. and Ameron. 5.6 Installation Parts made of fiberglass are relatively fragile. They must therefore be handled with greater care than steel tubings. ‘The following main precautions should be taken: Design: Check the tubing's strength and its screw connection in the various situations in which it is submitted to efforts: run-in-hole, test, operation and well shutdown. It may be necessary to design a special anchor for the bottom of the column in order to limit axial efforts. Handling: Correct storage according to the manufacturer's recommendations: supports with wooden rests. Avoid impacts and contact with hard objects that could damage the tubes. Tightoning: Makeup torques are much lower than those authorized for metallic tubings. The manufacturer's recommendations must be strictly complied with. Use suitable tongs, Hand makeup with a torque wrench should be quite satisfactory. Operation: Take care not to exceed the efforts for which the tube is designed. Avoid impacts and puncturing when working in the well. aquitaine production [7] EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 83-320-03 Drilling/Completion Division Fev EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals for Well Equipment Area 1 — No special requirement Area 2 — Intermediate H2S severity Area 3 — High H2S severity pH : 6.5 7-1 UR es’ — KS ~ 120" ~ Nog Proprietary grades C90 ~ C96 B.S fd ee ee mmm ee 155 2 ‘55 : 45 ~ Prop’ gradesL80 + ¢90-— C95 3.5 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 H2S partial pressure (bar) *: Case~by-case verification required Diagram 3.1; Limits of use in H,S for ordinary steels. oe ag ton (| EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Tubing Dritling/Completion Division Rew i 1 Dae: 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page 15 of 18 for Well Equipment pH 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 Area 1 — No special requirement Area 2 — Intermediate H2S severity Area 3 — High H2S severity 119% Cr 180 et C95 : : 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 H2S partial pressure (bar) Diagram 3.2: Limits of use of 13% Cr stainless steel in H,S. ei aquitaine production {7} EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rev. : 1 Date : 1283 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals Poge:1 of for Well Equipment Section 4: Choice of Materials for Safety Valves elf aquitaine production |(F]|_ | EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rov. 1 Date : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals for Well Equipment Sommaire 1 Purpose. 2 Choice of critical components... 3 Material recommendations... 4 Additional recommendations... 41 Throad protectior 42 Cholce of elastomers for sealing systems. 4.3 Valve packaging and storage 4.4 Control-line materials @¥ aguitaine production fe EP/P/PROFFTS/FC 93-320-03 scssv Drllling/Completion Division Rev st Dale ra EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Setectlon of Materials for Well Equipment 1 Purpose This section deals with materials which can be used for “wireline retrievable" (WR) and “tubing retrievable" (TR) surface-controlled subsurface safety valves (SCSSV), for the various types of well defined in section 1. The SCSSV are first of all broken down into ten or so “critical components", each with a specific function. The material recommendations are then formulated for these critical components, with a standard form for each type of well and for each type of valve (TR and WR). Choices for the other components can then be derived simply by transposing functions. A final subsection then deals with additional recommendations which cannot be included directly in these forms (protection of threaded sections, control line materials, and so on). e¥ aquitaine production (eL EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 ScSsv Rov: 1 Dalo : 1260 Drllling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Ruies for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 4 of: 0 2 Choice of critical components Elastomers used in SCSSV are of course critical component. Nevertheless, they are not specified in the present section but in appendix 3 of the manual. The critical components are (see Figures 4.10 and 4.11). © "Latch", “latch mandrel” and "packing sub" (or all of the latching system) for WR valves. This subsystem needs to be adequately resistant to corrosion to minimise the risks of sticking, jamming, and so on, when ‘pulling out of hole the SCSSV. © The top sub for TR valves. The function of this item is primarity mechanical, like the tubing. ‘* The nipple, used for positioning a WR valve in the event of failure of the TR valve concerned. This item needs to be highly resistant to corrosion to preserve its sealing function if a WR valve is to be installed. * The body housing. With a TR valve, this part provides an important mechanical function, but is ‘not directly exposed to the production fluid (except for spectfic designs). With WR valves, the body housing is not subject to severe tensile mechanical stress. It is, however, indirectly exposed to the production fluid. ‘* Flow tube: This item is exposed to the production fluid at high flowrates, hence the major risks of corrosion. It also usually has slipping sealing surfaces which must not be allowed to corrode, however slightly. * Hydraulic chamber and pistons, providing the propulsion for the flow tube to open the flapper. Only rarely exposed directly to the production fluid, these provide slipping sealing functions which demand total corrosion resistance. ‘© Springs: These are mainly the power springs which retum the flapper on closure, and the flapper spring. The need here is for very hard materials which must withstand corrosion under stress (acid, H,8). * Flapper and seat: These items need to be tolally corrosion resistant to avoid any gradual loss of seal integrity. * Flapper housing, in other words, the recess for the flapper in the open position. This includes the flapper seat which has a critical sealing function. © Lower sub, for TR valves. ‘© Bottom sub, or the point of entry of the fluid, for WR valves. Obviously this breakdown doas not fully describe all possible designs of existing SCSSV. However, it is enough to give an overview of the technology of these valves from which a specification can be drafted or suppliers’ proposals can be checked, for any design, simply by transposing functions. el aqui production {a EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment scssv ee | Page: 5 of: 0 3 Material recommendations ‘The data sheets are numbered according to the table below: Well type Tubing material WR TR 1 Duplex or superaustenitic 444 412 stainless steel 1 Nickel alloy (Alloy 778, 413 414 825, etc) 2 Ordinary, but HS grade 424 422 3 ‘Ordinary, but HS grade 434 432 4 18 Cr stainless 444 442 5 Ordinary 454 452 6 ‘Ordinary 464 462 7 Ordinary 474 472 8 Fiberglass 484 482 9 Fiberglass or Nickel alloy 494 492 Note: Remember that these recommendations are for a minimum metallurgical level with regard to corrosion resistance. Higher metallurgies can always be used. ei aquitalne production (al EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rew: 1 Dale: 1280 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 6 of 4 Additional recommendations 4.1 Thread protection Stainless steels are renowned for their tendency to gall in threaded connections under high torque between materials of identical hardness. ‘These problems can be prevented by: ©. Taking simple makeup/breakout precautions. © Applying thread coatings and low tolerance slipping adjustments. ® Tightened dimensional inspection of interference between threading. 4.1.1 Makoup/breakout precautions ‘These recommendations are simple and general, and must be observed regardless of threading, material and surface coating: © Scruputously clean threads to remove all traces of metal or sand particles, © Grease pin and box parts (do not use molybdenum disulphide based grease). * Hold the valve securely in a vice and line up the items to be made up together correctly. © Tighten and loosen gradually, with no sudden jerks. 4.1.2 Surface coatings The following recommendations are both realistic and adequate to minimise the risks of galling: © Assurface coating is recommended for martensitic materials 9 and 13% Cr: cheap coatings can be used (see next page). ‘© A surface coating is required for all kinds of threading for highier metallurgies (17/4 PH, Duplex stainless steel and nickel alloy...). © A surface coating Is required for all assemblies with metal-to-metal sealing (because of the high make-up torque), regardless of material. aquitaine p! duction [7] EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rey. it Date : 128 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 7 of 2 0 © Acceptable coatings to be used include: - Nitruration, oxalatation: applicable for martensitic steels; cheap. = Copper: for all material; does not allow for numerous make-up/break-outs, - BAKERTRON coatings (supplied by BAKER) comprising a gold-chrome alloy (expensive) or silver- palladium alloy: same as copper. = STANAL coating (tin deposition process): applicable for all material. Good results observed on 718 alloy and 17/4 PH. © Electrolytic nickel and chrome type coatings, and chemical nickel coatings must not be used. © Other coatings are possible but must be studied for each individual case. 4.2 Choice of elastomers for sealing systems ‘See Appendix 3, 4.3 Valve packaging and storage Packaging precautions must be taken in the factory, as in stores and on site, to maximise service operation. The following precautions are recommended, for initial packaging or after dismantling and testing: ‘© Carefully deburr machined ends, to reduce the risks of galling. ‘© Grease all threads and slipping surfaces. © Carry out water tests with fresh water (< 100ppm chlorides). © Dry thoroughly, inside and out, after water tests. Hydrocarbon tests (gas oil for example) are preferred. © Protect internally by grease film (viscous oil spray, for example). * Store sealed in plastic or plasticised paper. There are special storage papers available which include additives atfording protection against atmospheric corrosion. e¥ aquitaine production {e, EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 ScSSV Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment 4.4 Control-line materials The following two materials can be used for control-lines: © 825 alloy. © 904L. Only the 825 alloy was recommenced up to 1993. 904L is a substitute which is coming into more widespread use for surface equipment (operating and gauge lines). Performance characteristics are also adequate for well equipment. Even though this is not a major criterion for control-lines, it may be mentioned that 9041 is also cheaper. Similar metallurgy is not available for connection accessories (nuts, olives, etc). A nickel alloy is recommended; 625 alloy for example (see appendix 2). EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 scssv olf aquitalne production Drilling/Completion Division Rows 1 Date : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals 2 of 3% for Well Equipment foe SCSSV type Wire-line retrievable Fluid type Corrosive HaS. [Tubing material Duplex or superaustenitic stainless SST Sasa | Duplex 22 or 25 Cr, K500 (1) or 718 alloy Flapper + seat 500, 718 or 925 alloy (1): If Vyoy< 5 tvs and T < 120°C. Table 4.1.1 ef aqui production [rs] EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rov: 1 Date : 1293 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page : 10 of for Well Equipment Type 1 well ;CSSV ‘Tubing retrievable [Fluid type Corrosive H2S ubing material Duplex or superaustenitic stainless Critical elements Recommended materials ‘As tubing or 718 or 925 alloy = Otherwise 718 or 925 alloy SRST Flapper + seat, 500, 718 or 925 alloy Flapper housing (1): IVgow < 5 mvs and T < 120°C. As tubing or 718 or 925 alloy Table 4.1.2 EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rows 1 Bates 1280 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Pago: 11 of: 90 Type 1 well SCSSV type. Wire-line retrievable Fluid type Corrosive HaS [Tubing material Nickel alloy ee a (8): _ Less expensive solutions are possible, but highly dependent on type of fluids ==> Consult the experts for each case. Table 4.1.3 EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 scssv Dritling/Completion Division Rov: 1 Date : 1283 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 12 of: 3 Type 1 well SCSSV type. Tubing retrievable [Fluid type Corrosive H2S [Tubing material Nickel alloy Critical elements Recommended materlats Top sub 625, 276 oF 22 alloy (A) 625, 276 or 22 alloy (4) Body housing ‘AISI 4130 if no contact with production fluid. Otherwise 625, 276 or 22 alloy (4) Hydraulic chamber + pistons 625, 276 oF 22 alloy (4) MP 35 N or ELGILOY Flapper + seat Nickel Alloy Flapper housing 625, 276 of 22 alloy (4) (4): For 718 and 925 alloy, consutt the experts for each case. Table 4.1.4 oi aquitaine production [| EP/PIPRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 scssv Rev.: 1 Dale : 1283 Dritling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page: 13 of =; 0 for Well Equipment Type 2 well SCSSV type. Wire-line retrievable Fluid type Corrosive HoS. [Tubing material Ordinary steel, HyS grade Duplex 22 or 25 Gr (5), K500 (1), 718 or 925 alloy| Duplex 22 or 25 Cr (5), K500 (1), 718 or 925 alloy] Body housing Duplex 22 or 25 Cr (6), K500 (1), 718 or 928 alloy| Duplex 22 or 25 Cr (5), K500 (1), 718 or 925 alloy’ = ee (1): tVpoy< 5 mvs and T < 120°C. (6): CUSTOM 450 can be used for water with a low sait content (< 10 gf) or only moderate HS content (< 1%). Table 4.2.1 aquitalne production {Bi EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rev. : 1 Date : 1283 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Type 2 well [SCSSV type Tubing retrievable [Fluid type: Corrosive H2S {Tubing material ‘Ordinary steel, H2S grade a AISI 4130 if no contact with production fluid. Otherwise 718 or 925 alloy (6) Hydraulic chamber + pistons 718 oF 925 alloy (6) Springs MP 36 N or ELGILOY Flapper + seat K500, 718 or 9285 alloy (6): The possibility of using Duplex 22 of 25 Cr can be assessed for each case according to the production fluid characteristics, Table 4.2.2 luction (B EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rov: 1 Date : 1283 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals Page: 15 of: for Well Equipment Type 3 well [SCSSV type Wire-line retrievable [Fluid type Non-corrosive HoS. [Tubing material Ordinary steel, H2S grado 1) Packing sub Body housing AISI 4130/4140 ” ” ” (7): 17/4 PH or CUSTOM 450 if Pugs > bar or T > 100°C. AISI 420 if Pog > 0.tbar and T < 100°C. 9.Cr- 1 Mo or AISI 410 otherwise. Table 4.3.1 e¥ aquitaine production {SL EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rov: 1 Date: 1298 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page: 16 ot: for Well Equipment Type 3 well SCSSV type Tubing retrievable [Fluid type Non-corrosive HoS [Tubing material Ordinary stool, H2S grade Critical elements Recommended materials a Body housing AIST 4130 Flow-tube ” Hydraulic chamber + pistons 0) eee Flapper housing AISI 4130 AIS! 4130 Lower sub (7): 17/4 PH or CUSTOM 450 if Pygg > tbar or T > 100°C. AISI 420 if Pyiog > 0. bar and T < 100°C. 9 Cr- 1 Moor AISI 410 otherwise. Table 4.3.2 o¥ aquitaine production a EP/PIPRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Scssv Fev: 1 Dale: 129, Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Type 4 well Page: 17 of: 0 [SOSSV type Wire-line retrievable uid type Corrosive CO2 ‘ubing material 13% Cr stainless Critical elements: Recommended materials a (8) ® 8) (8) a ® Flapper housing Bottom sub (8): 9Gr-1 Mo if T<70°C and Pegg < tbar. AISI 410 of 420 if T < 100°C and Poop < 10bars. ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH otherwise. (9): Will not withstand acidifying fluids ==> the SCSSV must be removed for such operations. Table 4.4.1 roduction ( EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 scssv Rov.: 1 Date : 120 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page: 18 of: 0 for Well Equipment Type 4 well SCSSV type Tubing retrievable Fluid type Corrosive Cop {Tubing material 13% Cr stainless. cs Body housing ‘AISI 4130 if no contact with production fluid. po ee O} (8) = acer a (8): 9Cr-1 Mo if T<70°C and Pega < bar. AISI 410 or 420 if T < 100°C and Pega < 10bars. Custom 450 or 17/4 PH otherwise. Table 4.4.2 ei aquitaine production [7)_ EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-20-03 scssv Drilling/Completion Division Revi: 1 Dale : 120 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals 1 of for Well Equipment Paes 18 ° Type 5 well SCSSV type Wire-line retrievable [Fluid type Corrosive CO2 {Tubing material Ordinary steal Critical elements Recommended materials (® =e 17/4 PH or Custom 450 or K500 (8): 9 Cr-1 Mo if T < 70°C and Pog, < tbar. AISI 410 of 420 if T < 100°C and Peg, < 10bars. ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH otherwise. (9): Will not withstand acidifying fluids ==> the SCSSV must be removed for such operations. Table 4.5.1 Italne production |(7) EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rev: 1 Date : 1280 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page: 20 of : 0 for Well Equipment Type 5 well SCSSV type Tubing retrievable |Fluid type Corrosive COp [Tubing material Ordinary steel Critical elements Recommended materials _ housing | 4130 if no contact with production fluid Otherwise (8) 174 | ee | ‘or Custom 450 or K500 | ee ‘chamber + pistons MP 35 N or ELGILOY Springs Flapper + seat 17/4 PH or Custom 450 or K500 Flapper housing AIS! 4130/4140 (8): 9Cr- 1 Moif T< 70°C and Pog < tbar. AISI 410 oF 420 if T < 100°C and Pegg < 10bars. ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH otherwise, Table 4.5.2 EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drllling/Completion Division Fev: 1 Bate : 1288 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials page tot for Well Equipment Type 6 well ScSsV type Wire-line retrlevable [Fluid type Non-corrosive COp [Tubing material ‘Ordinary steal va (8): 9Or-1 Mo if T < 70°C and Poop < tbar. AISI 410 of 420 if T < 100°C and Poo, < 10bars. Custom 450 or 17/4 PH otherwise. (9): Will not withstand aciditying fluids ==> the SCSSV must be removed for such operations. Table 4.6.1 ef aquitaine production {Bl EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Fev: 1 Date : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials P for Well Equipment me te Type 6 well ;CSSV type Tubing retrievable uid type Non-corrosive COz [Tubing material Ordinary steot Critical elements Recommended materials a ee Otherwise (8) a (8): 9Cr-1 Mo if T< 70°C and Pog, < thar. AISI 410 o 420 if T < 100°C and Poop < 10bars, ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH otherwise. Table 4.6.2 e¥ aquitaine production {a EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 scssv Drilling/Compietion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Rov.: + Date: 1283 Page: 23 of: Type 7 well SCSSV type Wire-line retrievable Fluid type: Deaerated injection water [Tubing material Ordinary steel, coated if necessary Latch Flow-tubo Springs Critical elements Packing sub Hydraulic chamber + pistons Recommended materials ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH (10) ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH (10) ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH (10) ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH (10) ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH (10) ‘Custom 450, 17/4 PH or K500 750 alloy (9) Flapper housing Custom 450, 17/4 PH or K500 ‘Custom 450 or 17/4 PH (10) Custom 450 or 17/4 PH (10) (2): Willnot withstand acidifying fluids ==> the SCSSV must be removed for such operations. (10): Custom 450 preferred. Table 4.7.1 elf aquitaine production gi EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 SCSSV Drilling/Completion Division Rev. 1 Dale: 1268 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials tor Well Equipment Page: 24 of: Type 7 well ISCSSV type Tubing retrievable Fluid type Deaerated injection water \Tubing material ‘Ordinary steel, coated if Recessary A a (10): Custom 450 preferred. (11): Choose MP 35N or ELGILOY if repeated acidification is anticipated. Table 4.7.2 e¥ aquitain duction EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 scssv Drilting/Completion Division Fev 1 Bate : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals for Well Equipment Page: 25 of: SCSSV type Wire-line retrievable Fluid type: ‘Aerated injection water [Tubing material Fiberglass ee er ee a ee (11): Choose MP 35N or ELGILOY if repeated acidification is anticipated. (12): Forsea water. If Vag > 5 m/s, 625, 276, 22 or Beta Titanium alloy (this last case only if there Is no risk of acidification by fluoric ack). For river or lagoon water, seek expert advice. The choice of material depends on chloride content. Table 4.8.1 ei aquitaine production {al EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 SCSSV Rev.: 1 Date : 1288 Drilting/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Pago: 28 of: 0 for Well Equipment Type 8 well [SCSSV type Tubing retrievable [Fluid type Aerated Injection water [Tubing material Fiberglass Critical elements Recommended materials Top sub K500 (12) K500 (12) Body housing 1500 (12) Flow-tube K500 (12) Hydraulic chamber + pistons K500 (12) MP 35 N or ELGILOY Flapper + sat 500 (12) Flapper housing K500 (12) Lower sub) K500 (12) (12): For sea water. If Vay > 5 m/s, 625, 276, 22 or Beta Titanium alloy (this last case only if there Is no risk of acidification by fluorie acid). For river or lagoon water, seek expert advice. The choice of material depends on chloride content. Table 4.8.2 elf aquitaine production {B EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 scssv Dritling/Completion Division Rev: 1 Date : 1288 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page: 27 of for Well Equipment Type 9 well [SCSSV type Wire-line retrievable [Fluid type Chlorinated sea water [Tubing material Stainless or nickel alloy Critical elements Recommended materlals Latch 625 or C22 or C276 oF Beta Titanium alloy (2) Latch mandrel 625 or O22 of C276 oF Beta Titanium alloy (2) Packing sub 625 of 022 or 6276 or Beta Titanium alloy (2) a rar | Flapper + seat 625 or C22 or C276 or Beta Titanium alloy (2) Body housing Flapper housing 625 or C22 or C276 or Beta Titanium alloy (2) Bottom sub 625 or 022 or C276 or Beta Titanium alloy (2) (2): If there is no risk of acidification by fluoric acid. juction (| EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 scssv Drilling/Completion Division Rev 1 Bate = 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials , for Well Equipment ee Type 9 well [Scssv type Tubing retrievable Fluid type Chiorinated sea water [Tubing material Stainless or nickel alloy Critical elements Hydraulic chamber + pistons a (2): If there is no risk of acidification by fluoric acid. Table 4.9.2 ext aquitaine production [| [Emmnortsrcsssoms SSS | Drilling/Compietion Division Rov: 1 Date : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Pago: 29 0 ot: 0 Figure 4.10 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET | REP WIRE LINE SCSSV LACH MANDREL LOCK 1 PACKING SUB ' Bopy | 4 HOUSING $$ 5 FLOW TUBE 6 HYDRAULIC CHAMBER: po 7 ‘SPRINGS. a FLAPPER’ 8 ‘SEAT 9 FLAPPER HOUSING "1 BOTTOM SUB 12 SEAL Cross section diagram ofa} * wire-line retrievable * SCSSV and its critical elements L if aquitaine production gi EP/P/PROMFTS/FC 93-320-03 sScssv Driiting/Completion Division Rev 1 Dato : 1280 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Figure 4.11 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET a | TOP SUB © | NIPPLE BACK-UP 4 BODY HOUSING FLOW TUBE HYDRAULIC CHAMBER PISTON SPRINGS FLAPPER HOUSING LOWER SUB Cross section diagram of a “tubing retrievable * SCSSV and its critical elements e¥¢ aquitaine production [7] EP/PIPRO/FTSIFC 92-20-03 Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Section 5: Choice of Materials for Packers, SSD's & Expansion Joints ev aquitaine product! {o_ EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Packer Drilling/Comptetion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Table of Contents 1 Purpose... 2 Selecting the critical elements... 2.1 Packers... 22 SSD's... 2.3. Expansion joints... 3 Material recommendations. 4 Additional recommendations... 41 Thread protection.. 42 Choice of elastomers for sealing systems.. 43 Packaging and storage o¥ aquitaine production (eal EP/PIPRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Packer Drilling/Completion Division Rev. 1 Date = 1293 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 3 of: 1 Purpose This chapter deals with the materials to be used for packers, SSD's and expansion joints for the various types of well defined in section 1. These items of equipment are first of all broken down into “critical elements which have specific functions. The material recommendations are then made for these critical elements in the form of a standard sheet per type of well and making the distinction between: ‘© Single completion packers, * Dual completion lower packers, * SSDs, © Expansion joints. The choices for the other elements are then deduced simply by transposing the functions. el aqui production [7] EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 99-320-03 Packer Drilling/Completion Division Fev. : 1 Date : 1269 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Pogo: 4 of for Well Equipment aa 2 2 Selecting the critical elements The elastomers used in packers, SSD's and expansion joints are, of course, crtical components. However they ate not deatt with in this section but separately in appendix 3 of the manual. 2.1 Packers ‘The following critical elements ars considered (see figures 5.10 to 5.12): ‘© The mandrel; This element is in direct contact with the production fluid. It also usually ensures the function of sealing surface with the tubing (seal bore). ‘© The bottom sub, ensuring the packer / lower tubing connection. ‘* The tool connecting the packer to the upper tubing, an ANCHOR or a LOCATOR: This ‘element does not concem permanent packers which are attached directly to the tubing (see figure 5.13). © The ments In the hydraulic chamber, for hydraulic packers. * The external elements. Amongst these elements, we do not deal with those that have special mechanical functions such as slips and cones, etc. The suppliers are better placed to recommend what materials are best suited for these elements. 2.2 SSD's See figure 5.14. © Outer body. This element ensures a mechanical function on the one hand, and a dynamic sealing function on the other hand (packing or "bonded seals" between the outer body and the sleeve). © Top and bottom subs, ensuring the connection with the upper and lower equipment, * Sliding sleeve. 2.3. Expansion Joints See figure 5.15, «Polish bore receptacle (PBR), © Top and bottom subs, © Internal Mandrel. EP/PIPRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Packer Drilling/Completion Division EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materlals tor Well Equipment 3 Material recommendations ‘The dala sheets are numbered as follows: Well type Tubing material Sheet No. 7 | Duplex stainless steel, super | 54 austenitic or nickel alloy 2 Ordinary but H,S grade 62 3 ‘Ordinary but H,S grade 33 4 13 Cr stainless steel 54 5 Ordinary 55 6 ‘Ordinary 56 7 Ordinary 57 3 Fiberglass 58 8 Fiberglass or nickel alloy 59 e¥ aquitaine production |(7]] EP/PIPRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Packer Drilling/Completion Division Fev 1 Date: 1288 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 6 ot 4 Additional recommendations 4.1 Thread protection Stainless steels are renowned for their tendency to gall in threaded connections under high torque between materials of identical hardness. ‘These problems can be prevented by: ‘© Taking simple makeup/breakout precautions. Applying thread coatings and low tolerance slipping adjustments. Tightened dimensional inspection of interference between threading. 4.1.1. Makeup/breakout precautions These recommendations are simple and general, and must be observed regardless of threading, material and surface coating: © Scrupulously clean threads to remove all traces of metal or sand particles. * Grease pin and box parts (do not use molybdenum disulphide based grease). © Hold the vaive securely ina vice and line up the items to be made up together correctly. © Tighten and loosen gradually, with no sudden jerks. 41.2 Surtace coatings The following recommendations are both realistic and adequate to minimise the risks of galling: * Assurface coating Is recommended for martensitic materials 9 and 13% Cr: cheap coatings can be used (see next page). © A surface coating is required for all kinds of threading for highier metallurgies (17/4 PH, Duplex stainless steel and nickel alloy...). * A surface coating is required for all assemblies with metal-to-metal sealing (because of the high make-up torque), regardless of material. oir aquitalne production [ [ermmnortsrcssxocs Packer | Drilling/Completion Division Rave: 1 Date: 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Page: 7 of ‘© Acceptable coatings to be used include: Nitruration, oxalatation: applicable for martensitic steels; cheap. + Copper: for all material; does not allow for numerous make-up/break-outs. BAKERTRON coatings (supplied by BAKER) comprising a goki-chrome alloy (expensive) or sliver- palladium alloy: same as copper. = STANAL coating (tin deposition process): applicable for all material. Good results observed on 718 alloy and 17/4 PH. © Electrolytic nickel and chrome type coatings, and chemical nickel coatings must not be used. © Other coatings are possible but must be studied for each individual case. 4.2 Choice of elastomers for sealing systems ‘See Appendix 3. 4.3. Packaging and storage Packaging precautions must be taken in the factory, as in stores and on site, to maximise service operation. ‘The following precautions are recommended, for initial packaging or after dismantling and testing: © Carefully deburr machined ends, to reduce the risks of galling. © Grease all threads and slipping surfaces. * Carry out water tests with fresh water (< 100ppm chlorides). © Dry thoroughly, inside and out, after water tests. Hydrocarbon tests (gas oil for example) are preferred. Protect internally by grease film (viscous oil spray, for example). '* Store sealed in plastic or plasticised paper. There are special storage papers available which include additives affording protection against atmospheric corrosion. ei aquitaine production (Bl EP/P/PRO/FTS/FC 93-320-03 Packer Drilling/Completion Division Fev: 1 Gate : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials for Well Equipment Type 1 well Page: 8 of @ Fluid type Corrosive HS [Tubing material Duplex, super austenitic stainlass steals or nickel alloy Packers Critical elements Single completion | Dual completion packer Jower packer Mandrol (Including Hydraulic chamber elements if Hydraullc Packer Pt SSD's and Expansion Joints Critical elements SSD / Expansion joint call a Top and bottom subs Sliding sleeve / Mandrel marks: |1: Same as for tubing or equivalent : AIS! 4130/4140 or equivalent 3: Same as for casing or equivalent Table 5.1 e# aquitaine production {7} EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Packer Drilling/Completion Division Fev: 1 Date : 12m EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page: 9 oof: for Well Equipment Type 2 well Fluid type corrosive HS [Tubing material Ordinary steel (H,S service) Packers Single completion | Dual completion packer lower packer seal bore extension) Hydraulic chamber elements (it Hydraulic Packer) SSD's and Expansion Joints Critical elements | SSD/ Expansion joint a Sliding sleeve / Mandrel arks: 1: Duplex 22 or 25 Cr, K500 or nickel alloy : Same as for tubing, or equivalent AISI 4130/4140 or equivalent : Same as for casing or equivalent Table 5.2 ‘oduction [eal EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Packer Drilling/Completion Division Rew: + Date : 1289 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Pago: 10 of 1 @ tor Well Equipment [Fluid type Non corrosive H,S [Fubing material ‘Ordinary steel (HS service) Critical elements seal bore extension) To ‘Anchor or locator 1 Hydraulic chamber elements (it Hydraulic Packe a Top and bottom subs Sliding sleeve / Mandrel Packers Single completion | Dual pletion pacl lower ‘Outer body / PBR (Remarks: jt: AISI 4130/4140 or equivalent Table 5.3 e¥ aquitalne production |(7)_ EP/P/PRO/FTSIFC 93-320-03 Packer Drilling/Completion Division 1 Date: 1203 EMF 93 #1: Rules for the Selection of Materials Page for Well Equipment Type 4 well fue ‘type Corrosive CO, ‘ubing material 13% Cr stainless stool Packers Critical elements Mandrel (including ‘Single completion | Dual completion pacl lower packer seal bore extension) a a Hydraulic chamber elements it Hyetraullc Packer) SSD's and Expansion Joints Critical elements SSD / Expansion joint ‘Outer body / PBR Top and bottom subs Sliding sleeve / Mandrel jemarks: 1:9 Cr-1 Moif T < 70°C and Poo, < 1 bat, AISI 410 or 420 if T < 100°C and Pogg < 10 bars, CUSTOMS 450, F6NM or 17/4 PH for more stringent Pegg & T conditions. AISI 4130/4140 or equivalent. : Same as for casing or equivalent. Table 5.4

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