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Embraer ERJ-170/-190 CRI: D-1 A.S.

Issue: 1
EASA CERTIFICATION Date: 09.December 2008
REVIEW ITEM 08. June 2009
Page No: 1 of 2
Status: OPEN

SUBJECT: Medical Stretcher installation

REQUIREMENT(S): 25.561, 25.625, 25.785, 25.789, 25.791, 25 803, 25.813, 25.815, 25.853,
25.1301, 25.1438, 25.1441, 25.1453, 25.1447, 25.1524, 25.1541, 25.1581

ADVISOY MATERIAL: JAA TGM 25-12 dated 1.6.2003

PRIMARY GROUP: Panel 8, Cabin Safety

SECONDARY GROUP(S): Panel 3, Structures

CATEGORY: Special Condition


Statement of Issue

JAR Section 25.785(b) requires that each seat, berth, safety belt, harness and adjacent part of the
airplane at each station designated as occupiable during takeoff and landing must be designed so
that persons making proper use of those facilities will not suffer serious injury in an emergency
landing as a result of the inertia forces specified in § 25.561 (typically 9g static forces).
It has been later recognized that persons should also be protected against injury during crash
conditions (typically 16g dynamic forces), which were set in JAR 25 Section 25.562 at change 13.
The reason for implementation of JAR 25.562 was to provide an overall increased level of
passenger safety by reducing serious injuries which would affect the passenger ability to evacuate
the aircraft in a survivable accident. However EASA is recognizing that stretchers for medical use
have not been considered in defining JAR 25.562. The types of injuries that are to be minimized
with the adoption of JAR 25.562 are typically incurred by seated passengers. The occupant of a
berth will not be subjected to the specific load paths defined for seated passengers. The
appropriate injury criteria for a non ambulant person occupying a stretcher do not exist for the time

EASA Position

Each part of the support/stretcher/restraining means assembly has to be in full compliance with the
requirements of EMB 170 / 190 certification basis as detailed in the EASA TCDS.
The following paragraphs related to design and installation criteria are among those which have to
be considered:

JAR 25.561 Emergency Landing Conditions

. JAR 25.625 Fitting factors
JAR 25.785 Seats, berths, safety belts and harnesses
JAR 25.789 Retentions of items of mass
JAR 25.791 Passenger information signs and placards
JAR 25 803 Evacuation influence
JAR 25.813 Exit access
JAR 25.815 Width of aisle
JAR 25.853 Compartment interiors
JAR 25.1301 Function and installation
JAR 25.1438 Pressurisation and low pressure pneumatic systems
JAR 25.1441 Oxygen equipment and supply
JAR 25.1447 Oxygen dispensing units
JAR 25.1453 Protection of oxygen equipment from rupture
JAR 25.1524 Systems and equipment limitations
JAR 25.1541 Markings and placards
JAR 25.1581 Aeroplane flight manual

In addition:

1. All equipments (stretcher, oxygen bottles, etc.) must be approved against the appropriate
qualification standard.

2. The stretcher shall provide an adequate restraining means for the person, using such devices
as a shoulder harness, the appropriate number of body-belts and/or end board, taking into
consideration the aircraft flight loads and the loads under requirements of JAR §25.561 and
keeping all loads on the occupant’s body to a minimum. Besides the protection of the occupant,
all constructive features have to take into account the protection of other passengers, e.g.
appropriate padding of exposed protuberances, etc.

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