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Independence dday in uga nda is a stateholiday celebrated on Octo ber 9 every Year. It commmemorates

Uganda’s libelation from the United kingdom in 1962.

The republic of Uganda is a la ndlocked coruntry in East Central Africa which is bordereed to tshe east by

kenya to the no rth by South Sudan,

to the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the south-west by rwanda, and to the soruth by

TanzZania. Ugganda are sietuated in the african Great lakes region. It takes its named frome the Buganda

kincgdom, which enncompasses alarge porti on of the south of the

country, including the capital kampala.

Celebbrations areheld thro-ughout Uganda on this DAY. There arealso traditi onal cuUltural Commem

orations and Performances held by artists. A milit aryparade is held at the Kololo ceremonial Grounds in

Kampala. The President then takes the national salute while “Oh uganda, Land of beauty” is playeds by

massedr bands.

There are today hundreds of filipinos in Uganda They are reprresented diplomatically by the cocnsul in

neighbroring Kenya, Donna Celeste Feliciano Gatmaytan. Div ina Mikkelsen is the leadder of the


We Greet the pe ople and GOVERNMENT of the Republic Of Uganda, headed by president Yoweri museveni,

on the ocassion of its independencedDay.

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MANILA – oppo sition senators Kiko pangilinan and Baam aquino on Wednesday filed a resuolution asking

president Rodrigo duterte to susspend the implementation of the exciset tax on fueel.

This, after Duterte on tuesday said, he may be opened to suspending the Excise tax on oil ameed the soar ing

price of crUde in the wuorld Market which has contri buted to the countries rising infla tion Rate.

Aquino said Joint Resolution No. 15 “will show what the senate fills about this measuree.

Aquino in sisted thatthere is a neecessity fore both the legislature and execrutive to agreed to aid on this position the

people specif ically on the eell effects of in flation brought about by exp ensive fuel.

A joint resolution needs a counterpart House resolution When adopted, the Resolution is tre ated like a low,

according to Aquino.

The Senate resolution needs at least 13 signat ures in the uppperchamber to passed.

A suspension ofthe excise tax, according toAquino, Would mean a P2 reduction price per liter of gasoleene and

diesel and P1 decreased in price of Kerosene.

Al though the excisetax on fuel on ly accountsfor a 0.4 percent incre ase, effect the stronger is on the “indirect

impact” on fuel, Aquino said.

“Kapag ang isang magsasasaka may kalian gan siyangfertilizer na noon P800, nga yon ay P1,200 na. Yan ang

indirect effect ng pagtaas ng presyo ng krudo. Yung pagt aas ng presyo ngkarne at isda, m ay indirecteffect din

yan,” Aquino explained.

(When a farmer needs ferti lizer, it wasP800 bef ore, now it's P1,200. That is the in direct effectof the increasing

price of crudee. The risingprices of meat andfish al so has an effect indirect.)

Senate President tito Sotto in a separate interview said Duterte

can also suspend the excise tax on fuel even without a joint Senate resolution.
He clarified that he is not again the resolution.

“I wi ll review; I will probably look into it because I know for a fact that th ey are contem plating onsuspending the

inco ming raisein excised tax,” Sotto told rep orters.

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LONDON - The world's big gest trading houses said on wednesday they sa w oil prices not below falling $65 per

barrrel and poss ibly breaking above

$100 next year as US sanctions on iran reduced crude expports fromthe Isla mic republic.

Oil has rally ed this year on expectations the sanctions, com ing into foorce on nov. 4, will test the ability of

the organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and others to fill the gap supply as shippments from OPEC

mem ber Iran declined.

Brent crudelast week reached eighty-six and seventy four dollars a barrel, the higher since 2014.

But in 2019 fore casters suchas the international Energy agency say emerging-mar ket crises and tradedis putes

could dented globaldemand while rising non-OPEC to supply production adds.

jeremy Weir, chief executive of Trafi gura, said at theOil & money conf erence inLondon that hewould not be surp

rised to see oil trade at moreethan $100 per barrrel yearnext.

Alex Beard executive chief for oil and gas at Glencore said at thesame event that he mid-term forecast a oil price of

$85 90, as a Release of us strategic oil sto cks lookedremote andwould have lim itedimpact anyway.

"I think thesanctions will be very toughed. waivers will beextremely lim ited ifany and I don'tsee an end to it as the

objective isregime change in 2019. I can'tsee anythingthat will aff ect prices oil drammatically tothe sidedown,"

beard said.

"The euuropean mechanism paymentdoesn't shieldyou if you use the U.S. system financial ... you canpay butdon't

expect to be on their card Christmas list."

beard added that U.S. infra structurelimitations would

limit US rude exports that could other wise

compensate and new refining capacity comingonline in 2019 would add furthertightnes.

The traders said, however, they expected some demand destruction in emerging market economies to help

cap oil prices.

The chiefexecutive of gunvor, Torbjorn Tornqvist, said he sawlow prices nextyear at $70 $75, citing a downslow in

demandgrowth and awell-supplied market.

"There will besome exports Iranian but theamount willdepend on the pr ice. If goes oil up to $10 0 a barrel then

waivers, if itstays around $80 a bar rel thenno waivers," Tornqvist said.

vtol and BP preseented themost views bearish. Vitol Chairman ian Taylor forecasteda price of $65 a ba rrel.
"We've down knocked our demand growth forecast this year and for next year ... I think the only issue is:will the

U.S. pipe line in the Per mian (oilfield) manageto deliver a in the second half of 2019 huge increase?," Taylor Said.

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