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About +

 Basics & Beginners + Donate ❤

English Guild & Guild Hall

Joining the Guild Yeah I can feel it reaching out
Entering Guild Hall
Guild Quest Givers
Guild Store Google Doc Discord Databases Damage Calc
Guild Pugis
Guild Legendary Rastas English Guild and Guild Hall Facilities
Guild Special Cooking
Cooking Recipes
To talk
talk to
to the
the Guild
Guild you
you need
need to
to set
set your
your chat
chat to
to the
the proper
proper mode,
mode, this
this is
is green
green with
with aa
Felyne Treasure Hunters
pink ag!ag! If
If you
you see
see anything
anything else
else next
next to
to the
the input
input box
box you
you are
are in
in the
the wrong
wrong mode!
Felyne Adventure Boat
House and AI Companions + Local
Local chat
chat is
is only
only seen
seen by
by people
people inin the
the exact
exact same
same area
area as
as you,
you, ifif you
you are
are trying
trying to
to talk
Menus and Town NPCs + to
to someone
someone in in the
the blacksmith
blacksmith in in local
local they
they will
will not
not see
see anything
anything you you write!
Using the Discord Server is recommended over guild chat for general queries and
the Discord Server is recommended over guild chat for general queries and
Items & Materials + conversation!
Equipment and Item Boxes +
Weapons & Sigils +
Armour, Decorations & Skills + Joining The Guild
Transcend +
Monsters + New
New Players
Players may
may need
need to
to leave
leave the
the newbie
newbie guild
guild before
before joining!
Tools and References + Select 獵團 in
Select 獵團 in the
the menu,
menu, navigate
navigate toto the
the second
second tab,
tab, hit
hit Z
Z on
on keyboard
Hunter Rank & Style Rank + (X
(X or
or Square
Square onon controller)
controller) and
and select 退團 to
select 退團 to leave
leave the
the guild.
 Starting G Rank +
Before you can talk to the NPC needed to join the guild you will rst need to have completed the rst
G Rank +
couple of tutorial quests as detailed in the basics section. You will also need to have left the newbie guild
Zenith Content (GR200+) + (if applicable), as shouted above.
Quests, Food Buffs & Bentos +
To join the guild you will rst need to go to the Guild Management NPC:
Regular Events +
Hunter's Road +
Caravan and Raviente +
Subscribing and Paid Things +
Frontier JP +
Quick References +
FAQs, Videos, & Contact +

Upon talking to him choose the rst option, followed by the rst option again and then the 3rd option
(above the one containing ID).

This will produce a box in which you should type 'Cappuccino' to nd the guild.

Con rm on the correct guild and on the next page select the middle option and you should be set. This
sends a request to join the guild and will need to be approved before you can be a member proper.

Guild chat should be displayed automatically and you can set yourself to talk in it by hitting
Shift+Up/Down until the chat icon becomes a ag and the text becomes green.
If you are logged in when accepted you may need to relog in order to see guild chat proper.

Guild Requirements
Log in occasionally, if you're G Rank you'll be kicked for space when needed if you haven't been around in
30 days or so. Anyone at HR is also a candidate to be kicked after 10 days or so as it's incredibly trivial to
get to GR now and implies you probably actually bailed on the game.

Previously Festivals (see the Regular Events section) had a 5,000 point minimum for those participating.
As the game has a closure date and we aren't seeing anything new from festivals, this has been removed.
It's still polite to get as many souls as possible and you do in fact screw yourself over below 5,000


Guild Server
Generally there are usually at least a few guildies on what is informally our guild server, you can nd this
Server Tab 2 (自由區)
Server 1 (眠鳥, Hypnoc)
Room 5 (分區 5)

Entering Guild Hall

Entering the Guild Hall is as simple as approaching its entrance and hitting con rm. This will take you
into the Hall or - if someone is already in there - prompt you to change servers to the one that the Guild
Hall is currently active on.

Guild Quest Givers

The Guild Hall has access to all but caravan quests from the pair of quest givers near the quest board.

There are a number of quests that are Guild Hall only, these either give or consume guild tickets upon
being taken and have their own section. As well as these quests you can choose to take additional sub-
goals on guild ticket quests. These are things such as being naked while hunting something or using no
weapons. These the the only way to get Additional Task Tickets (新任務達成證) details on the additional
goals is available here (JP).

Guild Store
The Guild Shop sells a number of items that are only available there, the most immediately useful of
these being Spirit Mushrooms, 980z (鬼松茸) and Frost Tomatoes (霜降番茄) at 450z. These are both
food items that combine with Fist Rice (拳頭米, 550z, Food NPC in Town Square next to normal store.) to
get an easy +50 HP and +50 Stamina buff.

Guild Pugis

You can
can only
only have
have one
one of of these
these buffs
buffs active!
You only
only need
need to
to feed
feed once
once per
per log
log in
in or
or ifif you
you want
want to
to change
change your
your active
active Guild
Guild Pugi

Guild Pugis can grant bonuses upon being fed, the Guild currently has three different Pugi Out t that
each grant a different skill when fed successfully.
The easiest way to get the buff is to to mass feed them Pugi Crackers, 10z (豬仙貝) from the Guild Shop.
Successfully getting the buff is indicated by them jumping up and down in a white ash.

Brief clip showing buff triggering.

As mentioned in the notice above, you can only actually have one of these skills active at any time, if you
feed more than one Pugi only the last fed one will be active! This buff is for an entire session and only
needs to be renewed when you rst log into the game!

Keep in mind that all pugi buffs stack with any similar skills, you can happily use the Luck effect Pugi
even if you have Great Luck or Premium Course active and still gain bene ts!

In terms of mechanics, the Luck pugi has a 12.5% chance to reroll a failed reward roll and a 12.5% chance
to add additional reward slots. You can get a maximum of 24 standard reward slots if you are using
Great Luck with the Pugi active. The Pugi only affects the top 24 Main Reward slots and does not change
any of the other types of rewards (Sub Objectives, Additional, Breaks, Partner, etc.).

Guild Legendaries
In the guild hall you will nd a single Legendary Rasta, the rasta available cycles each day.

Talking to the legendary and selecting the 同行委託 (Contract) option allows you to take them on any
single quest that is signable in the Guild Hall once a day. You can toggle all the standard options on these
legendaries (Weapons, Items they use) but unlike should you take normal premium they do not have an
in nite health pool. They do however still completely ignore all quest requirements making them
excellent for taking on quests which require speci c gear that makes the quest more tedious than it
should be.

Guild Special Cooking

Special Food grants a skill on successfully being cooked, there are three levels of each skill it can grant and
a potential failure option that applies a debuff instead of a buff. The food made goes to the cat who is
next to the facility and can be eaten for an hour following its creation.

To actually make food you need to select four ingredients and begin the process, up to four hunters can
be involved, and then you will be taken to a minigame where you have to press con rm to keep the icon
on a meter in either the blue or green bars. Blue produces the best results, green good ones. Cat stamps
will appear showing you how well you are doing cooking wise in the top right until the cooking time

Upon completion the food will be sent to the Kitchen Cat who manages cooked food and you will either
get told what buff it gives or be asked to replace an existing meal if there are no spots for it to go into.

Food that is cooked is available to all Guild Members after being posted on the Kitchen Cat for one hour
after being completed and the buffs themselves last one hour and thirty minutes, this means you can get
a maximum of two hours and thirty minutes of the skill for every time you cook it.

For food with random results you can simply keep eating it on the Cat until you proc the actual skill you
want. The skills available in the pool are based on success level with +20 to res in the normal success

There are a lot of ingredients that can be used for cooking, these come from the Guild Store or from the
Adventure Boat. The Guild Store requires you to pay either standard Zeny or Guild Tickets while the
Adventure Boat is mostly RNG based with the rarest items needing materials obtained from
participating in the Diva Defense Event.

Adventure Boat (Diva Defense Routes)

Wabisabi Wasabi
樹木掩蓋的棰地 測謊指南針

Acid Pepper
吹起灼熱之風的祕境 血紅地獄

Monochrome Mushroom
冰封於吹雪中的祕境 命運蠟燭

Goemon Frog
況眠於濕地的祕境 追悼的音樂盒

Demon Pepper
海市蜃樓映照的祕境 指導的迴力標

Adventure Boat (Standard Routes)

Iron Cannon Fish


Star Pineapple

Miracle Herb

Millenium Peach

Bright Grain

Rainbow Mint

Guild Cat Store (Guild Tickets)

Ancient Algae
留意無底沼澤處 20 Tickets

Large Belly Shell sh

渲染新綠的水邊 20 Tickets

Black and White Dragon y

熱沙飛舞的平地 20 Tickets

Snow Kiwi
暗木茂盛之地 20 Tickets

Lava King Crab

爆發的火山 20 Tickets

Snow Powder
美麗牆面的冰穴 20 Tickets

Guild Cat Store (Zeny and Guild Tickets)

Mimic Vines
1000z 1 Ticket

Dangerous Melon
1000z -

Whole Vanilla
1000z 1 Ticket

Magma Mango
1000z 1 Ticket

Onion Sticks
1000z 1 Ticket

Deep Sea Chub

1000z 1 Ticket

Ice Salmon
1000z 1 Ticket

Diva Defense Guild Interception Rewards

Taiko Olive
Rewarded in Diva Defense Interception for holding certain number of Hexes

Spine Meat
Rewarded in Diva Defense Interception for holding certain number of Hexes

As long as you simply claim rewards from the Diva Defense you will obtain at least some of the materials
for the Adventure Boat. Check the speci c section on this page about the Adventure Boat itself for
information on how it works.

Cooking Modes
There are a number of different cooking modes, you can either go normally which doesn't cost any Guild
Tickets or you can use one of 6 Guild Ticket options that alter how the results and minigame functions

Guild Ticket Modes

10 Tickets Widens the normal green success area.
Secret of Success

10 Tickets Removes the red large failure area.
No Failure Allowed

10 Tickets Doubles the size of the blue great success area.
Ultimate Success

10 Tickets The cursor moves backwards more slowly.
Cooking Technique

秘傳的調味料 Increases the level of success by one level. Should guarantee maximum
20 Tickets
Secret Seasoning returns for anyone decent at mashing.

Randomises the results within the recipe band (i.e. for Fire Res you
5 Tickets could randomly roll any amount of res or Hunger Up but not actual
Secret of Success
purely random results.)

As with normal food preparation there are recipes for each status you might want, there are four result
states from cooking; Great Failure, Failure, Success and Great Success. These are indicated by the
number of stamps you collect during the cooking minigame, no stamps is a xed Great Failure, red
stamps result in failure, green in success and blue in great success.

The most noteworthy recipes are those with a bolded header. Examples of the skills from better recipes
include Three Worlds Protection, Adrenaline +2, Great Luck and Wide-Area +3. For ghting Zenith
monsters it is also worth utilising the Resistance recipes, 55 of a resistance is required to avoid extreme
versions of blights and you can get +83 res from a combination of SR Skills and Guild Cooking.

Guild Cooking Recipes

Key G. Failure / Failure / Success / G.
Recipe Other Ingredients
Ingredient Success

Page 1

Hunger Increased [Lg]

深海本諸子 Health +30
1 : 激辛爆彈飯 粉雪粉 整人香草 閑靜山葵
魚 Rage +1
Rage +2

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +30
五右衛門蛙 虹色薄荷 棍棒蔥 擬態藤蔓
Three Worlds +2
Three Worlds +3

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Wind Pressure [Sm]
危險西瓜 鬼面燈籠椒 棍棒蔥 擬態藤蔓
Wind Pressure [Lg]
Wind Pressure [Dragon]
2 : 開拓者的豪快飯
Hunger Increased [Lg]
危險西瓜 胺基酸山椒 棍棒蔥 擬態藤蔓
High Grade Earplugs
Super Ear Plugs

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +30
危險西瓜 虹色薄荷 棍棒蔥 擬態藤蔓
Stun Halved
Stun Negated

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +10
3 : 幸運鬆餅 星星鳳梨 危險西瓜 整人香草 擬態藤蔓
Good Luck
Great Luck

Hunger Increased [Lg]

深海本諸子 Earplugs
4 : 終極刺身 黑白蜻蜓 碎冰鮭魚 整人香草
魚 High Grade Earplugs
Super Ear Plugs

Hunger Increased [Lg]

深海本諸子 Caring +1
5 : 兄弟燒烤 黑白菇 碎冰鮭魚 擬態藤蔓
魚 Caring +2
Caring +3

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +20
6 : 灼熱鉗子饗宴鍋 熔岩鱈場蟹 整人香草 危險西瓜 擬態藤蔓
Adrenaline +1
Adrenaline +2

Hunger Increased [Lg]

深海本諸子 Wind Pressure [Sm]
初始綠球藻 危險西瓜 鬼面燈籠椒
魚 Wind Pressure [Lg]
Wind Pressure [Dragon]
7 : 藥膳元氣粥
Hunger Increased [Lg]
深海本諸子 Wind Pressure [Sm]
虹色薄荷 危險西瓜 鬼面燈籠椒
魚 Wind Pressure [Dragon]
Violent Wind Breaker

Page 2

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +20
8 : 天地走破炒飯 胺基酸山椒 擬態藤蔓 棍棒蔥 黑白蜻蜓
Runner +1
Runner +2

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +20
9 : 女神的寶石點心 雪奇異果 危險西瓜 整人香草 岩漿芒果
Divine Protection
Goddess' Embrace

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +20
10 : 磯燒大肚貝 大肚貝 碎冰鮭魚 整人香草 擬態藤蔓
Hunger Halved
Hunger Negated

Hunger Increased [Lg]

深海本諸子 Wide Area +1
11 : 神奇海鮮宴 碎冰鮭魚 整人香草 擬態藤蔓
魚 Wide Area +2
Wide Area +3

Hunger Increased [Lg]

12 : 幹勁滿溢蔬菜 Health +10
擬態藤蔓 棍棒蔥 黑白蜻蜓 整人香草
麵 Terrain [Sm]
Terrain [Lg]

Hunger Increased [Lg]

13 : 獵人的反覆無 深海本諸子 Health +10
碎冰鮭魚 危險西瓜 擬態藤蔓
常鍋 魚 Whim
Divine Whim

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +10
14 : 幻想串糰子 危險西瓜 岩漿芒果 整人香草 擬態藤蔓
Paralysis Halved
Paralysis Negated

Page 3

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +10
15 : 真紅萬能燒烤 鬼面燈籠椒 危險西瓜 岩漿芒果 擬態藤蔓
Sleep Halved
Sleep Negated

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +10
16 : 輝柔皮甜甜包 岩漿芒果 星星鳳梨 危險西瓜 擬態藤蔓
Poison Halved
Poison Negated

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +10
17 : 暁天吐司 整人香草 岩漿芒果 危險西瓜 擬態藤蔓
Stun Halved
Stun Negated

Hunger Increased [Lg]

All Res UP +5
棍棒蔥 粉雪粉 黑白蜻蜓 後光穀
All Res UP +10
All Res UP +20

Hunger Increased [Lg]

深海本諸子 Fire Res +10
棍棒蔥 岩漿芒果 整人香草
魚 Fire Res +20
Fire Res +30

Hunger Increased [Lg]

深海本諸子 Water Res +10
棍棒蔥 危險西瓜 整人香草
魚 Water Res +20
Water Res +30
18 : 五光十色湯
Hunger Increased [Lg]
深海本諸子 Ice Res +10
棍棒蔥 碎冰鮭魚 整人香草
魚 Ice Res +20
Ice Res +30

Hunger Increased [Lg]

深海本諸子 Thunder Res +10
棍棒蔥 鬼面燈籠椒 整人香草
魚 Thunder Res +20
Thunder Res +30

Hunger Increased [Lg]

深海本諸子 Dragon Res +10
棍棒蔥 擬態藤蔓 整人香草
魚 Dragon Res +20
Dragon Res +30

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +30
19 : 血脈通流沙拉 爆裂炸肉排 奇蹟七草 初始綠球藻 整人香草
Wide-Area +3
Herbal Medicine

Hunger Increased [Lg]

20 : 胃口大開鮮肉 Health +30
骨氣肉 棍棒蔥 虹色薄荷 粉雪粉
派 Encourage +1
Encourage +2

Hunger Increased [Lg]

Health +30
21 : 團結炸饅頭 太鼓橄欖 虹色薄荷 黑白蜻蜓 擬態藤蔓

Page 4

Blue Soul
Blue Soul
22 : 爆裂炸肉排 骨氣肉 岩漿芒果 雪奇異果 星星鳳梨
Red Soul

Hunger Increased [Lg]

0 : 猟團闇鍋 Any Any Any Any

There are multiple other recipes for these skills in the Google Document but these are the cheapest
combinations available in terms of materials. Unless you are very con dent in your ability to consistently
hit Great Success in the minigame you should only use recipes with red ingredients while also using the
Success Level Up cooking option that forces success to upgrade into Great Success.

Felyne Treasure Hunters

The guild hall may have a number of Partnyaas assigned to it, each of these is available to all members of
a guild to be sent out treasure hunting. There are a decent number of items and materials that are
exclusive to this system including those for end game Pugi Cuffs which can be vital for making many G
Rank sets.
In terms of standard items you can obtain a number of 'Quick' items. These are identical to a normal
consumable type but are at 200% speed like with the Quick Eating skill active. These are separate item
stacks and can be taken alongside normal versions (e.g. 10 Pots, 10 Quick Pots, 2 Max Pots, 2 Quick Max

Treasure Hunts
Starting a Treasure Hunt is relatively simple, selecting the First Option on the NPC allows you to start a
departure to one of six locations with up to 5 of the Partnyaas assigned to the Guild Hall.

After selecting your area you will be prompted to assign cats to slot, this is simply a case of matching
colours to the two indicated in their slot and assigning the highest level of cats available to the
appropriate slots and hitting con rm.
The Hunts will always take 30 minutes after which the cats will be in a tired state until the next time it
hits 12:00 AM TW time. Being tired means that in order to send them out again you must spend RP, RP is
earned by simply being in game at a rate of 1 per 30 minutes. Each tired cat costs 1RP to be sent out.

Treasure Types
There are three different types of 'Treasures' that can be obtained Rewards, Treasures and Souvenirs.
The type of treasure is mostly just RNG and the actual reward pools you will be given are set based on
the location that the Treasure Hunters were sent to.
Rewards are immediately given when interacting with the main Treasure Hunter NPC after a Treasure
Hunt has concluded.
Treasures are also triggered when interacting with the main Treasure Hunter NPC but they must be
actively sought out by a player after the Treasure Hunters have located it, this is covered below.
Souvenirs are received after someone else returns from locating a treasure, a guild wide notice appears
informing that this has happened and the relevant people can claim rewards at the Reward Basket in the
Guild Hall.

Getting Treasures
Whenever a Treasure is found it will be added to the list of active Treasure Retrieval Quests on the
second option on the NPC.

All options on this list are selectable by all Guild Members. This means that if you wait too long other
players may go out and nd the treasure themselves, meaning you will only get a Souvenir.
Selecting a quest will give you a stamp on the quest card and when exiting out you will be presented with
a screen where a cat con rms the location you must visit to nd the treasure.

If you choose to nd the treasure yourself you will be presented a with a hint and have to locate it within
the area that is given, maps of the various locations can be found on this japanese blog.
There is no simple key for the chinese hint text and as such you you should simply check every area on
the maps to be sure to nd the treasure.
The treasures may be gathered on any quest that takes place in the area where the Treasure Hunters
found the Treasure, the most simple quest is simply a map delivery.
The treasure itself will appear as a giant shiny in one of the preset locations and upon interacting with it
you will be given a Treasure Hunters Treasure (尋寶隊的寶物) which will be converted into a treasure
upon returning from the quest to be collected at the Rewards Basket.

Claiming Treasures
As mentioned, the rewards from both Treasures and Souvenirs will always appear on the Reward Basket
in the Guild Hall..

Functionally this acts almost identically to a quest rewards screen except you choose a party that has
rewards for you before accessing the send all to box option.

Felyne Adventure Boat

You can use the Adventure Boat to send a Felyne to a speci c location. The Adventure Boat is the only
way you can obtain some of the items for the Guild Special Cooking recipes such as those used in the
Caring Recipes (Makes it so you cannot hit other players with attacks).

Sending out the cats costs RP, which you gain at a rate of 1 per 30 minutes spent in game. Rewards will
depend upon a number of factors and be increased by putting in Guild Tickets by talking to the NPC on
land after the boat departs.

After the boat returns you can claim any rewards from directly in front of it, depending on the success
level of the mission you will see different results ranging from a pile of plain boxes and debris to shining

The boat is out for 6 hours as standard and all members of the guild can contribute and claim rewards,
if you are intending to use guild cooking it is certainly worth pooling resources to get best results from
this feature.

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