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Shofwatun Nida
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

In this 21st century, a lot of learning innovations are introduced as tools to learn to
read, speak, write and listen to English, one of which is modern technology. In
learning, many types of modern technology are introduced to assist students in
learning English, such as language laboratories, video, satellite, internet, blog,
digital dictionary and more. Technology Modern aims to improve students' ability
in reading skills, speak, write, and listen and are able to use technology well as a
teaching and learning tool. Every language class usually uses some form of
technology. Technology has been used to both help and improve language
learning. Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus
enhancing the language learning process. Technology continues to grow in
importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for their learners.
This study will explain on the role of using technologies in learning English as a
second/foreign language. It discussed different attitudes which support English
language learners to increase their learning skills through using technologies. This
article describes how English teacher implemented technology in their instruction
to support student learning, a framework for understanding the use of technology
in the classroom, and a qualitative study created to examine our technology use
for instruction. The study’s main themes are discussed: the use of technology for
an instruction, and the challenges and benefits of technology use in the classroom.

Keywords: Teaching English language, technology, teaching english with

technology, foreign language, benefit of using technology for learning

For most of us, our definition of the That is created by technology.

word “technology” is likely to revolve around Technology is the set of knowledge, skills,
smartphones, gadgets, computers and robots experience and techniques through which
that make our lives easier. This is correct, but humans change, transform and use our
of a limited perspective. Rather, “technology” environment in order to create tools,
as defined simply by Merriam-Webster machines, products and services that meet our
dictionary, is the use of science in industry, needs and desires. Etymologically the word
engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to comes from the greek tekne (technical, art,
solve problems; or a machine, piece of skill) and logos (knowledge). According to w.
equipment, method, etc., Brian arthur (2009), the first and most basic
one is a technology is a means to fulfill a
First Author, Second Author: Three words title...
human purpose. … as a means, a technology 0 classroom teaching and learning, including
may be a method or process or device. The potential advantages and limitations to
second definition is a plural one: technology technology (Swenson, 2006).
as an assemblage of practices and Bennett, Culp, Honey, Tally, and
components. Spielvogel (2000) asserted that the use of
Language is one of the significant computer technology lead to the improvement
elements that affects international of teachers’ teaching and learners’ learning in
communication activities. Students utilize the classes. The use of computer technology
different parts of English language skills such helps teachers meet their learners’ educational
as listening, speaking, reading, and writing for needs. According to Bransford, Brown, and
their proficiency and communication (Grabe Cocking (2000), the application of computer
& Stoller, 2002). In addition, Ahmadi (2017) technology enables teachers and learners to
stated that one of the important elements for make local and global societies that connect
learning is the method that instructors use in them with the people and expand opportunities
their classes to facilitate language learning for their learning. They continued that the
process. According to Becker (2000), positive effect of computer technology does
computers are regarded as an important not come automatically; it depends on how
instructional instrument in language classes in teachers use it in their language classrooms.
which teachers have convenient access, are According to Arifah (2014), the use of
sufficiently prepared, and have some freedom internet increases learners’ motivation. The
in the curriculum. Computer technology is use of film in teaching helps learners to realize
regarded by a lot of teachers to be a significant the topic with enthusiasm and develop their
part of providing a high-quality education. knowledge. Learners can learn meaningfully
Considering digital technologies’ when technology is used in the process of
widespread availability and influence in learning through using computer and internet.
everyday life, the use of different technologies When learners learn with technology, it assists
for educational purposes is an important them in developing their higher order thinking
subject for teachers and teacher educators to skills. It can be concluded that the true
consider. Whether referencing specific low- or combination of multimedia and teaching
hightech tools for learning and instruction or methodology is very important to attract
the collective grouping of these tools, learners’ attention towards English language
technology offers the potential to impact learning.
positively students’ learning and teachers’ Dawson, Cavanaugh, and Ritzhaupt
instruction (Alvermann, 2007; O’Neil & (2008) and Pourhosein Gilakjani (2014)
Perez, 2003; Sternberg, Kaplan, & Borck, maintained that using technology can create a
2007). learning atmosphere centered around the
Meaningful technology use can support learner rather than the teacher that in turn
positive teaching and learning outcomes that creates positive changes. They emphasized
include effective instruction, support for that by using computer technology, language
authentic learning, increased student learning, class becomes an active place full of
and alterations in teacher pedagogy (Culp, meaningful tasks where the learners are
Honey, & Mandinach, 2003; Darling responsible for their learning. Drayton, Falk,
Hammond et al., 2005; Pope & Golub, 2000). Stroud, Hobbs, and Hammerman (2010)
Such outcomes require teachers and teacher argued that using computer technology
educators to consider purposefully the indicates a true learning experience that
application and integration of technology for enhances learners’ responsibilities.
Technology encourages learners to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
learn individually and to acquire responsible Technology is an effective tool for
behaviors. The independent use of learners. Learners must use technology as a
technologies gives learners self-direction. significant part of their learning process.
Teachers should model the use of technology
METHOD to support the curriculum so that learners can
This article is classed as a qualitative increase the true use of technology in learning
study in which this research compares and their language skills. Learners’ cooperation
discusses existing development data about can be increased through technology.
teaching English technology. To obtain to Cooperation is one of the important tools for
result of ho to teaching english with learning. Learners cooperatively work together
technology and the factor to teaching with to create tasks and learn from each other
technology, the research compares 20 journals through reading their peers’ work.
from indonesia, turkey, iran, china, Some studies have been done on the
poland,georgia, and other countries around the advantages of using technology in English
world. The journals are all about teaching language teaching and learning. Stated the use
english with technology, benefit teaching with of ICT acts as a catalyst in motivating teachers
technology, how to teach with technology, the and learners to work in new ways. The
use of technology in english language teaching researcher understood that as learners become
and others. more autonomous, teachers feel that they
Most of the journals are using should urge and support their learners to act
qualitative research, wich make the journal and think independently. The application of
itself has a concrete proof of the result. The Computer Assisted Language Learning
researchers compares between the 20 journals changes learners’ learning attitudes and
of their method, review, discussion, and enhances their self-confidence.
conclusion. Most of they are using the same The results of interview and
method wich is survei with qualitative questionnaire showed that teachers used a
research. They took samples from student to wide range of technological tools to explore
prove their research of developing the skills their creativity in the classroom including
and gatehing the data to make a concreat laptop, computer, LCD (Liquid Crystal
statement of conclusions of their qualitative Display) projector, recorder, Internet, power
research. points, and videos. These types of technology
As for the function of qualitative were classified into three categories:
research is It provides more content that is hardware, Internet and audio-visual materials.
useful for practical application, It offers the The use of youtube, Google and social media
chance to develop specific insights, It focuses comes under the ‘Internet’ category. ‘Audio-
on the purpose of a decision instead of the visual materials’ category includes videos and
details, Help develop assumptions or ppts. ‘Hardware’ refers to the computer,
hypotheses in the process of finding a laptop, video recorder and LCD projector.
solution, in which these assumptions and Any technological tools these teachers used
hypotheses can be alleviated through seem to bring a positive effect on their
Quantitative Research. practices.
The results of this study showed that
teachers utilised a wide range of technological
tools in their creative practices, such as a
computer, mobile phone, Internet, LCD
First Author, Second Author: Three words title...
projector, and videos, and the frequency of its 0 improve their thinking and observation skills,
use might differ from one teacher to another. it promotes imagination, etc. An example
The implementation of these technological playing the video with or without the subtitles
tools has different functions in teachers’ enhances visual learners. Or using radio
creativity each other. (playing the audio) helps auditory learners
Another important finding of this study learn better. Listening to the tape and then
is that all teachers used technology in the having the script is a clear combination that
classroom. They seem to be aware of the helps visual and auditory learners.
importance of technology in their practices. Connectivism (2005) is a learning
The application of technology can affect the theory created by Stephen Downs and George
ways teachers and students are able to work. Siemens which states how globally technology
In this case, technology has potential to and internet brought up new opportunities for
transform teachers’ mind views as it can open learners to share and study educational and
up new and authentic ways of being creative learning information among themselves and
due to the features of information technology across the world. Network is being a medium
it has, including provisionality, interactivity, to exchange knowledge and scholarly
capacity, speed, and automatic functions. The innovative ideas that will finally lead to
type of technology the teachers used in this prosperity and development both culturally
study depends on their needs and knowledge and socially. These technologies have not only
of technology, whether they use it as a means impacted the field of education, but have also
for communication and discussion or they use expanded and challenged our thinking of what
it to create authentic situations. This finding, constitute a learning environment. Not only
particularly in the use of technology for that the learning environment has incorporated
creating authentic situations. Teachers utilised computers or internet, but also simulations,
Internet technology to create authenticity in games, smart phones and later 3D
the learning context, for example, using real- technologies (Dror, 2008).
world tools (youtube, movies, videos, One cannot dispute the fact that our
Wikispaces), assigning an authentic task and lives have hugely been influenced by
allowing learners to work on projects. Use of technology. Technology now assumes a vital
technology provides refreshing and varied place in current human’s societal
context to make meaningful and enjoyable developments. Technology is indispensable in
learning. facilitating teaching and learning. Students
Technology helps the teachers make learning English as a second language will
teaching and learning visual (easy for visual need frequent hearing, speaking, reading and
learners). A technology also helps students writing in order to improve their skills and
improve their thinking and observation skills, experience (Ybarra & Green 2003). It is
it promotes imagination, etc. An example evident that technology improves learning
playing the video with or without the subtitles pronunciations (Seferoglu, 2005), language
enhances visual learners. Or using radio fluency and performance (Guzel & Aydin,
(playing the audio) helps auditory learners 2016) and skills development (Nomass, 2013).
learn better. Listening to the tape and then The role of technology in teaching and
having the script is a clear combination that learning is so enormous that researchers now
helps visual and auditory learners. think that only the mixture of teachers and
Technology helps the teachers make technology will lead to great learning success
teaching and learning visual (easy for visual (Sharma, 2009).
learners). A technology also helps students
The 21st century marked the era of the software is made in the USA, this results
globalization which makes learning a foreign in vocabulary and language differences being
language of utmost importance. English, being problematic for other countries‟ school
the language behind most technological and students(Stockley, D.,2006). Thirdly, brevity
scientific developments, economies, of Shelf-Life, frequent technological advances
administration, literary works and popular mean that hardware and software are
entertainment comes first (Graddol, 2006). constantly updated; it is very infuriating to
Teaching English Language has been there for discover that your PC will not run the latest
a long period of time and its significance is multimedia releases or that the disc you
ever increasing which lead (Graddol, 1997) in bought last month has just been updated. At
his study suggesting that by 2000 English last, Design fault, a poorly designed interface
learners will reach a billion and doubled a can lead to user disorientation, making the
decade later. Considering the wide spread and information virtually inaccessible. Programs
advancement of English language around the which continually crash are also aggravating
globe, English is considered as the first and are probably the result of poor design or
language in countries like Irlandia, Canada, simply a lack of testing during development
Filipina and in some places as the second. ( Larsen-Freeman, Diane.,2008).
English language teaching has always been
related to technology (Shinghal, 1997). CONCLUSION
By using various kinds of media in the Studies reviewed here indicated that
classroom teacher can enhance students’ technology offers both teachers and learners a
understanding and promote it where lot of materials and communication
necessary. The use oftechnology such as audio opportunities to improve english language
and video with student teachers is crucial also teaching and learning. In order to successfully
in giving feedback and training, in Reflective integrate technology in language classes, both
Teaching, in analyzing and synthesizing, in teachers and learners should adopt new roles
tracking students’ progress over time, in and use the existing technologies in suitable
editing certain options, in testing, in peer ways. It is obviously true that one of the
coaching, etc. Media can help with many ultimate aims of technology language learning
issues such as: motivation, clarity, recycling, And teaching is to promote learners’
drafting, revising, editing, variety, mixed- motivation and learning interest which can be
ability classes, updating information in the a practical way to get them involved in the
textbook, giving life and color to classroom language learning process. Teachers should be
procedures and methods, thus at the same time prepared with professional skills which
helping the students improve accuracy and involve teaching and technical skills because
fluency. if teachers are more knowledgeable, they will
The discussion above explained a lot be able to successfully implement
about how the benefits of technology in technologies in their language classes. This
learning and the importance of using review paper revealed that learners can benefit
technology for teachers. Weakness Of from the technology-based activities provided
Multimedia English Learning Approach. It that they are related to their needs and
stated with disadvantages of multimedia interests. The findings of this review paper
material. First of all, High Expense:, the price represented that technology allows teachers to
of hardware and software makes multimedia be more creative and more effective in their
inaccessible to many schools and families. teaching and it motivates learners to be
Secondly, due to Americanization, much of engaged in classroom activities.
First Author, Second Author: Three words title...
The results of this study show a 0 2013. Procedia-Social and Behavioral
positive response to the teachers’ use of Sciences, 191, 31-36.
technology in building their creativity. They
did not use technology as the main activity, Fitriah,. (2018). The Role of Technology
and the technology could not transform In Teachers’ Creativity Development
teachers’ knowledge. However, as noted by in English Teaching Practices
the teachers in this study, while technology
could not replace the teacher’s job, technology journal/article/view/588/299
helped and facilitated the teaching-learning
process with the teacher as the main actor. Khruathong, S. (2019). Teaching English
Technology is not an ‘independent variable’ through Technology: Use of TV Studio
that can be integrated into a system to enhance Production for the Improvement of
Learning. Technology does not provide ideas; English Speaking. ASEAN Journal of
technology can complement skills by Education, 1(1), 85-98.
providing a means of experimentation and
exploration. Maszkowska, N. (2017). The use of
Some years ago it was thought that the technology in English language
computers would substitute the teachers but it teaching. English in Interdisciplinary
did not work. Learning and teaching through Context of Life-Long Education. Torun:
computers is an alternative approach that Nicolaus Copernicus University Poland
stresses the student’s use of computers to Pub.
solve real-world problems while learning. But
however sophisticated it might be, Kuning, D. S. (2019). TECHNOLOGY IN
Teachers will never be replaced. TEACHING SPEAKING SKILL. Journal
of English Education, Literature and
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Linguistics, 2(1),50–59.
I present this article to my TEFL lecturer and I
would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Liton, H. A. (2015). Examining students’
Aswir, M.Pd. And not forget to gratefull to my perception & efficacy of using technology
parents for supporting me while i was doing in teaching English. International Journal
this paper. of Education and Information
I would like to offer my special thanks to my Technology, 1(1), 11-19.
friends Annisa Aprilia, Vina Husnul Laily,
and Callista Nurul Annajmi and Silva G. q=teaching+english+with+technology&hl
Herdiana. For them valuable and constructive =id&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=2015&as_y
suggestions during the process and hi=2020
development of this research work. Their
willingness to give time so generously has Lin, Huizhen. (2020). The Construction of
been very much I appreciated. College English Network Technique
Platform Based
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First Author, Second Author: Three words title...

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