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In some countries in the world, the health service is free.

Some people feel that smokers should not get free
treatment for smoking related illnesses because they are
knowingly harming themselves. Do you agree?

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of people who are
addicted to smoking particularly women in western countries. It is said that
due to stress women and men turn to cigarettes. There are some, myself
included, who believe that free medical treatment should be prohibited for
smokers for smoking related diseases since they are knowingly causing
danger to themselves. However, smokers may claim that they should
receive equal medical treatment as non-smokers.
On one hand, it can be argued that medical treatments are costly
and should be provided to those who deserve it. People who have
looked after themselves well and have avoided smoking for fear of
smoking related illnesses should get full subsidies from their
government in case they fall ill. However, adult smokers, who
nevertheless take risks, knowing that smoking can kill them, should
pay for their illnesses if they suffer from lung or liver cancer due
to inhaling toxic smoke. If actions are not taken against smokers, the
country will lose its medical funds since more and more people will
report themselves sick, not worrying about the cost that is
incurred upon the government.

On the other hand, smokers are also citizens who have paid equal
amount of tax to the government. They have also worked hard all their
lives, contributing to the community welfare of the country. They may
claim that it is their right as citizens to have free medical treatment
regardless of being chain smokers. It can also be stated that, unless
smokers received proper treatment, their diseases could be spread to
others and lung related diseases would become rampant all over the
country, causing deaths.

All in all, although both views have their own sensible arguments, in
my opinion, smokers should be sensible citizens and quit smoking so
that there will be a minimal chance of getting ill. For those reasons, I
support the idea of charging smokers for their respective medical
costs so that they will understand the high costs of medical
treatment and take care of their own health.

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