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Patient's Name : HASEEB ULLAH Age / Sex : 8 Years / Male

Lab No. : 2316619 Sample Collection Date : 10-11-2023 03:42 PM
Panel : Aldc F8 Point Report Date : 10-11-2023 11:25 PM
NIC # : Ref By : self
Passport : Phone : 03129775302

Chemical Parameters
Test Name Result Unit Reference Range

Serum Glucose (Random) 99 mg/dL 80- 160

Liver Function Tests

Serum Bilirubin-Total 0.5 mg/dL Adults: 0.1 - 1.2

Childeren >1 month: 0.2 - 1.0

Serum ALT (SGPT) 21 u/L Female: 09 - 36

Male: 09 - 43

Serum AST (SGOT) 20 u/L woman: 10 - 31

Male: 10 - 35

Serum Alkaline Phosphatase 345 u/L Child ( 15 years) : 645

Female: 65 - 240
Male: 80 - 270
Adolescents : 483
3 - 4 months child: 730

Renal Function Tests

Serum Urea 18 mg/dL Normal : 10 - 50

Serum Creatinine 0.6 mg/dL Normal : 0.6 - 1.3

Serum Uric Acid 3.1 mg/dL Normal : 3.6 - 7.7 Male

Female : 2.5 - 6.8

Patient's Name : HASEEB ULLAH Age / Sex : 8 Years / Male

Lab No. : 2316619 Sample Collection Date : 10-11-2023 03:42 PM
Panel : Aldc F8 Point Report Date : 10-11-2023 11:25 PM
NIC # : Ref By : self
Passport : Phone : 03129775302

Coagulation Profile
Test Name Result Unit Reference Range

APTT 31 Seconds 29 (Control Value)


Patient's Name : HASEEB ULLAH Age / Sex : 8 Years / Male

Lab No. : 2316619 Sample Collection Date : 10-11-2023 03:42 PM
Panel : Aldc F8 Point Report Date : 10-11-2023 11:25 PM
NIC # : Ref By : self
Passport : Phone : 03129775302

Coagulation Profile
Test Name Result Unit Reference Range

P.T 12 Seconds 12 (Control Value)

I.N.R 1.0 Normal: Upto 1.2
Therap: 2.1 - 4.8

Patient's Name : HASEEB ULLAH Age / Sex : 8 Years / Male

Lab No. : 2316619 Sample Collection Date : 10-11-2023 03:42 PM
Panel : Aldc F8 Point Report Date : 10-11-2023 11:25 PM
NIC # : Ref By : self
Passport : Phone : 03129775302

Haematology Parameters
Test Name Result Unit Reference Range

W.B.C Count 8.6 x 10 ^3 /uL 4.5 – 13

Red Cell Count 4.85 x 10 ^6 /uL 4.5 – 5.8
Haemoglobin 13.3 g/dL 11.0 – 14.6
PCV / HCT 38 % 33 – 44
MCV 78 fL 75 – 84
MCH 27 Pg 27 - 32
MCHC 35 g/dL 31.5 - 34.5
Platelet Count 427 x 10 ^3 /uL 150 – 450

Diff. Leuc. Count (DLC)

Neutrophils 50 % 60 after age of 02 years
Lymphocytes 41 % 55 after age of 02 years
Monocytes 06 % 04 – 09
Eosinophils 03 % 00 – 03
Basophils 00 % 01 – 03

Patient's Name : HASEEB ULLAH Age / Sex : 8 Years / Male

Lab No. : 2316619 Sample Collection Date : 10-11-2023 03:42 PM
Panel : Aldc F8 Point Report Date : 10-11-2023 11:25 PM
NIC # : Ref By : self
Passport : Phone : 03129775302

Covid-19 PCR
Parameter Result Normal Range

SARS-COV-2 RNA (Target 1) Not-Detected N/A


The test for Novel Corona Virus (SARS-COV-2) has been performed using Real time RT-PCR, in which the
target RNA in the specimen (Nasopharyngeal/Oropharyngeal swab, sputum or Bronchial lavage) is
extracted and subjected to amplification and detection/quantification with high sensitivity reagents kits.
1.The negative results must be interpreted in the light if clinical presentation, patient’s history and
epidemiological information. A single negative result does not completely exclude possibility of infection.
Repeat test may be required in 24-48 hours, - if clinically indicated. Such patients are advised to consider
them as suspected cases and observe all necessary precautions until cleared by a 2nd Negative test
2.In case of positive test result, the patient is recommended to stay in isolation and observe other
precautionary measures; take symptomatic treatment and should seek immediate medical advice in
case of shortness of breath.
3.Other tests required for timely treatment decision in symptomatic cases, include Blood CP with
absolute lymphocyte count, serum ferritin, LDH, CRP, D-Dimmer, CPK, Troponins, ALT, Creatinine and
X-ray chest PA View.
4.Negative result in already knows positive case will require confirmation after 24-48 hours with a fresh sample.

Patient's Name : HASEEB ULLAH Age / Sex : 8 Years / Male

Lab No. : 2316619 Sample Collection Date : 10-11-2023 03:42 PM
Panel : Aldc F8 Point Report Date : 10-11-2023 11:25 PM
NIC # : Ref By : self
Passport : Phone : 03129775302

Test Name Result Reference Range

Hep.Bs Antigen (HBsAg) By ICT Negative Negative

Hep.C Antibody (HCV) by ICT Negative Negative

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