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Adaptive Network–Fuzzy Inferencing to Estimate Concrete

Strength Using Mix Design

S. Tesfamariam1 and H. Najjaran2

Abstract: Proportioning of concrete mixes is carried out in accordance with specified code information, specifications, and past expe-
riences. Typically, concrete mix companies use different mix designs that are used to establish tried and tested datasets. Thus, a model can
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be developed based on existing datasets to estimate the concrete strength of a given mix proportioning and avoid costly tests and
adjustments. Inherent uncertainties encountered in the model can be handled with fuzzy based methods, which are capable of incorpo-
rating information obtained from expert knowledge and datasets. In this paper, the use of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inferencing system is
proposed to train a fuzzy model and estimate concrete strength. The efficiency of the proposed method is verified using actual concrete
mix proportioning datasets reported in the literature, and the corresponding coefficient of determination r2 range from 0.970–0.999.
Further, sensitivity analysis is carried out to highlight the impact of different mix constituents on the estimate concrete strength.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2007兲19:7共550兲
CE Database subject headings: Fuzzy sets; Compressive strength; Concrete; Mixing; Strength.

Introduction in-place concrete is determined by the prevalent construction

quality. Hence, from batching to concrete placement, stringent
Concrete is one of the oldest materials in the construction indus- control has to be exercised as any deviation may compromise the
try. The concrete mix proportioning method has evolved from a structural integrity and durability of the structure. As shown in
simple arbitrary volumetric method 共1:2:3—Cement:Sand:Coarse Fig. 1, there is an infinite possibility of obtaining the desired mix
aggregate兲 to the present-day mass and absolute-volume method design specification, however, the desirable one is the one that
共ACI 211.1-91 2001兲. A four-step mix design procedure is illus- satisfies the design constraints at minimal cost.
The mix design involves a complex and nonlinear procedure
trated in Fig. 1. Step 1 entails specifying exposure condition,
that is influenced by the material interaction and culture of con-
workability of freshly mixed concrete, and strength and durability
struction quality. Hence, it is difficult to develop a comprehensive
requirements of hardened concrete. Once this is specified, Step 2
analytical model by considering all design variables. Typically,
follows code specified design procedures to satisfy minimum/
concrete mix companies have extensive records of their past mix
maximum requirements, i.e., maximum water cement ratio
proportions, which can be used to develop a model for the design
共w / c ratio兲, minimum 28 days specified strength 共f ⬘c 兲, minimum procedure. Automation of the mix proportioning can be carried
entrained air 共EA兲, maximum slump, and maximum coarse aggre- out with different soft computing techniques. Soft computing is a
gate 共CA兲. Step 3 entails computing the required unit water con- conglomerate of computing techniques that include fuzzy-based
tent, coarse aggregate and, consequently, the fine aggregate 共FA兲. methods, neuro-computing, genetic computing, probabilistic rea-
Finally, Step 4 specifies the final water, cement, coarse aggregate, soning, genetic algorithms, chaotic systems, belief networks, and
fine aggregate, and admixture content. Typically, the mix design learning theory 共Zadeh 1997兲. The soft computing techniques ef-
is verified in the laboratory through trial mix, and adjustments are fectively explore the relationship among independent and depen-
made accordingly. The final proportioning of the mix design has dent variables without any assumptions about the relationship
to be verified through the concrete mix made in the field, since 共e.g., a linear relationship兲 between the various variables.
variation may arise due to different mixers, pumping properties, Various authors have used a standard multilayer feedforward
and wall effect 共Neville 1997兲. Moreover, the quality of the final artificial neural network 共ANN兲 to predict the compressive
strength of concrete 共e.g., Lai and Serra 1997; Yeh 1998; Oh et al.
Technical Officer, Institute for Research in Construction, National 1999; Ni and Wang 2000; Hong-Guang and Ji-Zong 2000; Lee
Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R6 共corresponding 2003; Kim et al. 2004; and Chiang and Yang 2005兲 where a
author兲. E-mail: back-propagation algorithm 共BPNN兲 is used to train the network
Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, Univ. of British existing datasets. Kim et al. 共2005兲 have further enhanced the
Columbia Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, Canada. E-mail: Homayoun. previously reported 共Kim et al. 2004兲 ANN using the probabilistic neural network method to handle uncertainty and save computa-
Note. Associate Editor: Kamran M. Nemati. Discussion open until tional time. Jain et al. 共2005兲 forwarded further insight into the
December 1, 2007. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual
implementation and discussions on the efficiency of neural net-
papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must
be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper work models for concrete mix.
was submitted for review and possible publication on December 16, The main advantage of using ANN is their flexibility and abil-
2005; approved on November 8, 2006. This paper is part of the Journal ity to model nonlinear relationships. However, the ANN models
of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 7, July 1, 2007. ©ASCE, have often been criticized for acting as a “black box.” The knowl-
ISSN 0899-1561/2007/7-550–560/$25.00. edge contained in an ANN model is maintained in the form of a


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

Fig. 2. Typical fuzzy membership functions
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eling is explained briefly. Second, the implementation and deriva-

tion of an ANFIS based model is discussed. Third, ANFIS is used
to develop a FIS model for estimation of concrete strength. The
results are verified using actual concrete mix proportioning
datasets reported in the literature, and the corresponding coeffi-
cient of determination r2 are computed. Finally, sensitivity analy-
sis is carried out to highlight the impact of each mix constituents
on the estimate concrete strength.

Fig. 1. Concrete mix proportioning

Fuzzy Modeling Methods

Fuzzy logic was initially used to formulate linguistic information

weight matrix that is hard to interpret and can be misleading at 共Zadeh 1965兲. Later its potential to model complex multi-input-
times. In other words, the ANN models do not have the ability to multi-output systems, where classical mathematical methods
incorporate additional knowledge or expertise into the model. Al- failed, is realized. This is followed by the use of the FIS, also
though qualitative modeling methods can be used to capture known as fuzzy rule-based systems or fuzzy models, in control
human knowledge, such models will naturally suffer from subjec- and modeling problems in which there is usually some numerical
tive human judgments. One way to overcome many of these information available, although incomplete and uncertain. A key
shortcomings is to use fuzzy models or fuzzy inference systems feature of the FIS is that it can readily integrate expert knowledge
共FIS兲 that can handle the uncertainties arising from insufficient in the form of linguistic information and uncertain numerical data
knowledge, partial truth, and vagueness 共Zadeh 1973兲. These in the form of input-output records into a model and then use it
models combine the transparent linguistic representation of expert for approximate reasoning. According to Zadeh 共1973兲, the FIS
knowledge with the ability to learn from datasets. Various fuzzy contains three features:
modeling techniques have been presented in literature 共e.g., • Linguistic variables instead of, or in addition to numerical
Sugeno and Yasukawa 1993; Klir and Yuan 1995; and Emami variables;
et al. 1998兲. Jang 共1993兲 proposed an adaptive network-based • Relations between the variables in terms of IF-THEN rules;
fuzzy inference system 共ANFIS兲 to construct a FIS in which and
membership functions are adapted using a BPNN in combination • An inference mechanism that uses approximate reasoning al-
with the least-squares optimization. gorithms to formulate complex relationships.
ANFIS has recently been used in civil and environmental en- These features can be explained using the notion of fuzzy sets. A
gineering applications. Akbuluta et al. 共2004兲 used ANFIS for fuzzy set is a collection of ordered pairs that describe the rela-
data generation of shear modulus and damping ratio in reinforced tionship between an uncertain quantity and a membership func-
sands. Chau et al. 共2005兲 used ANFIS and ANN for comparison tion ␮共x兲, where 0 艋 ␮共x兲 艋 1. A fuzzy number is a normal and
of flood forecasting models and reported that ANFIS obtained convex fuzzy set in a continuous universe of discourse in which
optimal results. Chang and Chang 共2006兲 utilized it to build a the variable is defined. Fig. 2 shows the commonly used fuzzy
prediction model for reservoir management. Vernieuwe et al. numbers including triangular, trapezoidal, and Gaussian shape
共2005兲 applied it to the modeling of rainfall–discharge dynamics. fuzzy numbers. Finally, a linguistic variable can be regarded as a
Nayak et al. 共2004兲 applied it to model hydrologic time series, variable whose value is a fuzzy number, but fuzzy numbers can
and reported that ANFIS was superior to ANN and other statisti- also represent numerical variables without being firmly connected
cal methods. to linguistic terms. An excellent introduction to the fuzzy set
In this study, ANFIS is introduced as a tool to develop a fuzzy theory and fuzzy logic can be found in 共Klir and Yuan 1995; Lee
model that can estimate compressive strength of concrete given 1990a,b兲. In this section, the components of the FIS and the meth-
its mix proportioning. Previously reported data 共Kim et al. 2004, ods for constructing a FIS are explained.
2005兲 are used to train and validate the fuzzy model. The esti-
mated strengths are compared with the reported concrete
Fuzzy Inference System
strengths. The results highlight the utility of ANFIS in the con-
struction industry. The outline of the paper is as follows. First, the The information of the FIS is encapsulated in two modules: A
concept of fuzzy based methods, including FISs and fuzzy mod- fuzzy knowledge base and an inference mechanism. The former is


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

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Fig. 3. Fuzzy reasoning models

a model developed based on expert knowledge and/or input- It has been demonstrated 共Sugeno and Tanaka 1991兲 that the
output data. The inference mechanism then uses the knowledge TSK models can accurately represent complex behavior with a
base to estimate the output of the system for given inputs. A few rules. Although the TSK fuzzy models are computationally
modularized design of the FIS enables it to maintain a generic less involved than the Mamdani type fuzzy models, the difficulty
processing structure that is capable of dealing with various in defining a numerical function for the output propositions has
systems in different application domains 共e.g., physical, medical, often made them less attractive in fuzzy applications. This prob-
financial兲 as long as a relevant knowledge base is defined. Also, lem is resolved when the model is constructed automatically
the FIS can be readily updated by modifying the knowledge base based on input-output data acquired from the systems. Another
using new information as it becomes available. problem with the TSK models is that it is difficult to assign an
appropriate linguistic term to the consequence propositions of the
TSK models, but this will not be a problem if a qualitative model
Knowledge Base
of the system is not required.
The knowledge base defines the relationships between the input The rule base of a complex system usually requires a large
and output parameters of a system. The most commonly used number of rules to describe the behavior of a system for all
representation of the input-output relationships is Mamdani type possible values of the input variables. This is referred to as the
fuzzy models 共after Mamdani, 1977兲. In this type of fuzzy “completeness” of a fuzzy model. The aggregation of the rules
models, linguistic propositions are used both in antecedent and described in Eq. 共1兲 forms a rule base that is valid over the entire
consequent parts of the IF-THEN rules. application domain. The aggregation is obtained using the union
Another type of representing the input-output relationships is of the rules or subsystems as
Takagi-Sugeno-Kang 共TSK兲 共Takagi and Sugeno 1985兲 fuzzy
models in which the antecedent part of the rules is composed of n

linguistic propositions, but the consequent parts is defined by R = 艛 Ri = R1 ALSO R2 ALSO . . . ALSO Rn 共2兲
either a constant number 共zeroth order兲 or linear equations 共first
order兲. A first-order TSK model of a multi-input-single-output
system may be represented by a set of linear subsystems 共rules兲 Inference Mechanism
each of which defined by a linear consequent statement
The inference mechanism of Mamdani type and TSK fuzzy mod-
Ri:IF x1 is Ai1 AND . . . xm is Aim els are slightly different. Mamdani’s inference mechanism 关Fig.
3共a兲兴 consists of three connectives: The aggregation of anteced-
THEN y i = bi0 + bi1x1 + ¯ + bimxm, i = 1, . . . ,n 共1兲
ents in each rule 共AND connectives兲, implication 共i.e., IF-THEN
where Ri represents the ith rule, n⫽total number of rules, x j connectives兲, and aggregation of the rules 共ALSO connectives兲.
共j = 1 , . . . , m兲⫽input variables, y i⫽output variable, Aij⫽input The operators performing the connectives distinguish the type of
fuzzy set defined in the input space U j, and bij⫽consequent pa- fuzzy inferencing. The AND and ALSO connectives are chosen
rameters. Thus, every rule is a local fuzzy relationship that maps from a family of t-norm and t-conorm operators, respectively.
a part of the multidimensional input space U into a certain part of Comprehensive discussions on t-norm 共e.g., minimum and prod-
the output space V. uct operators兲 and t-conorm 共e.g., maximum and sum operators兲


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

can be found in 共Lee 1990a,b兲. The implication 共IF-THEN con- Structure Identification
nective兲 also uses t-norm operators, but not necessarily identical
The input variables are selected from a pool of input candidates
to the ones used for the AND connectives.
that most likely affect the output. Typically, there is no systematic
The inference mechanism of TSK models 关Fig. 3共b兲兴 is more
way to specify the input candidates, and hence, selection is pri-
straightforward than the more common Mamdani’s type, because marily carried out based on experience or common sense. Subse-
the outputs of individual subsystems are crisp numbers. An alge- quently, given a finite number of input candidates and the training
braic product operator is usually selected to perform the t-norm to data, the input variables can be selected using the combinatorial
simplify the computations further. The result of implication of algorithm described in 共Takaei and Sugeno 1985兲. In the latter,
each rule is a weight factor that indicates the rule degree of firing first, a combination of input variables is selected from of a num-
共dof兲, wi. The aggregation of the rules is simply adding the ber of input candidates. Next, the optimum premise and conse-
weighted average of the output of the individual rules. Thus, the quent parameters are identified according to the input-output data
crisp output y * of a TSK model is given by and a performance index 共e.g., mean square of differences
between the model output and output data兲 is calculated. The
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n optimal combination of input variables is the one that yields the

y = 兺 n yi 共3兲 minimum performance index.
The selection of the input variables is generally a complicated

wk problem requiring iterative algorithms, if a priori knowledge of
k=1 the system is not available. At this point, a general understanding
of the system performance or a sensitivity analysis of the input
Fuzzy Modeling candidates prior to modeling can help in reducing the number of
There are two basic approaches for developing a FIS: Direct ap- input candidates.
proach and system identification 共Yager and Filev 1994b兲. In the The most important step of structure identification is the rule
direct approach, the information extracted from the expert knowl- generation. Clustering of the input-output data is an intuitive
edge is used to: approach to rule generation. The idea of clustering is to produce a
concise representation of a system’s behavior by dividing the
• Specify the input, state, and output variables;
output data into a certain number of fuzzy partitions. The fuzzy
• Determine the partitions of input and output variables in their
C-Means 共FCM兲 clustering algorithm 共Bezdek 1981, Bezdek et al.
universes of discourse, and optionally label the partitions with
1987兲 has been widely studied and applied in many applications.
appropriate linguistic terms;
The convergence of the FCM optimization similar to most
• Define a set of IF-THEN statements 共rules兲 that represent the
optimization problems depends on the choice of initial values 共i.e.,
relationships between the system variables;
the number of clusters c and initial cluster centers ␯i兲. Yager and
• Select an appropriate reasoning method; and
Filev 共1994a兲 proposed a simple and effective clustering
• Evaluate the model adequacy.
algorithm, called the mountain method, for estimating the number
Direct approach is essentially simple and intuitive, but it has in-
and initial location of cluster centers. In this method, a grid is
herent limitations. The main limitation is due to the fact that
generated for data space of each input and output variable, and
quantitative observations provide an overview of the performance
then a potential value for each grid point based on the distances to
of the system, but do not explicitly determine the structure or
the actual data points is calculated. The grid points with high
parameters of the model. Also, it is often the case that an expert
potential values correspond to the cluster centers. The problem
cannot tell linguistically what kind of outcome he expects or what
with this clustering method is that the computational load
kind of action he takes in a particular situation. As a result, the
increases exponentially with the number of input variables. Chiu
adequacy of the direct approach is restricted to the boundaries of
共1994兲 proposed a modified form of the mountain method, called
the expert knowledge. In other words, if the expert knowledge
subtractive clustering, which significantly decreases the
about the system is incomplete and subjective, then so will be the computational load, especially for systems with a large number of
input variables. In this method, the potential value P1i is calculated
Another approach for developing a FIS is system identifica-
with respect to the actual data points, not some inscribed grid
tion. In this approach, the FIS is developed based on the points. The potential of a data point xi is given by
input-output data 共training data兲 obtained from the actual system.
System identification is predominantly useful when a predeter- n
4储xi − x j储2
mined model structure based on characteristics of variables is not
available. Therefore, system identification can increase the objec-
P1i = 兺
e− r2a , i = 1, . . . ,n 共4兲

tivity of fuzzy modeling by introducing new knowledge to the

where ra⫽positive constant. The first cluster center is at ␯1 that
model 共Zadeh 1991兲. System identification is divided into two
has the highest potential value ␲0 = max共P1i 兲, i = 1 , . . . n.
parts: Structure identification and parameter identification
Subsequently, the potential values of the remaining data points are
共Sugeno and Yasukawa 1993兲. Similar to the direct approach, the
updated with respect to the first cluster by
objective of structure identification is to determine the input and
output variables, partitions of the input and output spaces 共i.e., 4储xi − ␯k−1储2
fuzzy sets兲, relationships between the input and output variables Pki = Pk−1
i − ␲k−1e− r2b , k = 2, . . . ,c i = 1, . . . ,n − 1
共IF-THEN rules兲, and finally the number of rules. Parameter iden-
tification involves adjusting the parameters of the model obtained
in the first part so that a performance index such as the root mean where rb⫽positive constant; and c⫽total number of clusters. The
square of the output errors is minimized. The parameters of a procedure is repeated until all cluster centers are obtained. The
TSK type fuzzy model define the input fuzzy sets Aij and the parameters ra and rb are used to adjust the distance between the
output coefficients bij of Eq. 共1兲. clusters. Typically, the clusters stand in an appropriate distance


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

when rb = 1.5ra. In this paper, subtractive clustering is used to
partition the input space and find the initial structure of the FIS.
The number of rules is an important parameter of the FIS.
␮Aij = exp − 再 共x − cij兲 2
冎 共7兲

Clearly, the appropriate number of rules depends on the where aij and cij⫽antecedent parameters of the FIS.
complexity of the system. According to Sugeno and Yasukawa 2. Layer 2: Every node i in this layer is a fixed node, labeled ⌸,
共1993兲, the number of fuzzy rules corresponds to the order of a which multiplies the incoming signals and sends the product
conventional model where an optimal model minimizes both the out
order and the output error. A statistical analysis for evaluating the m
optimal order of a model is discussed by Akaike 共1974兲. A large
number of rules, similar to a high order of a model, will bias the
O2,i = wi = 兿
␮A 共x j兲
model towards specific data that can be imprecise or even
erroneous. On the other hand, less number of rules will likely where wi⫽degree of firing strength 共dof兲 of rule i. Any
increase the output error, which is essentially equivalent to t-norm operator that performs AND connective can be used
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disregarding the effect of some of the data points containing as the node function in this layer.
valuable information. Thus, the optimal number of rules n can be 3. Layer 3: Every node in this layer is a fixed node labeled N.
obtained from a tradeoff between the number of rules and the The ith node calculates the ration of the ith rule’s firing
output error. The number of rules will be automatically strength to the sum of all rules’ firing strength
determined through clustering the input and output spaces. Each
cluster center is used as the basis of a rule that describes the O3,i = w̄i = n 共9兲
system behavior. Thus, the neighborhood radii ra and rb can be
selected such that an optimal number of rules is achieved. 兺

where w̄i is called the normalized dof of each rule.

Parameter Identification 4. Layer 4: Every node i in this layer is an adaptive node with
Parameter identification concerns the adjustment of the anteced- a node function
ent and consequent membership functions. In general, parameter
O4,i = w̄iy i = w̄i共bi0 + bi1x1 + . . . + bimxm兲 共10兲
identification is more straightforward than structure identification,
especially when an initial structure of the model is determined where w̄i⫽output of layer 3; and bij, j = 1 , . . . , m⫽consequent
based on expert knowledge or through clustering. In this paper, parameters of the FIS.
parameter identification is carried out using ANFIS 共Jang 1993兲, 5. Layer 5: The single node in this layer is a fixed node labeled
which is also called Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System. The 兺 that composes the overall output as the summation of all
ANFIS algorithm basically provides a learning technique for ex- incoming signals, i.e.
tracting information from an input-output dataset viz., training n
data, and setting up the antecedent and consequent parameters of
a fuzzy inference system, accordingly. n 兺 wiy i

The ANFIS is essentially an adaptive multilayer feedforward O5,1 = w̄iy i = n 共11兲

network whose mathematical functionality is equivalent to a FIS. i=1
The network is composed of a number of nodes connected wi
through directed links. Each node is a processing unit that per-
forms a node function on its incoming signal and yields the node The above 5-layer network is functionally equivalent to a
output. The links only specify the direction of signal flow from TSK type fuzzy inference system.
one node to another. If a node function depends on certain param- The parameter identification of the TSK models involves the
eter values 共i.e., node’s parameter set is nonempty兲, the node is an determination of antecedent parameters aij and cij and consequent
adaptive node. If a node function is fixed 共i.e., node’s parameter parameters bij using a given input-output dataset. A basic ap-
set is empty兲 then it is a fixed node. The output of the nodes, as proach for identifying the parameters of an adaptive network is
well as the overall behavior of the adaptive network, can be modi- based on the gradient method 共Werbos 1974兲. The learning rule
fied by changing the node function parameters. Thus, these pa- concerns how to recursively obtain a gradient vector in which
rameters can be updated according to the training data to achieve each element is defined as the derivative of an error measure with
a desired input-output mapping. respect to a parameter. In the gradient method, the learning rule is
The ANFIS network consists of the following five layers: a chain rule, generally referred to as “back propagation” 共Rumel-
1. Layer 1: Every node i in this layer is an adaptive node with hart et al. 1986兲, because the gradient vector is calculated in the
a node output O1,i given by direction opposite to the flow of the output of each node.
Although the gradient method seems to be a straightforward
approach for the determination of the parameters of an adaptive
O1,i = ␮Aij共x j兲, i = 1, . . . ,n j = 1, . . . ,r 共6兲 network, this method is generally slow and likely to become un-
stable or trapped in local minima. The ANFIS constructs a FIS
using a hybrid of the least-squares estimate 共LSE兲 and gradient
where x j⫽input to the node; Aij⫽fuzzy set associated with descent proposed by Jang 共1993兲 共see also Jang and Sun 1995兲.
the node; m⫽number of inputs; and n⫽number of rules. The Specifically, the learning procedure uses the LSE in a forward
use of Gaussian-shaped fuzzy sets is usually preferable from pass and the gradient descent in a backward pass. In the forward
a computational point of view. A Gaussian fuzzy set with a pass, the network is simulated till layer 4, and the consequent
maximum membership equal to 1 and minimum membership parameters are identified by the LSE under the condition that the
equal to 0 is given by antecedent parameters are fixed. In the backward pass, the error


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

ANFIS Model Development for Concrete Strength

The efficiency of the proposed ANFIS modeling technique is il-

lustrated using the mix proportioning and material characteriza-
tion data reported in Kim et al. 共2004兲 and Kim et al. 共2005兲. A
three step procedure on the implementation of ANFIS to estimate
the concrete strength using the mix design is illustrated in this
section. Fig. 4 shows the flowchart of the proposed modeling

Step 1: Preparation of Training Data

The concrete mix constituents used in the model development are
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similar to those used in Kim et al. 共2004兲 and Kim et al. 共2005兲.
The reported data were gathered from actual mix proportions of
two companies, Company A and Company B. The overall basic
material properties between the two companies are similar, with
the exception of sand used. Company B uses only natural sand,
whereas, Company A mixes both natural and crushed sand.
Sample input data of the specified concrete mix proportions of
Company A and B are presented in Table 1, respectively. Further,
the main difference between the reported Kim et al. 共2004兲 and
Kim et al. 共2005兲 data is the units assigned to the mix proportions.
Kim et al. 共2004兲 use kN / m3 for water, cement, fine aggregate,
and coarse aggregate contents, whereas, Kim et al. 共2005兲 use
kg/ m3 for those proportions. Consequently, to combine the two
datasets, the kN / m3 units 共shown in Table 1兲 are converted into
kg/ m3.
Fig. 4. Flowchart of ANFIS model development for concrete The Company A and B data were combined for model training
strength modeling under the assumption that the data are commensurate. Hence, the
final training data for Company A and B consist of 45 data points
each. Further, a combined model of Company A and B, hence-
forth, described as Company A-B is generated using a total of 90
rates propagate backward and the antecedent parameters are up- training data points. It is noted that Company A and B have dif-
dated by the gradient descent. The learning process is continued ferent fine aggregate constituents. Thus, for combined Company
based on a learning rule, usually represented by the discrepancy A-B data, the natural and crushed sand of Company A are com-
between the desired output and the network output under the bined and represented with a single fine aggregate 共FA兲 label. For
same input conditions. This discrepancy is called the error mea- brevity, data are not repeated here; curious readers are referred to
sure, which is usually defined as the sum of the squared differ- Kim et al. 共2004兲 and Kim et al. 共2005兲.
ences between the desired and network outputs. Kim et al. 共2004兲 and Kim et al. 共2005兲 have considered nine

Table 1. Sample Input Data, Specified Concrete Mix Proportions of Company A and Company B for Traininga
Fine Unit Unit fine aggregate content Unit coarse
Specified Water-cement aggregate Unit water cement 共kN/ m3兲 aggregate
strength Slump ratio percentage content content content Admixture
共MPa兲 共cm兲 共w/c兲 共%兲 共kN/ m3兲 共kN/ m3兲 Natural sand 共s1兲 Crushed sand 共s2兲 共kN/ m3兲 共%兲
Company A
15.68 10 64.2 46.6 1.75 2.73 3.28 4.93 9.67 0.84
15.68 15 64.2 47.6 1.86 2.90 3.27 4.92 9.26 0.89
— — — — — — — — — —
39.20 15 32.1 41.2 1.76 5.50 2.53 3.79 9.26 1.68
39.20 18 32.1 41.8 1.82 5.67 2.51 3.77 8.99 1.74
Company B
15.68 10 63.1 50.9 1.68 2.66 9.23 — 9.08 1.36
15.68 15 63.2 50.4 1.76 2.79 8.98 — 9.01 1.43
— — — — — — — — — —
39.20 15 33.2 44.4 1.71 5.14 7.11 — 9.08 2.62
39.20 18 33.2 44.1 1.75 5.28 6.96 — 9.00 2.70
From Kim et al. 2004.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

Table 2. Datasets of Specified Concrete Mix Proportions
Absolute value modeling Relative value modeling
Specified concrete strength 共MPa兲 Specified concrete strength 共MPa兲
Slump 共cm兲 Slump 共cm兲
Unit water content 共kg/ m3兲 Water-cement ratio 共w / c兲
Unit cement content 共kg/ m3兲 FA percentage 共%兲
Unit FA content 共kg/ m3兲 CA percentage 共%兲
Natural sand 共s1兲, crushed sand 共s2兲 Admixture 共%兲
Unit CA content 共kg/ m3兲
Admixture 共%兲
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different concrete mix proportioning parameters to model the 28

day compressive strength. The efficiency of a given model can be
demonstrated using minimal input parameters to capture the
desired model output. Hence, in this paper, initial screening is
carried out to eliminate any redundant input parameters. For Fig. 5. ANFIS equivalent of TSK model for concrete strength
example, the simultaneous use of water-cement ratio and the modeling
corresponding water and cement contents as input parameters is
redundant. Hence, the input parameters are divided into two
groups, absolute variables and relative variables 共Table 2兲. The
absolute value modeling includes absolute values, input param- ␮Slump共x兲 = e− 2

1 共x − 4.5386兲

eters entail, where possible, parameters without any relative ra-
The ANFIS equivalent of the TSK model is illustrated in Fig. 5.
tios, e.g., using only unit water content and unit cement content,
As discussed in the previous section, the ANFIS is represented in
without the w/c ratio, specified concrete strength, slump, etc. The
five layers. Layer 1 corresponds to the membership functions
input of the relative value modeling includes relative ratios where
共Table 3兲. Layer 2, is a product layer, which illustrate the firing
possible 共e.g., w/c ratio, FA percentage, etc. . . .兲.
strength of a rule. Hence, the ith rule firing strength 共wi兲 of input
Step 2: Structure and Parameter Identification parameters associated with Rule i is Eq. 共8兲

ANFIS is used for structure and parameter identification as out- wi = ␮Slump共Slump兲 ⫻ ␮w/c共w/c兲 ⫻ ␮FA共FA兲 ⫻ ␮CA共CA兲
lined in the previous section. The models are generated using
datasets of Company A, Company B, and the combination of ⫻ ␮Amix共Amix兲
Company A and B that are referred to as Model A, Model B, and Layer three entails normalization of the ith rule strength to the
Model A-B, respectively. Moreover, each of the three models is sum of all rules firing strength Eq. 共9兲
implemented for absolute variables and relative variables, which
are referred to as absolute model and relative model, respectively.
In this way, a total of six models are generated. Initial sensitivity w̄i =
analysis is carried out to observe if there is any significant differ- w1 + w3 + w3 + w4
ence between the actual concrete strength and those predicted Hence, w̄i is called normalized firing strengths. Layer four com-
using the six models. The analysis showed that the results are putes the corresponding output Oi strength estimation of Rule i
only slightly different. Nevertheless, for a pragmatic model appli- Eq. 共10兲
cation, where a more generic model with the minimum number of
inputs is typically more desirable, Model A-B is preferable. The Oi = w̄iy i = w̄i共b1 ⫻ slump + b2 ⫻ w/c + b3 ⫻ FA + b4 ⫻ CA + b5
ensuing discussion is only for the relative Model A-B, but the
derived conclusion is equally applicable to the other five models. ⫻ Amix + b0兲
The FIS generated for the five relative input parameters 共Table The parameters, 兵b1, b2, b3, and b4其 are referred as consequent
2: Slump, w / c ratio, FA, CA, Amix兲 has four rules. Each input parameters 共Table 4兲. For example, the model output from Rule 1
parameter is modeled using a Gaussian type membership function can be shown as
Eq. 共7兲. Result of coefficients of the Gaussian type membership
function, for slump 共␮Slump兲, w / c ratio 共␮w/c兲, FA 共␮FA兲, CA
O1 = w̄1共− 0.0471 ⫻ slump − 0.4684 ⫻ w/c + 0.4255 ⫻ FA %
共␮CA兲, and Amix 共␮Amix兲 are summarized in Table 3. For ex-
ample, from Table 3, the ␮Slump associated with Rule 1 is + 0.000988 ⫻ CA − 8.866 ⫻ Amix + 34.46兲

Table 3. Membership Function of the Model A-B Input Parameters

Rules Slump, ␮Slump w / c ratio, ␮w/c FA, ␮FA CA, ␮CA Amix, ␮Amix
ci1 ai1 ci2 ai2 ci3 ai3 ci4 ai4 ci5 ai5
R1 4.5386 14.9938 14.9342 53.3991 4.1284 45.4977 14.4901 56.0001 0.5983 1.0611
R2 4.5242 15.0009 14.9346 35.7003 4.1316 41.9012 14.4901 59.6099 0.5704 1.5168
R3 4.5236 15.0006 14.9342 45.2000 4.1297 46.7999 14.4902 16.7901 0.5888 1.9525
R4 4.5217 12.0046 14.9333 66.3006 4.128 51.4011 14.4901 49.4499 0.5793 1.3134


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

Table 4. Datasets of Specified Concrete Mix Proportions Finally, the estimated concrete strength, f ⬘c , is obtained by sum-
Rules b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b0 ming the model output of the four rules Eq. 共11兲
R1 −0.0471 −0.4684 0.4255 0.000988 −8.866 34.46
兺 i wi f i
兺i w̄i f i =
R2 −0.4072 0.2037 1.329 −0.9398 18.57 −59.22
f ⬘c =
兺 i wi
Step 3: ANFIS Model Validation

Model validation must be carried out using the input-output data

that are not used for training to evaluate the efficiency the FIS in
predicting concrete strength. The reported 共Kim et al. 2004 and
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Fig. 6. Comparison of target and predicted concrete strength for a combined and relative model


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

Kim et al. 2005兲 testing data points are combined in the model
validation, which resulted in a total of 24 data points for each of
Model A and B, and 48 data points for Model A-B. The FIS
model predicted and actual concrete strength are used for model
validation. The results are plotted in Figs. 6共a–e兲. Figs. 6共a–e兲
show result of the absolute model validation of Models A, B, and
A-B, respectively. Similarly, Figs. 6共b–d and f兲 show result of the
relative model validation of Models A, B, and A-B, respectively.
A linear regression fit is performed between the actual and pre-
dicted concrete strength. The corresponding absolute and relative
model coefficient of determination r2 values are as follows:
Model A 共0.999, 0.984兲, Model B 共0.970, 0.995兲, and Model A-B
共0.999, 0.998兲.
Downloaded from by University of Notre Dame on 08/24/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 7. Sensitivity analysis of concrete strength input parameters
Concrete mix proportioning is a highly nonlinear process that is
using a tornado graphs
also subject to experimental error 共Kim et al. 2004兲. Reliable
prediction of concrete strength necessitates the development of
models which are tolerant of various manifestations of that stringent quality control of the in situ w / c ratio should be
uncertainty. Identification of dominant parameters can help to implemented.
implement stringent monitoring and quality control during mix Further, two parameters at a time simulation is carried out for
proportioning 共Jain et al. 2005兲. A sensitivity analysis is the three most dominant variables; w / c ratio, CA, and FA. Fig.
commonly carried out using random sampling 共Monte Carlo-type 8共a兲 shows the simulation between the w / c ratio and CA. At a
simulations兲 where the probability distributions for input data can higher CA content, e.g., 60%, there is a linear decrease in con-
either be assumed or derived from observations. Thereafter, the crete strength with an increase in the w / c ratio. At a lower CA
rank correlation method 共Cullen and Frey 1999兲 is applied to the content, e.g., 10%, the variation of the w / c ratio from 40% to
results of the Monte Carlo simulations to identify input data/ roughly 65% show negligible variation. However, at CA= 10%,
parameters that dominate the output. The rank correlation method significant decrease in concrete strength is observed with an in-
crease in the w / c ratio from 65% to 80%. At a lower w / c ratio,
involves the determination of coefficient of determinations, which
e.g., ⬍50%, an increase in CA content 共from 10% to 30%兲 is
measure the strength of the linear relationship between two
followed by a decrease in concrete strength. However, with fur-
variables. The procedure utilized for the sensitivity analysis is as
ther increase in the CA content 共from 30% to 60%兲, the concrete
reported in Tesfamariam et al. 共2006兲 and the basic steps are
strength increases. This relation is in agreement with a reported
outlined here. For ns number of realization,
共Neville 1997兲 relationship, and Neville underlined that the rea-
1. For i = 1 to ns,
son for this effect is not clear. At a higher w / c ratio, an increase
• Generate a uniformly distributed random numbers for the
in the CA content 共beyond 35%兲 reaches minima and the variation
five input parameters 共ranging between the min and max
is not significant.
values兲, x j;
Fig. 8共b兲 shows the relationship between FA and w / c ratio. In
• Compute the corresponding membership function Eqs. 共6兲
general, an increase in FA and a decrease in the w / c ratio are
and 共7兲, ␮Aij共x j兲;
followed by a linear increase in concrete strength. Fig. 8共c兲 shows
• Compute the dof Eq. 共8兲 and normalized dof Eq. 共9兲; and
the variation of CA and FA in the estimated concrete strength. At
• Compute the output of each layer Eq. 共10兲 and normalized
any level of the FA content, increase in CA is followed by a
output Eq. 共11兲.
decrease in concrete strength; however, after 35% CA content, it
2. Next i
reaches minima. Similarly, and increase in FA is followed by an
• For the n input-output results, rank order the results and increase in concrete in strength, however, after 48% FA, it reaches
perform rank correlation; and a maxima.
• Normalize the rank correlation results and show the result The accuracy of the ANFIS model generated from the input
on a tornado graph. parameters may be compromised outside the range of the training
Sensitivity analysis of the FIS model is carried out for 3,000 datasets. The input parameters for the proposed ANFIS model
realizations from the relative Model A-B, and the results of the discussed in this paper are bounded within the following ranges:
rank correlation are normalized to the sum of one and are plotted Slump, mm 关5, 18兴; unit water content 关160, 185兴; unit cement
in a tornado graph 共Fig. 7兲. Fig. 7 shows that an increase in CA content, kg/ m3 关228, 524兴; unit FA content, kg/ m3 共663, 1004兲;
共16% contribution兲 and w / c ratio 共72% contribution兲 decreases unit CA content, kg/ m3 关882, 1060兴; admixture, % 关0.7, 2.6兴; and
the concrete strength. Clearly, the contribution of Slump is not specified strength, MPa 关10.8, 39.2兴. Extrapolating the model out-
considerable. On other hand, an increase in FA 共11% contribution兲 side these limits should be carried out with caution.
and Amix 共1% contribution兲, albeit to a smaller degree, is fol-
lowed by an increase in the concrete strength. It is interesting to
note that the impact of CA, w / c ratio, Amix, and FA is in agree- Conclusions
ment with the results reported in Neville 共1997兲. Overall the w / c
ratio is the most dominant parameter towards the variability of Concrete mix proportioning is a nonlinear process, for which de-
the concrete strength. This reinforces our intuitive understanding veloping a comprehensive and reliable analytical model is rather


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

presents ANFIS modeling for concrete strength estimation from
concrete mix proportioning. The open architecture of the ANFIS
model is appealing as it captures the designer’s intuitive experi-
ence as well as the numerical information included in the datasets.
The ANFIS modeling also allows postmodeling adjustment and
fine tuning based on the new datasets as they become available.
The ANFIS modeling has a significant potential in the concrete
industry. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to identify critical pa-
rameters that impact the concrete strength. Results of this analysis
can be used to develop in situ construction quality. The ANFIS
model is developed for absolute input parameters where neces-
sary 共e.g., unit water content 共kg/ m3兲, unit FA content 共kg/ m3兲,
etc. . . .兲. However, to minimize the number of input parameters,
Downloaded from by University of Notre Dame on 08/24/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

relative input parameters 共e.g., w / c ratio 共%兲, FA percentage 共%兲,

etc. . . .兲 are taken into account where possible. The proposed
model is tested and validated with actual reported data in the
literature. The coefficients of determination r2 of the correspond-
ing absolute and relative models are as follows: Model A 共0.999,
0.984兲, Model B 共0.970, 0.995兲, and Model A-B 共0.999, 0.998兲.
The proposed ANFIS modeling method is a step forward to-
ward the development of a comprehensive model for the concrete
industry. In any future development, the concrete strength model-
ing should incorporate external factors that impact the concrete
strength, such as construction quality, environmental condition,
etc. Further, this modeling approach can be used at different
stages of the concrete industry. These stages include, but not lim-
ited to, mix design proportioning, simulation of concrete strength
using mix design proportioning, estimation of in situ concrete
strength given the history of construction quality, and in situ con-
struction quality monitoring using the a measured slump and air
content. Finally, the use of soft computing techniques such as
ANFIS modeling allows the concrete industry to avoid the risk of
faulty or deficient concrete that often entails durability and safety


The following symbols are used in this paper:

Aij ⫽ input fuzzy set;
aij, cij ⫽ parameters of Gaussian-shaped function;
bij ⫽ consequent parameters;
c ⫽ subtractive cluster, total number of clusters;
f ⬘c ⫽ minimum 28 days specified strength;
i , j ⫽ counters;
n ⫽ total number of rules;
O1,i ⫽ node output of the ANFIS network;
Fig. 8. 共a兲 Impact of variation in water cement ratio and coarse P1i ⫽ subtractive cluster, potential value;
aggregate on the estimated concrete strength: slump 共10 mm兲, Amix Ri ⫽ ith rule;
共1.5%兲, and FA 共50%兲; 共b兲 impact of variation fine aggregate and ra, rb ⫽ subtractive cluster, adjustment parameters;
water cement ratio on the estimated concrete strength: slump U j ⫽ input space;
共10 mm兲, CA 共40%兲, and admixture 共1.5%兲; 共c兲 impact of variation in V ⫽ output universe of discourse;
coarse aggregate and fine aggregate on the estimated concrete ␯i ⫽ subtractive cluster, cluster centers;
strength: slump 共10 mm兲, w / c ratio 共60%兲, and admixture 共1.5%兲 wi ⫽ degree of firing strength;
w̄i ⫽ normalized dof of each rule;
x j ⫽ input variables 共j = 1 , . . . , m兲;
challenging, if not impossible. Typically, concrete manufacturing y i ⫽ output variable;
companies have extensive datasets of past mix proportions, which y * ⫽ defuzzified crisp value;
can be used for modeling and validation. Hence, the concrete ␧ ⫽ error measure;
industry can benefit from their historical datasets in conjunctions ␮共x兲 ⫽ membership function;
with soft computing techniques to automate mix proportioning ␲0 ⫽ highest potential value; and
and predict the strength of the final product, reliably. This study ⌺ ⫽ summation of all incoming signals.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2007.19:550-560.

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