Real Numbers

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Worksheet - 1 X - Class

Class : X Subject : Mathematics
Topic : Real Numbers


To enhance the reading skills of grade X students, the school nominates you and two of your
friends to set up a class library. There are two sections-section A and section B of grade X. There
are 32 students in section A and 36 students in section B.

1. What is the minimum number of books you will acquire for the class library, so that they can be
distributed equally among students of section A or section B ? [ ]
a) 144 b) 128 c) 288 d) 272
Ans. c) 288
2. If the product of two positive integers is equal to the product of their HCF and LCM is true then,
the HCF (32, 36) is [ ]
a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
Ans. b) 4
3. 36 can be expressed as a product of its primes as [ ]
a) 22 × 32 b) 21 × 33 c) 23 × 31 d) 20 × 30
Ans. a) 22 × 32
4. 7 × 11 × 13 × 15 + 15 is a [ ]
a) Prime number b) Composite number
c) Neither prime nor composite d) None of the above
Ans. b) composite number
No.1 School in India 1 Sri Chaitanya School
X - Class Worksheet - 1

5. If p and q are positive integers such that p = ab2 and q = a2b, where a, b are prime numbers, then
the LCM (p, q) is [ ]
a) ab b) a2b2 c) a3b2 d) a3b3
Ans. b) a2b2

A seminar is being conducted by an Educational Organisation, where the participants will be
educators of different subjects. The number of participants in Hindi, English and Mathematics are
60, 84 and 108 respectively.

1. In each room the same number of participants are to be seated and all of them being in the same
subject, hence maximum number of participants that can accommodated in each room are
a) 14 b) 12 c) 16 d) 18 [ ]
Ans. b) 12
2. What is the minimum number of rooms required during the event ? [ ]
a) 11 b) 31 c) 41 d) 21
Ans. d) 21
3. The LCM of 60, 84 and 108 is [ ]
a) 3780 b) 3680 c) 4780 d) 4680
Ans. a) 3780
4. The product of HCF and LCM of 60, 84 and 108 is [ ]
a) 55360 b) 35360 c) 45500 d) 45360
Ans. d) 45360
5. 108 can be expressed as a product of its primes as [ ]
a) 23 × 32 b) 23 × 33 c) 22 × 32 2
d) 2 × 3 3

2 3
Ans. d) 2 × 3

Sri Chaitanya School 2 No.1 School in India

Worksheet - 1 X - Class

A Mathematics Exhibition is being conducted in your school and one of your friends is making a
model of a factor tree. He has some difficulty and asks for your help in completing a quiz for the
Observe the following factor tree and answer the following.

5 2783

y 253

11 z

1. What will be the value of x ? [ ]

a) 15005 b) 13915 c) 56920 d) 17429
Ans. b) 13915
2. What will be the value of y ? [ ]
a) 23 b) 22 c) 11 d) 19
Ans. c) 11
3. What will be the value of z ? [ ]
a) 22 b) 23 c) 17 d) 19
Ans. b) 23
4. According to fundamental theorem of Arithmetic 13915 is a [ ]
a) Composite number b) Prime number
c) Neither prime nor composite d) Even number
Ans. a) composite number
5. The prime factorisation of 13915 is [ ]
a) 5 × 113 × 132 b) 5 × 113 × 232 c) 5 × 112 × 23 d) 5 × 112 × 132
Ans. c) 5 × 112 × 23

1. A mason has to fit a bathroom with square marble tiles of the largest possible size. The size of the
bathroom is 10ft by 8ft. What would be the size inches of the tile required that has to be cut and
how many such tiles are required?
2. Find the largest positive integer that will divide 398, 436 and 542 leaving remainders 7, 11 and 15
3. In a seminar, the number of participants in Hindi, English and Mathematics are 60, 84 and 108
respectively. Find the minimum number of rooms required if in each room the same number of
participants are to be seated and all of them being in the same subject.

No.1 School in India 3 Sri Chaitanya School

X - Class Worksheet - 1
4. Three sets of English, Hindi and Mathematics books have to be stacked in such a way that all the
books are stored topic wise and the height of each stack is the same. The number of English books
is 96, the number of Hindi books is 240 and the number of Mathematics books is 336. Assuming
that the books are of the same thickness, determine the number of stacks of English, Hindi and
Mathematics books.
5. Find he smallest number which when increased by 17 is exactly divisible by both 520 and 468.
6. Find the smallest number which leaves remainders 8 and 12 when divided by 28 and 32 respec-
7. What is the smallest number that, when divided by 35, 56 and 91 leaves remainders of 7 in each
8. A rectangular courtyard is 18 m 72cm long and 13m 20cm broad. It is to be paved with square tiles
of the same size. Find the least possible number of such tiles.
9. Find the greatest number of 6 digits exactly divisible by 24, 15 and 36.
10. Determine the number nearest to 110000 but greater than 100000 which is exactly divisible by
each of 8, 15 and 21.
11. Find the least number that is divisible by all the numbers between 1 and 10 (both inclusive).

12. Prove that 2 + 5 is an irrational.

13. Show that there is no positive integer n for which n − 1 + n + 1 is rational.

a a + 2b
14. Let a and b be positive integers. Show that 2 always lies between b and a + b .

15. Let a, b, c, d be positive rational such that a + b = c + d , then either a = c and b = d or b and d
are squares of rationals.
1 2
16. Let a, b, c, p be rational numbers such that p is not a perfect cube. If a + bp 3 + cp 3 = 0 , then prove
that a = b = c = 0.
17. For any positive real number x, prove that there exists an irrational number y such that 0 < y < x.

18. If p, q are prime positive integers, prove that p + q is an irrational number.

2 45 + 3 20
19. Write whether on simplification gives a rational or irrational number.
2 5
20. What is an algorithm?
21. What is a lemma?

Sri Chaitanya School 4 No.1 School in India

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