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Name __________________________________________

Thanksgiving Mad Libs

Make up your own silly story by filling out the blanks with the
appropriate type of word. Blanks are labeled with either noun,
verb or adjective. Have fun!

It was Thanksgiving Day and I was so _________________. My _________________

adjective noun

and _________________ were coming over. They are the best. I had to hurry and get

_______________ in my best _________________. On Thanksgiving we always play

verb noun

________________, which makes us ________________. My mom always makes

noun verb

_____________, which is my favorite thing to eat. It is so _______________. We sat

noun adjective

down for dinner and held _________________ and then we started _______________.
noun (plural) verb

After dinner we were so______________. So much food will do that to you. After the

dishes were done, my family sat and watched _______________ on TV. It’s nice to take a

break. Then we played our games and then everyone went to ______________. Everyone

was so tired by the end of the day so we brushed our ____________ and got into

______________. What a ________________ Thanksgiving!

noun adjective

Language Arts Worksheet From: ©

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