76 Ten Religious Contradictions 76

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Proofs of the truth from the Bible
against its misinterpretation
by uncalled preachers of the letter,
Illuminated by the Holy Scripture

dictated to
Franz Schumi
Christian Theosophical Script
Nr. 76

Translated from German to English I 2020

1. Inherited Sin
1. This is the sin which your primordial parents Adam and Eve once committed in paradise
against the Divine commandment of chastity, and of which Moses speaks in the first 4 chapters
of the first book, "Genesis". Moses says:

2. I, Jehovah, said to Adam, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Eve) 1 you shall
not eat of it, for in the day you eat thereof you shall die 2 (the death of sin)3.

3. But since the lascivious selfishness of pleasure, spiritually called 'serpent', did not give way
until the fruit of sin, 'Cain', was there, - the judgement of God followed: Because you have
broken the commandment of chastity through your haughty disobedience to Me, your God and
Creator, you shall therefore, in the sweat of your face, eat your bread with those of your own
until you return to earth, from which you are taken.4

4. For I wanted to sanctify (or purify) Adam and Eve through obedient abstinence until the time
would have come, through the spiritual love of both, to awaken a blessed, sinless spiritual fruit,
just as I awakened the body of Jesus in Mary.

5. After Adam and Eve had sinned, the Wisdom of God pronounced that, just as in Adam all
human beings had sinned in the spirit, so also each one had to regain for himself through
suffering and death on the cross, the childhood of God which had been lost through
disobedience to God's commandment. Since the Love in God did not accept this statement,
the Wisdom in Christ had to fulfill the decree5 and free you from this painful death, which was
determined as the atonement for original sin. That is why Adam was immediately promised the
Saviour6 in the Messiah7, to which Peter and Paul also bear witness.

6. Peter therefore writes in Hebrews 9:15 - "Christ is therefore the Mediator of a new covenant,
so that through the redemption from the transgressions of the first covenant, which came about
through Christ's death on the cross, those who are called may obtain the promised eternal
inheritance (of the childhood of God).

7. With this clear indication that these are the transgressions of the first covenant, it is openly
and definitely denied that the remitting of sins or redemption, would also apply to the second
covenant - that is to say for the sins committed by men in the second covenant, which begun
after the death on the cross. Since the death of Christ on the cross, everyone is responsible for
his own sins.

8. Paul writes to the Romans: As through a human being (hereditary) sin entered the world and
(soul) death through this sin, so this death of sin then also penetrated all the descendants of
Adam, because the whole human race descended from Adam and so once joined in sin
(Romans 5:12). For death is the wages of sin (Romans 6:23), both spiritually and materially.

1.The tree of knowledge or conception of good or evil, is "Eve" - spiritually, the tree of knowledge means "wisdom".
2. Death in the spiritual sense, always means sin.
3.1 Moses 2:17
4.1 Moses chapter 3
5.Chirst and the Bible, nr 172
6.1 Moses 3:15
7. In the manifold prophecies by the prophets of the first covenant
9. It is therefore a huge and terrible error in Protestantism that, in spite of such clear counter-
evidence, it is claimed that Christ, by dying on the cross, also broke the power of the sins now
committed, and that the sins committed today, do not harm man.

10. This false doctrine originates from Paul and was entered into the Protestant religion by M.
Luther, about which a more detailed explanation can be read in the Luther Book [Guidance of
Martin Luther in the beyond].

11. But also Paul says in Romans 3:25 that through the death on the cross, the former
transgressions committed before the death on the cross were expiated, and so also Paul denies
that through the death on the cross the sins committed after the death on the cross were
expiated! - He who has ears, let him hear, and think about what will be clarified there.

12. So anyone who does not recognize Moses, nor Peter, nor Paul, and who, insisting only on
the misleading Epistle to the Galatians, asserts with determination that I, Jesus, suffered also
for the New Testament, is wrong in himself, and also denies My saying in the New Testament,
where I said: I did not come to abolish Moses and the prophets, that is to say, the Ten
Commandments, but to fulfill them.

13. Whoever therefore sins against the 10 Commandments and My disciples' teachings, has no
mediator in Jesus, no blessedness by grace, but the just punishment by contrite repentance
and penance of life, which he must comply with, because Jesus is the mediator only for original
sin and for those sins committed up to the death on the cross, which was promised to Adam -
for these sins man is saved by grace, because he did not have to suffer on the cross for
himself, but I, Jesus, did it for him.

14. That Paul was not infallible, but did not teach and write down some things correctly, I will
explain to you among other errors, discussing the following from Paul's false doctrine of
justification as proof.

2. Justification
1. Paul wrote to the Romans (4:5) - "He who does no works, but believes in Him who makes the
ungodly righteous, His faith will be counted for righteousness, according to the counsel of the
grace of God." - Against this false doctrine I, as Jehovah, answered already through the prophet
Ezekiel, as follows:

2. Ezekiel 33:14-19 - When I, Jehovah, spoke to the wicked man that he would die, and he
repents of his sin, and does what is right and good - that is, that the wicked man should return
the unjust pledge, and pay what he has robbed, and walk according to the word of life, that he
should do no evil, then he would live and not die, and all his sins that he has done would not be
remembered, for he now does what is right and good; therefore he should live. If the righteous
man renounces his righteousness and does evil, it is only right that he should die for it. And
where the wicked man turns away from his sinful life and does what is right and good, it is just
that he lives because of it.

3. These words of the prophet Ezekiel teach you that I do not make the godless righteous by
grace, but that I only then, when he converts and does good, forgive him his sins and then he is
taken up to life in grace.
4. If someone always does evil to you, he is in your disfavour, you are angry and you complain;
but if he sees the wrong, asks your forgiveness, and makes amends for the wrong, you also
forgive him his sins. Is this not the same case as with the wicked towards Me? It certainly is.
As you forgive the enemy only then when he has done everything to satisfy you, so I also do
and cannot do otherwise, because I cannot take in the ungodly into heaven for that would turn
heaven into hell. From this you can see that Paul did not speak and set up a lie out of Me, but
out of himself. This fact will be explained by several more teachings that follow:

5. Matthew 12:35,37 - The good man brings good things out of the good stock, the bad man
brings evil things out of the evil stock. [36] But I, (Jesus) tell you: On the day of judgement men
will have to give account of every useless word they speak. [37] By your good words (and
deeds) you will be justified, and by your (evil) words (and deeds) you will be condemned.

6. My own words in Matthew tell you that the wicked and the ungodly are not justified by grace,
but condemned according to their wicked words and deeds. Who then shall have spoken the
truth: I - Christ, or Paul? If you defend Paul, I - Christ, appear to be a liar; if you believe Me,
you must admit that Paul has established a false doctrine, which you must reject and believe

7. Matthew 7:1,2 - In the Sermon on the Mount I said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged. With the
same measure you measure, you will be measured.”

8. This verse is clarified by the following verse of the Holy Scriptures:

9. Galatians 6:7,8: Paul says: Dear brothers! Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for what
a man sows, he will reap. He who sows to his flesh, will reap corruption from the flesh. But he
who sows to the Spirit, will reap from the Spirit eternal life.

10. Through the last word "eternal life" everything is clarified and reads: "Do not judge unjustly
here about the words and deeds of your brothers or your neighbours, lest you be judged in the
hereafter by Eternal Life or Christ, because of your unrighteousness.". For with the same
measure you measure good or evil here on earth, it will be measured back to you in the beyond
as a reward.

11. So then the other statement also reads: What a person sows on earth, he will reap in the
hereafter. So there is no justification by grace - hence also in these words are the direct denial
that I make the godless righteous by grace.

12. The Revelation of John will indeed not be looked at by anyone with an understanding of
human work, and yet it also says there: "Their good works, namely the good works of people,
follow them into the hereafter as a reward" (Rev 14:13) But it is said that the works of the
wicked also follow them into the hereafter and that they will be judged according to their wicked
works (Rev 20:12). Thus is judgement and justice pronounced for you for the hereafter, but
nowhere, however, that I make someone righteous by grace, even less the wicked!

13. Furthermore it says in Corinthians 15:42 - "Corruptible things will be sown, imperishable
things will be raised, and that another, the man of the flesh, will sow - and another, the spirit of
the dead, will reap in the hereafter." (John 4:36,37) But if evil things have been sown, good
things cannot be reaped, because the tares do not ripen to wheat, and he who sows the wind,
reaps storms. (Hosea 8:7)

14. Matthew 5:26 - I said in the Sermon on the Mount: "Truly, no-one will come out of prison
until he has paid the last farthing”,

15. This verse means that no-one is justified until he renounces his sins, cures them out of
himself and makes a firm resolution to live piously or righteously; because sin is the very
dungeon and death of the soul. So every verse tells you that no-one will be saved by grace, but
only by his own effort and trouble, for which I grant him My Divine help.

16. What kind of Divine justice would this be, anyway, if the pious man, who labours for long
years to comply with My laws, were to be put on an equal footing with the godless by the fact
that the godless man, who only commits evil at the expense of others whom he has maltreated,
exploited, cheated or robbed, would like to be considered righteous and declared blessed out of
grace without further ado! -

17. Paul writes to Timothy: "Take care of yourself and of the teaching, persevere with it! If you
do so, you will make yourself and those who hear you, blessed.” - And this is the right and only
true teaching: You pay the diligent worker, but you chase away the idle one. Shall I, the all-wise
God, act more unreasonable than men do!? (1 Tim 4:16)

18. From the brief explanations given here, it is clear that the Protestant doctrine of justification
according to Paul and Luther is quite wrong and highly dangerous for the salvation of the soul
of man, for instead of the hoped-for heaven - only hell, the worm of the conscience that does
not die, the gnashing of teeth and the flames of hell for the impenitent life, can be gained.
Whoever desires a multilateral explanation of justification before God, read the Christian-
Theosophical Luther book.

19. The evangelist John writes in 1:5-8 - "This is the preaching (of Jesus), which we have heard
from Him and preach to you:

20. That God is light (that is, like crystal, pure in the sense of the teaching of Divine Love and
Wisdom according to the Gospel) and that, therefore, there is no darkness (or sin, vice and
unholy quality) in Him. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness (or sin
and false faith), we are lying and not telling the truth.

21. But so we are in the light (or without sins, without vices, without committing the lusts of the
flesh, without evil selfishness and passions, without any selfishness and self-love, in the
supreme love of God and in the completely unselfish love of neighbour, like God to man, or like
the mother to her child; further full of humility, (like Jesus on the way of suffering), full of
patience, full of compassion and mercy towards friend and enemy like God, Who sends the
sunshine and renewing fertilizing rain on sinners and the righteous equally lovingly, full of love
for peace, full of serious chastity, purity, reconciliation, walking in forgiveness and selflessness),
as God is in the (here described spiritual) light, so we have fellowship with one another (as in
Original Christianity - everywhere mine was yours and yours was mine), and (then) the blood of
Jesus Christ, (which is the selfless, therefore pure-spiritual Divine Love of Christ for us, His
children) makes us pure from all sin.

22. But if we say that we have no sins (and that Christ has erased that which we are committing
today once and for all for us in the Second Testament, with His blood shed on the cross), we
are deceiving and misleading ourselves, and the truth is not in us (but self-made lies, because
prophets and apostles taught against them, as the above-mentioned proofs show).

23. Furthermore John writes in 2:1 and says: "My children, these things I write to you, that you
may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, who is

24. We have seen above that no-one is saved by grace for his New Testament sins, but only for
the Old Testament sins up to the death on the cross.

25. I, Jesus, answered the questioning Peter how often one should forgive one's neighbour (as
a brother), that this should happen 77 times; but that this can only happen with the Divine King
when you ask for forgiveness kneeling down and with the firm resolution to make amends for all
wrong, with contrite repentance, and if you do the same to your enemies, otherwise, not; for this
is the teaching in Matthew 18:21-35, which everyone should look at carefully! - As you do
against your neighbour, so will I, Jesus, do. Therefore, I am a just intercessor with My Father -
also when you are righteous and do to your neighbour what you want Me to do to you.

26. The next verse in John 2:2 is - Jesus is the atonement for our sins and for the sins of the
whole world.

27. That this verse has a completely different meaning from the earlier one, and that it therefore
does not refer to the earlier one (paragraph 23), is proved by the following: The reconciliation of
God with Himself (1 Cor 5:18-19) through the redemption of the sins of the Old Testament on
the cross, was proved in 1 Moses 2:17 and chapter 3, then in Hebrews 9:15 and Romans 3:25
(read chapter 1-3, ChtS 71, chapter XIX).

28. That this proof is based on truth can be seen from John 2:22-23, where he says: "Whoever
denies Jesus Christ as the Son of God does not have the Father either. Now about four-fifths of
men in the world have never heard of Me, others do not believe that I, Jesus, am a Son of God!
And yet John says that I, Jesus, am the reconciliation for the whole world! - If we take this
message as being based on Old Testament sin, it is based on truth; if we link it to paragraph 23,
or unite it with it, we see only nonsense and lies.

29. The fact is that there is no more original sin, therefore no more limbo, where the Old
Testament pious were waiting for the Redeemer; because I, the eagerly and long awaited
Redeemer of Golgotha, came and led them into My holy Father's house - and established the
new Jerusalem. (John 19:17; Hebr 10:10,14)

30. But for you, dear children, no waiting in limbo in the hereafter is necessary, because I have
made you blessed by grace through My suffering and death on the cross by suffering and dying
Myself for the punishment imposed on you because of original sin.

31. But only the sins that are self-inflicted in the present life you have to expiate yourselves,
otherwise you will not go to heaven, but to hell; that is why I have taught man to pray the Lord's
Prayer, to remember daily that they are sinners, that sin is the spiritual death of the soul, but
materially of the body. And as I, God Myself, came not to repeal the Ten Commandments but to
fulfill them, it will still be obvious to you that you also have to do the same - because, as proved
before, the sins committed on earth, if not already expiated, come with you into the hereafter
and form your hell there, as everyone in this world builds heaven or hell for the hereafter
according to his life and actions.
3. Which Faith Saves?
1. Paul told the jail-keeper: "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you and your family will be
saved." (Acts 16:31) These words mean: Believe in My Divine mission, in My teachings,
commandments and examples set before you and live and act accordingly, then you will be
saved. For I have not come to abolish Moses and the prophets or the 10 Commandments and
the teachings of Jehovah, but to fulfill them. (Matthew 5:17)

2. But whoever denies Me, the Son - that is, who does not heed My teachings, which are the
teachings of the Father or Divine Love (John 14:10), also denies the Father in Christ, who is I
Myself. (1 John 2:23) There are therefore salvation unto childhood in no other name, for there
is no other name given to come to God as a child (Acts 4:12).

3. From this you see that the faith that makes you happy is not just that you believe in Me,
Jesus, but that you do what I have taught and I therefore also expect from you that you will
make every effort to fulfill My holy will, which demands of you that you fulfill the 10 command-
ments given through Moses, which is spiritually through the two love commandments: Love
God above all else, but your neighbour as yourself. Therefore do to your neighbours what you
want them to do to you. For Paul himself says that only that faith is valid with Christ which is
active through love; Jacob [James] confirms the same by saying that faith without works of
charity is worthless, and this is right, otherwise I would not have pointed to the Good Samaritan
as an example of charity. And so Paul too would not have emphasized the high value of love.
Besides this, carefully consider My virtues as Son of Man (which are discussed in the Prayer

4. Illumination of the General Error

1. Through the preceding argument, it is now evident that through the substitutionary death of
Jesus Christ, man only becomes blessed by grace for the original sin committed in the first
covenant in the spirit of Adam, - but nowadays sins committed by oneself, must be erased, just
as neither God nor your neighbour erases a debt of money for you, but you yourself have to
wipe these out, therefore use your reason and do not be your own enemy of the salvation of
your soul; because I, Jesus, forgive the repentant only when he has fulfilled all conditions that I
have prescribed. Read the Ten Commandments; Matthew 5:22; consider the meaning of the
Our Father's Prayer, etc.

2. That faith will only then make you happy when you accept the teachings, for which sake I
descended to earth to teach them; and the commandments given to you through Moses, which
I Myself did not abolish but came to fulfill, and want to fulfill them for the love of Me, your God
and Father in Jesus, it will be explained and made clear to you with this! -

3. If you now accept all this and strictly fulfill it as stated above, to walk sinless before God and
men so that you find yourself in the light of God; then make My blood, which is My infinite
love, pure and free from all sins through the baptism of fire of the Holy Spirit, so that you may
see Me, speak to Me personally and work miraculous healings (like the apostles after the
baptism of Pentecost). As long as you do not yet have miraculous healings through the baptism
of fire of the Holy Spirit of rebirth, you do not walk before Me without sins.
5. Evidence that Jesus is Father God
1. Isaiah (9:5) tells you the Divine attributes of the newborn boy Jesus, by saying:

1. He (Jesus) is the eternal Father God;

2. He is called "Wonderful" because He Himself is the Creator of the world, which no-
one can fathom nor imitate, but must believe what is taught by it;
3. He is called Counsel, hence the counsel of the eternal God the Father, and can be
none other than the Wisdom of God, which is Christ according to His soul 8;
4. His name is Power, but the power of God the Father is the Holy Spirit 9;
5. He is the Hero of Divine virtues and merits;
6. He is called the Prince of Peace of spiritual life.

2. After this explanation from Isaiah you see that Christ or Messiah was no-one else but God,
the Creator of the world Himself. This is proved by the fact that in the prophecies of the
prophets I, Jehovah or God the Father, always speak of Myself that I will come into the world.

3. In Psalm 24, I, Jehovah, said about My incarnation in Christ: "Make the gates (the receptive
hearts) wide and the doors of the world (the noble human virtues) high, that the King of Honour,
Jehovah of hosts, the powerful and strong (the Holy Spirit of God's love) may enter with honour
(into the world of His children).

4. Malachi 3:1; 4:5,6 - I, Jehovah, am sending you My angel Elijah to prepare the way before
Me. Elijah was John the Baptist. But I, the LORD or God the Father, said that I Myself would
come as the Messiah, and I came and was baptized by John in the Jordan River.

5. But I also confessed of Myself that I am God the Father, namely: According to John 10:30, I
said: "I and the Father are One"; - according to John 12:45, I said: "He who sees Me, sees Him
who sent Me." At the Last Supper I said to the inquiring disciple: "So long have I been with you
and you do not yet know Me? Philip! He who sees Me sees the Father; so how can you still
say: show us the Father?"

6. That I, Christ, the Creator of the world, am therefore God the Father Himself, is told to you by
Peter in the Epistle to the Hebrews (1:2) and Paul in the Epistle to the Colossians (1:13-17).

7. In Isaiah 9:5, I am called God the Father from eternity, a Prince of peace. But in other
prophecies, as King, as follows:

8. Isaiah 6:5 says, "I have seen the king Jehovah of hosts with my eyes."

9. Isaiah 33:22 - Jehovah is our judge, Jehovah is our legislator, Jehovah is our king.

10. Isaiah 43:15 - I, Jehovah, am your Holy One; the Creator of Israel is your King.

11. Jeremiah 10:10 says: But Jehovah is the truth10 ; He is a living God and an eternal king.

8. I Corinthians 1:24, Paul says: Christ is the Divine Wisdom, and that this is to be understood near His soul, read.
ChtS 71, XII: Chapter
9. Paul says in 1 Cor 1:24 - Christ is the Divine power; I said on Ascension Day: Wait in the inn until you are
equipped with the power from above (Luke 26:49) and this was the Pentecost baptism with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2
10. John 14:16; Daniel 4:34
12. Daniel 4:34 - I glorify the King of heaven: for all His works are truth and His ways are

13. Micah 5:1 - And you, Bethlehem Ephrata, are small among the families of Judah; but out of
you will come a ruler of Israel, Whose origin is from before time, from the days of eternity.

14. Matthew 2:2 - The three wise men asked: Where is the newborn king of the Jews, for we
have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him.

15. Zechariah writes (9:9) - Daughter of Zion, rejoice greatly, and daughter of Jerusalem,
rejoice! See your king comes to you, a righteous man and a helper, poor and riding on a
donkey, on a young filly of the donkey.

16. John 18:37 - I, Jesus, confessed Myself before Pilate that I am a king, but that My Kingdom
is not of this world.

17. The word Messiah or Christ means 'Anointed One', and according to the language of the
Bible, that means: King; I am very often mentioned as such in the New Testament.

18. In Paul's first Epistle to Timothy, Paul, in his love for Me, conveys the exclamation: "To Him
(Jesus), the eternal King, the imperishable, the invisible, to the one God, glory and praise be to
the one God for all eternity. Amen.”

19. John said: Christ is the true God and eternal life.

20. From this evidence and many others published in the book "Christ and the Bible" (ChtS 71)
it is clear as daylight that apart from Jesus Christ there never was another God and Father,
never another Saviour than Jehovah of hosts. Further clarification of the sayings and
designations of Jesus as: Son of God; Divine Power; Divine Wisdom; "My God, My God, why
have You forsaken Me", or “Father is greater than I”, etc., can be read in the book mentioned
above, as well as in the Holy Trinity, in the Prayer Book, in the Book of the Passion of Jesus,

6. The Single-Person God in the Holy Trinity

1. 1 Moses 1:27 writes: God created man in His own image, both man and woman. And Adam
and Eve begat children again in His image and likeness, and we, the descendants of Adam, are
all one person.

2. When I, Jehovah, represented by an angel in the flesh to the Israelites, spoke to them and
walked among them, no-one saw more than a human body of the angel, which was also
created in the image of Jehovah. At Mount Sinai, I was visible even in one person.

3. Since I, Jesus, am the spiritual Father of men, all men have to be three persons if I were
three persons; but in this there is the proof of the single personality of God, because My
children are singular persons, since every father begets his children in his own image! -

4. I, Jesus, was God Myself, I was often mentioned by the apostles as the image of God. I said
Myself that I was the Son of God, that God the Father dwells in Me, and that the Holy Spirit
proceeds from the Father and the Son, so that I Myself was God the Father, the Son of God
and the Holy Spirit, and yet no-one else saw in Me, Jesus, anything but an ordinary human
form, although I Myself was the Holy Trinity.

5. These facts and that the patriarchs, prophets and apostles did not report a three person God
and no-one has ever seen Me in a threefold person, proves the truth that the people of the
fourth century who - through misunderstanding of the Scriptures by the Roman church of a
three-person God, which the Protestant Church took over, is based on a false doctrine. You
can read more about this in the Christian Theosophical books: The Holy Trinity and Christ and
the Bible No. 71.

7. Evidence of the existence and persistence of the

soul after death
1. Man lives at the threshold of two worlds. During the day the soul is busy in the flesh-body,
therefore an earth-spirit or earth-man; when the material body sleeps, the soul is in the spirit
realm, this is proved to you by the dream life, because you see yourself in conversation with
strangers, staying in strange places, doing and undertaking different things and all this while
your body rests and sleeps motionlessly.

2. The soul is then in the pit of the stomach and works with its thoughts in the doppelganger of
thoughts outwardly and from this is telegraphed, through the electric cord of life back to the
brain, and therefore the brain only hears and sees the thought-body of the soul that is outside
the body, but never the soul that is in the pit of the stomach and works outwardly.

3. The Scriptures preserve some evidence of survival after death, for example:

4. The prophet Elijah, who died 800 years before Christ, appears as John the Baptist

5. In the book Tobias one reads that Asariah, a son of the great Asaniah dies and after some
time appears as archangel Raphael and a companion of the young Tobias.

6. You see the same from the story of the rich glutton and the poor Lazarus, the rich glutton
entered the agony of hell after death, but Lazarus went to heaven.

7. From My life, the story of the passing away of Lazarus of Bethany, is particularly outstanding.
Lazarus had already been dead for 4 days, he emitted the smell of death around him, but I,
Jesus, came and cried: "Lazarus come out!" - and Lazarus' soul returned to the body, healed
and awakened it, and Lazarus lived again. Without the immortal soul - the story of this revival
would also be like a fable.

8. The multiple communications of the deceased through noises, rumbling, voices etc. to
relatives, friends and acquaintances are generally known, and there are thousands and
thousands of families who have experienced such things all over the world, with rich and poor,
uneducated, educated or taught, it is the same; such reports occur everywhere, even if the
higher classes like to keep silent about it because they are ridiculed by unbelievers. -

9. I (Schumi) know from my own experience that unbelieving people told me their very
characteristic spiritual phenomena and experiences, but in the end they said that they were only
illusions and nothing more, or they said: "You don't know what to think and believe."
8. Eternal Damnation
1. All Christian churches and sects acknowledge eternal damnation. These [churches] have
materially living and therefore material Bible-reading people on the basis of the dead sense of
the letter and this already in the Old Testament.

2. Remember the great prophet Samuel, through whom I, Jehovah, ruled and judged the
Jewish people, had to ascend from hell before Martha of Endor so that king Saul would believe
that Samuel was right, but how did Samuel ascend? The woman cried out: "I see a god
ascending!” - Yes, if gods dwell in hell as the perfect children of God, then God should also
dwell in hell instead of in heaven. So I would be a god of hell and not a heavenly Father.

3. Behold, the Jews firmly believed that their patriarchs, prophets and ancestors were waiting in
hell - (or limbo), since they no longer understood the spiritual language of the correspondences
well - for redemption through the Messiah, so then Samuel had to ascend from the earth, where
the most evil devils of the third hell are! -

4. My dear children! You are endowed with reason and intellect, I, the Spirit of God of Love, am
enthroned in your hearts, Wisdom in your brain - thus you have received everything from God
to become happy when you fulfill the commandments of Divine Love.

5. Now I ask you: Do you create children with the fully conscious intention to make them
unhappy, yes, to make them eternally unhappy?

6. You will be astonished that I ask you such an absurd or repulsive question, which even the
most depraved man will answer with an indignant 'No!', - and say: Children are created in love,
all parents like children, they sacrifice themselves all their life to make their children happy, how
then can one ask such a senseless question, devoid of logic!?

7. Behold! When you give such an answer with full proofs of truth and still have only a weak
shine of My Divine wisdom, how can you take for granted that God would have qualities that
could only give honour to a bad hellish devil!

8. Man is born on earth, then he become the fateful child of education by parents, church,
school, society and the state. He knows only what they have taught him. But if these do not
live according to Divine commandments and teachings, yes, they do not even understand it
correctly, - because the real teaching of God with human statutes, according to the
misunderstood letter or for other reasons, is mixed up and therefore not correctly understood;
how can the child, who has been taught wrongly and is therefore educated and deceived by
bad examples, grow up - and therefore, completely against the will of God as the spiritual
Father, be cast out forever? I ask: How can the eternal Love and Mercy of God condemn him
eternally for this - even though he is innocent of his distortion and deformation!

9. I, the heavenly Father, after all knew everything from eternity what would become of one or
the other, and it is I who put him into the world, therefore I would be to blame in the first place
that the child, through wrong upbringing, has developed itself as a hellish devil, since I put him
into the world without his knowledge and will.

10. But as this is the purest truth and I, God, am actually his true Father, how can one then
think that I could push him innocently into eternal damnation as eternally damned! How then
can one assume that I, the heavenly Father, will roast and torment My innocent child for all
eternity in the agonies of hell! With such erroneous belief, out of the wrongful – because of
materially taught words of the Bible - they make Me, the heavenly Father, the purest Satan or
bloody tyrant of the worst hell! -

11. My dear children! Can you believe that I, your spiritual Father, am the infinite eternal Love
and Mercy, and at the same time, the infinite eternal hatred and vengeance against you? Tell
Me: Could you define this contradiction in any other way than that God and Satan are one and
the same being? And I ask further: Can eternal Love and eternal hatred and eternal Mercy be
united with eternal vengeance in one person? - You will answer: No, it's impossible! And I,
Jesus, your heavenly Father, will certainly tell you this as well - and it is as impossible as
making wood fires burn in water.

12. There may be eternal damnation, but no eternally damned, as My Divine revelation teaches
in Christian Theosophy. - The person who has lived unhappily in the world and who has
become a spirit of hell, may come into the company of such devils as he himself is, but he is
taught from time to time; if he accepts it, he comes to Lower Paradise, where things are similar
to those in the world, and there he is taught what he should do in order to work his way up, etc.
If he does not accept the teaching, he remains in his hell for long, long centuries, finally he
disappears as quick as lightning and he is immediately reincarnated or born in the flesh on
earth, and there he begins his karma or way of life in reincarnation again, and so he is put to
another test11, whether he will now live more reasonably and strive for the Divine. With such
inspiration, only My Fatherly Divine love prevails and this does not decrease before man begins
to lead a reasonable life - he is therefore either more often re-incarnated, or he makes an effort
to advance in the spirit kingdom and does not need to be re-incarnated again.

13. Behold, My dear children, this is what eternal damnation says. God is eternal Love and not
eternal hatred or eternal revenge, therefore have a good opinion of Me, your heavenly Father
Jesus; consider Me only as a loving Father and not as Satan, which is definitely the case when
you do not drop your false understanding of eternal damnation and understand the latter
according to the primordial light of the Divine love-teaching and consider it to be true and right.

14. As long as man lives according to his sins, he certainly cannot come out of eternal
damnation to Me, his Father, into heaven; but when he begins to suppress and eradicate his
vices, passions and malice, then he moves away from hell and approaches heaven, and when
he is ripe for it, he also enters it, and with time into the children's heaven, where I the Father am
enthroned among My chosen ones. But one or the other will object: If God knew in advance,
from eternity, what would become of a man who was reincarnated, why does He let him
reincarnate (or re-enter the flesh as a man) where he would corrupt and become a devil again?
This objection is countered by the fact that I, God, as your Father, have mercy on people and
grant them a little rest on earth. - They will at some point find what is right.

11. The doctrine of reincarnation or re-embodiment with the plot is an Original Christian doctrine, which is
explained in the book: Christian Theosophy
9. The Last Judgement; the Resurrection of the Flesh
1. The Last Judgement begins as soon as man dies, as Peter tells you in the Epistle to the
Hebrews (9:27) - "It is appointed for man to die once, but after that there is judgement." Hence,
immediate judgement.

2. About the resurrection of the flesh, Paul writes: "But this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood
cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, and that the corruptible (or the flesh-body) does not
participate in the imperishability. Suddenly, in a moment, at the sound of the last trumpet
(which is the last exhalation before the death of the body on earth), the dead become
imperishable, (because not an earthly-carnal, but spiritual soul) because the transformation is
taking place so that man becomes a spirit (1 Cor 15:15,42-57).

3. The resurrection of the flesh is therefore by no means a material earthly body, because that
would hinder the soul to go here and there as quick as lightning, but these are the good or evil
works towards God and neighbour that are worked in the earthly flesh-body; these then form
the spiritual soul-garment of the deceased. Therefore they say: What you sow here, you will
reap there, because your works follow you.

4. The soul-sleep of the deceased until the resurrection at the Last Judgement, is a completely
wrong view. The prophet Isaiah (14:9-11) says that the dead live and move in hell in the same
way as those who sleep for the world in Christ. Luke (16:31) relates a long conversation
between the rich man in hell and the poor man in heaven, Lazarus.

5. The angels are recruited from the people who have lived and acted on earth according to My
holy teaching. The evidence of this is given to you by Samuel, the Judge of Israel, who
descended from limbo as a god and spoke to Saul; the deceased Asariah descended to earth
as the archangel Raphael and leads the son of Tobias; Moses and Elijah appeared on Mount
Tabor and spoke to Me, and they appeared after My ascension and spoke to the apostles;
Archangel Gabriel (who was once the arch-father Jared) brought the message to Mary. You
know that Enoch and Elijah were taken up alive in heaven, so there is nowhere any evidence of
the soul-sleep of the deceased. Death is man's life of sin; but the sleep of death is the sinful
persistence in the infernal vices and qualities.

10. The Rapture of Christ's Faithful at the Return of

1. When I was asked by Caiaphas through the evocative speech to make known whether I am
Christ, the Son of God, I answered him: "You say it (I am). But I tell you: from now on it will
happen that you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the power of God (or sitting
as judge of the world by the power of God) and coming in the clouds of heaven." (Matt 26:63-

2. If you compare these words exactly with the historical world-events, which through My
prediction happened and also now, due to the now so unusually increasing natural, elementary

11. The doctrine of re-embodiment or reincarnation with the plan, is an Original Christian teaching, which is
explained in the book: Christian Theosophy
and political world-events happening, and that I through this Scripture - but as if veiled by
clouds - speak to you Myself – if you look closely, the light and the insight must arise for you
that the one who prophesied about My second coming as judge of the world in clouds before
Caiaphas, is now becoming a reality for you! - I want to give you a closer look at this through
minor discussions so that you can see how late it is presently on the world-clock. -

3. John 10:16 tells you that one day there will be one flock and one Shepherd. But this will not
happen as long as people are divided into many churches and sects, because each of these
sects calls itself orthodox, but others call themselves heretical and do not want to know about
any union. There are as many flocks as there are shepherds, but no shepherd of love, humility,
reconciliation, tolerance and unity at the head. Although I am called the chief Shepherd, but the
flocks and shepherds do not bear the marks of the chief Shepherd, therefore this prophecy is
not fulfilled by the visible coming into effect of the thousand year kingdom of My love, humility,
patience, reconciliation, unity and fulfillment of all commandments and of My virtues as Son of
Man, which I so beautifully made clear to you in the Prayer Book, but it will have to be fulfilled

4. A great deception of Paul. He writes: 1 Thess 4:13-17 - In regard to those who have fallen
asleep, we do not want to leave you, dear brothers, without enlightenment, so that you may be
sad, like the others who have no hope. Whoever believe that Jesus died and rose again, God
will also lead those who have fallen asleep in Jesus (doctrine and life) with Him (to the
resurrection in the spiritual light of life in God). For this we say to you as a word of the Lord,
that we who live and remain unto the coming of the Lord, will have no preference above those
who have already died. - For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout and with
the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. -
After that we who live and remain (or survive the waiting time) will be caught up together with
them (risen from the dead) in the clouds, in the air towards the Lord, and will thus always be
with the Lord.

5. My dear children! You see with what certainty Paul speaks of himself and his brothers that
he and they will experience My return, and will be caught up in the clouds and hurry towards Me
in the air. I ask you: Has this taken place although he said that he had this as a word from Me!?
No! It is all a great deception because a misunderstanding of My words spoken before
Caiaphas - and from this you see that you are completely wrongly instructed about this and
therefore also all other passages where he speaks of the rapture etc., are a religious error;
because it is what Paul promised for himself and his fellow believers and did not expect it to
come true until today, although already more than 1800 years have passed from then until
today [1904].

6. I Cor 15:51-52 - Just as wrong as the discussed passages, are these, too: Paul writes to the
Corinthians: "Behold, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep (or die), but we shall all be
changed; and that suddenly, in a moment, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and
the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

7. Behold! As I said earlier, so also here it says: that before he (Paul) and his fellow believers of
that time die, I will come again. And this has not come true. Paul died in the year 65 in Rome
and his fellow believers also died already 1800 years ago, and so no transformation has taken
place according to his view and teaching. Therefore believe Me, Jesus Christ, what I say and
teach you, because you see that Paul was often wrong. -

8. John 14:2-3 - At the last supper I said: “In My Father's house are many dwellings. If it wasn't
so, I wouldn't have told you: I am going there to prepare a place for you.
9. And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to Me so that you
also are where I am.”

10. These two verses mean: that I will come again in love of My Spirit and I will bring the
apostles and the mature of the Spirit through the baptism of fire of the Holy Spirit into the
dwellings of My Spirit of Love, Wisdom and Omnipotence, whereby they can live in Me and will
be with Me and will accompany the apostleship and lead a spiritual life according to My will to
love and thus to be where I am, because I am in the love of My children who are filled with the
rebirth of the Holy Spirit, as I live only in My children's hearts. These are My living temples and
My true sacrificial priests, when they walk according to My commandments and teachings.

11. Therefore read once again verses 2-3 in the fourteenth chapter of John! Think about
whether what I promised the disciples has really happened or not! - Do you want to believe My
Divine words coming from Me, Jesus, that it is not I, Jesus, who am speaking the truth to you
here out of the cloud spoken of before Caiaphas, then My words spoken at the last supper are
lies because they came true only in this way and not otherwise: I promised, kept My Word and
I came down from heaven with power at Pentecost and took My dear ones into My dwelling
place of the baptism of fire of the Holy Spirit. I told them: I will not leave you as orphans, I come
to you Myself as the Spirit of Truth and I came - The Spirit of Truth is none other than I, Jesus
Myself, which you find proved by the Book of Christ and the Bible according to the Holy

12. From these explanations you can see that your previous explanations of the Bible are
based on errors. Therefore let Me, your chief Shepherd Jesus, explain the Bible to you, then
you will not walk in darkness.

13. Now we go to the prophet Joel. He writes in chapter 3 according to My words: "And after
these things I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy; your elders shall dream dreams, and your young men shall have visions. This is
being fulfilled at this very moment. (Read the magazine: Love.)

14. I will also pour out My Spirit at the same time both on servants and maidservants. These
are nowadays called "God's writing mediums", which publish My dictations in Christian
Theosophical books.

15. "And I will show wonders in heaven and on earth, blood, fire and smoke." Miraculous signs
are rare phenomena: expressed as piety in the heaven of the hearts of My children where I,
Jesus, dwell - because these are miracles of stupidity for God-denying materialists, while the
materialists, spiritually called earth or Satan - are a miracle of spiritual darkness. - Blood in the
sky is the love for God and people in loving hearts. Blood on earth is human oppression
and exploitation. - Fire in heaven is love-fire-zeal for the spiritual Divine of My children,
fire on earth is fiery zeal for all kinds of selfish purposes, Mammon-service and its black
plans and incitements. Vapours of smoke in heaven are loving, humble and fervent
prayers to Me in the heart (as heaven) of My children for the salvation of the world from
Satan's claws, in which it is now completely engulfed; and smoke vapours on earth are
the sorrowful sighs of My oppressed children who form the cash cow of the world.

16. "The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible
day of the Lord comes.” This verse, according to the materially dead letter, is nonsense
for reasonable thinking people; but should be spiritually explained, and so listen: The
two smoke fumes declared above call to Me for pity and mercy, to change the world's
conditions, because the sun, indicating the love of God, is eclipsed in the greatest part
of mankind and is as if extinct; and the moon, as the love for the neighbour, has turned
into blood, that is into bloody human oppression and exploitation. Behold, this is how I,
who wrote this chapter, interpret it. Everything has already come true what you are still
waiting for and think: There is still time, because the signs in heaven and on earth are not yet

17. Revelation chapter 20. As you can see from the last chapters 21 and 22 of Revelation, after
the earth has been cleansed of all hellish things through great natural, elemental and world
events, and everything that is not good for those who have been transformed into heavenly
conditions (as the new earth and the new heaven) will be taken away from the world, (compare
the magazine: "Love" I, pp 11), because the descent of the New Jerusalem and the
transformation of the world into paradisiacal or heavenly states is stated at the end of My
Revelation once given to John, after the evil men were taken away through death, which has
already been fulfilled to a small extent, and everyone sees it who sees My rod of discipline,
which I swing over the evil world, with spiritual senses.

18. But before the dawn of these heavenly conditions takes place all over the world, Satan is
released for 7 years before the transformation of the earth into heavenly conditions, in order to
seduce the children of God with the help of the Gentiles.

19. Think about it that as soon as the millennial kingdom begins, the earth will be transformed
into heavenly conditions, how could there still be pagans in the world a thousand years later,
when everything that has prevailed until the second rebirth will be transformed into a New
Jerusalem!? This is the purest impossibility, being the greatest contradiction. Think about it:
New Jerusalem with pagans living in it!?

20. No! It's a misunderstanding. Only then, after Satan has been released for seven (spiritual)
years, which already exists at the present time of the great Antichrist as the rage of Satan, does
the millennial kingdom begin, according to the 20th chapter of Revelation, and not vice versa.
After chapters 21 and 22, there is no change on earth any more, except that men will live more
and more spiritually from millennium to millennium.

21. Matthew 24:21-51 also tells you about the great tribulations that will take place at My return.
Read them and you will find when you think about how you act against My 10 commandments
and how you would have to act, that just now is the time of tribulation, the time of anti-
Christianity and the rage of Satan who wants to deceive you through all kinds of anti-Christian
scriptures and that you understand the Bible less and less and more wrongly, hence the decline
of Christianity.

22. People are waiting for the public appearance of the Antichrist and does not understand that
every man is a member of the Antichrist, who lives in all classes of mankind and is strong in
millions because every man who does not live and act according to My commandments and
teachings, is an Antichrist, because he lives and acts against My will; in Greek, that is called:

23. The clouds in which I was to come at My return, are the Christian Theosophical books,
because in these you hear My direct Christ's Word, but the clouds cover Me from which I speak,
namely the instruments through which I speak to you as My children. You hear My voice in
books, but you do not see Me. The clouds of heaven are therefore first My writers to whom I
speak dictates, but then they are also the Christian Theosophical books, for also in these I
speak the same as before through the writing mediums, without man seeing Me.
24. All will well see Me one day, but it will only be those who will remain after the sifting of the
wicked, as also after the resurrection only those saw Me (Jesus) who loved Me and when I
opened their spiritual eyes. None of the evil, hostile Pharisees and Jews has seen Me. So
even now it will be. Therefore do not interpret and contrive any contradictions from the Bible,
because only I, who had them written, can correctly explain the Bible.

25. Coming back to chapter 20, verses 4-7, I will illuminate the fact for you: When the events of
misfortune begin to intervene decisively, then still every reasonable man must realize that I, as
the all-loving Father, cannot mercilessly abandon mankind without instructing them what it is all
about. If I would haunt men with destructive events without instruction, I would not be eternal
Love and Mercy, but a raging God of revenge, a loveless destroyer of My children.

26. To teach the people in these terrible times, I need such people who live according to My
commandments and with whom I therefore can communicate, because men still have to know
the reason why they are punished with death. Therefore, as it says in the twentieth chapter of
Revelation, I will baptize those who, in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7), that is, in love for
God and humanity, have washed their virtues (as soul garments) white and pure, with the
baptism of fire of the Holy Spirit, and this will be the first resurrection from sin, since through
this, they will walk sinless before Me, "Eternal Life".

27. These first-fruits of the resurrection to life, will then publicly preach My return and admonish
men to repentance and to the true religion, which they will preach as Theosophists or directly
taught from God, to save those who wants to be saved. These, from the first resurrection and
those who will accept My Christian Theosophical religion and live and act according to it, will be
saved and will remain and dwell as seedlings of the millennial kingdom of My Spirit of Love on
the earth transformed into paradise, but all others who remain in their defiance and
impenitence, will be taken away from the earth. From this you can see that Paul's statements
were merely his false imaginings and therefore not from Me, because instead of asking Me, he
wrote down his own views, which he formed from My prophecy before Caiaphas, and that is
why they did not come true! - Therefore, do not dream any more of a rapture of the church, that
is, of the church believers! - For it is a great error, being a fantasy of Paul and nothing more! -

28. I, your Father Jesus, explains to you in a book titled: Christ, His arrival and return, the whole
of Revelation, and there you will see that your interpretations of Bible-revelations are quite
different from Mine! I am a spirit and as spirit I do not speak like a man, but spiritually -
and that is why you no longer understand Me, because the world has started to live completely
materially. Be content with this for the time being, because the day of horror according to Joel
3-4, has already begun. The prophecies in the magazine "Love" tell you what is yet to come.
1. The above clarifications were not given to draw someone away from the Protestant Church,
but to tell you the truth about your material interpretation of the Bible.

2. It is not My concern that you should leave your churches, but it is only My concern that one
and the same teaching is taught in all churches and that it is lived and acted upon. For I will not
judge you according to whether you have diligently read the Bible, but whether you have lived
according to My commandments and virtues as the Son of Man.

3. When you cannot unite in your faith here on earth, then you also cannot do it in the hereafter;
for so long you will not see Me, your Father Jesus, and so you also will not go to heaven until
you give up your wrong teachings and opinions and submit to My will. I tell you also this - I,
who suffered on Golgotha for your original sin, which you committed in the Old Testament - I
never created a heaven of strife and quarrelling of who of you is right, but a heaven which only
those people inhabit who believe Me and fulfill My Will; but not those who merely call on My
Name. Compare Matthew 5:17; -7:22, with Paul - Romans 10:12,13; Acts 16:31.

4. The truth of My teaching - what you believe and how you have to live and act - I have mainly
put into the following books: Christian Theosophical Prayer Book; Christ and the Bible;
Christian Theosophy and in the Luther Book. Whoever wishes to further educate himself in My
teaching, will also read the other books which I had written for My children. The one who can
comprehend and understand Me, Jesus, but not yet as God the Father, as the Creator of the
world, as the only person of the Holy Trinity, should not refrain from reading the book: Christ
and the Bible, or proofs that there never was another God than Jesus Christ. Because when
you have a wrong faith, therefore a wrong conception about Me, then you will not come to Me
as My children and see Me; because your faith is also your relentless judge.

Table of Contents
1. Inherited Sin...............................................................................................................................2
2. Justification.................................................................................................................................3
3. Which Faith Saves?...................................................................................................................6
4. Illumination of the overall Error..................................................................................................7
5. Evidence that Jesus is Father God............................................................................................7
6. The Single-Person God in the Holy Trinity.................................................................................9
7. Evidence of the existence and persistence of the soul after death.........................................10
8. Eternal Damnation...................................................................................................................10
9. The Last Judgment; the Resurrection of the Flesh..................................................................12
10. The Rapture of Christ's Faithful at the Return of Christ.........................................................13

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