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Let us all bow down our head and put

ourselves in the presence of the god.

Lord, Heavenly Father, Almighty Eternal

God, we raise our minds and hearts to you at
the beginning this Ceremony. We humbly
beg for your guidance, protection and
forgiveness of our sins. Grant us the grace to
learn the virtues of your youth and apply the
Scout Oath and Law in every action in your
honor and glory.

Deign to bless the Boy Scouts of the

Philippines and the Scouting Movement in
this institution, as well as our brother Scouts
all over the world. Fill the soul of our
Scoutmasters with your own spirit of
knowledge; of wisdom and of reverence,
that influenced by your divine leadership, he
may, by word and example lead us on to
imitate the virtue of your boyhood, all these
we pray in your most holy name. Amen.

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