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The Second Word War.


1. Versailles
2. Old Roman Empire
3. September 1939
4. Hitlers invasion of Poland
5. Japan
6. Germany
7. Blitzkrieg
8. August 6, 1945 Hiroshima
9. 28 August 1945
10. Six years
11. I, IV, II, III
13, Peace time diplomacy

Short Answers:-
1, In the Treaty of Versailles, The Main International Trade center of Germany that is the
Danzeig Corridor and the Danzeig Port was handed over to Poland. But even more of it is
that the port was internationalised. Thus the first aim of Germany was to capture the
Danzeig corridor. Thud Germany attacked Poland.

2, The treaty of Versailles was wholely responsible for the Second World War as:-
* It humiliated a pround race like Germany who were not going to sit idle.
* They have done injustice to Germany and Italy which lead to rise of dictatorship and
untimately lead to the Second World War.

3, The rise of Nazism and Fascism became an important cause of the world war as:-
* According to the leaders Imperialism is the eternal law of life. Thus they want a world
based on conquest which lead them to capture one country after another in the World War.

* They provided the base upon which million of soldiers on their side participated in the war.

4, The Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis was a treaty signed by Germany, Italy and Japan to help each
other in case of enemy attack.

Italy joined the side of Germany and JApan as in the First World War she supported Britain
and France who deserted war.

5, The Immediate cause of the Second World War was the invation of Poland by Hitler.

The invation of the Pearl Harbour at Hawai by Japan in which more than 2000 soldiers and
sailors lost their life brought USA into the war

6, USA had dropped pamphlet warning Japan of the consequences of the Atom Bomb and
asked Japan to surrender. But after the invation of the Pearl HArbour the Japanese got
confidence to winning the War, They did not stop and ultimately an atom bomb was
dropped on Hiroshima and then on Nagasaki. Thus at last Japan was forced to surrender and
the war ended.

7, The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by America made Japan to surrender to the allies.
Japan was at its top fleet and was with the confidence to win the war and thus he ignored
the warning messages of America of the consequences of the atom bomb. But when Japan
did not surrender the bombing was done and ultimtely Japan surrender.

8, The Consequences of the War were:-

* It was by far the greatest loss of human life and devastation. More than two hundred
billion people died and many places of Europe were left in ruins.
* The Cold War prevailed between two major powers America and Russia and many military
alliances like NATO and SEATO was formed.

9, Cold war literally means a prolonged war without any armed actions. It prevailed between
the two major powers that is America and Russia after the Second World War. It only
involved the growing rivalry and the formation of several alliances like the NATO and SAETO.

10, The characteristics of the cold war were:-

* It is a prolonged war without any military or armed actions.
* It resulted in the RACE OF ARMAMENTS among the major powers.
* It was neither a condition of war nor peace. It was a condition of uneasy peace.

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