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A Social Immersion Project Report Submitted to the Department of Management Studies,
Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahendravaram in a Partial Fulfilment for the Award of


[Reg. No: 213098300020]
Under the Guidance of
B.Tech, MBA.





This is to certify that the project entitled A STUDY ON “TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT WITH
SHANKAR NARESH KUMAR Bearing Registered Number 213098300020 submitted in the
partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration from Adikavi Nannaya University Rajamahendravaram.


I hereby declare that the Report work entitled “TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT WITH REFERENCE
KUMAR Bearing Registered Number 203098300020 submitted to Adikavi Nannaya University,
Rajamahendravaram is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of MR. K.
BHANU SURYA TEJA MBA, This project work is submitted to the fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). The
results embodied in this report have not been submitted to any other university or Institute for
the award of any Degree or Diploma.




This is to certify that the report work entitled, A STUDY ON “TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT


HARISHANKAR NARESH KUMAR Bearing Registered Number 203098300020 ,in

partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS

ADMINISTRATION and completed successfully under my guidance.

B. Tech, MBA.

I feel it is my duty and honour to thank all those who have extended their guidance
and warm support in completing my project work.
Firstly it is my privilege to thank SRI. N. SESHA REDDY, Chairman, Aditya
group of institutions for providing state-of-the-Art facilities, experienced and
talented faculty members.
Secondly, I thank SRI.B.E.V.L.NAIDU, Academic Director, Aditya degree
colleges for his continuous support and encouragement in my endeavour.
This is great pleasure for me tobe assigned under the guidance of Smt.A.
ANURADHA, Principal-Aditya Degree College-Bhimavaram. I am very grateful
to him for all his kind cooperation and guidance in preparing this project Report.
His valuable suggestions & guidelines helped me a lot to prepare this report in a
well-organized manner.
Finally, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my beloved parents
without whose support and encouragement, I would not have finished this work. I
also express my sincere thanks to friends and well-wishers too who helped me in
preparing the project work and made me to present it within time.



Chapter-1 INTRODUCTION.……………………………………7-20

Chapter-2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………………21-23

Chapter-3 INDUSTRY PROFILE…………………………………24-36





Transport plays a vital role in the trade and industry growth of any
nation. Transport infrastructure is tied to every segment of the economy.
Roads provide a very vital means of transportation and communication all
over the world and have a huge role to play in the development of nations
and publics through improving access to information and resources, leading
to good health outcomes among populations. Provisions of adequate
infrastructure are pre-requisite for sustained growth and to ensure cost-
effective movement of people and goods. Reaching a destination is the main
goal of transport. An efficient road infrastructure is therefore an important
requirement with the new improvements in the field of ways, means, motive,
power, engineering techniques and organizations. Transport has increased
its utility through several ways such as land, water, air and commodities are
carried from place of abundance to places where they are in demand.

The rapid urbanization, industrialization, motorization and changing

lifestyle of individuals have given rise to a steep increase in vehicles and
roads have become increasingly congested. Transport is the main part of
modern national economy. However, there always exist contradictions
between the society which needs large mobility and the public opinion when
continuous delays and poor quality of transport occur. Services and road
accidents become more and more unacceptable. Transport needs are
continuously increasing due to two factors mobility and growth of cargo
transportation. In the field of passenger transport this determines a large
demand of cars.

Road development is a basic economic activity that stimulates growth. It

also creates permanent assets. They contribute to around 5 percentage of

the National Income and promote trade and social integration. The road network
in the country has improved considerably in terms of road length and associated
infrastructure. However the vehicular traffic has outpaced road development.
The vehicle population is found doubling every 5 to 6 years, resulting in
higher number of road accidents in the country. Further the National
Highway network system which account for one per cent of total road network
system carries about 40 per cent of the total traffic. There are

several continuous accident black spots on the highways and other arterial
road network in the country.

Development in urbanization and the expansion in the quantity of

vehicles in many non-industrial nations have prompted expanded gridlock
in metropolitan places and expansion in car crashes on street organizations,
which were never intended for the volumes and kinds of traffic, which they
are currently needed to convey. Furthermore, spontaneous metropolitan
development has prompted contradictory land clients, with undeniable
degrees of walker – vehicle clashes. The float from country regions to
metropolitan focuses regularly brings about enormous number of new
metropolitan inhabitants unused to such high traffic level. Therefore there
has frequently been a serious crumbling in driving conditions and a huge
expansion in the perils and rivalry between various classes of street clients.
Moreover, the characteristic threats have frequently gotten more regrettable
by helpless street support seriously planned convergences and lacking
arrangements for walkers.

Traffic Management:

“It is that feature of management it deals with the planning,

organizing, coordinating and controlling traffic tasks and strategies so as to
ensure safe, convenient and economic transportation of persons and goods”.

4Es Traffic Management:

Even after inventing a lot of protection equipment‟s like air bags,

seat- belts etc., the safety glitches are not at all improved in terms of dipping
fatalities. The main thrust of accident prevention and control across the
world has been stated as “4 Es”, mainly they are Engineering, Education,
Enforcement, Environment and Emergency care of road accident victims.

Figure 1.1: Factors affecting Road Safety


(1) Enforcement:

It is that aspect of traffic management that deals with enforcement of

traffic rules and regulation. It is one of the very significant facets of traffic
management because traffic instructions are made so that road traffic moves
in an orderly manner, the road capacity is utilised optimally and the safety
of road user is ensured in best possible manner.

It is a very visible aspect. Therefore, common man, sometimes, feels

that it is the only aspect. They feel that any traffic problem can be solved
only by improving enforcement. Actually this is closely related with other
two aspects viz engineering and education. Enforcement becomes very
difficult if people are not educated about traffic rules and if they don‟t
understand importance of traffic rules for their own safely.

In India, the duty regarding requirement of different arrangements of

Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 relating
to or having a course on street security is vested with the State Governments.
Such measures incorporate testing the capability of drivers at the hour of
authorizing, and checking the actual wellness of vehicles and their
consistence with guidelines at the hour of enrolment and periodical wellness
check of business vehicles. There are also statutory provisions on use of
helmets, wearing of seat belts, detection/prosecution of drunken drives and
prevention of plying of over loaded vehicles. The enforcement of these

provisions is the responsibility of the Transport and Police Departments of

the State Governments.

(2) Education:

Traffic education brings awareness about traffic rules among people.

They understand that following traffic rules and regulation is in their own
interest. This brings self-discipline amongst the people. If we succeed in
bringing self-discipline among the people, it may become very effective tool
of traffic management.

Enforcement and education are closely related. It is very difficult to

enforce traffic rules and regulations if people do not understand importance
of traffic rules. It has been experienced that enforcement without self-
discipline many a times becomes mere figures. They do not lead to the
desired result of reduction in traffic accidents and better traffic

Educational effort should be coupled with strict enforcement.

Without fear of enforcement, educational efforts do not bring fruits. We are
impressed by the road discipline in western countries. But this is actually the
result of strict enforcement for several decades.

(3) Engineering:

“It is the aspect of engineering which deals with planning, geometric

design and traffic operations of roads and streets and highways, their
network, terminals, abetting land relationship with other modes of
transportation for the achievement of safe, efficient and convenient
movement of persons and goods” Engineering can contribute a lot in traffic
management Because of faulty engineering design some locations literally
become death trap. Some of the serious traffic problems can be solved by
taking small simple engineering measures.

Indian Road Congress (IRC) is responsible for formulating, updating

and disseminating various codes on construction and maintenance. As per
Govt. of India report road safety specifications and designs are incorporated
in the Planning and construction of National Highways. The designs of
highways are done by reputed consultant meeting all applicable and
geometric safety standards including provisions for flyovers, grade
separation by-passes, railway over/under ground bridges bus/truck lay-

byes, service roads, junction enhancements, overhead signs,
cautionary/regulatory/informatory retro-reflective sign boards, crash
barriers etc.

(4) Environment:

Earlier traffic management used to be identified with 3Es-

Enforcement education and engineering. With stagnation of public vehicle
framework and advancement of customized vehicle, climate has become a
vital viewpoint and that is the means by which 4th E is included traffic the
board. This angle should be tended to truly. A few significant strategy level
choices should be taken and carried out with most extreme earnestness to
discover feasible traffic answer for the quickly developing Indian economy.

This ought to incorporate issues like Control of natural contamination

and improving nature of the climate. Care ought to be taken that the
formation of street framework ought not to prompt corruption of climate. It
should not adversely affect the natural beauty of the landscape. The control
of noise and air pollution is another aspect that needs to be kept in mind
while planning, organizing, coordinating and regulating traffic operations,
tools and techniques in this study, the first 3 Es of traffic management are
studied. More emphasis has been put on the first two aspects i.e.
enforcement and education because various stake holder can make a major
difference to this issue, provided they are presented with the well-researched

Sustainable Transport System:

An economical vehicle framework is gives portability and openness

to every unique of its inhabitants a harmless and weather well-disposed
mode of transport. Feasible transportation includes framework ventures and
travel approaches that serve different aims of financial turn of proceedings,
natural manageability and communal value. (Dominic Spaethling, 1996). A
supportable transportation framework has its objective to augment the
utilization of the transport context to accomplish economical and related
communal & natural objectives, without forfeiting the capability of
individuals in the upcoming to do as such.

They maximize local input & native occupation sustainable transport
policies are simply defined, very practical in scope, of the greatest benefit
to the deprived segments of culture and relatively cheap to implement.

Constructing new roads to increase speed of motorised vehicle and

catering to the need of richer section of the society is more popular as this
looks as development. Moreover this class is more vocal. It is obvious that
their needs are paid more attention to. Sometime it is done at the cost of
public transport system.

The urbanization has been expanding however the public vehicle isn't
expanding. Expanded motorisation makes streets less safe for person on foot
and cyclists. Speed up mechanized vehicles prompts expanded danger of
mishap and injury to no mechanized street clients like people on foot,
cyclist, and non-mechanized carts. They are not profited by the sped up
mechanized vehicles yet they are put to more danger of mishaps. This
should be remembered while arranging any vehicle framework.

Increased Motorisation

The word reference importance of motorisation is preparing a car or a gadget

with an engine. Hence motorisation in transportation organization is
utilizing mechanized vehicles for transport. World over the pattern has been
for expanded motorisation implies expanded utilization of engines. The
strolling and different methods for movement like cycling, utilizing bullock
truck or utilizing cycle cart has been diminishing.

Causes of road accident

1. Equipment Failure - Makers are obligatory by law to plan and

design vehicles that satisfy a least wellbeing guideline. PCs, joined
with organizations' broad innovative work, have created safe vehicles
that are simple and protected to drive. The most refered to sorts of
hardware disappointment are loss of brakes, tire victories or track
partition, and directing/suspension disappointment..

a) Brakes - Recent double circuit stopping mechanisms have

made complete brake disappointment an improbable occasion.
On the off chance that one side of the circuit comes up short,
the opposite side is generally enough to stop a vehicle. Circle
brakes, found on the front wheels of practically every
advanced vehicle, are fundamentally more compelling than the
more established drum slowing mechanisms, which can blur
when hot. ABS (Anti Blockier System) or automated stopping
devices keep the wheels from securing during crisis slowing
down moves, permitting present day vehicles to keep away
from numerous mishaps that already would have happened.

b) Tires - The present outspread tires are essentially more secure

than the predisposition handle tires of 25 years prior. They
still, nonetheless, need consideration routinely. Under
expansion, the most continuous reason for tire disappointment
is viewed as the principle guilty party in the new Firestone tire-
disappointment fatalities. Lopsided or destroyed tires are the
following most significant issue and can likewise prompt tire
disappointment. Lopsided wear is brought about by
inappropriately adjusted tires, or skewed or broken

c) Steering & Suspension - Suspension keeps your tires in touch

with the street in a steady and unsurprising way. Your guiding
empowers you to circumvent street snags and keep away from
possible mishaps. Indeed, even a protected, all around
prepared driver is vulnerable in case of a guiding or suspension
framework disappointment. Such disappointments are
disastrous, particularly at high velocities. Have your
suspension and directing frameworks looked at by a repairman
each 10,000 miles. With ordinary segment reviews via prepared
people, hardware disappointments can be basically killed.

2. Roadway Design - Drivers may fault street plan for mishaps, however
it's once in a while the reason. Advisors, for example, the Texas
Transportation Institute have gone through years getting street
hindrances, utility shafts, railroad intersections, and guardrails to
their present significant degree of wellbeing. Structural specialists,
nearby governments, and law implementation organizations all add to
the plan of safe street formats and traffic the executives frameworks.
State and focal governments give rules to their development, with plan

adaptability to suit nearby conditions. Streets are planned by

engineers with unique thought given to the accompanying:

a) Hazard Visibility - Perpetual street dangers comprise of

convergences, consolidating paths, twists, peaks, school zones,
and animals or walker intersections. Brief risks incorporate
street development, left or handicapped vehicles, mishaps,
gridlocks, and development of creatures.

b) Roadway Surfaces - Architects can utilize various surfaces for

instance, notched asphalt contingent on the climate, traffic
speed, traffic volume, and area of the street clamor hindrances.
Street markings let drivers think about their capacity to pass
securely (dabbed and twofold lines), the area of the street in
harsh climate (intelligent felines eyes and stakes), and where
street surface closures and the shoulder starts.

c) Traffic Control Devices - Traffic light signals, speed limit

signs, yield and stop signs, school & pedestrian crossings,
turning lanes, police surveillance cameras, and traffic circles
or roundabouts.

d) Behavioural Control Devices - Implicit obstructions that limit
the capacity of a vehicle to travel, include crash barrels,
hindrances, person on foot islands, raised medians, high
checking, monitor rails, and substantial boundaries.

e) Traffic Flow - Interstate roadways stay the most secure streets

on the grounds that their progression of traffic is one way.
Single direction roads ease gridlock in downtown areas too.
Provincial two-path streets are measurably the most risky due
to a high rate of destructive head-on crashes and the trouble eager
drivers' face while surpassing more slow vehicles.

f) Roadway Identification Signs - empower somebody without a

nitty gritty guide to make a trip starting with one spot then
onto the next. They give early notification of convergences,
objections, perils, course numbers, mileage gauges, road
names, and focal points.

g) Weather - severe conditions can disturb existing risks and once

in a while make new street surfaces.

3. Poor Maintenance: Street upkeep adds to some engine vehicle
mishaps, however not to the degree that drivers blame it. Tragically
upkeep timetables and methods change incredibly from one city to
another and state to state, so cross country norms don't exist. Beneath
us layout some potential street upkeep weaknesses that you ought to
know about: debris on the roadway, faded road signs, potholes,
roadway construction and salting & sanding.

4. Driver Behaviour: People will in general fault a person or thing else

when a slip-up or mishap happens. Reviews reliably uncover that
most of the drivers think of them as more skilful and more secure
than the normal driver. A few missteps happen when a driver gets
diverted, maybe by a PDA call or a spilled mug of espresso. Not many
mishaps result from a 'Demonstration of God,' like a tree falling on a

5. Over Speeding: There is a slogan along road sides „speed thrills but
it kills‟, it seems to be that numerous road users are still unrealized
the significance of the slogan. Faster vehicles are more prone for
mishap than the slower one and the sternness of accident will also be
more in case of faster. The reason is that controlling of slow vehicle
is easy in case of emergency but it is difficult or impossible with the
faster vehicle. Out of this the results of the accidents are very serious
and many of the time it is fatal.
6. Drunken driving: Drunken driving is there even in the developed
nations but often the accidents are happening in developing nations.
Drunken driving is strictly prohibited and also many awareness
programs and propagations are carried out by the enforcing agencies
about the seriousness of the drunken driving. Irrespective of these
efforts, still the drunken driving is persisting among the drivers. This
leads into fatal accidents in which many innocents may be killed. The
reason is that the consumption of alcohol to celebrate any occasion is
common. In any case, when blended in with driving it transforms
festivity into a setback. Liquor lessens fixation. It diminishes
response season of a human body. Appendages take more to
respond to the

guidelines of mind. It hampers vision because of tipsiness. Liquor
hoses dread and impels people to face challenges. This load of
elements while driving reason mishaps and ordinarily it demonstrates
7. Distraction of the drivers: Interruptions could be outside or inside
the vehicle. The significant interruption now daily is chatting on cell
phone while driving. A considerable lot of us may have seen while
utilizing the streets, the drivers use to converse with phone
regardless of numerous actions taken by the authorizing
organizations. Demonstration of chatting on telephone involves
significant bit of mind and the more modest part handles the driving
abilities. This division of mind hampers response time and capacity
of judgment. This gets one reason of accidents. One ought not go to
calls while driving. On the off chance that the call is dire one should
stop the vehicle at outrageous left of the street and go to the call.
Aside from PDA driving not many of different interruptions are as
per the following:
• Adjusting mirrors while driving

• Talking or arguing with the passengers inside the vehicle

• Stereo/Radio/DVD player in vehicle

• Animals on the road

• Banners and billboards.

8. Red light (signal) jumping: In India, red light hopping is regular at the
street convergences that vehicles cross without really focusing on the signs.
The fundamental rationale behind the Red light bouncing is saving time. The
basic origination is that halting at red sign is wastage of time and fuel.
Studies have shown that traffic lights followed appropriately by all drivers
save time and suburbanites arrive at objective securely and ideal. A red light
jumper endangers the existence of driver as well as the security of other
street clients. This demonstration by one driver prompts the other driver to
endeavor it lastly causes mayhem at intersection and prompts gridlocks.

9. Avoiding Safety Gears like Seat belts and Helmets: The street
wellbeing authorization organizations made the wearing of the security
pinion wheels and safety belts are obligatory, yet regularly numerous drivers

(5) are dismissing these perspectives when driving which results in to

fatalities to the drivers. Wearing safety belts and head protectors
duplicates the odds of endurance in the event of a genuine mishap.
Wellbeing Gears guard you unblemished and in the event of mishaps. Bike
passings have been definitely decreased after utilization of cap has been
made compulsory. One should utilize wellbeing pinion wheels of
endorsed standard and tie them appropriately for ideal security.

1. Other Major reasons

Aside from the above clarified essential components for street

mishaps, not many of the significant perspectives for street mishaps are as

• The carelessness of the drivers

• The carelessness of the street clients
• Poor authorization has prompted arrangement of awful traffic-
related propensities that are difficult to change.
• Lack of serious disciplines for traffic wrongdoers
• Defects in street foundation
• Lack of genuine thought of street rules
• Improper preparing of drivers
• Callousness and carelessness in driving
• Lack of mindfulness on street security safeguard among public

Road safety organizations in India

National Road Safety Council (NRSC) is the apex body for road
safety established under section 215 of MV Act 1988. This is chaired by the
Minister of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways with Ministers in
charge of road transports in states and union territories and Director General
of Police of all states and representatives from relevant ministries and Non-
Governmental Organisations (NGO‟s) as members of the council. The
body normally meets once in year to give directions on implementations of
the road safety policies.

Need for the study
In last two decades India has been growing with fast pace. The increase in road traffic
is obvious outcome of economic growth. Effective traffic management is very
important need for the economic growth of the country. The Transport infrastructure of
the country has not been able to keep pace with the increasing traffic demand. The
most worrying aspect is near stagnation in the growth of public transport in qualitative
and quantitative terms. This coupled with surplus income in the hand of growing middle
class has led to disproportionate growth of personalised vehicles. This has led to
serious traffic problems. If it is not handled effectively, in a timely manner, it may
hamper economic growth of the country.
Road traffic accidents are of concern now-a-days as far as public health and
prevention is concerned. Number of factors contributes to road accidents and no
studies are available locally to reaffirm the same. Therefore, the present study
analyses and covers the awareness and attitude of road users about road safety rules
and regulations, causes of road accidents and of safety norms enforcement in the
Visakhapatnam city.

Objectives of the study

1. To know the existing traffic management system in Visakhapatnam city.

2. To find out the level of awareness about road safety rules /traffic
regulations among road users.

3. To study the behaviour of road users towards enforcement of road safety rules
/traffic regulations.

4. To probe into the perceptions of various stake holders about traffic

management in Visakhapatnam city.

5. To suggest measures to approach the issue of traffic management in

systematic manner.

Unit -2
Research methodology
Hypotheses of the study
Ho1: There is no significant difference between respondents’ behaviour
towards traffic management and age, educational qualification,
occupation and type of vehicles driven by the respondent.

Ho2: There is no significant difference between respondents’ opinion on

reasons for traffic problems and age, educational qualification,
occupation and type of vehicles driven by the respondent.

Ho3: There is no significant difference between respondents’ opinion on

causes for road accidents and age, educational qualification, occupation
and type of vehicles driven by the respondent.

Ho4: There is no significant difference between respondents’ opinion on

enforcement factors and age, educational qualification, occupation and
type of vehicles driven by the respondent.

Ho5: There is no significant difference between respondents’ opinion on

remedial strategies and age, educational qualification, occupation and
type of vehicles driven by the respondent.

Methodology and Sampling

Collection of reliable and accurate information is vital to draw valid conclusions. The
present study is based on both primary and secondary data. The study entailed a good
deal of preparation and planning in order to secure the necessary update data and
information. Considerable time has been invested to identify the respondents and to
establish personal contact with them. The field work for the study was staggered over
more than a year. The inquiry process involved the following three broad phases.

Collection of Primary Data

The Primary data for the study are collected by using pre tested (pilot study) a
elaborate questionnaire for road users. The aspects on which the data are sought to be
collected from the sample respondents include socio- economic profile and awareness
among traffic rules and regulations, driver behaviour, reasons for traffic management
problems, causes of road, accident, enforcement factors and remedial measures etc.,

The tools of field of exploration of the road users are finalized on the basis of the
experiences of the pilot study, as many as 50 respondents of the

selected sample were covered during the pilot survey. In the light of the observations
and experiences of the pilot survey necessary changes were incorporated in the
questionnaire. This phase of research process has helped a great deal in enhancing the
contents of the questionnaire in tune with objectives set out for the study.

Collection of Secondary Data

The process of gathering reliable and meaningful information is the cardinal aspect of
the enquiry and forms a central link in the operational plan for the entire research
design. The principal sources of information of the present study are various Andhra
Pradesh Police Department, published books, journals, bulletins and internet. The
libraries of Andhra University (V.S. Krishna Library) and Department of Commerce
and Management studies are immensely used for the collection of secondary data.

Selection of Sample

The sample is drawn from the respondents which are spread over in Visakhapatnam
city i.e., Gajuwaka, NAD Kotha Road, Poorna Market, Dwaraka Nagar, Gopala
patnam, Daba gardens, Maddilapalem, MVP Colony, Madhurawada,
Hanumanthuwaka. A total 500 sample respondents have been chosen by using
convenience sampling technique. The sample comprises of 50 respondents from each

Statistical Tools Used

The primary data have been interpreted with the help of simple statistical tools such as
Simple percentages, Mean, Standard Deviation F- test and Factor analysis were

Presentation of the Study

The study is divided into six Chapters.

Chapter I presents an overview of traffic management.

Chapter II outlines literature review and need for the study, objectives of the study,
hypotheses of the study, research methodology and chapter design and limitations of
the study.

. Chapter III gives Profile of Andhra Pradesh Police Department and Visakhapatnam
Traffic Department.

Chapter IV Respondents’ Socio-Demographic Profile, respondents’ opinion on

awareness and Driver’s behaviour towards traffic management.

Chapter V Respondents’ reasons for traffic problems, causes for road accidents and
enforcing factors and remedial strategies were discussed.

Chapter VI depicts respondents’ opinion on enforcing factors and remedial strategies for
effective traffic management.

Chapter VII gives findings and suggestions emanating from the study.

Limitations of the study

Much care has been taken to bring out this work on awareness and
perception towards traffic management Visakhapatnam city more
comprehensively. However, the study of this nature/scope is difficult to be
free from certain limitations. Many problems were encountered in collection
of primary data. Road users though appreciative of the theme of research,
supported but delayed in filling the questionnaire. Elaborate explanation was
given to the respondents for filling the questionnaire. Many complained about
lack of time and pressure of works deadlines. In spite of these limitations
which the research could not overcome, the study has emphasized on many
important aspects. In the light of many vital aspects which the study has
focused, the limitations can be considered negligible and hardly have any
effect on the quality of the study.

Unit -3

In democracy the police is a dynamic instrument of communal service and

transformation in educating the publics on democratic virtues & the benefits of rule
abiding citizenship. Being a disciplined force in uniform, the service works as a
group with the predetermined goal & that goal is peace and tranquillity, so that the
civil, social, financial and spiritual processes reach land able destinations. The
police mostly are charged with certain responsibilities based on individual
independence in the prevention and detention of crime, maintenance of law and
order, traffic control, prevention of wrong doers and other spheres of human
behaviour regulations and also switches over to group activity while investigating
crime, feeing favours shades of violence and while fighting other abbreviations of
collective social behaviour.

After Independence, the Police System (the term Administration has been
utilized for certain occasions) has been of feeing a few changes and to address new
difficulties and assist the new framework with continueing strength, especially
controlling the civil & social instabilities. The police framework likewise merits a
portion of recognition to the monetary and social progression of the state during
the most recent twenty years, even since this couldn't have been conceivable yet
for the interior harmony, security and serenity.

The current Police System in Andhra Pradesh is principally represented by

the Police Act of 1861 which depended on the suggestions of the Police
Commission of 1860 which is as yet being proceeded, however a few adjustments
were made. Because of deliberate and proceeds with survey of the Police System
by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, the Police System has significant
advancement in the State or Province.

The current Police System in India is fundamentally British, explicitly Irish

Constabulary Model, superimposed on native Mughal organization practical shape
with undetectable leftovers of Hindu Polity. Sociologically and culturally India is
mixed pluralistic and colourful country, but some of the religious, regional and
social strands are so significantly marked that any sweeping generalisations are
opt to misfit. Overall development of

society, introduction of radical reforms and maintenance of social stability to a
considerable extent, depend upon efficient police machinery.

The Police System in India is just about as old as Indian progress. Reference
to the police association in the early hundreds of years is accessible in practically
every one of the works of art of our country. Albeit the Police System in the early
hundreds of years of the nation was not so efficient, the leaders of the nation set up
isolated associations to keep up lawfulness.

Police is one of the units of administration of government which has direct

and closest contact with the people in the towns and villages. The police department
normally does not receive the fullest attention and encouragement as it deserves
from the higher levels and on the other hand, there is antipathy as a result of which
there is a decline in the morale. Particularly every act of the police is given undue
adverse publicity both in the press and legislatures and criticised to such an extent
that there is a fast decline in the police administration.

The fundamental errand of the police is that of authorization of

peace and lawfulness to serve the residents, defend property and to ensure the guiltless
against misdirection. The Police have now to assume a positive part in the new plan of
social guard. In the present communist example of vote based system the job of the Police
in the state has gone through significant change. The Police can not, at this point steady
with the changed position, take up the thin mentality of saying that their business is just
to implement the corrective laws and they don't have anything to do with the inventive
part of coercive strategies.

The most noteworthy origination of a police power in a majority rule society
should be "social help" and if the police need to secure this standing and satisfy its
new commitment, there should be a finished reorientation in the standpoint and
approach of the police faculty. During the opportunity development, the police
organization was peered down and the shame joined to it proceeds even today.
Then again, the Government has done next to no to develop the spirit of the police
powers especially to balance the misguided judgment that defilement exists on an
extremely wide scale in the police power which, notwithstanding, is halfway
obvious due to the incredible decrease in the financial conditions. The strike of
police in New Delhi, Tripura & the scene in Calcutta where the police assumed
responsibility for the Assembly while in meeting connotes the basic requirement for
extremist & radical rearrangement of the police organization & build up new customs.
A few advancements in the country especially with regards to political and social
disturbances have, to a significant degree, added to the disintegration of the resolve
in the police powers.

Concept of Police

The idea of 'police authority' can be supposed to be just about as old as

human advancement itself. Throughout advancement, man become a social being
and begun having a gregarious existence. With the development of early types of
local area life, the need was felt to keep everything under control among its
individuals. Before long local area life crossed the restrictions of the family and
stretched out to a class or clan. Unavoidably, it become important to have a bunch
of rules or laws to oversee the relations between people so the feeble were not
abused by the solid and the authority of the pioneer, in light of a legitimate concern
for the local area was kept up. This brought up inescapable issue of an organization
for the requirement of the principles and laws so outlined. In the first place, people
were separate to work as specialists of the local area to keep a vigil over the hard-
headed components and carry miscreants to book. As the utility of these
functionaries was set up, the thought developed and the idea of police organization
was blast.

Meaning of Police

The word ‘Police’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Politia’, which means for
‘Citizenship’ or ‘State’ or ‘Administration of Government’. But the Latin root
‘Politia’ stands for ‘State’ or ‘Administration’ or ‘Civilization’. The corresponding
French word ‘Polis’ means ‘City’ or Town’.

The word ‘Politia’ is police. The meaning of the word is system of regulations
for the preservation of order and enforcement of law. But the character of the State has
undergone a change from ‘the police state’ to ‘welfare state’. In this changed
context the role of police also has to undergo a change.

In expansive sense, the term police indicates the upkeep of public request
and assurance of people and property from risks of public mishaps and the
commission of unlawful demonstrations; explicitly, it applies to the

assortment of common officials accused of keeping everything under control,
obligation & upholding the law, including forestalling & distinguishing
wrongdoing. In its more extensive viewpoints, the term at one time, also included
such "general wellbeing" exercises as road clearing or lighting or rummaging or
disinfection, just as applications adequately wide to grasp to dynamic scope of
government majority rule approaches.


The police in India are just about as old as the country herself. Old India
considered police to be an instrument under the rulers. They were clergymen or
significant people who were vested with police capacities. The Moghul time frame
some sort of coordinated examples set into the police framework. Anyway there were
glaring contrasts between frameworks of policing starting with one state then onto the
next which was seen by the British. Understanding the requirement for a bound
together policing framework in India, the British by a cycle of experimentation
developed the current example of Police that was typified in the Indian Police Act, Act-
V of 1861. Displayed on the example of the military, the police faculty are to be
used for the most part for controlling aggravations by the common populace. This
framework has been the reason for the development and working of all police
frameworks in India that are continually pursuing a conflict against inner adversaries.

Some space of AP was for quite a while under the Vijayanagar tradition
that was established by Sri Krishnadevaraya. The association of the police during
this period was known as the Kaveli System or the Hindoo Police. In every town,
town, city and area were positioned officials of police with degrees of rank and
quantities of retainers equivalent with their reaches, from that of the humblest
Kavilgar to the most impressive Poligar. The Kavilgars were depended the interior
security and peacefulness of the state. They were equipped and paid through
commitments from each occupant notwithstanding an evaluation sum. The Poligars
were relied upon to join the kings’ armed force in the midst of outside peril. They
were depended with the wellbeing of public property and were equipped with the
methods and paid to ensure it. They were considered mindful and addressed for all
burglaries, thefts, ravaging, recognition and trepidation of public wrongdoers. At
the point when the British came in the nineteenth century

they presented an arrangement of policing that started a cycle of progress from
military discretion to a modernized framework.

It was the Madras Act XXIV of 1859 which indicated the beginning of the
Madras Police and immediately later, the Police Act of 1861 started the course of action
of police which outlines the foundation of cutting edge police in India. The "Gave
up Areas" of Andhra, as they were predominantly alluded to, continued as a piece
of the Madras Police and it was extraordinarily in October 1953, after the presentation
of an alternate Andhra State, that the Andhra State Police procured singular presence.
Finally with the advancement of the Andhra Pradesh State on the principal November
1956 organizing the Telugu talking areas the current Andhra Pradesh Police showed

The Police Act 1861 started the course of action of policing which is in power
in India today. It is Act V that coordinates the affiliation, enlistment and control of
the India Police. With the selection of the Police Code in 1865 and the creation of
the post of Inspector General of Police, there was a checked improvement in the
standard of harmony and law circumstance in the country.

Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014 is an Act of Indian Parliament

pronouncing the divergence of the Andhra Pradesh state into 2 states, Telangana & the
residuary Andhra Pradesh. The Act comprises of all parts of division of resources and
liabilities, and finished the limits. The named day of the new province of Andhra
Pradesh was 2 June 2014 according to MHA. The cycle of division of the police
power is yet to be finished and is in progress.

Figure 3.1 Organization structure of Andhra Pradesh Police

Visakhapatnam City District Details

Figure 3.2 Visakhapatnam District Map


The city was governed by Andhra Kings of Vengi and Pallavas.

Visakhapatnam nicknamed as Vizag and at times known by its chronicled name
Waltair. It is third biggest city on the east shore of India (after Chennai and
Kolkata). It's anything but a port city on the southeast shoreline of Bay of Bengal
and regularly called as "The Jewel of the East Coast" and the "City of Destiny".
It is situated on the coastline of Bay of Bengal in the East. It is the biggest city
and a business center of Andhra Pradesh, with a GDP of more than $26 Billion
(USD). It is the base camp of the Eastern Naval Command of the Indian Navy.

District data

Visakhapatnam City headed by Commissioner of Police. It comprises 5

Police Sub-Divisions (i.e., East, North, South, Madhurwada, Traffic SUB-
divisions), 5 Police Circles (East, North, South, Gajuwaka, PM Palem Traffic
Circles-5), 25 Police Stations (18 Law & Order and 7 Traffic PS), and 6 Special
units (i.e., CCS, Task Force, Special Branch, CCRB, Cyber Crime, Marine).

Visakhapatnam Police

Inferable from fast development in people and industrialisation, the new

Visakhapatnam Revenue District was bifurcated into two Police Units, on 01-11-
1983, i.e., Urban & Rural Police. Further as there was huge immersion of coasting
people with its expert issues of law and order, bad behavior and Traffic, it needed
to involve the Urban Police District with its incorporating locale as Metropolitan
Area Police District under fragment 8 of the Criminal Procedure Code-1973
suitably choosing a Commissioner of Police, with Magisterial powers w.e.f.
10/05/1989, vide GO.Ms.No.253 Home (Pol.E) Department, dated on 09/05/1989.

The Commissioner of Police, Visakhapatnam City, by temperance of his

office is delegated as Additional Locale Magistrate comparable to the
Visakhapatnam Metropolitan region and will have every one of the forces of a
District Magistrate under the said code & any remaining laws for the time being in
power giving forces of a District Magistrate under sub-segment (1) of area 20 of Cr.
PC, 1973 (Central Act II of 1974), vide GO.Ms.No.285 Home (Courts.B)
Department, dated on 20-05-1989.

At the hour of arrangement of the Police Commissionerate, i.e., on 10- 05-

1989, the Commissionerate was going an official of rank of Superintendent of
Police and along these lines moved up to the position of DIG, w.e.f. 02-11-1990
and rank of IGP w.e.f. 23-06-2000.

Figure3.3 Organisation structure of Visakhapatnam City Police



• Know Your Police Station

• Locate Your Police Station

• I-Click & Abhayam

• Passport Verification Status

• Accident Analysis

• Foriegners Registration

• Domestic Violence

• Unclaimed Vehicles


• Law & Order

• Traffic

• Crime Department

• Cyber Crimes

• Task Force

• Special Branch

• City Armed Reserve

• City Security Wing

• Home Guards

• Admin Wing

Profile of the City Traffic Police

In G.O.Ms. No. 449 (home) Police Dept. dt. 10-10-1983, 4 Traffic Police
Stations were made with an absolute strength of 2 CIs, 9 SIs, 40 HCs and 200 PCs.
The strength was partitioned into 10 Traffic separations and appended to 10 Law
and Order Police Stations of Visakhapatnam Urban District. Somewhere in the
range of 1983 and 1988, these traffic separations got free and independent level
and are being alluded as Traffic Police Stations. In 1986, 3 PCs each were moved
from the I, II and III Town Traffic Police Stations to I, II and III Town Crime
Police stations. Then, at that point

the endorsed strength of Traffic Police Stations in Visakhapatnam Metropolitan
region was 3 CIs, 9 SIs, 40 HCs and 191 PCs. Since there was no SI for
Malkapuram Traffic Police station one of the SI from the strength of Police Control
Room was moved to Traffic Police Station, so all the 10 Traffic Police Stations
will have SIs as SHOs.

Before the production of Visakhapatnam (U) District on 1.11.1983, there

was no DSP/SDPO to manage Traffic Police. It was perpetually the concerned Law
and Order SDPOs who used to direct crafted by Traffic Detachment. On 10-05-
1989, when the arrangement of Police Commissionerate was presented in
Visakhapatnam City, the post of DSP Traffic was re-assigned as ACP Traffic.

In 1989, at the hour of plan of Visakhapatnam Police Commissionerate

vide G.O.Ms.No.253 (Pol-E) Dept dt.9-5-1989, the Rural Police Station of
Bheemunipatnam, Padmanabham, Anandapuram, Parawada & Sabbavaram were
moved from Visakhapatnam Rural to the Police Commissionerate. The
Visakhapatnam Traffic Police didn't deal with the traffic in the 5 Rural Police
Stations. Subsequently, Bheeminipatnam, Padmanabham, Anandapuram and
Sabbavaram, except for Parawada were moved from Visakhapatnam Police
Commissionerate to Visakhapatnam Rural District. As of now again
Bheemunipatnam, Padmanabham, Anandapuram were moved from
Visakhapatnam District to Visakhapatnam Commissionerate.

The Gajuwaka Police station was upgraded as "A" Grade Police Station as
indicated by G.O.Ms.No.201/Memo-Pol. Dept. dt. 14-6-1997 and the Police
station was opened on 20-11-2004 by Sri K.Jana Reddy, previous Home Minister
of Andhra Pradesh with a strength of 1 CI, 2 SIs, 2 ASIs, 10 HCs and 50 PCs having
ward from Lankelapalem to Air port intersection. After arrangement of A-Grade
Police station the ward from Lankelapalem to Vadlapudi was connected to Steel
Plant Traffic Police Station vide Memo No.3834/A1/1999 dt. 23-8-1999. The
Gajuwaka is just Police Station with
S.H.O in the unit of Inspector of Police in Traffic portion then, at that point.

New Port Traffic Police Station was opened on 19-03-2008 vide

G.O.Ms.No.137/Fin(SSMOC) Dept dt.18-06-07 and G.O.Ms.No.143 (Home)
PSC, Dated 22-2-2007, communicated vide C.O. Endt. No. 133/R-3/2006 DT.
29-06-06 and in D.O. No. 611/07 in C.No.751/A6/06 dt. 25/7/2007 of

the Commissioner of Police, Visakhapatnam City with a strength of 1SI, 1
ASI, 3 HCs, 15 PCs.

There are number of major & minor Industries existing in Visakhapatnam

Commissionerate limits. Some of them are Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, NTPC,
BHPV, HPCL, I.O.C., BPCL, Coramandel composts, Hindustan shipyard, Naval
Dock Yard, Naval Armament Depot, NSTL, Andhra Petro synthetic substances,
Essar Gujarat, RCL Co., Visakhapatnam Port Trust, VSEZ, Gangavaram Port,
Brandix Apparel Park Autonagar, Industrial bequest, IT center points and so forth
Homegrown Air Port is in Visakhapatnam Commissionerate. Considering fast
advancement in development and different fields of populace, vehicular traffic is
expanding massively.

Primary data:
Survey reports based on respondents


In the above bar chart 90% people will say they will aware about the traffic rules but the
remaining 10% people say that they are not aware about traffic rules.


In the above bar chart 50% people saying yes about our traffic system working
properly and 50% people saying that our traffic system doesn’t working properly.


In the above bar chart 30% of people saying that they experienced in the
traffic congestion and 70% of people saying that they not experienced in traffic congestion.


By the above bar chart 70% people are using wrong routes escaping from
traffic and 30% of people saying no for using wrong routes escaping from traffic.


In the above bar chart 54.5% people saying yes that using mobile while
driving is correct and 44.5% people saying no for using mobile while driving.


From the above bar chart we can see the ratings for our traffic system
from 0-10. 28.6% people gave 0-3 ratings, 42.9% people 4-6 , 14.3% people 7-9, and 14.3%
people gave 10 ratings to our traffic system from 0-10.


In the above bar chart 66.7% people saying yes for the people having
awareness about traffic but remaining 33.3% people saying no for people have awareness
about traffic.


By the above pie chart 73.3% people saying yes for traffic affecting the
environment but remaining 26.7% people saying no for traffic effect the environment.


In the above bar chart 46.7% people saying that traffic police collecting fines
from public when violating rules are for fine support, and 20% people saying for increasing
salaries, 26.7% people saying that polices collecting fines for the better facilities. 6.7%
people saying that colleting fines for threatening public.


In the above bar chart 46.7% students saying they are ‘always on time’ in the
college. 33.3% students saying that traffic delay them to college ‘less than 20 min’. 13.3%
students saying ‘20-30 min’. 6.7% students that traffic delay them more than ‘1 hour to’


In the above bar chart 33.3% people saying that ‘A more efficient public
transport system’ is the best solution for the traffic congestion. 40% of people saying ‘faster
assistance to vehicles involve in collision’. 26.7% people saying ‘traffic light times to
control traffic’ is the best solution for the traffic congestion.


In the above bar chart 20% people saying less than 1000 lives have been
lost every year due to traffic. 60% people saying 1000 to 5000. 13.3% people saying 6000 to
10000. 6.7% people saying More than 10000 lives have been lost every year due to traffic.


In the above bar chart 6.7% of respondents are between 10-15 age. 53.3%
respondents are between 16-20 age. 33.5% are between 21-25 age. 6.7 respondents are
between 26 to 30 age group.


In the above bar chart 93.3% respondents are from male. Remaining 6.7%
of respondents are female.


In the above bar chart 93.3% respondents are from Andhra Pradesh. 6.7% of
respondents are from Tamil Nadu.

Secondary data:
The process of gathering reliable and meaningful information is
the cardinal aspect of the enquiry and forms a central link in the operational plan for
the entire research design. The principal sources of information of the present study
are various Andhra Pradesh Police Department, published books, journals, bulletins
and internet. The libraries of Andhra University (V.S. Krishna Library) and
Department of Commerce and Management studies are immensely used for the
collection of secondary data.

Unit – 5
Findings and suggestions


Findings of the Study

Majority of the respondents (i.e., 79.8 per cent) are male and the remaining
20.2 per cent of the respondents are female respondents.

It is observed that out of the 500 total sample respondents, most of the
respondents (37.0 per cent) are between 46-55 years of age group, 28.0 per cent of the
respondents are between 26-35 years of age group, 14.8 per cent of the respondents are
above 55 years of age group, 12.2 per cent of the respondents are between 36-45 years of
age group and the remaining 8.0 per cent of the respondents are below 25 years of age

Out of the total 500 sample respondents, major group of the respondents (34.8
per cent) are post graduates, 24.2 per cent of the respondents are undergraduates, 18.4
per cent of the respondents are having other qualifications like diplomas, ITI etc.,.
12.2 per cent of the respondents’ qualification is 10th/SSC and the remaining 10.4
per cent of the respondents are graduates.

It shows that 32.0 per cent of the respondents are doing business,
21.4 per cent of the respondents are working in the private organizations,
20.2 per cent of the respondents are doing other occupations (daily wage earners,
drivers etc.,), 14.8 per cent of the respondents are professionals and
11.6 per cent of the respondents are working in government sector.

It is observed that majority of the respondents (i.e., 86.6 per cent) are married
and the remaining 13.4 per cent of the respondents are single (i.e., widow, widowed
and divorced etc.).

It is observed that, major group of the respondents (i.e., 38.6 per cent) are drive
two wheelers, 29.4 per cent of the respondents are drive four wheelers, 16.4 per cent of
the respondents drive three wheelers, 10.0 per cent of the respondents are drive
bus/van/maxi cab and the remaining 5.6 per cent of the respondents are drive other
vehicles like heavy vehicles.

It is shown that major group of the respondents (i.e., 44.6 per cent) are having
11-15 years of driving experience.

Out of the total 500 sample respondents 34.6 per cent of the respondents stated
that they are travelling between 76KM to 100 KM daily,
followed by 29.4 per cent of the respondents stated that they are travelling between
51KM-75KM, 18.4 per cent of the respondents stated more than
100 KM daily, 10.6 per cent of the respondents stated between 26KM to 50KM daily
and the remaining 7.0 per cent of the respondents stated that they are travelling less
than 25KM daily.

It is observed that a whopping percentage of the respondents (i.e.,

77.4 per cent) are having own vehicles, followed by 14.2 per cent of the respondents
stated that they are hired the vehicles for rent and the remaining 8.4 per cent of the
respondents stated that they are working as a drivers.

Respondents’ awareness towards traffic management, out of the total 500

sample respondents a highest percentage of the respondents (i.e., 95.2 per cent) are
having awareness towards updated vehicle registration documents and type of vehicle
to be used. Majority of the respondents (i.e.,
82.4 per cent) stated that they have awareness on maintaining minimum distance
between two vehicles while driving. Nearly three fourth of the respondents (i.e., 74.8
per cent) are having awareness on parking places available in Visakhapatnam. A
whopping percentage of the respondents (i.e.,
96.4 per cent) stated that they have awareness on drunken driving. A highest majority
of the respondents (i.e., 97.8 per cent) stated that they have awareness on seat belt
usage. Major group of the respondents (i.e., 68.6 per cent) stated that they have
awareness on right way of vehicle while driving on hills.

About 60.0 per cent of the respondents stated that they have awareness on white
continuous/broken line. A highest majority of the respondents (i.e., 80.6 per cent)
stated that they have awareness on left lines on roads. Major group of the respondents
(i.e., 70.4 per cent) stated that they have awareness on starting the vehicle on road
during high traffic volume. Majority of the respondents (i.e., 86.4 per cent) stated that
they have awareness on safety awareness for pedestrians during rainy seasons. A
highest majority of the respondents (i.e., 89.2 per cent) stated that they have awareness
on right way of using horn. Out of total 500 sample respondents, about 74.4 per cent
of the respondents stated that they have awareness on right way of emergency
stopping. A whopping percentage of the respondents (i.e., 91.2 per cent) stated that
they have awareness on controlling speed while descending. A highest majority of the
respondents (i.e., 93.8 per cent)
stated that they have awareness on use of hazard lights. Major group of the respondents
(i.e., 55.8 per cent) stated that they have awareness on speed limit. A whopping
percentage of the respondents (i.e., 98.0 per cent) stated that they have awareness on
use mobile phone while driving. Majority of the respondents (i.e., 83.6 per cent) stated
that they have awareness on road sign on major road and 16.4 per cent of the
respondents don’t have awareness on road sign on major road. Majority of the
respondents (i.e., 80.0 per cent) stated that they have awareness on road sign about steep
descent. Major group of the respondents (i.e., 53.4 per cent) stated that they have
awareness on road sign about give away and a negligible percentage of the respondents
(i.e., 46.6 per cent) don’t have awareness on road sign about give away. Major group of
the respondents (i.e., 66.6 per cent) stated that they have awareness on road sign about
vehicle prohibited on both direction and the remaining percentage of the respondents
(i.e., 33.4 per cent) is don’t have awareness on road sign about vehicle prohibited
on both direction

. 76.4 per cent of the respondents stated that they have awareness on road sign about
no crossing. Majority of the respondents (i.e., 80.2 per cent) stated that they have
awareness on road sign on over taking. A whopping percentage of the respondents
(i.e., 95.0 per cent) stated that they have awareness on road sign on ‘U’ turn
prohibited. Majority group of the respondents (i.e., 54.0 per cent) stated that they have
awareness on road sign on pedestrian prohibited. A highest majority of the
respondents (i.e.,
96.8 per cent) stated that they have awareness on the side in which the people must
walk on the road and a whopping percentage of the respondents (i.e., 96.2 per cent)
stated that they have awareness on crossing the road using zebra crossing.

Respondents’ behaviour towards traffic management, 43.0 per cent of the

respondents stated that rarely they drive close to the vehicle in front as a signal to its
driver to go faster or get out of the way. 52.4 per cent of the respondents stated that
they are rarely crossing a junction knowing that the traffic lights have already turned
red. About 46.0 per cent of the respondents stated that rarely disregard the speed limits.
39.4 per cent of the respondents stated that rarely they angered by another driver’s
behaviour, give chase with the intention of giving him/her apiece of mind and 27.8 per
cent of the respondents stated that frequently doing. 30.2 per cent of the respondents
stated that they quite often sound horn to indicate respondents
annoyance to another driver and 23.2 per cent of the respondents stated that rarely
doing that. 41.2 per cent of the respondents stated that quite oftenly stay in a motorway
that respondent know will be closed ahead until the last minute before forcing
respondent way into the order lane. 55.2 per cent of the respondents stated that rarely
they are attempting to overtake someone that respondents hadn’t noticed to be
signalling a left/right turn. Major group of the respondent (i.e., 32.6 per cent) stated that
rarely miss give way signs and narrowly avoid colliding with traffic having right of
way. It is to be noted that, 32.0 per cent of the respondents stated that they never failed
to notice that pedestrians are crossing when turning into a side street from a main.
Major group of the respondent (i.e., 31.6 per cent) stated that they are queuing to turn
right/left onto a main road, respondents pay such close attention to the mainstream of
traffic that respondent nearly hit the vehicle in front

‘. Out of the total sample respondents 30.0 per cent of the respondents stated that they
never turning right/left nearly hit a vehicle who has come up on respondent inside and
24.8 per cent of the respondents stated that occasionally they did. Major group of the
respondents i.e., 29.0 per cent stated that they never fail to check rear-view mirror
before pulling out or changing lanes, etc., 62.4 per cent of the respondents stated that
rarely they are under estimate the speed of an oncoming vehicle when overtaking.
56.0 per cent of the respondents stated that they never apply sudden breaks on a
slippery road, or steer wrong in a skid. 41.6 per cent of the respondents stated that
rarely they are get into the wrong lane when approaching a roundabout or a junction.
Nearly 41.0 per cent of the respondents stated that rarely they misread the signs and
exit from the roundabout on the wrong road. 56.8 per cent of the respondents stated
that rarely forget where the respondent left vehicle in the parking lot. 53.8 per cent of
the respondents stated that rarely hit something when reversing that had not previously
seen. 60.4 per cent of the respondents stated that rarely attempting to drive away from
traffic lights. 51.8 per cent of the respondents stated that rarely switch on one thing,
such as head lights, when you meant to switch on something else, such as wipers. 35.4
per cent of the respondents stated that quite oftenly realize they have no clear
recollection of the road along which the respondent have been travelling.

The mean and standard deviation of respondents’ behaviour towards traffic
management and age of the respondent, it can be concluded that, angered by another
driver’s behaviour, you give chase with the intention of giving him/her a piece of your
mind, sound your horn to indicate your annoyance to another driver, stay in a
motorway that you know will be closed ahead until the last minute before forcing your
way into the other lane, attempt to overtake someone that you hadn’t noticed to be
signalling a left/right turn, miss "give way" sings and narrowly avoid colliding with
traffic having right of way, fail to notice that pedestrians are crossing when turning
into a side street from a main road, queuing to turn right/left onto a main road, you pay
such close attention to the mainstream of traffic that you nearly hit the vehicle in
front, fail to check your rear-view mirror before pulling out or changing lanes, etc.,
under estimate the speed of an oncoming vehicle when overtaking, apply sudden
brakes on a slippery road, or steer wrong way in a skid, get into the wrong lane when
approaching a roundabout or a junction, misread the signs and exit from the
roundabout on the wrong road, forget where you left your vehicle in the parking lot, hit
something when reversing that you had not previously seen, attempt to drive away
from the traffic lights and switch on one thing, such as headlights, when you meant to
switch on something else, such as wipers and realize you have no clear recollection of
the road along which you have been travelling are found significant at 1% level of
significance, because the p-values are less than 0.01. Turning right/left nearly hit a
vehicle who has come up on your inside is found significant at 5% level of
significance, because the p- value is less than 0.05. Hence, the null hypotheses are
rejected. Therefore, there is a significant difference between the above variables and
age of the respondent. And the remaining variables i.e., drive especially close to the
vehicle in front as a signal to its driver to go faster or get out of the way, cross a
junction knowing that the traffic lights have already turned red and disregard the speed
limits are found insignificant, because the p-values are greater than 0.05.. Hence, the
null hypotheses are accepted. Therefore, there is no significant difference between the
above variables and age of the respondent.

The mean and standard deviation of respondents’ behaviour towards traffic
management and educational qualification of the respondent, it can be concluded
that, angered by another driver’s behaviour, you give chase with the intention of
giving him/her a piece of your mind, sound your horn to indicate your annoyance to
another driver, stay in a motorway that you know will be closed ahead until the last
minute before forcing your way into the other lane, attempt to overtake someone that
you hadn’t noticed to be signalling a left/right turn, miss "give way" sings and
narrowly avoid colliding with traffic having right of way, fail to notice that pedestrians
are crossing when turning into a side street from a main road, queuing to turn right/left
onto a main road, you pay such close attention to the mainstream of traffic that you
nearly hit the vehicle in front, turning right/left nearly hit a vehicle who has come up
on your inside, fail to check your rear-view mirror before pulling out or changing
lanes, etc., under estimate the speed of an oncoming vehicle when overtaking, apply
sudden brakes on a slippery road, or steer wrong way in a skid, get into the wrong lane
when approaching a roundabout or a junction, misread the signs and exit from the
roundabout on the wrong road, forget where you left your vehicle in the parking lot,
attempt to drive away from the traffic lights and switch on one thing, such as
headlights, when you meant to switch on something else, such as wipers are found
significant at 1% level of significance, because the p-values are less than 0.01.
Disregard the speed limits and hit something when reversing that you had not
previously seen are found significant at 5% level of significance, because the p-values
are less than 0.05. Hence, the null hypotheses are rejected. Therefore, there is a
significant difference between the above variables and educational qualification of the
respondent. And the remaining variables i.e., drive especially close to the vehicle in
front as a signal to its driver to go faster or get out of the way, cross a junction
knowing that the traffic lights have already turned red and realize you have no clear
recollection of the road along which you have been travelling are found insignificant,
because the p-values are greater than 0.05.. Hence, the null hypotheses are accepted.
Therefore, there is no significant difference between the above variables and
educational qualification of the respondent.

The mean and standard deviation of respondents’ behaviour towards traffic

management and occupation of the respondent, it can be concluded that, angered by
another driver’s behaviour, you give chase with the

intention of giving him/her a piece of your mind, sound your horn to indicate your
annoyance to another driver, stay in a motorway that you know will be closed ahead
until the last minute before forcing your way into the other lane, attempt to overtake
someone that you hadn’t noticed to be signalling a left/right turn, miss "give way"
sings and narrowly avoid colliding with traffic having right of way, fail to notice that
pedestrians are crossing when turning into a side street from a main road, queuing to
turn right/left onto a main road, you pay such close attention to the mainstream of
traffic that you nearly hit the vehicle in front, turning right/left nearly hit a vehicle
who has come up on your inside, fail to check your rear-view mirror before pulling
out or changing lanes, etc., under estimate the speed of an oncoming vehicle when
overtaking, apply sudden brakes on a slippery road, or steer wrong way in a skid, get
into the wrong lane when approaching a roundabout or a junction, misread the signs
and exit from the roundabout on the wrong road, forget where you left your vehicle in
the parking lot, hit something when reversing that you had not previously seen,
attempt to drive away from the traffic lights and switch on one thing, such as
headlights, when you meant to switch on something else, such as wipers are found
significant at 1% level of significance, because the p-values are less than 0.01.
Realize you have no clear recollection of the road along which you have been
travelling is found significant at 5% level of significance, because the p-value is less
than 0.05. Hence, the null hypotheses are rejected. Therefore, there is a significant
difference between the above variables and occupation of the respondent. And the
remaining variables i.e., drive especially close to the vehicle in front as a signal to its
driver to go faster or get out of the way, cross a junction knowing that the traffic lights
have already turned red and disregard the speed limits are found insignificant, because
the p-values are greater than 0.05.. Hence, the null hypotheses are accepted.
Therefore, there is no significant difference between the above variables and
occupation of the respondent.

The mean and standard deviation of respondents’ behaviour towards traffic

management and type of vehicle driven by the respondent, it can be concluded that,
angered by another driver’s behaviour, you give chase with the intention of giving
him/her a piece of your mind, sound your horn to indicate your annoyance to another
driver, stay in a motorway that you know will be closed ahead until the last minute
before forcing your way into

the other lane, attempt to overtake someone that you hadn’t noticed to be signalling a
left/right turn, miss "give way" sings and narrowly avoid colliding with traffic having
right of way, fail to notice that pedestrians are crossing when turning into a side street
from a main road, queuing to turn right/left onto a main road, you pay such close
attention to the mainstream of traffic that you nearly hit the vehicle in front, turning
right/left nearly hit a vehicle who has come up on your inside, fail to check your rear-
view mirror before pulling out or changing lanes, etc., under estimate the speed of an
oncoming vehicle when overtaking, apply sudden brakes on a slippery road, or steer
wrong way in a skid, get into the wrong lane when approaching a roundabout or a
junction, misread the signs and exit from the roundabout on the wrong road, forget
where you left your vehicle in the parking lot, hit something when reversing that you
had not previously seen, attempt to drive away from the traffic lights, switch on one
thing, such as headlights, when you meant to switch on something else, such as
wipers and realize you have no clear recollection of the road along which you have
been travelling are found significant at 1% level of significance, because the p-values
are less than 0.01. Hence, the null hypotheses are rejected. Therefore, there is a
significant difference between the above variables and type of vehicle driven by the
respondent. And the remaining variables i.e., drive especially close to the vehicle in
front as a signal to its driver to go faster or get out of the way, cross a junction
knowing that the traffic lights have already turned red and disregard the speed limits
are found insignificant, because the p-values are greater than 0.05. Hence, the null
hypotheses are accepted. Therefore, there is no significant difference between the
above variables and type of vehicle driven by the respondent.

Respondents’ reasons for Traffic Management Problems, 65.4 per cent of the
respondents have agreed that negligence in implementing traffic rules and regulations,
About 55.0 per cent of the respondents have agreed abrupt parking of vehicles generates
personnel, 40.2 per cent of the respondents have agreed that lack of effective
supervision by traffic personnel, 63.4 per cent of the respondents have agreed that
whimsical movements of pedestrians are solely responsible for increasing rate of traffic
management problems, 62.4 per cent of the respondents have agreed that smog generate
traffic management problems in particular seasons, More than three fourth of the
respondents (i.e., 76.6 per cent) have agreed that certain hours of a

day are significantly related to certain typical seasons. It is to be noticed that
61.6 per cent of the respondents have stated that that direct participation by senior
police officers in daily traffic management plays a significant role in traffic
management problems. Whopping percentage of the respondents (i.e.,
82.0 per cent) has agreed that poorly maintained roads sometimes generate traffic
management problems. 62.4 per cent of the respondents have agreed that simultaneous
movement of speedy and slow moving vehicles often generates traffic management
problems, 40.0 per cent of the respondents have agreed that ignorance of common
people about traffic laws and its’ utility often causes undue harassment of policemen
managing traffic. 70.0 per cent of the respondents have strongly agreed that regular
VIP movement through main streets of the city and special arrangements of the city
and special arrangement for controlling traffic for the same purpose generates pockets
for traffic management. About 79.0 per cent of the respondents have agreed that since
the period of Visakhapatnam has been recognized as a city of procession rate of traffic
management problems are found increasing. 73.2 per cent of the respondents have
agreed that streets and lanes of the city are not properly planned and built up to
accommodate the fast growing traffic movements of recent years. 51.2 per cent of the
respondents have agreed that unplanned training program for the traffic police. Major
group of the respondents (i.e., 40.0 per cent) have agreed that house is divided in
accepting that traffic problems are due to corrupt practices at all levels in police force.
76.4 per cent of the respondents have agreed that existence of autos makes the
Visakhapatnam traffic management more difficult. 47.0 per cent of the respondents
have agreed that unusual behaviour of the public transport employees is a major cause
of traffic mismanagement. About 67.0 per cent of the respondents have agreed that
encroachment of road by unauthorized garbaging generates traffic management
problems. Nearly 54.0 per cent of the respondents have agreed that footpath
encroachment by the hawkers experienced by the respondents generates traffic

The mean and standard deviation of respondents’ reasons for traffic

management problems and age of the respondent, it can be concluded that, traffic
management problems are caused mainly by negligence in implementing traffic rules
and regulations, abrupt parking of vehicles generates traffic management problems,
lack of effective supervision by traffic personnel is main reason of traffic
management problems, whimsical

Suggestions of the study

The police and the municipal agencies are for the people. They maynot
shy away with their responsibility. They may come out on a unified front. The
municipal authorities need to remove all the encroachment with the security help
of police and they may not permit it to happen again. The shop keeper’s license
may be cancelled if they indulge in to encroachment. The support of general
public may be taken by informing them that these actions are being taken for the
general interest of the people. The shop keepers can also be taken in to

Initially they may be given an opportunity to remove such encroachment

themselves with clear cut deadlines. These actions do notbring results because
the administration doesn’t remain firm and buckleunder the pressure. The
administration may commit it publicity and stick to its decision. They may create
such a public support for the move so that it becomes difficult for them to
withdraw. An awareness campaign in this regard will help a lot in this regard.

Current driver training programmes focus mostly on driving skills. But

successful performance of any role inclusive of driving on the public roads need
background knowledge and positive attitude. Hence training programmes for
those who want to learn driving should add appropriate knowledge and positive
attitude in the curriculum and those who want to obtain driver license should
pass a written examination and oral interview along with skill test in driving.

Most often drivers are not aware of the facts that road accidents kill more
people than serious diseases and wars. Hence every driver should beeducated about
their responsibility towards road safety. Road safety education should cover
larger sections of the society. School children should have lessons on safe use of
roads, adolescents needed to be educated for positive attitude to road safety and
existing drivers should have refresher course on driving.

In fact there is need for enhanced public education and enlightenment on

road safety. Many drivers do not understand basic traffic signs, a situation that
poses great dangers to other road users. Many drivers are either marginally
literate or largely illiterate. They cannot understand traffic

rules and road signs. The road transport department may need to consider the
translation of these signs into local languages to assist this disadvantaged and
unique class of drivers. A good grasp of traffic signs reduces the frequency and
magnitude of road accidents. Ignorance should not be an excuse for drivers to
commit errors. In special cases illiterates should not be allowed to drive, as they
cannot understand road signs.

Driving at higher speed is considered as one of the major causes of injury

and death on the roads. Government has prescribed speed limits but conviction of
violators is not handled in right earnest. Hence the law enforcement agencies should
take effective measures to identify and initiate stringent action against over
speeding drivers.

Enforcement of safe driving practices will not be successful unlessand

until there is effective monitoring system against the safety rule violators. Even
though the traffic police departments have installed video cameras in important
road junctions they have either insufficient or inefficient in detecting the safety
violations. Hence effective monitoring of road safety norms should be introduced
through the application of modern technologies.

Promoting safe driving behaviours among drivers cannot be achieved

exclusively by punishing the offenders. Drivers having consistent record of safe
driving should be recognized and honoured to reinforce safe driving behaviours.

Most of the drivers are members of their families. Family members can be
influential enough in changing the behaviours of over speeding and arrogant drivers
not only for the safety of other road users but also for the safety of their own family
member who happens to be irresponsible driver. Hence family members should be
encouraged to counsel the adamant drivers to promote safety.

Wearing helmets by two wheeler drivers and seat belts by four wheeler
drivers can go a long way in promoting road safety. Helmets may not be user
friendly, are not seen as cool, they are an irritation, you have to carry them around,
and they don’t actually prevent collisions. But they are very effectivein avoiding
severe head injuries. The probability of suffering brain damage without a helmet is
doubled compared to someone wearing a helmet.

Most of the road safety measures taken now are managed predominantly by
government organizations like traffic police and road transport authorities. The
involvement of voluntary organization is dismal. Hence measures should be taken to
encourage enhanced participation of voluntary organizations in promoting road safety
who are capable of working with the larger community of road users.

Attitude of the driver determines safety. This has been proved over time
because the other two drawbacks (namely bad roads and faulty vehicles) can
actually be managed depending upon on road users’ attitude. A well-adjusted
driving within the recommended speed limits can more easily handle challenges
with mechanical faults of vehicles, and poor road conditions. Drivers who believe
that they are responsible for the safety of people on the road take several measures
like; checking the vehicle conditionbefore starting it, adhering to the rules of safe
driving, wearing safety devices, not driving while drunk, taking right decisions
while on the wheel, following traffic signals, instructing the passengers to follow
safety norms, maintaining balanced speed, assisting people in trauma and avoiding

Improving road travel safety in India will therefore require several interventions
like (1) training of drivers both in (a) technical aspects of driving as well as (b)
empathetic understanding of the harm caused to the victims; (2) effective enforcement
of safety norms by education,implementation and punitive measures; (3) encouraging
the use of safety devices; (4) recognizing safe driving behaviour; (5) providing
suitable footpaths and pedestrian crossing for those do not travel in vehicles, and (6)
engaging voluntary organizations to promote road safety and (7) inculcating positive
attitude among road users towards safe behaviour

1 . What is your age?

2 . Do you aware about traffic rules?

3 . Do you think our traffic system work properly?

4 . Have you ever experienced traffic congestion?

5 . Have you ever used wrong routes escaping from traffic?

6 . Does using mobile while driving is it correct?

7 . Do you think people have awareness about traffic?

8 . Give a rating to our traffic system out of 0-10?

9 . Does traffic effect the environment?

10 . Why traffic police collecting fines from public when violating rules?

11 . By how much time does traffic delay you to collage or back home?

12 . What is the best solution to traffic congestion?

13 . How many lives have been lost every year due to traffic?

14 . What is your gender?

15 . What is your current living location?

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