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Nome: ________________________________________________________________
Turma: __________ Data: _____ / _____ / _______
1 Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes ✓ Ouça o áudio, marque uma opção e complete
corretamente os espaços em branco da letra da música em
But it's the only ____________ (1) that I know inglês à esquerda:
3 When it ______ (2) hard, you know it can get hard sometimes (1) Na linha 2, o substantivo “coisa”:
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive a) thing
b) think
5 We keep this love in a photograph (2) Na linha 3, o verbo “ficar” (to get – got – got)
We ____________ (3) these memories for ourselves no presente simples (fica):
Where our eyes are never ____________ (4) a) gets
8 Hearts are never broken b) got
And time's forever ____________ (5) still (3) Na linha 6, o verbo “fazer” (to make – made
- made) no passado simples (fizemos):
10 So you can keep me a) make
b) made
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans
(4) Na linha 7, a forma de gerúndio do verbo
Holding me _________________ (6) 'til our eyes meet
“fechar” (to close – closed – closed) /
13 You won't ever be alone (fechando):
a) closed
14 Wait for me to come home b) closing
15 Loving can heal, loving can mend your SOUL (5) Na linha 9, o adjetivo “congelado”:
a) cold
And it's the only thing that I know, know b) frozen
I swear it ____________ (7) easier,
(6) Na linha 12, o advérbio “perto” no grau
18 Remember that with every piece of you comparativo de superioridade (mais perto):
And it's the only thing we take with us a) more close
When we die b) closer
(7) Na linha 17, o verbo “ficar” (to get – got – got)
21 [REPEAT FROM LINE 5 TO 13] no futuro simples (ficará):
a) will get
22 And if you hurt me b) would get
That's okay baby, only words bleed (8) Na linha 25, o verbo auxiliar do futuro
24 Inside these pages you just hold me simples na forma negativa-contraída:
And I ____________ (8) ever let you go a) don't
b) won’t
26 Wait for me to come home [REPEAT 4x] (9) Na linha 27, o verbo anômalo “poder”/“pode”:
a) can
27 You ____________ (9) fit me b) must
Inside the necklace you got when you were __________ (10) (10) Na linha 28, o número “dezesseis”:
29 Next to your heartbeat where I ____________ (11) be a) sixteen
Keep it deep within your soul b) sixty
(11) Na linha 29, o verbo anômalo (modal)
31 And if you hurt me “dever” no passado simples ou na
Well, that's okay baby, only words bleed condicional simples (devia/deveria)
a) could
33 Inside these pages you just hold me
b) should
And I won't ever let you go
(12) Na linha 35, o verbo “beijar” (to kiss –
kissed – kissed) no passado simples
35 When I'm away, I will remember how you _________ (12) me
Under the lamppost back on sixth street a) kiss
37 Hearing you whisper through the phone, b) kissed
"Wait for me to come home."

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