Ezio Memories

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In Firenze back in 1476, auditore brothers standing eating a potato chips

below the floor. "We should get home, dude. Dad would be wonder where
we're gone?" Ezio and Federico standing there just to waiting for a beautiful
florentine appears, and here she is. "How about that one?" Ferd pointing. "Oh,
she's hot!" "Come on, then. Go and talk to her." "Just like that? Talk about
what?" "It doesn't matter. See, cousin. Most men so afraid of hot babes. And
anyone who can talk to it, has advantage." "So make it as you go." Zio burping
and spit a chip that he just swallow it while talking. He then walking towards
her and just standing there. "What?" "What?" "Why you're just standing
there? Zio smiles like a creep, and said, "I see you walking around here, and it
makes me aroused. Can I do a service to you?" "Help!" "Hey, slow down!" Zio
chasing her like a brute. She run slowly and her thights make Zio's "thing"
erecting that slower his run because it hurts. But for a champ like Zio, nothing
can distract him from running. In the runway, there is Petruccio, a guy that
constantly harassing Zio couple times. Rucci keeps her lowered and calm.
"What are you doing, duchessa?" "What for?" "No man can heal your pain, you
should do on your own." "Go away!" "Zio, you want this, right?" "Of course,
dude. Tie her up! So I can have a date with her." "Ferd, a rope." "Hahahaha,
here it is." Rucci keeps her mouth shut. Zio tying her up from feet to chest, so
it's more arousing now. Zio carrying her body and have a date with her. "Leave
me alone with her this time. I will enjoy my ride." "I will named you Sofia.
You're my property now, understand?" Sofia's silence measure it pleased her.
In his mind, actually,but here we go. A forest near forli. There’s a small house
and some river on it. Zio lock the door and keep Sofia safe in their place. He
opens her taped mouth and eyes. “Zio?” “Si, I come here to rescue you.” Sofia
didn’t realized who just carried her into this place. Zio giving her a glass of
water, the warm one since it’s cold outside there. “Where are you going?” Zio
didn’t answer and just walk outside, take a horse to the forest. The door
unlocked proved his trust. There are some grapes there. Rotten, cooked, no
one knows. Disease and poison not really matter during twelve century. Died
below age, “medicine” made it worse, doctor with failed surgery. Zio plucked
some of those, and get back to his place. Put it on the plate and floor. “I know
you’re not gonna kill me.” “You know it.” “Untie me, I can’t eat.” A blade on his
hand untie her bound, still silent but certain. “So what do you purposed?”
“Hardly, nothing sensible but know it.” Zio seems having hard time with
interacting in affection ways. He just go back to his room, leaving Sofia sitting
on the bench. “I untie you. Promise me to not go away.” “Do you think I will do
that?” The way Zio asked is like he’s already trust her, but try his best to not
look so. “Zio.” “What?” “No.” “What? I’m serious.” “I’d like to go out. I never
been out from Firenze. I would like to know what Tuscany looks like.” “Fine,
but don’t go away.” “Fine, fine.” “We don’t use horse?” “I’d like to be real
adventurer, you know. Also no free ride.” “I’d like to.” They leave the horse
untied. Zio cares about her more than his priceless horse. “There’s river over
there.” “It’s obvious, no need to tell me.” Zio looks like he’s grabing Sofia’s
hand like she’s a thief that just stole thanksgiving turkey. In the middle of the
walk, Zio open his notes, or more like a journal. “Don’t look at it!” He starts
sitting on the tree and start writing. “You bring me some water in a bucket.”
“What’s the problem? I stay here.” Four minutes waiting, Zio screwed up. He
running gone nowhere as usual. Strange wonderful interest for a strange man.
“Zio, where you gone?” “Hey don’t play around I fetch a cow for it.”
Unexpectedly, he left. “I need to go back to Firenze.” Zio starts running again.
He felt freedom from it. It’s not a lie, it’s just a truth. From Toscana, Forli,
swimming since there’s no shark, running again and arrived. She found a
woman in a haystack when he tired. “Please, give me some water!” “Quick!”
“Si, messere-“ “Zio, weird name.” “No, I got this.” “Prego, please come in.” She
asked him methaporicaly since Zio’s already in. “I’m not bring my pocket.”
“No, no. It’s free.” “Grazie. What’s your name?” “Call me Amelia.” “Here it is.”
“Ah, great.” “I would like to find something interest here?” “A horse ride?”
“Fine. Give me a reward and I will-“ Zio gets out before he finished his words.
Amelia seems rising up to this. Not afraid of losing since the reward still the
same. “Ok. Uno, duo, tre!” They ride calmly, across the little street and flew
some people on it.” “Thief, thief!” Nothing interesting, let’s just finish this.
“See, I’m won!” Zio win, and asks her for a riding lesson. “Come in!” “Where’s
your bed?” “Random.” “Good, I would like to visit you two weeks once.” “I
see.” “Prego?” “I know.” “Bene. I’m out then.” “Moto bene, I feel good this
time. Let’s get back to another girl.” Zio steal the horse so Amelia would find
out where he is. Riding and riding, he finds that Amelia is hotter than Sofia.
But Sofia makes him arouse as well. It’s confusing. Last year Zio met with five
women at five months. But only these times he asked for name. But of course
“that” is the first tenet of creed! “Knock, knock!” “Zio, where have you been?”
“Nothing can change, amore mio.” “Mio caro!” Get ready for the second round,
Zio still arousing to any kind of round. Maybe these time just two. He feels like
he needs into more affection relationships, but of course still need satisfaction
from another women. It’s a therapy for stress relief. Running, horsing, and
sex. Nothing seem disposable. “Ask me.” “What?” Zio spanked her. “Fine.
What do you do else way?” “Writing books.” “How many?” “Five last year.”
“About?” “Five women.” “Wow, it’s amazing!” “What do you mean?” “It’s
wonderful. You must be really experienced, messere.” “Si, I just need more of
them.” “You’d like to visit me every-“ “You don’t need to ask.” “Sometimes I
made some large of group. I see this women has some kind of talent that
should be unwasted. Especially you-“ “Awww.” They changed position. Who’s
in charge? Who knows. “You know.” “What?” “Next time about my school
teacher back in eight grade. “I would like to see!” “heheheh. Grazie.”

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