History Paper

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DATE: 14.02.2022 TIME: 1 ½ HOURS
Answers to this Assessment Paper must be written on any ruled sheet or the school notepad
sheet. You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Assessment Paper.
The time given at the head of this Assessment Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Part I is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from Part II, one out of two questions from
Section A and two out of three questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in the brackets [ ].
This Assessment Paper consists of five typed pages.
Part I (10 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Part.

Question 1
Choose the correct answer to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions.
Write the correct answer only.) [10]
i. The ___________ power of the President allows him to dismiss Ministers in case the Council of
Ministers loses the confidence of the House but refuses to resign.
(a) Executive
(b) Legislative
(c) Discretionary
(d) Emergency
ii. The resignation of the ___________, implies the resignation of the whole Cabinet.
(a)Prime Minister
(b) President
(c) Home Minister
(d) Deputy Ministers
iii. To be eligible for election as the Vice -President of India, a person should have completed the age
of _______.
(b) Thirty-five
(c) Thirty
(d) Forty …2
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iv. The writ of __________ is issued when a person has usurped any office and thus it prevents public
officers from forcibly or wrongly holding a high public office.
(a)Habeas Corpus
(b) Mandamus
(c) Writ of Prohibition
(d) Quo - Warranto
v. A judge of the High Court should not be over_______ years.
(b) Sixty- two
(c) Sixty- five
(d) Sixty- eight
vi. As per the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was required to pay an amount of ___________ as
reparations to the allies.
(a)33 million dollars
(b)33 billion dollars
(c)33 billion pounds
(d) 33 million pounds
vii. The _______________ was the immediate cause of the First World War.
(a) Invasion of Poland
(b) Failure of the League of Nations
(c) Japanese invasion of China
(d) Sarajevo Crisis
viii. The Security Council of the United Nations has _____ permanent members.
(b) Fifteen
(c) Five
(d) Twenty
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ix. In the abbreviation UNESCO, ESC stands for ____________________.
(a)Economic, Scientific, and Cultural
(b) Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
(c) Educational, Social and Cultural
(d) Educational, Scientific and Communication
x. Consider the following statements about the functions of the UNESCO and state which is true.
Statement A- It upholds the freedom of press and independence of the media.
Statement B- Protection of world inheritance of books, works of art and rare manuscripts.
(a) only statement A
(b) only statement B
(c) both A and B
(d) neither A nor B
PART II (30 Marks)
Section A
Attempt any one question from this Section.
Question 2
With reference to the Union Executive which consists of the President, the Vice President, and
the Prime Minister, answer the questions given below.
i.State the members of the electoral college that elects the President of India. [2]
ii. Mention the qualifications required for a person to be eligible for election as the President of the
country. [2]
iii. ‘The Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to the House of People’. Explain the
statement. [3]
iv. State any three points of difference between the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers. [3]
Question 3

The Indian Judicial System is a single integrated system of courts for the Union and the States.
With reference to the Supreme Court and the High Courts, answer the following questions.

i. What can the Supreme Court do if the Parliament or the State Legislature passes a law that is

unconstitutional? [2]

ii. Name any two types of jurisdictions of the Supreme Court. [2]

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iii. Distinguish between the Court of the District Judge and the Sessions Court. [3]

iv. What do you understand by Lok Adalats? State any two advantages of Lok Adalats. [3]

Section B
Attempt any two questions from this Section.
Question 4
Answer the questions based on the contemporary world from the period 1914 to 1945.
i. Name the countries that formed the Triple Alliance before the First World War. Which group was
formed to counter the Triple Alliance? [2]
ii. Identify the two world leaders that established dictatorial regimes after the First World War, as
shown in Picture A and Picture B. [2]
Picture A Picture B

iii. State any three similarities between the ideologies of the parties formed by these two dictators. [3]

iv. How did the person represented in Picture A become an immediate cause of the Second World

war? [3]

Question 5

The United Nations was formed in 1945 after the Second World War. With reference to the
different organs of the UN, answer the following questions.

i.State any two objectives of the United Nations that are enshrined in the Preamble of the United
Nations Charter. [2]
ii. Name the main deliberative organ of the United Nations, of which all the member nations are an
integral part. How many representatives can be sent from each country to this organ of the United
Nations? [2]

iii. Mention any three functions of the most powerful organ of the United Nations – The Security
Council. [3]
iv. Which is the judicial organ of the United Nations? What is its composition and the term of the
members? [3]

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Question 6

With reference to the different agencies and movements that were started after the Second
World War, answer the following questions.

i. Name the agency of the United Nations that looks after the interest of the children in the world.
State any two functions of this agency. [2]
ii. What does WHO stand for? State any one vital role played by the WHO in combating diseases. [2]
iii. Briefly explain the meaning of Non-Alignment. What are the objectives of the Non- Aligned
Movement? [3]
iv. Who are known as the founding fathers of NAM? [3]


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