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a Zags Singh Charitalle Frst's (Regd) fomeX THAKUR PUBLIC SCHOOL (€stabtened 2003) ‘apart the Coun fr the tan Sena Cera Examinations, New Beth) HISTORY & CIVICS, H.C.G Paper 1 i (One and a half hour) ‘Answers to this paper must be written on the paper separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. ‘The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). A total of three questions are to be attempted from Part Il, one ‘out of two questions from Section A and two out of three questions from section B. The marks intended for questions are given in [ ] PARTI (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions. Write the correct answer only.) 10) (i) sh is collectively responsible to the House of the People. a) Prime Minister b) President c) Cabinet d) Council of Ministers Gi) The High Court judges are appointed by the a) President b) Prime Minister c) Chief Justice of India d) Vice — President (iii) ‘The judge of a High Court should have been an advocate of a High Court for at least years. a) 15 b) 10 c) 16 d) 13 (iv) The minimum number of Judges in the Supreme Court to hear and decide a case involving interpretation of the constitution shall be _ a) Seven b) six ¢) Five d) three {TPS-Std, 10- History -Preliminary Examination 1- 18/02/2022] This paper consists of 3 printed pages 18 Turn Over () vi) (vii) iii) Ge) Gy) : is the highest criminal court of the district. a) Sessions Court b) District Court ©) High Court 4d) Supreme Court Which of the following is not an objective of the United Nations? #) to maintain international peace and security b) to be a centre for harmonising the actions of nations ©) to develop friendly relations among nations ® to make recommendations for the peacefill settlement of disputes. Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, territory. a) Rhine ©) Danzing became a Free Port in the Polish b) Danzig 4) Denmark Which of the following statement is incorrect in relation with similarities between the ideologies of Fascism and Nazism? 2) {to regard war as an instrument for furthering national interests b) to despise democratic political systems ©) to have faith in the totalitarian rule ©) ‘to express the dissatisfaction of democracy ‘The Security Council consists of s a) Eleven b) fifteen ©) Twelve 4) none of the above members. has the power to appoint its Registrar. a) The Supreme Court b) The International Court of Justice ©) The High Court 4) The Sessions Court PART IT SECTION A (Attempt any one question from this Section) Question 2 With reference to the Judiciary System, @ Gi) (ii) (iv) Define Original Jurisdiction. 2) State the two implications of the Court of Record. QQ Enumerate any three differences between Court of the District Judge and the Sessions Court. BI Give any three advantages of the Lok Adalat. BI 23 ccsident of India is the Head of the Union. In context to this statement answer the jowing questions: @ nue any two qualifications that make a person eligible for election as a State any two reasons for Indirect elections of the President. iii) Write a brief note on Emergency powers of the President. (iv) Enumerate any three legislative powers of the President. SECTION B (Attempt any two questions from this Section. )) Question 4 (Give any two features of similarity between the cal (ii) Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939. With rel any two reasons for doing so. (iii) Mention any three terms of the Treaty (iv) Give any three powers and functions 01 the Charter. uses of Fascism and Nazism. jation to this context, enumerate of Versailles. f the General Assembly that stated under Question 5 (i) Define Nationalism. Gi) During the First World War, rivalries and wars. (ii) In relation to the Second World War, (iv) The Treaty of Versailles, by which the problems than it solved and became one of the major causes War. Explain. what led to the scramble for colonies explain the rise of Fascism and Nazism. First World War came to an ent Question 6 Study the given picture and answer the following questions: qd) Identify the Organisation associated with the Emblem. (ii) Mention any two organs of this organisation. (iii) Enumerate any three functions and powers of the Security Council. (iv) Write a brief note on Veto Power. that led to the Second 22) 12] BI B) 2) (2) BI Bl 2 .s which in turn led to 22] 3] \d, created more World BI 2] [2] BI 6) 33

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