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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 0 ) , 1 7 6 , 8 3 ^ 8 5

Tokophobia: an unreasoning dread of childbirth tokophobia. They were not investigating

an already-established illness pattern.
Direct questions were used to elucidate
A series of 26 cases diagnoses of depressive episodes, anxiety
disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) using ICD±10 (World Health Orga-
nization, 1992). Detailed enquiries were
made about the obstetric history, including
all pregnancies, contraceptive methods and
sexual relationships. The relationship with
each baby was examined. Questions about
childhood sexual abuse and rape were
Background Some women dread and Fear of parturition was described by Marce investigated.
avoid childbirth despite desperately (1858) as follows:
``If they are primiparous, the expectation of un-
wanting a baby.This is called tokophobia. RESULTS
known pain preoccupies them beyond all mea-
sure, and throws them into a state of
Aims To classify tokophobia for the first inexpressible anxiety. If they are already Twelve women were referred by obstetri-
time in the medicalliterature. mothers, they are terrified of the memory of cians, while 14 were new referrals to the
the past and the prospect of the future.'' MBU. One was contacted after her story
Method Twenty-six women noted to It is well known that pregnancy may be a appeared in a magazine. Of the 26 women
have an unreasoning dread of childbirth time of considerable anxiety, with symp- included in the study, 24 women were
were interviewed by the same toms escalating in the third trimester (Lu- married and 24 had had all their children
bin et al,
al, 1975). Women in the 1990s still with the same partner. The average age at
psychiatrist, who was notthe treating
suffer from the fear of death during delivery the time of interview was 33 years (range
doctor. A qualitative analysis of these (Fava et al,
al, 1990). When this specific anxi- 22±41). Twenty-five of the subjects had
psychiatric interviews was performed. ety or fear of death during parturition pre- children with no evident disability.
cedes pregnancy and is so intense that tokos
Results Phobic avoidance of pregnancy (`childbirth') is avoided whenever possible,
may date from adolescence (primary it is a phobic state called `tokophobia'. Primary tokophobia
tokophobia), be secondary to a traumatic Eight women in the sample had a dread of
delivery (secondary tokophobia) or be a METHOD childbirth that pre-dated pregnancy, that
is, primary tokophobia. The dread of child-
symptom of prenatal depression
Subjects for the study were referred from birth started in adolescence. Sexual rela-
(tokophobia as a symptom of depression). two sources, obstetricians in the West Mid- tionships were normal but contraceptive
Pregnant women with tokophobia who lands and psychiatrists on the mother and use was scrupulous, some of these women
were refused their choice of delivery baby unit (MBU) at the Queen Elizabeth using several methods of protection. Four
method suffered higher rates of Psychiatric Hospital in Birmingham. of the eight women planned their pregnan-
Twenty-seven women were referred for cies despite their intense fears. Two had an
psychological morbidity than those who
the study, one declined to be interviewed. overwhelming desire to be a mother and
achieved their desired delivery method. The remaining 26 women were seen over saw that role as their raison d'ed'etre
Ãtre.. These
a two-year period in their homes by the feelings overpowered their avoidance but
Conclusions Tokophobia is a specific
same psychiatrist, who was not the treating did not allay their fear.
and harrowing condition that needs doctor. No structured interview was used in One woman conceived only after she
acknowledging. Close liaison between the this preliminary study. The authors devel- had arranged a lower segment Caesarean
obstetrician and the psychiatrist in order oped an interview that combined narrative section (LSCS) for the delivery of her
histories with specific direct questions for first baby. Most women strongly desired
to assess the balance between surgical and
obtaining information. The authors were an elective LSCS. Maternal morbidity
psychiatric morbidity is imperative with investigating trends in presentation and was evident during these pregnancies
tokophobia. past history that may identify women with (see Table 1).

Declaration of interest None.

Table 1 Events during pregnancy in eight women with primary tokophobia (number of women developing
each event type)

Hyperemesis gravidarum Anxiety Prenatal depression Demanded LSCS Achieved elective LSCS

5 8 4 4 2

LSCS, lower segment Caesarean section.

83 Published online by Cambridge University Press


Outcome of primary tokophobia pregnancies Table

Table 3 Events in subsequent pregnancy of 13 women with secondary tokophobia (number of women for

Four women achieved their ideal delivery, each event type)

bonded well with their babies and enjoyed

excellent psychological health. Three Depression Hyperemesis gravidarum Desired LSCS Arranged elective LSCS
women endured vaginal deliveries against
their will; all three suffered postnatal de- 5 5 13 11
pression, two suffered symptoms of PTSD LSCS, lower segment Caesarean section.
and two had delayed bonding with their in-
fants. One woman chose to deliver vagin-
situation of tokos.
tokos. Two women had not had no further episode of depression. The
ally despite her intense fears (she was also
obtained an operative delivery: one had second woman declined antidepressant
terrified of needles, hospitals and doctors).
had a successful vaginal delivery and good medication in pregnancy and was refused
She had an emergency LSCS, and suffered
psychological outcome, although she an LSCS. She described a traumatic vaginal
postnatal depression.
retained residual symptoms of PTSD from delivery, with continued depression post-
her first delivery; the other suffered post- natally and a feeling of detachment from
Secondary tokophobia natal depression, PTSD and a bonding dis- her baby.
order with her baby. One woman was
Secondary tokophobia occurs after a trau-
separated at birth from her baby, who
matic or distressing delivery. Fourteen
was ill. She suffered bonding delay. DISCUSSION
women in the sample had developed a
dread of childbirth after a previous deliv- Tokophobia and childhood sexual
ery. Ten had experienced instrumental or Tokophobia as a symptom of abuse
operative deliveries for foetal distress; two depression Five women from our sample described a
others had suffered severe pain and perineal Four women developed a phobic dread and history of childhood sexual abuse and three
tearing. Twelve stated that during the deliv- avoidance of tokos as a symptom of depres- a traumatic rape. A history of sexual assault
ery they believed that they would die or sion in the prenatal period. In each woman may be associated with an aversion to rou-
that the baby had already died. Maternal this was characterised by a recurrent intru- tine obstetric care associated with primary
morbidity was evident and undetected for sive belief that she was unable to deliver her tokophobia or tokophobia as a symptom
many months in ten women (see Table 2). baby and, if made to, would die. Of these of depression. The trauma of a vaginal de-
One woman who accidentally conceived four women, the first two were primipar- livery may cause a resurgence of memories
again organised a termination of pregnancy ous; both felt shocked at the realisation of of childhood sexual abuse and contribute
rather than face another delivery. The di- pregnancy and both became depressed. to secondary tokophobia.
lemma for these women was that the family One sought a termination of pregnancy
felt incomplete but the women were terri- even though the pregnancy was planned.
Tokophobia and termination of
fied of a further delivery. The other began to exercise strenuously in
Nevertheless, 13 of these women pro- the hope of inducing a miscarriage rather
ceeded with further pregnancies. Eight were than endure a vaginal delivery. Both were Two women in the study terminated a preg-
planned where a sibling was wanted for the treated psychologically and recovered spon- nancy because they could not face a deliv-
first baby. Two women suffered miscar- taneously in the middle trimester of preg- ery. In both cases the baby was much
riages (before going on to complete a preg- nancy. The second two women already wanted. Another woman described how
nancy to term) and one had an ectopic had children; both had experienced vaginal she was offered a termination of pregnancy
pregnancy; all three felt enormous relief deliveries that they perceived as untrau- when she had begged for an LSCS. A pro-
when these pregnancies did not result in matic. Both of these subsequent pregnan- portion of termination of pregnancies may
delivery. All 13 women were extremely cies were planned. In the context of be requested by women who suffer from
anxious during their pregnancies with the relationship difficulties and depressive ill- tokophobia and want a baby but cannot
recurrent, intrusive belief that they were ness both women failed to bond with their understand their own strong aversion to
unable to deliver their babies (see Table 3). foetus and became adamant that they could parturition. In the absence of an empathic
Eleven women were seen in the post- not deliver their babies. The care shown in professional listener or relevant medical lit-
natal period; two were still pregnant but previous pregnancies was lacking. One erature, their only choice may be to termi-
had arranged an LSCS (see Table 4). Nine woman responded well to antidepressants nate the pregnancy.
of the postnatal women arranged an LSCS, in the prenatal period and arranged an
all felt that they had avoided the fearful LSCS. She bonded well with her baby and Table 4 Postnatal events in 11 women with
secondary tokophobia (number of women for each
able 2 Psychological morbidity in 14 postnatal women who developed secondary tokophobia after the event type)
index pregnancy (number of women presenting each symptom)
Delayed Postnatal PTSD Permanent
Prenatal depression Postnatal depression PTSD symptoms Reduced libido Bonding delay bonding depression contraception

0 9 9 12 6 2 3 1 10

PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.

84 Published online by Cambridge University Press


Tokophobia and hyperemesis

In this study, women with tokophobia had
a high rate of hyperemesis gravidarum (5/8 & Tokophobia is a distressing psychological disorder that may be overlooked.
of those with primary tokophobia, 5/14 of
& Tokophobia is associated with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder
those with secondary tokophobia). A psy-
chological component to hyperemesis grav- and bonding disorders.
idarum has been postulated. This may be & Recognition of tokophobia and close liaison with obstetricians may reduce the
relevant to tokophobia, when rejection of
morbidity associated with tokophobia.
pregnancy, failure to bond with the foetus,
attempts to obtain a termination of preg- LIMITATIONS
nancy and terror at an impending delivery
may occur. & The sample size was small.
& All the women were Caucasian with English as their first language.They were all in

Tokophobia and PTSD enduring relationships.They are not representative of the population.

PTSD is increasingly being recognised as a & No standardised questionnaire was used in this preliminary study.
consequence of childbirth (Ryding et al, al,
1997). Among subjects with tokophobia
the incidence of PTSD was high, and was
associated with traumatic delivery (second-
ary tokophobia) and denial of the delivery KRISTINA HOFBERG, MRCPsych, Queen Elizabeth Psychiatric Hospital, Birmingham; I. F. BROCKINGTON,
method of choice (primary tokophobia). FRCP, Department of Psychiatry, University of Birmingham

Correspondence: Dr K. Hofberg, Department of Psychiatry,University of Birmingham,Queen Elizabeth

Tokophobia and depression Psychiatric Hospital, Mindelsohn Way, Birmingham B15 2QZ; e-mail: kristina.hofberg@

In this sample depression was a frequent (First received 30 November 1998, final revision 15 June 1999, accepted 16 June 1999)
cause and consequence of morbidity. Post-
natal depression was associated with refu-
sal of the delivery method of choice and
with traumatic and distressing deliveries.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Lubin, B., Gardiner, S. H. & Roth, A. (1975) Mood

and somatic symptoms during pregnancy. Psychosomatic
Tokophobia and sterilisation or Medicine,
Medicine, 37,
37, 136^146.
vasectomy We thank Simon Jenkinson for his assistance, and the
women in the study for their interest and confi-
Ten women in the sample had completed a dences.
Marce, L.V. (1858) Traite de la Folie des Femmes
sterilisation or were on a waiting list for Enceintes, des Nouvelles Accouchees et des Nourrices.
either sterilisation or vasectomy for their Paris: Baillie© re.
partner, this proportion of couples seeking
permanent contraceptive methods shows REFERENCES
Ryding, E. L., Wijma, B. & Wijma, K. (1997) Post-
that they are over-represented in this sam-
traumatic stress reactions after emergency cesarean
ple. Ekblad (1961) addressed the issue of Ekblad, M. (1961) The prognosis after sterilization on section. Acta Obstetrica et Gynecologica Scandinavica,
Scandinavica, 76,
social ^ psychiatric grounds. A follow-up study on 225
`fear of pregnancy' as a reason for request- 856^861.
women. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica,
Scandinavica, 37 (suppl. 161),
ing sterilisation. Some childless women pre- 9^162.
senting for sterilisation may be tokophobic
Fava, G. A., Grandi, S., Michelacci, L., et al (1990) World Health Organization (1992) The Tenth Revision
and respond to a psychological approach to Hypochondriacal fears and beliefs in pregnancy. Acta of the International Classification of Diseases and Related
dealing with the phobia. Psychiatrica Scandinavica,
Scandinavica, 82,
82, 70^72. Health Problems (ICD ^10).Geneva:
^10). Geneva: WHO.

85 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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