C2 PST.2 11th May 2023 Assignment

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Sadiq Public School

Do the right, fear no man

Subject: Pakistan Studies.2 Class: C2 Day: Thursday, 11th May 2023

Unit No.7 Agricultural Development

Lesson is about the Natural Factors Affecting Agricultural; production.


What is meant by natural inputs? What is alluvial soil? Why alluvial soil is good for the crop growth?


 The land needs to be flatter for better output.

 The output decreases as land gets steeper and higher.


 Alluvial and Loess soil produces the best output when farming.


 If adequate rainfall is received, then crops can be cultivated without irrigation.

 The northern areas of Pakistan including the Potwar Plateau received adequate rainfall.


 Temperature plays an integral role.

 In the northern areas, crops/fruit grow from April to September only.
 Whereas in southern parts, fruits ripe all year round.

Pests and Diseases:

 If the preventive measures are not taken, then crops can be attacked by diseases and pests.
 They can reduce agricultural output.


Answer the following questions in your notebooks based on the information you read in your text
book page no 123 to 124 and what you observed in the information provided by the teacher.

Q. What is meant by natural inputs?

Q. Explain how topography affects the farm output?
Q. Explain how rainfall affects the cop growth?

Practising Activity. .

Q. What is alluvial soil?

Q. Why alluvial soil is good for the crop growth?

Class Teachers’ Names Teachers’ Email Addresses Instructions.

C2A, B, C and D
students will send
C2A,B their home
Muhammad m.usman_muk_sadiq@protonmail.c
C and MUK assignments to their
Usman Khan om
D subject teacher
(MUK) for checking
and getting feedback.
C2GA students will
send their home
C2GG Sajila_si_Sadiq@protonmail.com assignments to their
Sajila Ismail SI
A subject teacher (SI)
for checking and
getting feedback.
C2GB students will
send their home
assignments to their
C2GB Fizza Jamil FJ Jamil_fj_SADIQ@protonmail.com
subject teacher (FJ)
for checking and
getting feedback.

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