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09, 2023
BSCE 101

Trivia about the History of Calculus

Based on my research, Calculus is the branch of Mathematics focused on limits, functions, derivatives,
integrals, and infinite series, and it is developed to solve many kinds of Mathematical problems. Calculus is considered as
one of the foundations or fundamentals in Solving mathematical problems nowadays. Calculus has widespread
applications in terms of Economics, any science related such as Chemistry and etc., and as well as for Engineering.
However, calculus was developed in the early 17 th century in Japan. A mathematician named Takakazu Seki Kowa also
known as “Seki Kowa” developed an early form of Calculus considered him as the first person who invented Calculus. In
addition, Japan was one of the Cultures that is linked with Calculus. Moreover, the process or the systems of doing
Calculus is still raw. Because of its lack of details and information, some Mathematicians participated in developing
calculus by proving the second fundamental theorem of Calculus and they are John Wallis, Isaac Barrow, and James
Gregory in the year 1675.

Credits to Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton was one of the mathematicians in the 17 th Century and has a big part or contribution in Mathematics
that is still applied nowadays, especially in Calculus. Newton developed a lot of methods in the application of Calculus
and it is Product Rule and Chain Rule, the Notion of Higher Derivatives, Taylor Series, and lastly the Analytical
Functions. Moreover. He used calculus to solve and prove some things such as Planetary Motion, the Shape of the surface
of a rotating fluid, and more. With these contributions that Newton Made, this will give him credit by developing his own
system in Calculus independently.

Credits to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz also made a big impact in terms of Calculus. He also developed his own systems in
Calculus but before he considered and credited, there was a controversy about his methods that he published. Isaac
Newton accused Leibniz in a case of Plagiarism explaining that all of Leibniz’s works are based on Newton’s unpublished
works. However, after a careful examination of Leibniz’s papers, the result shows that they both made their works
independently and none of them are plagiarizing one’s work. The result shows also that Leibniz focuses more in
formalism and notations and making an appropriate symbol for concepts.

Who invented calculus?

For me, the one who invented calculus is where it starts and is made from. Calculus is developed in the early 17 th
century in Japan by Seki Kowa but Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and other mathematicians also made a
big contribution and impact and considered them as independently in their studies and works.

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