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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2010; 55:(1 Suppl): 14–22

doi: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.2010.01195.x

The patient with recurrent oral ulceration

AA Talacko,* AK Gordon,* MJ Aldred*
*Dorevitch Pathology, Heidelberg, Victoria.

This paper discusses the range of recurrent oral ulceration which affects the oral mucosa. Types of ulceration covered in this
paper include traumatic, infective, aphthous, ulceration related to the oral dermatoses, drug-induced, ulceration as a
manifestation of systemic disease and ulceration indicating malignancy. Aspects of the aetiology, diagnosis and management
of common oral recurrent ulcerative conditions are reviewed from a clinical perspective as an aid to practising dentists.
Keywords: Ulceration, aetiology, diagnosis, clinical features, histopathological features, treatment.
Abbreviations and acronyms: ANUG = acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis; HHV-1 = human herpes virus-1; LE = lupus erythematous;
MMP = mucous membrane pemphigoid; RAU = recurrent aphthous ulceration.

adolescent presenting with recurrent oral ulceration

may pose a different diagnostic and management
The diagnosis and management of the patient with dilemma compared to an older patient. Some types of
recurrent oral ulceration requires a systematic approach recurrent oral ulceration have a typical onset in
based on the principles of taking an adequate history, childhood or adolescence (such as recurrent aphthous
clinical examination, investigations as appropriate, ulceration ⁄ stomatitis). This pattern of oral ulceration
institution of management and, finally, review to allow can sometimes present in later life but a middle-aged or
for any necessary modifications of that management. It elderly patient presenting with recurrent oral ulceration
is worthwhile to begin with a definition of an ulcer: an should also raise other diagnostic possibilities such as
ulcer is a complete breach of the epithelium. This lichen planus and vesiculobullous disorders. The dura-
becomes covered with a fibrin slough and appears as a tion of the ulceration is partly related to the age of onset
yellow ⁄ white lesion surrounded by erythema. and age at presentation and will also depend upon
whether the ulcers are persistent or intermittent.
Persistent ulceration may include recurrent oral ulcer-
ation but patients may need assistance in clarifying
whether their ulcers are persistent by virtue of succes-
sive ulcers appearing over a period of time or persis-
It is assumed that the patient will be complaining of tence of a single ulcer or multiple lesions. A more
ulcers. Patients (and sometimes referring practitioners) typical pattern of recurrent oral ulceration will be
may use the term loosely to include red lesions, normal characterized by periods of ulceration with remissions
structures such as the lingual tonsil and foliate papillae between bouts of ulceration. The progression of the
or the circumvallate papillae of the tongue and ‘‘a ulceration since onset can be helpful in establishing
feeling of ulcers’’. It is important at this stage of the whether the ulceration is becoming more severe.
proceedings to establish the precise nature of the Assuming that there are multiple ulcers, their number,
patient’s complaint. Assuming that it can be established size, shape and location are important factors in
that the patient is describing ulcers, as opposed to other establishing a diagnosis. Some patients complain of an
lesions, the history of the present complaint can be altered sensation prior to ulcer development which is
elicited. known as a prodromal phase.
The age of the patient may be of relevance in relation The patient may have had previous opinions and
to the age of onset of the ulceration. A child or details of previous investigations and diagnoses should
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Recurrent oral ulceration

be sought. Similarly, any previous proprietary or the buccal ⁄ labial mucosa and lateral and ventral
prescribed treatments should be elicited. It is helpful surfaces of the tongue. In a patient with herpetiform
to establish whether there has been any benefit from ulceration, multiple pinpoint ulcers would typically be
any of these treatments. Because some patients with seen on the non-keratinized mucosa with the possibil-
recurrent oral ulceration may have extraoral manifes- ity of more ragged ulcers by virtue of adjacent ulcers
tations, questions should be directed to any skin enlarging and fusing. Major aphthous ulcers tend to be
involvement or other systems being affected such as larger (>10 mm diameter) and are more commonly
the eyes or genital regions, which would raise a clinical seen in the oropharynx; they heal with scarring.
suspicion of Behçet’s syndrome. Some patients with Erythema of the buccal mucosa and ⁄ or lateral ⁄ ventral
recurrent oral ulceration may have a vesiculobullous surfaces of the tongue with superimposed striae would
disorder and questioning regarding any awareness of be typical of lichen planus and this may become
blistering before the ulcers appear should be pursued. ulcerated by breakdown of the erythematous (eroded)
At this stage it is reasonable to ask the patient whether epithelium into an irregular ulcer. A pattern of more
they have any ulcers present at the time of the ragged ulceration, perhaps with peeling of the adjacent
consultation. If this is not the case then a presumptive epithelium, would raise the possibility of a vesiculo-
diagnosis can be made at the end of the initial bullous disorder, such as mucous membrane pem-
consultation and the patient reviewed when the ulcers phigoid or pemphigus vulgaris. Clinical distinction
next appear. between the two can be difficult but in pemphigus
vulgaris the vesicles are short-lived and therefore
infrequently seen, whereas in mucous membrane
Medical history
pemphigoid the blisters, by virtue of their full-thick-
Many patients with recurrent oral ulceration are in ness roof, can persist for longer. Bleeding, crusting and
good health but some may have pre-existing medical ulceration of the lips should raise a suspicion of
problems which may be of relevance. These may erythema multiforme. Ulcers related to a denture
include anaemia, blood dyscrasias, autoimmune disease margin may also come within the category of recur-
and diabetes. The medical history will include ascer- rent oral ulceration. In such a case it may simply be a
taining any medication taken by the patient. Some recurrent traumatic ulcer related to the denture.
medications are associated with oral ulceration, e.g., Alternatively, the presence of the denture could
methotrexate.1 localize recurrent minor aphthous ulceration, lichen
planus or a vesiculobullous disorder.
At this stage, it may be possible to establish a
Dental history
provisional diagnosis based on the history and
Oral ulceration which appears after dental treatment examination. Specific investigations may be per-
can be an indicator of minor recurrent aphthous formed; these may comprise haematological inves-
ulceration. Minor trauma to the tissues can precipitate tigations. If there are no ulcers at the time of the
ulcers in susceptible patients. Some patients may report consultation, the provisional diagnosis will be based
a crop of ulcers at the same site in the mouth occurring on the history alone and the patient should be asked
after dental treatment. This may occur in the palate or to return when the ulcers next appear. This requires
buccal sulcus and would raise a suspicion of recurrent some flexibility in appointments so that the patient
intraoral herpes simplex virus infection – effectively an can be seen in the period when the ulcers are
oral ‘‘cold sore’’. present.

Examination Causes of oral ulceration

Extraoral examination should focus on general appear-
ance including a crude measure of nutritional status.
Assessment of skin and conjunctival pallor may assist in Traumatic ulceration may be recurrent if the offending
identifying anaemic patients. The regional lymph nodes irritant is not removed. The irritant may be mechanical,
should be palpated as these may be enlarged in the case thermal or chemical in nature.
of persistent or large ulcers.
Intraoral examination should assess the presence or
Viral infection
absence of ulcers. The number, shape, size and
location of the ulcers should be recorded. The Recurrent intraoral viral infection is usually limited to
presence or absence of scarring should be established. secondary herpes simplex virus. The recurrences are
Minor recurrent aphthous ulceration will tend to most commonly due to human herpes virus-1 (HHV-1)
present with several more or less circular ulcers on (which usually causes orofacial infections). Recurrent
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AA Talacko et al.

oral HHV-2 lesions (which are usually associated with (a)

genital infections) are rare. Clinically, the initial
presentation is of fluid-filled vesicles which rapidly
break down to form a cluster of small ulcers with
ragged margins.
After primary infection, the virus is not eliminated
from the body but migrates along nerve fibres to the
trigeminal ganglion, where it lies dormant. In perhaps
one-third of individuals the virus can be reactivated by
non-specific stimuli, e.g., illnesses associated with fever,
when it travels back to the periphery to cause secondary
oral mucosal lesions. The lesions usually resolve in
about 7 to 10 days in healthy individuals, but in
immunocompromised patients secondary herpetic le-
sions can be widespread, very slow to heal and
refractory to treatment.
Other viral infections occurring in the mouth are due
to varicella-zoster virus and coxsackie virus. These
infections may become recurrent if the patient is
Ulceration due to bacterial infection, as in acute
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG), may be recur-
rent. In this case, the successive bouts of ulceration
along the gingival margins lead to blunting of the
interdental papillae. ANUG tends to be more prevalent
in winter months and there is an association with
smoking. Recurrences may be more likely if the patient Fig 1. Drug-induced ulceration of the tongue (a) and palate (b).
has compromised general health.

Nutritional deficiency Xerostomia

A nutritional deficiency such as a deficiency of iron, Xerostomia may predispose to recurrent oral ulcera-
folate or vitamin B12 may predispose the patient to tion, especially if dentures are worn. The xerostomia
recurrent oral ulceration and it may aggravate RAU. may be multifactorial in origin and may be due to
autoimmune disease such as Sjögren’s syndrome or the
side effects of medications such as antidepressant
Gastrointestinal disease
Gastrointestinal disease such as coeliac disease, Crohn’s
disease, ulcerative colitis or a malabsorption syndrome
Neoplastic disease
can present with recurrent oral ulceration.
Although oral neoplastic disease may present with oral
ulceration, the ulceration is persistent and progressive
Haematological disorders
in nature.
Haematological disease such as leukaemia, pancyto-
paenia, aplastic anaemia or agranulocytosis may pres-
Specific conditions to consider
ent clinically with ulceration but this ulceration is
unlikely to be recurrent. Recurrent aphthous ulceration (RAU) is the most
common form of recurrent oral ulceration, reportedly
affecting up to 20% of the population. In most patients,
the ulcers first appear in childhood or adolescence;
A number of medications, e.g., methotrexate may there may be a slight female predisposition and in some
have a side-effect of oral ulceration (Fig 1). This side- patients there is a family history of similar ulceration
effect may be dose-related. However, do not auto- which suggests a genetic factor. The aetiology of the
matically assume that any medication being taken by condition is not completely understood but is thought
a patient with oral ulceration is the cause of their to be immunologically-based. Factors that predispose
ulcers. to or precipitate the disease are more fully understood
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Recurrent oral ulceration

and identification and elimination of these factors may

be useful in management of the patient.
Recurrent aphthous ulceration can occur in three
(1) Minor recurrent aphthous ulceration – this is the
most common form, accounting for approximately
80–90% of cases. The ulcers are usually round or
oval and occur on the non-keratinized oral mucosa.
Thus, they tend to occur on the lip and cheek
mucosa and lateral margins of the tongue, sparing
the dorsum of the tongue, palate and gingivae. In
the buccal or labial sulcus the ulcers may be linear
(Fig 2). One to five ulcers usually occur at a time
and they are approximately 5 mm in diameter. The Fig 3. A major aphthous ulcer on the soft palate. The ulcer is large
ulcers heal without scarring after 1 to 2 weeks and and irregular in shape.
then recur, usually at intervals of a few weeks or
months, although some patients are rarely without
(2) Major recurrent aphthous ulceration – this form is
much less common and accounts for about 5–10%
of cases. The ulcers are similar to those of minor
recurrent aphthous ulceration, but occur on any
part of the oral mucosa including keratinized
regions such as the hard palate and dorsum of the
tongue as well as the oropharynx and can be larger
than 10 mm in diameter (Fig 3). One or two ulcers
generally occur at any one time. They tend to be
persistent, lasting for at least one month, heal with
scarring, and then recur.
(3) Herpetiform ulceration – this has a similar preva- Fig 4. Herpetiform ulceration on the lower lip mucosa.
lence to major RAU. This form of ulceration begins
as small round ulcers, approximately 1 mm in
diameter (Fig 4), which are present in large num- Some patients have ulceration which is intermediate
bers (up to 100). These coalesce to produce larger between minor and major RAU, sometimes termed
ulcers with irregular margins. They usually occur severe minor RAU. Although these ulcers commonly
on the non-keratinized mucosa but any part of the develop in childhood, some patients develop them later
oral mucosa may be affected. The ulcers can take in life.
up to two weeks to heal (without scarring) and later All forms of aphthous ulceration produce significant
recur. discomfort and patients with severe minor aphthae,
major aphthae or herpetiform ulceration may have
difficulty eating and talking.

Oral dermatoses
These conditions largely comprise lichen planus,
mucous membrane pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris
and erythema multiforme, although less common
conditions such as dermatitis herpetiformis also affect
the mucosa and may present clinically as recurrent oral

Lichen planus
This condition has been estimated to affect 1% of the
Fig 2. Minor aphthous ulcers in the maxillary buccal sulcus. Note the population,2 being more prevalent with increasing age.
erythematous margin. It can occur as a skin or a mucosal disorder or may
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AA Talacko et al.

affect both skin and mucosa. The cause is unknown; the

mechanism appears to be immunologically-mediated.
Some drugs and other agents can cause ‘‘lichenoid’’
reactions, which are identical to lichen planus.

Clinical features of lichen planus

When lichen planus affects the oral mucosa, it may be
asymptomatic or cause a range of symptoms from
occasional minor discomfort to distressing pain some,
all or most of the time. Asymptomatic lichen planus is
often seen clinically as white lace-like patterns or
plaques on uninflamed mucosa of the cheeks, tongue
and sometimes the gingivae.
Fig 6. Lichen planus presenting as a desquamative gingivitis.
Symptomatic lesions tend to have the typical stria-
tions or plaques on an erythematous mucosal base. The
erythematous areas may merge into regions of ulcera-
Diagnosis of lichen planus
tion which are invariably painful (Fig 5). Lichen planus
may affect only the gingivae – appearing as a ‘‘desqua- The clinical features of lichen planus often make it
mative gingivitis’’ with erythema of the marginal and relatively simple to recognize, particularly if the lesions
attached gingivae (Fig 6). This involvement of the are bilateral and symmetrical, but it is advisable for the
gingivae is more extensive than the more common patient to have a biopsy for histopathological exami-
gingivitis due to poor oral hygiene and may be painful nation, including immunofluorescence. This will assist
to varying degrees. There is a very small but recognized in the distinction between lichen planus and lupus
risk of malignant transformation in lichen planus, erythematosus and white patches mimicking lichen
hence long-term review is recommended. planus, such as some dysplastic lesions.

Mucous membrane pemphigoid

(a) This autoimmune disease is uncommon and is often
limited to the oral mucosa, but may also affect other
mucosal surfaces including the conjunctiva to produce
scarring (and sometimes blindness), hence the term
cicatricial pemphigoid.

Clinical features of mucous membrane pemphigoid

Mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) is a vesiculo-
bullous disease which can cause lesions anywhere on
the oral mucosa. It is more common in older patients,
with some evidence of a female predilection. The
(b) vesicles may sometimes present as blood blisters.
Although the vesicles are more robust than in pemphi-
gus vulgaris, they tend to rupture within 24 hours to
produce ulceration (Fig 7), which may heal with
scarring. Occasionally only the gingivae are affected
and appear red and inflamed in the absence of dental
plaque (desquamative gingivitis). There may be little
evidence of vesicle formation in these cases and the
differential diagnosis will need to include lichen

Diagnosis of mucous membrane pemphigoid

Fig 5. Lichen planus presenting as ulceration surrounded by faint
white striae on the ventral surface of the tongue (a) and erythema of The clinical features may be of assistance in establishing
the buccal mucosa (b). a diagnosis, but a definitive diagnosis can only be
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Recurrent oral ulceration

Diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris

Because of the often non-specific clinical appearance of
the oral lesions, diagnosis is almost entirely dependent
on histopathological examination including positive
immunofluorescence findings. The characteristic histo-
logical finding is an intraepithelial split occurring close
to the basal cells. Immunofluorescence is invariably
positive for IgG around the prickle cells. Acantholytic
cells (Tzanck cells) may be found in the vesicle fluid,
either in sections or in smears from the lesions.
Serological tests may demonstrate the presence of
circulating autoantibodies.
Fig 7. A collapsed vesicle on the maxillary alveolar mucosa in a
patient with mucous membrane pemphigoid. This has recently
ruptured but will soon become an ulcer covered by a fibrin slough. Erythema multiforme
This is an acute onset disorder, which may be
reached by histopathological examination, including recurrent. The episode(s) may last for several weeks.
immunofluorescence. By this means, it will be seen that It appears to be an immunological disorder of a
there is separation of the epithelium from the connec- hypersensitivity type in which immune complexes are
tive tissue at the level of the basement membrane zone formed and consequent tissue damage occurs. The
and that the basement membrane zone in adjacent condition is seen most commonly in adolescents and
intact epithelium gives positive (usually IgG) immuno- young adults and may be drug-induced or associated
fluorescence. with an infection, commonly Herpes simplex or
Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
Pemphigus vulgaris
Clinical features of erythema multiforme
This is a relatively uncommon autoimmune disease,
reported to have a greater prevalence in Ashkenazi When the skin is involved, typical ‘‘target’’ lesions may
Jews. In a significant number of cases, oral mucosal be produced, but when the mucosa of the mouth is the
lesions are the first presentation of the disease. only site involved, the clinical appearance is often non-
specific. Widespread irregular shallow mucosal ulcera-
tion is usually present with sloughing and haemorrhage.
Clinical features of pemphigus vulgaris
The lips are often swollen, ulcerated and crusted with
The disorder typically presents first in older patients. blood – this is regarded as a sine qua non for diagnosis
Patients develop thin-walled intraepithelial vesicles, by some people (Fig 9). Stevens-Johnson syndrome is
which soon rupture. However, patients are often a more severe and generalized form of erythema
unaware of blistering because of the rapid breakdown multiforme, which involves the skin, oral mucosa,
to form ulcers (Fig 8).

Fig 8. Ulceration of the tongue mucosa in a patient with pemphigus Fig 9. Erythema multiforme with extensive bleeding, ulceration and
vulgaris. crusting of the lower lip.

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AA Talacko et al.

conjunctival and genital mucosa. The patient is febrile

Management of recurrent oral ulceration
and unwell and requires hospital admission. Toxic
epidermal necrolysis (Lyell syndrome) may represent
the most severe end of the spectrum where epithelial
necrosis is the predominant feature. Ensure an accurate diagnosis has been made on the
basis of a typical history and clinical appearance.
Diagnosis of erythema multiforme
Control trauma
Clinical features (particularly crusting and bleeding of
the lips) and, in the case of recurrent episodes, Eliminate or control possible sources of mucosal trauma,
associated events (such as recent medication or herpes e.g., cheek or lip biting, overly vigorous brushing of teeth
labialis) will help establish a diagnosis. Histopatholog- or using a hard toothbrush, sharp teeth ⁄ dental prosthe-
ical examination with immunofluorescence will help to ses or ingestion of sharp ⁄ rough foods.
exclude other vesiculobullous disorders but is rarely
diagnostic in itself.
Investigate for deficiency states, e.g., iron, folate or
Discoid lupus erythematosus
vitamin B12 deficiencies. A haematological screen
The first indication of this systemic disease can be the should be carried out on all patients with RAU. If a
occurrence of oral mucosal lesions, but oral lesions in deficiency is detected, the reason for the deficiency
lupus are relatively uncommon. Lupus erythematosus should be identified and corrected and supplement
(LE) is an autoimmune disease in which auto-antibodies treatment instituted. If the deficiency is not corrected
are directed against nuclear components. Rare cases of with supplements then referral to a gastroenterologist is
drug-associated LE have been reported. recommended.

Clinical oral features of lupus erythematosus Diet

LE is most commonly seen in older patients, with a Consider possible dietary factors and food sensitivities.3
female predilection. When it involves the oral mucosa it In occasional patients certain foods (e.g., oranges, eggs,
may have an appearance identical to that of oral lichen wheat or dairy products) and other agents (e.g.,
planus. It may appear as a relatively nondescript ulcer cosmetics) can initiate or exacerbate RAU. A food
with an irregular outline, sometimes depressed below diary may be helpful in identification of specific
the level of the surrounding mucosa, and surrounded by precipitating foods.
erythematous mucosa, perhaps bordered by radiating
white striae or white papules.
In some female patients, RAU episodes appear to be
Investigations of recurrent oral ulceration
related to their menstrual cycle. However, the evidence
The investigations appropriate for a patient with for a hormonal basis is inconsistent. Nevertheless, those
recurrent oral ulceration will depend upon the provi- patients who do report such an association may benefit
sional diagnosis. For patients with a provisional from suitable hormone therapy.
diagnosis of minor or major aphthous ulceration or
herpetiform ulceration, haematological investigations
Psychological factors
should be instituted to exclude an anaemia or haemat-
inic deficiency. A full blood count, iron studies, vitamin Psychological factors may be an important factor as
B12 and folic acid levels should be requested and any some patients notice that their ulcers become worse in
abnormalities investigated further and ⁄ or corrected. periods of illness, stress or extreme fatigue. Some form
Such haematological problems can precipitate oral of stress management counselling may be considered in
ulceration and can aggravate ulceration in patients some of these cases.
susceptible to aphthous ulceration. Should the provi-
sional diagnosis include lichen planus and ⁄ or a vesicu-
lobullous disorder, a biopsy should be carried out, with
tissue also removed for immunofluorescent investiga- If medication is a suspected cause of the recurrent oral
tions to assist in a firmer diagnosis. Biopsies are ulceration, contact should be made with the patient’s
unproductive in minor and major aphthae and herpe- medical practitioner to discuss the possibility of pre-
tiform ulceration. scribing an alternative medication.
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Recurrent oral ulceration

Many treatments have been advocated for recurrent A number of corticosteroid preparations have been
aphthous ulceration. These may be based upon anti- used in the treatment of recurrent oral ulceration.
septics, antibiotics, corticosteroids, immunosuppres- Ideally, these should be applied from the first indication
sants, antirheumatics, anti-inflammatories, hormone of ulcer onset. Triamcinolone in Orabase 0.1% is often
therapy, antivirals, colchicine, thalidomide, pentoxifyl- advocated for use on oral ulcers. It has the theoretical
line, sodium cromoglycate, interferon, hyaluronic acid, advantage of incorporating a corticosteroid in an
helicobacter eradication, zinc, various acids, gastric adhesive base. However, some patients find this prep-
ulcer treatments, ultrasound, laser, cautery, cryo- aration difficult to apply and dislike the feel of the paste
therapy, bioadhesives, herbal remedies, homeopathy, in the mouth. Betamethasone diproprionate OV 0.05%
vitamins, lactobacillus as well as sundry other ointment or cream can be applied to the ulcers two or
management strategies and combinations of various three times daily. Some patients do not like the sensation
medications.4–31 Systemic treatment may be appro- or taste of ointments and creams and some may have
priate for more severe and resistant cases. It should difficulty applying these oil-based preparations on a
be made clear to the patient that the objective of moist mucosal surface. The region(s) of ulceration
treatment is symptomatic and that the ulcers cannot be should ideally be dried before application of the cream
‘‘cured’’. or ointment which can also be difficult and painful.
The plethora of treatments used for the treatment of A beclomethasone diproprionate 50 mcg ⁄ dose or
oral ulceration is testament to the lack of any single fluticasone proprionate 100 mcg ⁄ dose asthma inhaler
effective treatment. There has not been a systemic directed onto each ulcer (rather than inhaled) three or
(Cochrane) review of oral ulceration published. In their four times daily may be a convenient and effective means
review, Porter and Scully32 summarized the outcomes of medication application. A corticosteroid mouthwash
of a number of random clinical trials on oral ulceration. may be helpful for widespread oral ulceration. This can
They reported that chlorhexidine could reduce ulcer be made from a 5 mg tablet of prednisolone crushed into
severity and ⁄ or duration but not incidence, steroids 10 mL of warm water (or 1 mL of Redipred or Predmix
could reduce ulcer duration and may reduce pain. There in 10 mL water) or one dexamethasone 0.5 mg tablet in
is clearly a lack of robust data to allow a synthesis of 10 mL water, the solution washed around the mouth
published papers, hence the persistence of treatment and then expectorated. The immunosuppressant pime-
based as much on empiricism as evidence. crolimus 1% cream applied to lesions twice daily may be
Despite the lack of clear evidence for any particular an effective alternative to other topical treatments.
treatment for oral ulceration, some of the more widely Intralesional injections of triamcinolone acetonide
accepted treatments used in oral medicine practice are 10 mg ⁄ mL are used by some clinicians for lesions of
outlined below: a 0.2% aqueous solution of chlorhex- lichen planus. There is some discomfort in administering
idine gluconate mouthwash used twice or three times the medication and questions remain regarding the
daily while ulcers are present may provide relief in some benefits after injections. A short course of systemic
mild cases. Alcohol-free mouthwashes will generally be corticosteroids may occasionally be necessary in the
more comfortable for the patient to use. Some clinicians management of major RAU and oral dermatoses.
believe that mouthwashes are more effective if used for
2–4 minutes at a time.
A logical treatment approach for patients with
Some patients find that topical local analgesics
recurrent oral ulceration
provide relief from symptoms and these may be offered
if necessary. However, the use of such measures will In patients in whom no predisposing factors are
affect the patient’s sense of taste and the numbness may detected, chlorhexidine mouthwashes are an appropri-
cause them to traumatize the oral mucosa, leading to ate first line of treatment for recurrent oral ulceration.
further ulcers. Lignocaine 2% gel or mouthwash can be Topical corticosteroids used from the time of the
used for pain relief. This is especially helpful with earliest indication of prodromal symptoms provide
extensive ulceration and major aphthous ulceration. symptomatic relief and reduce the duration of minor
Tetracycline mouthwashes were used for many years RAU and localized oral dermatoses.
in recurrent oral ulceration, being particularly helpful For more extensive ulceration, such as more severe
when extensive ulceration is present. However, this minor RAU, herpetiform ulceration and oral dermatoses,
preparation is no longer available in Australia. An topical minocycline or corticosteroid mouthwashes may
alternative is to use minocycline, crushing a 50 mg be of assistance. Some patients with oral ulceration of
tablet in 10 mL of warm water and using this as a various types may find benefit from using a chlorhexidine
mouthwash four times daily for five days. Concurrent mouthwash followed by the use of an asthma inhaler.
antifungal treatment may be considered in patients with Occasionally systemic corticosteroids will be necessary,
medical histories which might promote the develop- particularly in the management of major RAU, Behçet’s
ment of an oral candidosis syndrome and some patients with oral dermatoses.
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22 ª 2010 Australian Dental Association

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