Aviation Dentistry Past To Present.11

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Review Article

Aviation dentistry: Past to present

Sidhant Pathak

Department of Pediatric Airline industry has gained popularity in recent years and not much known about the dental problems
Dentist, Pathak Dental associated with the high altitude. It is most common in frequent flyers, crew members, pilots etc. Due to the
Care, Karnal, Haryana, closed chamber pressure gets accumulated in these organs causing pain, discomfort, and organ dysfunction.
India The presence of dental abscesses, periodontitis, deep carious lesions and deep unlined restorations in oral
cavity can stimulate severe pain due to the extreme altitude changes. With proper diagnosis, the various
complications can be avoided. Thus, dentist needs to be well versed with these facts and should provide a
comprehensive treatment.
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Sidhant Pathak,
E‑mail: sidpat1@gmail.com KEY WORDS: Aviation dentistry, barodontalgia, barotrauma

Introduction body tissues caused by a difference in pressure between a gas

space inside the body and the surrounding fluid.[6] It occurs

D ental care is an integral part of aircrew’s operative fitness

which could be jeopardized by a reduction in air density
and air pressure at higher altitudes.[1]
commonly in scuba divers, air travellers, hyperbaric oxygen
therapy, or after the the explosion due to the shock waves.[7] It
involves various conditions such as external otitic barotrauma,
barotitis media, barosinusitis, barotrauma related headaches,
For the comfort of crew and passengers, aircraft pressure is dental barotrauma, and barodontalgia.[6] During descend from
maintained at high altitude by means of aircycle machines and high altitudes, partial vacuum develops which is manifested
outflow valves in spite of low atmospheric pressure outside.[2] by a retracted tympanic membrane leading to barotitis and
barosinusitis.[8] Barotrauma refers to an acute inflammation
Aviation dentistry is chiefly concerned with the oral and of the sinus and middle ear cavities whereas barosinusitis is
dental health status of the aviators with special emphasis on an inflammation of the paranasal air sinuses. The vacuum
the prevention of disorders related to change in atmospheric created due to air pressure difference causes mucosal edema,
submucosal hematoma leading to dizziness, headache, and
In the human body, various organs viz. facial sinuses, lungs,
Pain and numbness can also be sequelae due to the pressure
stomach, and middle ear contain gases which tend to expand
exerted on branches of the fifth cranial nerve.[6]
at low atmospheric pressure. Due to closed chamber pressure
gets accumulated in these organs causing pain, discomfort, and
organ dysfunction.[4]

Dental pain occurring due to the changes in barometric pressure

The presence of dental abscesses, periodontitis, deep\ carious
is called barodontalgia. It is a symptom and not a pathologic
lesions and deep unlined restorations in the oral cavity can
condition itself. Most often, it is an exacerbation of preexisting
stimulate severe pain due to extreme altitude changes.[5]
subclinical oral disease.[10] It occurs due to the entrapment of
gases in the closed chamber due to which it is unable to adjust
Head and Face Barotrauma to the internal pressure. Pain is generally sharp or squeezing in
nature.[3] Pain occurring on ascend is related to vital pulp tissue
Barotrauma refers to the physical damage or trauma to the and that occurring on descend is related to pulp necrosis or

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10.4103/2348-2915.167877 How to cite this article: Pathak S. Aviation dentistry: Past to present. J Dent
Res Rev 2015;2:138-40.

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Pathak: Aviation dentistry

facial barotrauma. Pain occurring on both ascend and descend Complete maxillary dentures reduce its retention at low
is related to the periapical disease.[10] barometric pressure at high altitude.[20] For edentulous fliers
retention can be increased by osteointegrated dental implants.[6]
The explanation for the pathogenesis of barodontalgia was given
by Strohaver in 1972 where he advocated the differentiation Restorative dentistry
into direct and indirect types. In the direct barodontalgia, the
reduced atmospheric pressure leads to direct effect on a tooth on Differential thermal contraction is seen in amalgam restoration
the affected tooth, whereas, in the indirect type, pain occurs due at low temperature of a high altitude environment in comparison
to the stimulation of the superior alveolar nerves at the time of to tooth hard tissue. Harvey advocated that cold temperature is
maxillary barosinusitis. In the direct type, the pain is moderate the prominent factor underlying dental fracture.[21] According to
to severe, which develops during take‑off and is well localized Sognnaes, grinding of teeth was a causative factor for restorative
and the patient can identify the involved tooth. In the indirect failure.[10]
type, pain is dull, poorly defined involving the posterior teeth
and develops during landing.[11] Periodontal considerations

Disease of pulp is the probable cause for the pain in barodontalgia There is a high‑risk of caries and periodontal diseases due to
but Hodges reported that dental pain can also occur in healthy the decreased salivary flow and dryness of mouth. Dryness of
teeth during the altered atmospheric pressure.[12] the mouth can be due to the breathing of dry compressed gases
in the aircraft.[22]
Barodontalgia may also occur due to the expansion of trapped
bubbles under a restoration causing activation of pain receptors. Endodontic considerations
Referred pain to teeth can occur due to the stimulation of
nociceptors in the maxillary sinus.[13] Rossi contraindicated the direct pulp capping in aircrew patients
and advocated endodontic treatment in suspected cases of
Odontocrexis invasion to the pulp chamber in order to prevent the sub‑acute
pulpitis or silent pulp necrosis and their potential barometric
This condition is also known as barometric tooth explosion. pressure related consequences.[23] Root canals infection if not
Preexisting leaked restorations or recurrent caries lesions treated may cause the leakage of the intracanal infected content
underneath restoration can cause tooth explosion when exposed to the periradicular tissues and subcutaneous emphysema.
to high altitude environment. Common cause of damage was
the accidental expansion of gas which was trapped beneath Oral surgery
the restorations.[14] Calder and Ramsey reported that the tooth
damage was experienced due to poor quality restorations and After the extraction of maxillary teeth, dental surgeons should
unrestored teeth with or without caries.[15] always rule out the existence of an oroantral communication
as it can lead to sinusitis when exposed to a pressure changing
Dislodgement of crowns was due to the fractures in PFM environment.[24]
restorations or due to the pressure changes in microtubules of
dental cements.[16] Prevention

Dental Treatment Caries excavations and restorations should be completed before

air travel. Leaky restorations should be replaced. During the
Lack of agreement regarding the dental treatment and grounding restoration of a carious tooth, a thorough examination of the
period of aircrews for dental reasons poses a major drawback. floor of the cavity should be done to rule out any penetration
into the pulp chamber. In such cases a protective cavity
Prosthetic considerations liner should be applied (e.g., glass‑ionomer cement). During
multi‑visit endodontic treatment, the temporary restoration
Lyons et al. advocated that crowns cemented with resin cement must be placed properly. When oroantral communication is
did not have reduced retention whereas those cemented with diagnosed; referral to an oral surgeon for its closure is indicated.
glass‑ionomer cement or zinc phosphate cement had reduced
retention with the tooth under environmental pressure Cuspal coverage crowns could also be a preventive measure.
changes.[17] Resin cements are preferred for cementation, as they give better
retention. During flight, chewing gum or candy will increase the
The most common reason for this may be porosities which are salivation and prevent dryness in the mouth.[7]
incorporated during the manipulation of zinc phosphate cement
and glass‑ionomer cement. These microporosities expand Conclusion
and contract upon the pressure changes leading to weakened
cement.[18] Microleakage may also be one of the factors for low Due to tremendous increase in air travellers viz. pilots, aircrew
strength detected in zinc phosphate and glass‑ionomer cements.[19] personnel, air passengers, flight attendants and leisure pilots

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