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Cagayan State University

College of Criminal Justice Education

Gonzaga Campus


I. Introduction
The procedures in the administration of justice in the Philippines reflect the role functions
of the different pillars of the Philippine Criminal Justice System from the commission of crime
until rendition of judgment. It also includes rehabilitation and reintegration programs in the
community. Such activity is administered by different pillars of justice.
In this activity you shall give a brief description of the role functions of the different pillars
of the Philippine Criminal Justice system in the process of the administration of justice.

II. Objectives:
After accomplishing this activity, the student should able to:
1. Know the main functions of the law enforcement pillar of PCJS.
2. Know the concept and meaning of investigation, arrest, search and seizure.

III. Procedure/instruction
1. Read and follow the instruction for each activity or exercise.
2. List your references at the end of the exercise

IV. Question to Answer

1. Give a brief explanation of the following functions of the Law Enforcement Pillar (30 points)

Functions Brief explanation

1. Crime Prevention Crime Prevention comprises strategies and measures that seek
to reduce the risk of crimes occurring, and their potential
harmful effects on individuals and society, including fear of
crime, by intervening to influence their multiple causes.

2. Criminal apprehension The capture or arrest of a person. The term apprehension is

applied to criminal cases, and arrest to civil cases; as, one
having authority may arrest on civil process, and apprehend on
a criminal warrant.

3. Law enforcement Law enforcement is the activity of some members of

government who act in an organized manner to enforce the law
by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing people
who violate the rules and norms governing that society.
4. Order maintenance Order maintenance is the police role in defining and regulating
the fair use of public spaces, and it has been a central aspect of
police work since the inception of modern police agencies.

5. Public Service Public service is a service intended to serve all members of a

community. Public services include services provided by a
government to people living within its jurisdiction, either
directly through public sector agencies or by financing
provision of services by private businesses or voluntary

6. Traffic Regulation and Traffic laws are designed to protect you and other drivers on
Motor Vehicle Accident the streets. If we don’t follow them we are not only putting
Investigation ourselves in risk but also other innocent people.If a crash
occurs, a thorough investigation is your best opportunity to
understand what went wrong, and what you can do to prevent
future incidents.

2. Give a brief description of the following police functions. (15 points)

Pillar of the CJS Brief description
1. Investigation Investigation is to establish relevant facts to prove or disprove
allegations of fraud and corruption.

2. Arrest Arrest is placing of a person in custody or under restraint,

usually for the purpose of compelling obedience to the law.

3. Search and seizure Search and seizure used to describe a law enforcement agent’s
examination of a person’s home, vehicle, or business to find
evidence that a crime has been committed.

V. References:

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