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It was sweltering hot afternoon on the 27 th day of November last year (2017)
when I, together with my co- Pre-service Teachers was deployed to our assigned
cooperating school, Carlos Lopez National High School, my Alma Mater. The moment
I set foot on the school which honed me during my younger years and made me
what I am today, I felt proud having the thought that I can show to my former
teachers that I am one of their fecund graduates. On that particular afternoon, we
just sat on the Principal’s office and wait for further instructions. We also got to
know what grade and section we are going to teach and. Then, I met my former
teachers whom others cannot remember who I am and talk “these” and “those”
things. It felt so warm meeting them again after how many years.

The next day, I met with my critic teacher, Ma’am Angie Arnesto. She
introduced me to the set of students who are going to be my students for the rest of
my pre-service teaching days, The Grade 8 – Pearl. I observed her first on how she
handled her class and I also observe the behavior of the students to know what
strategy I am going to use. I also secured list of the student’s name from the adviser
and I found out that there are quite a lot of drop-outs. Then, I started making lesson
plan based on the given topic and prepare my class record.

The real challenge started the following week. The moment I stand in front of
my students, I gather all my courage and confidence to show that I am someone they
should respect and follow. I showed my strict side by imposing ground rules such
1) They must set their phones in silent mode and may use it only if I told them
2) They must first ask permission if they wants to go out and their reason
must be valid,
3) They have to raise their hands if they have something to say and wait until
they are recognized,
4) They mustn’t speak in chorus,
5) If I am talking, they have to listen,
6) Respect should be practice in or out the classroom and
7) Most importantly, they should use the target language which is English.

Then, I started my lesson properly by asking them first if they have a favorite
story which served as motivation. After that, I introduced to them the Indonesian
story, The Legend of Banyuwangi which they dramatized the next day. I graded
them using the performance rubric.

Next topic is another story, The Century Carver, a story about a blind yet
talented wood carver who proved that a disability cannot hinder a person who had
dreams and aspirations. I let them empathize with the character by blindfolding
them and made them do something. After that, I asked them how it feels to see
nothing but darkness. They said that it is hard to live in such situation. In this topic, I
made them escalate and value what they have and to use it properly and
productively. For their activity, I group them into five and let them identify the
character using the descriptions provided.

Since 8th Grade is focused on Afro-Asian Literature, another story is being
given to me as the next topic. This time, it is a Vietnamese tale of strength and
wisdom. After discussion, I measured how much they had learned so far.

December 13 to 14 marked the Midterm examination for Third Quarter. The

first day, since it is my vacant, I am being requested to assist an exam in Filipino
Subject on Grade 8 Emerald and Pearl because the teacher, Ma’am Jean Dellomes
had to run an important errand. The next day, I administered a test on my class
which I, myself had constructed because we were given the chance to do so. I see to
it that no one is cheating by proper arrangement of seats and nothing is on top of
their tables except the test papers, ball pens and admission slips. It was a 50 item
test using four types of test construction (multiple choice, true or false, Re-arranging
of letters and essay) after all.

After the exam, numerous activities and programs like Christmas Blast and
Christmas Party were held. I took part on “Parol-Making Contest”, representing
8-Ruby, the advisory class of my critic teacher. We, the student teachers were given
seats along with the teachers afterwards to witness the talents of the Carlosians. As
darkness started to hide the sun, a simple fireworks display is witnessed which
added life and color to the said activity. On the day of the Christmas party, we were
invited by Ma’am Angie to join and she gave us the floor to lead the games to make
the party enjoyable. After that, we bid them goodbye and thanked them for letting
us join.

While on Christmas vacation, I premeditated the flow of my lesson and

prepare the materials and visual aids suitable and needed for the topics that I had
asked from my critic teacher in advance. By that, I made my holiday a productive

Time came wherein I should forget about Santa and bangers and go back
dealing with paper works. Since our topic is about a legend, I asked them about the
origin of their name first. Then we tackle the Legend of Ancient Vietnam, the
meaning of legend itself and then find out the reason behind the existence of the
Vietnamese. In this topic, the fact that everything or everyone in this word has a
reason for existence and all has its own origin was inculcated in the student’s minds.
I gave them an evaluation afterwards, a crossword puzzle specifically. Then, I told
them to write the legend of their own place as their assignment.

Since every Wednesday is my vacant, I am making it as a time for advance

lesson planning to avoid cramming. Next topic is about Conflict and Resolution. As a
motivation, I let them share their experiences about having a conflict with someone.
Then, I introduced to them the main topic. For their group activity, I asked them to
present a situation that shows the arising of conflicts and how it was resolved. In the
near future, students will become adults which deals with different kinds of people ,
that is why as early as possible they should be oriented on how to take care things
the right way and how to avoid being in a conflict with others.

Sometimes, there are parents who come to school to see the performance of
their children and I salute them because they have the concern for the future of their

I showed my class record and talk to them nicely and explaining how or why
their children got that mark or grade.

Before we started another lesson properly, we first had an activity called “The
Brain Sharpener” wherein, they have to say Yes or No to every unfamiliar questions
I had prepared. After that, I gave them a short quiz to test how much they fathom
our past lesson. I let them identify the protagonist and antagonist in the Tale of
Chunyang and asked them to give a short description of the characters they had
identified. I dismissed them but asked to pick up their trash and arrange their
chairs. As I am done with the short stories, I proceed to Poetry. But, before going to
the main topic, we play the mirror game called, “Copy Cut”. I let them share about
their favorite poem after that. Then, I discussed the 8 types of poetry and the
definition of poetry itself. Next, I played a video presentation of an example of A
Poem Interpretation by Sai Kolla of The Woodland School. The main reason of
letting them watch that video is for them to have an idea on how a poem is

Then, I introduced the poem entitled, “The Owl and The Pussycat” and made
them read it repeatedly until they knew how to read it properly. I let them copy it
and I announced that they should memorize it but Ma’am Angie insisted that if I
cannot use a poem which not in the book so I try to find another poem and what I
found is “Vision”, a Burmese poem.

In the poem, “Shhh” which is about a 60 years old son who took care of his 90
years old father, I inculcated in my student’s minds the value of their mothers and
fathers by letting them share something about them. I also share something about
my parents to encourage them to speak out and be proud of their parents since they
played and are still playing the biggest part in a child’s life.

The next week, I introduced the Three Levels of Interpretation (Literal,

Interpretative, Applied). Then, I group them into three and let them interpret the
poem, “The tree of Unhappiness” using the three levels. But unfortunately, the bell
rang at the middle of their work. So, I asked them to present their work next
meeting and they presented it the next day as promised. Then, we interpreted
another poem entitled, The Girl in the Rain. After that, I tested how much learning
they have gained by giving a 10 item test.

The day which I cannot forget that I saw my students enjoy my energizer is
when I introduced to them the “Simon Says” Game wherein, they have o follow
whatever I tell them with Simon says attached and they should not move if no such
words were attached. Seeing those laughs and sweats out of enjoyment made my
heart flutter. In lesson proper, I gave sentences with incomplete thought and let
them complete the sentence using appropriate words. Next, I asked what those
words (Although, meanwhile, even so) are called. I discuss the cohesive devices’
meaning and uses afterwards.

Next topic is on Cohesive Devices. I asked two volunteers to act a given

situation. The situation is: a manager of a cosmetic company asked a famous model
to promote their products. Then, I tackle the Propaganda Devices using examples for
each device. I started with brainstorming/logical questions to evoke their mental
senses. After that, we tackled an article about the Korean phenomenon and let them

identify what propaganda device is used. Then, we read an essay on the life of a
Burmese pro-democratic leader, Aung San Suu Kyi.

Another afternoon is up for a productive one hour session. I started my class

with a game called, “Buzz”. Then, I review our previous topic. After that, I group
them into ten for their group activity wherein, they have to list down all the persons
found on the essay, write down their personalities and the lines which supports
those personalities. I let them present their work in front after they’ve done.

The next day, February 12, I was called by my group on thesis writing that we
should meet up with our adviser. So, I went to Ma’am Angie to ask permission which
is effortlessly approved. For the next day, classes were suspended because of a
typhoon and we asked the student teaching coordinator Mrs. Mila Ynion to go home
early the next day for us to prepare for our PAFTE seminar the day after tomorrow.

The week after, I went back to hold a class eventhough I’m still tired because
of the seminar. As a teacher, you have to be active and flexible enough to handle
such things, I must say. The lesson that I introduced is about the literature of
Myanmar. First I discussed the said topic. Then, I asked them questions that will
initiate them to think critically. For their activity, I asked them to write their
thoughts about the literature of Myanmar and drop it on the “I think Box” I had

The next session, I present the criteria of the verse choir entitled “Vision”. I
also announced their project and how they will be graded. After that, I let them
practice. The next day, I let them perform their own style of Verse Choir. I judged
each of them based on their performance. Then, I let them know their scores and
gave comments and suggestions.

One day, I haven’t able to hold a class because we were called by our Dean in
NIPSC to settle something personally. Before going out, we asked Ma’am Angie’s
permission first. Luckily, she let us go.

The next day, I introduced them to the speech, “On the Three Evils. I made
them analyze and think harder about the message that the speech wants to imply.
The lesson is a perfect mirror of life because it talks about the reality on this world
that there are things or happenings which are inevitable – whatever it is that’s going
to happen, will happen. It also explained how the poor becomes poorer and the rich
becomes richer. In order to make my class an interactive one, I asked questions from
time to time and provoke them to speak using the target language. For their
assignment, I made them explain the line, “Live simply so that others may simply

Next topic is about Idiomatic Expressions. First, I asked them if they know
what it is and give example if they know one. But then, I found out that they really
are not familiar with it. So, I endeavor to explain to them about it, it’s functions and
why is it needed to study it and gave numerous examples and explain it one at a
time. After that, I let them compose sentences using those sample idiomatic

The day after, I jump into another topic which is about advertisement. But
before that, I awakened their sleeping senses by doing with them the “finger
exercise” which they enjoyed. Then, I showed them pictures of advertisement and
asked them what they can say about those pictures and if they have an idea what
exactly those pictures are. Some of them hit the “focal point” but some are in the
“loading” process. So, I discussed it in a manner which everyone can understand. I
let them understand why there is a need to advertise a product and what must be
considered in making an effective advertisement. After that, I let them create their
own product advertisement which they presented the next day because of the
shortage of time.

I am at the point of leading our energizer when Ma’am Corly Joy S.

Bantayanon and Ma’am Ruth Buenjemia, came to observe and evaluate my teaching
performance. I was surprised because I thought they can’t make it that afternoon.
Despite of being surprised, I continue what I am doing because I believe that
whatever happens, the show must go on.

I continue my discussion on the fact and opinion, gave examples and made
them write sentences of fact and opinion. I think I did my best so, I don’t have any

March 8, 2018 was set to the final performance for the fourth quarter. Almost
half of my students attend my class because they joined the mass dance and it was
their time to practice. So, those who are present only had performed the poem,
“Silvery Beach”. Like on their group performance, I also graded them based on the
criteria I had presented before.

March 12 to 16 marks the last week of my pre-service teaching wherein the

time which I rendered in this institution has finally come to an end. At the first day, I
was quite disappointed because only 6 students are present in my class this
afternoon because most of them are joining the mass dance and others went home
thinking that we have no class. But despite of their number, I continue doing what I
intend to do. We tackle the poem, Prayer for Burma but by asking them first if they
are praying and to whom or what their prayer is intended for.

The next day, my students were double the number of the present yesterday.
Since our lesson for today is about love for country, I asked them on how they can
show their love to their country, Philippines. I was impressed by their ideas and
feedbacks and realized that having a few students is a blessing in disguise because I
can cater them all without one being isolated. Then, I introduced to them the story
of the Country’s Good Son.

As of Wednesday, I gave them a summative test by just dictating it because

the photo copier in the office is not working. Then, the day after, we joined the
parade for the opening of Bagacay Annual Fiesta. Then, we went back to the school
and make sure that the library which is our humble abode – is ready to be evaluated.
Ma’am Angie is the one who holds the class that afternoon because the evaluators
might come any moment. But, she told me to be ready just in case. So, for the whole
period, I just sat at the back and observe her.

Friday came and it’s time to say goodbye. I am happy but at the same time,
sad. Happy because finally, I did surpassed one of the challenges. Sad, because I can’t
bear to see my 8 – Pearl shed tears because for the time we spent together, they’ve
already occupied a space in my heart and life.

They’ve been a big part of my progress and I considered them as my younger

brother and sisters which I don’t have. I met with them and say all the things I
wanted to say. I gave my message to each one of them to show that I love them
equally. Some also spoke out their message to me and it feels so good hearing those.
My heart melt as three of them sing me three songs while their tears are falling
freely. That time, I questioned myself “How can I leave in such situation?” But then, I
explain to them the situation and they understood. We capture memories together
and their farewell gift to me is their warm and tight hugs.

I also pay my respect to my critic teacher, teachers and staff whom I am

closed to, and most especially to the principal, Ma’am Olivia O. Siodina by saying
thank you for accepting and guiding us and by saying goodbye. I left Carlos Lopez
National High School with their message, “Goodluck to your future and hoping that
you will pass the Licensure exam” and with a hope that I can go back to this
institution where I was honed as a student, to serve and give back what it had given.


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