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Academic Reading 60 minutes


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage I
on thefollowingpages.

Questions 1-5
ReadingPassage t has sevenparagraphs, A-G.

Choose the correct headingfor paragraphs B-Ffrom the list of headings below.

List of Headings
i The relationship between two qualities that drive success

ii The need to be able to see any project through to the end

iii Strategies to develop self-motivation

iv Two attributes that people can acquire

v The ability to see and act on possibilities before others

vi The qualities necessary for success in the modern world

vii A comparison between talent and ambition

viii The possibility that being flexible is the most important attribute

ix The need for qualities other than just knowledge and skills

Example Answer
ParagraphA ix

I ParagraphB
2 ParagraphC
3 ParagraphD
4 ParagraphE
5 ParagraphF

Example Answer
ParagraphG viii
46 | Academic Reading Passage 1 TEST 2

Young people - what do they need

for success tod ay?
Having knowledge and skills seems to overshadow the debate about what young
people need to equip themselves for success in life, academically, professionally
and socially. Much more than these two entities, however, now seems to be
demanded of the younger generation than previously. The young are often
unjustly measured by the media and parents against knowledge-focused criteria
that are more relevant to previous generations than to the modern digital age.
This is not to say that knowledge and skills are unimportant; they are essential.
But success for young people today requires a range of attributes, some of which
may be possible to teach and develop.Yet many, if not most, are innate.

The acquisition of a good education may often be quoted as being necessary for
success, but the business world is full of successful people who have had an
average or little education, as are the arts and sports worlds. Being creative even
at a very basic level is an attribute that to some people is much more important
than education, and it is often cited as the single most important quality in
success. It can be argued that being creative is not just an innate quality. Steve
Jobs once said'Creativity is about seeing connections', often that other people do
not see. Just like having a good education, it seems that this noticing or seeing in
creativity can be taught.
Other attributes such as being ambitious and having talent cannot be taught, but
these, like being well-educated or creative, are not enough to guarantee success.
What is probably more necessary than these qualities is having a vision. This
involves being able to see a finished project or product such as a website, or any
business venture and seeing the various stages up to the very end, and indeed
beyond. It also includes something as mundane as being able to state clear aims
and objectives that can be worked back from. An idea for a project on its own is
not sufficient.

Self-motivation and perseverance are further strengths which are inextricably linked
and are necessary to 'develop a vision'. These are essential forces that propel
successful people, if they are to initiate a project,to stay the course and take it to the
end. Being self-motivated, for example, enables people to start up a business web
page, or design an app. Perseverance then enables someone to keep going in the face
of criticism and obstacles. It is difficult to separate the two qualities, as both are
needed to keep going even in the face of failure. However, it can be difficult for people
to pick themselves up and continue when they have a setback and become upset.
Being able to examine failure, and analyse, tolerate and use it is an important part of
both self-motivation and perseverance. In fact, failure is useful because it can help
sharpen people's talents, especially once they have learnt how it can be dealt with.
It is doubtful whether self-motivation and perseverance can themselves be taught,
but people with and without these qualities try to use a range of techniques.
TEST 2 Academic Reading Passage 1 | 47

E People can be very disciplined and organized, which is useful in self-motivation,

but sometimes it is also worth having something positive to look forward to.
This simple technique of bribing oneself can consist of everyday things such as
chocolate or sweets, or a relaxing activity, even something as basic as going for a
walk or reading a newspaper. Self-motivation can also be initiated by limiting the
time spent working on something,for example two hours in the morning. A golden
rule is to stop working on a project when the feeling is positive. Then there is a good
possibility that the work will be approached once again with eagerness and
pleasure. Conversely, if work is stopped when someone is feeling negative,
negativity may then be present when the work is started again. So it's wise to stop or
take a break when one is in a good moodl
F Part of self-motivation is being proactive rather than reactive, that is doing things
first rather than responding to other people's actions. There is a tendency generally
for people to wait for someone else to initiate something new, whereas successful
people are able to see opportunities, and seize them before anyone else realizes
they are there. They are independent and start things on their own.
G Education, knowledge and skills may play an important part in helping people to
succeed, but it is clear that other attributes such as having a vision, self-motivation
and being proactive, which are less tangible and therefore difficult to quantify, are
important for success.Yet, perhaps, an attribute that is more critical than any other
is the ability to be flexible, as young people shift from one attribute to another,
without thinking.
Glossary: innate: having (something) from birth

Questions 6-10
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

vEs if the statement agrees with the uiews of the writer
No if the statement contradicts the uiews of the writer
NoT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

6 The youth of today are unfairly judged against outdated standards.

7 Tt.e necessary attributes for being successful can be learnt.
8 Being creative is a much less important factor in success than education.
9 Talent is an invaluable quality that can be nourished.
l0 Failure can help people improve their talents.

Questions 11-13
Complete the sentences below.

Choose Two woRDS from the passagefor each answer,

1l According to Steve Iobs, being creative is related to

12 Havingtheabilityto isanessentialaspectofself-motivationandperseverance.
13 People should stop working when they are in a.......,................. rather than when they are
feeling negative.
Before you check your answers to Reading Passage l, go to pages 48-49.

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