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Simple Sentences

The sun rises in the morning.

She reads a book every evening.

They play soccer after school.

The cat sleeps on the windowsill.

He listens to music on his headphones.

The river flows peacefully downstream.

Birds sing in the trees during spring.

The car drives smoothly on the highway.

The flowers bloom in vibrant colors.

I enjoy watching movies on weekends.

The dog barks loudly at strangers.

The wind blows leaves across the yard.

Students study for exams at the library.

The chef cooks delicious meals for the guests.

The moon shines brightly in the night sky.

Children laugh and play in the park.

The scientist conducts experiments in the lab.

The airplane flies high above the clouds.

People gather to watch the sunset.

Farmers plant crops in the fertile soil

Complex Sentences

1. Although it was raining, they decided to go for a hike in the mountains.

2. While she enjoys painting, she also loves to sculpt with clay.

3. The movie, which had received rave reviews, turned out to be a disappointment.

4. Despite studying diligently, he couldn’t solve the challenging math problems.

5. As the temperature dropped, people hurried to bundle up in warm jackets.

6. Although they were exhausted, they continued to dance at the party.

7. While some prefer coffee, others opt for tea in the morning.

8. Despite his busy schedule, he always finds time to help his friends.

9. Although the restaurant was crowded, they managed to find a table.

10. The sun set, casting a warm orange glow across the horizon.

11. While technology has simplified communication, it has also introduced new problems.

12. Despite her fear of heights, she agreed to go skydiving with her friends.

13. As the concert began, excitement filled the air.

14. Although the experiment yielded interesting results, further research is needed.

15. Despite the traffic, they arrived at the destination on time.

16. While the storm raged outside, they sat by the fireplace, enjoying a cozy evening.

17. Despite the challenges they faced, the team successfully completed the project.

18. Although they disagreed, they managed to have a respectful conversation.

19. As the water boiled, the aroma of the tea filled the room.

20. Despite feeling nervous, she delivered a confident and engaging presentation.

Por fórmulas


1. She paints.

2. He sings.

3. They dance.

4. I read.

5. The cat purrs.

6. The wind blows.

7. The car honks.

8. The birds chirp.

9. The flowers bloom.

10. The baby cries.


1. He reads and studies.

2. She cooks and bakes.

3. They eat and chat.

4. I run and jump.

5. The dog barks and plays.

6. The kids laugh and play.

7. The musician plays and sings.

8. The sun shines and warms.

9. The river flows and glistens.

10. The chef cooks and tastes.


1. Mary and John talk.

2. They and we study.

3. The dog and the cat play.

4. Sarah and Tom chat.

5. The teacher and the students learn.

6. The birds and the bees pollinate.

7. The parents and the children bond.

8. The chefs and the waiters prepare.

9. The sun and the moon rise.

10. The ocean and the sky meet.


1. Maria and John cook and eat.

2. They and we study and learn.

3. The cat and the dog chase and play.

4. Sarah and Tom dance and sing.

5. The artist and the musician create and perform.

6. The sun and the moon rise and set.

7. The parents and the children laugh and bond.

8. The flowers and the trees bloom and sway.

9. The chef and the baker bake and taste.

10. The wind and the rain blow and fall.

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