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User stories

Log in

User Story:
As a registered user, I want to log in to my account using my username and password, so that I can
access my personal information and use the features of the website.

Acceptance Criteria:
1. The login process must require a valid username and password.
2. The system should verify that the user's login credentials are correct before granting
access to the account.
3. If the user enters incorrect login credentials, an error message should be displayed informing
the user of the mistake.
4. Once logged in, the user should be directed to their account dashboard or the page they were
trying to access before being prompted to log in.
5. The user's session should be maintained for a reasonable period of time to avoid
requiring the user to log in repeatedly.
6. User will be logged out when both achieved together (his session timeout) + (he tries to do
any activity)

Quality acceptance criteria

 Make sure, the system allows case-insensitive email (logging with correct uppercase email
should be successful normally)
 Make sure, pasting the email works fine
 Make sure, typing Or pasting the password doesn’t show it
 Make sure, user can show and hide inputted password
 Make sure, while the user session is active, closing the browser doesn’t log the user out
 Make sure, when the user enters invalid credentials (invalid email Or empty password), and
clicks login, a validation message appears beneath the field
 Make sure, when the user enters valid, but wrong credentials (valid, but wrong email), and
clicks login, a failure toaster message appears with text you have entered either the
Username and/or Password incorrectly
 Make sure, if the user clicks login, while the email and password fields are empty, the
incorrect email / pw validation message is displayed
 Make sure, When the user session (refresh token) ends, he is kicked out upon triggering BE

Create patient profile and fill necessary information


As a User Doctor,

I want to be able to create patient profile and filling all necessary data for my patients

So that, I can start adding cases for this patient and work on it as well as documenting all of my
patients to be accessed from one place

User stories

The patient, the most crucial persona in dentistry, serves as the primary compass for all of the
efforts and time put forth by the dentist, his team, the technician, or any other dental team

Therefore, one of the guiding concepts of why this software was developed was to locate the
patient data and files organized in one place well-presented.

The first step toward this goal is creating a profile with each patient with all the necessary data
required to move forward with this patient.


 The doctor must be logged in the case cloud.

 The doctor must have selected to create a patient.

Acceptance criteria

 Make sure the user is able to select an option to create a patient.

 Make sure that after selecting the option to create a patient all of the following data
must be filled.

Data Input type

first name [Required] String

last name [Required] String

Gender [Required] dropdown list (Male-Female - Other)

Birth date [Required] Data fields are divided into three (month/day / year )

Avatar Will be assigned to each patient as per the gender

1. All of the above data must be filled in before saving except the avatar because it has
default image.

2. Make sure that the avatar image is assigned as per the gender selection.

3. Make sure the user is able to save the patient data after filling it.

4. Make sure in case the patient is successfully created the patient profile will be populated
and appears patient listing.

5. Make sure that each patient will have the same dummy ID (in order to highlight the
feature for the future)
User stories

6. Make sure in case the user wants to end the creation we are going to display a toaster
message that confirms if he wants to cancel or to go back and continue the creation

7. Make sure to place the first letter of the last and first name on each avatar for each

Quality acceptance criteria

 Make sure, ownership concept is implemented. In other words, when a doctor creates a
patient, this patient is visible Only to this specific doctor, Not for other doctors

 Make sure, when the user closes the browser, while he is in the flow of creating practice,
an alert appears

o Example (from courier web)

 Make sure, for every mandatory field, its corresponding validation message is displayed,
if it’s Not filled

 Make sure, the birth date must be before Or equal to current date

 Make sure, birth date has to be valid. Birth date field shouldn’t accept invalid input (i.e.
alphabetic characters)

 Make sure, birth date has a calendar

 Make sure, in the patient list, displayed patient name is both first and last

 Make sure, long patient name is handled

o Max. length should be 30 characters for first name field and last name field

o If max. length in first Or last name fields is exceeded, a validation message is


 [Nice to have] Make sure, in case multiple patients are created on the same day, they
are sorted by most recent on top

 Make sure, All patient rows are listed with a scroll bar

 Make sure, website is responsive (smoke)

User stories

Open patient profile home page

As a Doctor,

I want to open any patient profile from the patients' list

So that, I can be able to start working on each case giving it my full attention.


Finding the patient files organized and well presented is one of the main principles this software
was built. And the simplest action when it comes to dealing with patients is opening the patient
file so the doctor can be able to start his daily routine and job to review or take action.


 The doctor must be logged in

 At least one patient must be existing and created

Acceptance criteria

 Make sure the doctor is able to click and open any patient listed

 Make sure after clicking on the patient to open the profile of the patient

 Make sure in case a doctor tried to enter a patient URL and this patient doesn’t belong
to this doctor to show a not found page and the URL will be highlighted with not found

 Make sure after opening the patient profile the user is able to view all the patient's

( first name -last name -Gender -Birth date - Age - Avatar )

Quality acceptance criteria

 Make sure, for age, Only years are displayed (neglect months and days)

 Make sure, avatar icon should represent the gender

 [Nice to have] Make sure, upon hovering over first and last name fields, the value is
displayed in a hover message

 Make sure, website is responsive (smoke)


View patients' list pritorzed in the home page

As a doctor,
I want to view all of my patients once I’m logged to the launcher with organized and prioritized
So that I will be able to preview an overview of all my patients at the same place at once.
User stories


The patient, the most crucial persona in dentistry, serves as the primary compass for all of the
efforts and time put forth by the dentist, his team, the technician, or any other dental team

One of the key tenets this software was founded on is the ability to discover the patient files
organized, well-presented, and each has his files attached with a good amount of data that the
doctor may need to preview without accessing the patient information.


 The doctor must be logged in

Acceptance criteria

1. Make sure that the patient list is sorted as per those factors (the most recent patient).

2. Make sure the doctor is able to view all of his patients displayed once he logged to the

3. Make sure the doctor is able to view each patient's data from in the list as per the
##Patient ID (dummy)
##Patient Name.
##Date Created
##Age (Automatically calculated )
##Total storage used (LP)

5- Make sure in case the patient list is empty and no patients were created to show the attached
empty screen with the option "create new patient"


Download files & folders

*As a doctor,
I want to* be able to download files from patients profiles
So that I can share them with other collegues or analyse them using other softwares to make
sure my diagnosis is accurate.


No doctor can work on a patient separately unless he or she is fully knowledgeable.

doctors work collaboratively with others and try to make sure that his/her diagnosis is accurate
through using a peer review for example the language of doctors is the medical files they make
for their patients in order to make it easier we will allow users to download files with other
external parties wither they need some consolation, opinion or even wants to make their
patients feel better by showing them their files for the sake of transparency
User stories


 The doctor must be logged in to the app

 The patient must be exiting the app

 The files must be exiting in the patient's profile

 An action called download must be existing on each file

Acceptance criteria

 Make sure the doctor is able to find the download option

 Make sure the doctor is able to download files & folders to the device he is using.

 Make doctor is able to download multiple files and folders

 Make sure that there is a failed message is displayed in case there is any files, whole
folder or a file within a folder that's not started to download successfully.

Quality acceptance criteria

 Make sure, the content of the downloaded folder is correct

 Make sure, if merge mechanism was applied during uploads, the downloaded files /
folders should be the final ones (the correct result from the merge action)

o Example1 → If merge mechanism updated the content (hence the size) of a file,
the new content and size should exist upon downloading this file

o Example2 → If merge mechanism updated the content (the amount of files) of a

folder (hence the total folder size), the new content and size should exist upon
downloading this folder

 Make sure, for a file that exists on the edges (i.e. on the very right) when the three dots
icon is clicked, the actions menu is expanded correctly (Not trimmed)

o Screenshot for actions menu

 Make sure, when user selects multiple files / folders to download,

o There should be No text change (The option text should remain “Download“,
Not “Download all“)

o The “Download“ option should download all selected data

o In case of start full failure, Only one fail-to-start message should be displayed
without relative paths
User stories

o [Integration] In case of start partial failure, Only one fail-to-start message should
be displayed with relative paths of Only failed files

 Download behavior

o Starting from the following versions:

 For pc:

 chrome 86 (Released 2020-10-20)

 Edge 86 (Released 2020-10-09)

 Firefox: not supported

 Opera 72 (Released 2020-10-21)

 Safari : not supported

 For mobile:

 chrome: not supported

 Firefox: not supported

 Safari : not supported

o Make sure that:

 Upon downloading item/multiple items, popups should appear for the

user asking him to give the website the permission to read and write to
his drive

 Upon downloading item/multiple items, one popup should appear to

user asking him to specify download location to save all downloaded
items in

 Folder will be downloaded as a folder using file API “Meaning that there
will be something like a progress bar within the website itself not the

 File will be downloaded using the file API “Meaning that there will be
something like a progress bar within the website itself not the browser”

 Multiple files/folders or mixed files and folders will be downloaded

separately “Meaning that if there’re 2 files and 2 folders to be
downloaded, the 2 folders will be downloaded as 2 folders and the 2
files will be downloaded as 2 files using the file API and there will be 4
progress bars for each uploaded item”

 File/Folder will be downloaded in the specified location after the

download progress is completed
User stories

 There should be a success toaster message after the downloading is


 What would be the behavior if the network went off while downloading
a file?

 Answer:

 # partial failure

 * Yellow toaster with failed files relative paths, after


 # full failure

* Red toaster after DOWNLOAD and SAVE


Upload Patient Files & folders

As a Customer Doctor,
I want to upload patient files to each patient profile section that is specified for patients general
So that I would be able to proceed on each file according to its type and workflow within the
DPS apps.


The doctor will be the main source of files in the current launcher version, hence all
patient files must be manually uploaded from the doctor's side to each patient separately.

Doctors constantly and urgently require file management from a single location because
all of their decisions and actions are largely based on the patient files. This will greatly improve
the doctor's performance overall by reducing the amount of time spent searching through
patient and file files to find a specific piece of information.


 The doctor is logged in

 The patient's list is open

 A patient profile is opend

Acceptance criteria

 Make sure doctor is able to find the uploading option inside of the patient profile

 Make sure the user is able to select multi files from his device to be uploaded

 Folder

 Make sure that the user is able to upload any kind of files
User stories

 Make sure that in case of successfully uploading files and folders to display a success

 Make sure that in case of successfully importing, the files will appear inside the
patient's profile

 Failed message (includes failed uploaded files / folders )

 Make sure that there is a failed message is displayed in case there is any files, whole
folder or a file within a folder that's not uploaded successfully.

 Make sure that the failed message shows exactly the files that aren't successfully
uploaded, not all files

 Make sure, the extension doesn’t appear in the file name, upon uploading a file with an
extension, that has extension icon in the design

 Make sure, the correct extension icon is displayed, upon uploading a file with an
extension, that has extension icon in the design

 Make sure, the “other“ extension icon is displayed, upon uploading a file with an
extension, that doesn’t have extension icon in the design

 Make sure, relative path (Not only file name) is displayed in the upload feedback

o In partial failure -> Relative paths of Only failed files should appear

o In full failure -> Relative paths shouldn’t appear

o In full success -> Relative paths shouldn’t appear

 Make sure, user can upload different combination of files and folders at once

o Cases

i. One file

ii. One folder

iii. Multiple files

iv. Multiple folders

v. folder + multiple files

vi. multiple folders + multiple files

 Make sure, upload success / failure toaster messages text is correct depending on the

o If All succeeded, one success message

User stories

o If All failed, one failure message

o If some succeeded and some failed,

 One warning message containing relative paths of Only failed

 The message doesn’t disappear automatically. The user should be able

to close it manually

o Example1 → User uploaded i.e. folder “Folder1“ containing “File1“ and “File2“

 Case A → Both files successful → One Success message for whole folder

 Case B → File1 is successful, but File2 Not

 Only 1 message of orange icon should appear

 The message contains the relative paths of Only the failed files

 In patients list, total storage should be updated with the

successful size

 Case C → Both failed → One Failure message for whole folder

o Example2 → User uploaded two files b and w at once

 partial failure (w succeeds and b fails)

 Only 1 message of orange icon should appear

 The message contains the relative paths of Only the failed files

 In patients list, total storage should be updated with the

successful size

 Make sure, the cancel button in the upload prompt works fine

 Make sure, files / folders with long name are handled as in design (dots)

 Make sure, there is generic icon for folder (regardless which files it contains)

 Make sure, size should be displayed in profile page

o File size

o Total folder size

 Make sure, upon upload action, initial status “In progress“ is displayed

 Make sure, when upload is complete, “In progress” status should change to the correct
status depending on the case

o Done → upload of single file / folder fully succeeds

User stories

o Failed → upload of single file / folder fully fails

o Partial success → Upload of single folder partially fails. Example: User uploads a
folder having 2 files x and y (x succeeds and y fails)

 Make sure, any status except In progress should disappear upon refresh

 Make sure, when user refreshes, while uploading is in progress, an alert should appear
to him

o Text → Warning: Upload of some files is still in progress. These files will be

o Buttons

 Reload

 Cancel → Should be the recommended button (has blue UI)

 Make sure, when user closes the browser Or manipulates the URL, while uploading is in
progress, an alert should appear to him

o Text → Warning: Upload of some files is still in progress. These files will be

o Buttons

 Leave

 Cancel → Should be the recommended button (has blue UI)

 Make sure, when user navigates to another page (i.e. home page), while uploading is in
progress, upload should continue

 Make sure, in patient profile, small files / folders (less than 1 MB / 1 KB) should be
displayed in KB, Bytes

 Make sure, in patients list, small total storage (less than 1 MB / 1 KB) should be displayed
in KB, Bytes

 Make sure, in the upload grid, newest files / folder are displayed first

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