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I, CHERYL ALMOGUERA ESCOBAR of legal age, Filipino citizen, married to

_Federick Maribao Escobar, and presently residing at B7 L6 Ginger Street Riza
Village, Guitnang Bayan II, San Mateo, Rizal , with sound and disposing mind and
memory, and without having been forced, intimidated or unduly influenced by anybody,
has hereby voluntarily executed and proclaimed this instrument, as my Last Will and
Testament, in the English language, of which I am conversant that should I finally rest
in peace, it is my wish and desire that:

I. I desire that should I die, it is my wish to be buried according to what is

the best way desired, prepared and decided by my immediate family (my
mother and my sisters)

II. To my sister and Brother-in-law (Maripaz A. Calvero and Wenchell B.

Calvero), I confidently entrust to you the custody and care of FRENCHE
MAE A. ESCOBAR, my firstborn. I do believe that you will be a good
guardian and second parents to my eldest and can generously share the
unconditional love, guidance, and support for the best of her interest until
she reaches the age of majority. I am truly blessed to rest knowing that
she will grow as a normal child because of your unwavering care and
parental love for her. I will be forever thankful for all your efforts and
sacrifices for my daughter.

III. To my sister and Brother-in-law (Maritess A. Gregorio and Ricarte

Gregorio), I wholeheartedly entrust to you the custody and care of my
son, CALIX FEDERICO A. ESCOBAR. I have witnessed your
unconditional love for him at I strongly believe that he will grow as a
responsible and well-disciplined citizen of this society through your
guidance, support and love. Please treat and consider him as your own
child and raise him according to what is right and what is the best for
him. I will be more than grateful that someone like you will be the
guardian of my son.

IV. To my dearest mother, I want to express my sincerest gratitude and

appreciation for all the sacrifices you have made and all the things you
have given me and to my family. I entrust to you the monitoring of the
care and welfare of my children. I believe that the way you raised us will
be the perfect way to raise my children. Please be the guide to Frenche
and Calix who will generously share life values that they may use as
they grow older.

V. To the father of my children, FEDERICK MARIBAO ESCOBAR, I want

to express my sincere apology to you as I have decided to let our children
be in the custody of my sisters. I believe that it would be best for them
as they will grow up surrounded with people capable of supporting their

needs and providing them with love, care, guidance and support for their
holistic growth. I am allowing you to have a time-to-time visit as everyone
acknowledges you as the biological father of the kids. If it so happened
that you could give any support for our children, I will be much
appreciated and I will be very grateful.

VI. Should properties of mine may be discovered, I am bequeathing and

giving the same to my children in equal shares.

VII. For the purpose of rendering this Last Will and Testament effective thru
the proper proceeding in Court, I hereby name and constitute MARIPAZ
A. CALVERO as my executor and administrator of this Last Will and
Testament, that in her capacity, I hereby name as her substitute,
MARITESS A. GREGORIO. My executor or her substitute need not
present a bond.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this

___________________ at __________________.




WE, the undersigned witnesses, do hereby affirm that the foregoing is the Last
Will and Testament of CHERYL ALMOGUERA ESCOBAR consisting of 3 pages, and
we certify that he executed the same while of sound and disposing mind and memory;
That he signed the same in our presence, at the bottom of the last page and on the
left hand margin of each and every page, in his presence and in the presence of the
Notary Public, this ____________________ at ______________________.

Witness Address

1. ___________________________________ ________________________

2. ___________________________________ ________________________

3. ___________________________________ ________________________


____________________________) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of ___________________,

personally appeared:

Proof of Identity Issued at Issued on

The Testator _______________________ ____________ ________ _______
Witness___________________________ ____________ ________ _______
Witness___________________________ ____________ ________ _______
Witness___________________________ ____________ ________ _______

known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Will, the first as
testator and the last three as instrumental witnesses, and they respectively
acknowledged to me that the same as their own free act and deed.

This Last Will and Testament consists of __ page/s, including the page on which this
acknowledgment is written, and has been signed on the left margin of each and every
page thereof by the testator and his witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ day of _______,
20___, in place above written.

Notary Public

Doc. No. _____;

Page No._____;
Book No._____;
Series of 2023.

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