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Class - VIII

SUB - English

Chapter -2

The Ant and the Cricket


1 accustomed to sing used to singing; in the habit of singing

2 famine scarcity of food; having nothing to eat

3 lay nothing by save nothing

4 quoth said

5 miserly not generous

6 hastily in a hurry

7 significance importance

8 starvation dying of hunger

9 trembling shivering

10 gay happy

Question and answers:

Q-1 The cricket says, “Oh! what will become of me?” When does he say it,

and why?

Ans. The cricket speaks this when he found his cupboard was empty and there was no
food saved in it for him. He was devastated because winter had already arrived and he
wasn't prepared for it.

Q-2. What is your opinion of the ant’s principles?

Ans. I totally agree with ant's opinion that one should neither borrow nor lend. One
should work hard and save for the future, so that he doesn't have to borrow from
somebody. A person should be well prepared to face his future independently.

Q-3. The ant tells the cricket to “dance the winter away”. Do you think the word
‘dance’ is appropriate here? If so, why?

Ans. Yes, the word 'dance' is appropriate here in the context to cricket's activity. The
cricket was busy in merry making by singing when he was supposed to work hard and
collect food for winters. This shows his careless and irresponsible attitude which
doesn't deserve any sort of sympathy or attention.

Q-4. Write the comment of poet in your own words.

Ans. According to the poet many people call this poem, a fable. However, I consider it
to be true and realistic. There are many people who are careless and do not prepare
themselves for future condition. They don't care for their haydays, they are busy in their
merriment but when tragedy strikes them, they find themselves in problem and then

Reference to the context

1. Not a crumb to be found

On the snow-covered ground;

Not a flower could he see,

Not a leaf on a tree.

Q-1. What does the phrase 'snow covered' indicates?

Ans. The phrase 'snow covered' means that it was winter and the snow has covered

Q-2. Who is 'he' here ?

Ans. Here 'he' is referred to the cricket.

Q-3. Why he did not have anything to eat?

Ans. The cricket had nothing to eat because he did not make provisions for the
coming winters.

2. ' I am your servant and friend'

Q-1. Who is the speaker of the line ?

Ans. The ant is the speaker of the above line.

Q-2. Why is the speaker showing humility?

Ans. The speaker is showing humility because he did not want to displease the
cricket. He is displaying his diplomatic behaviour.


Write a fable in your own language in a form of poem or story.

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